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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 130629399383.jpg - (178.72KB , 760x596 , lament1.jpg )
73718 No. 73718
Expand all images
>> No. 73719
anybody have a link to the best friends one, my gogglefu turns up nothing.
>> No. 73742
this one?
>> No. 73755
that would be it, thank you!
>> No. 73773
File 130637307990.png - (186.52KB , 236x417 , dom drago.png )
>> No. 73774
File 13063742296.jpg - (101.11KB , 900x726 , ISAY.jpg )
wow this is adorable. I kind of like how you have to wear slash goggles to see the gay. Definitely bookmarking this one :)
>> No. 73776
I don't even read this comic but that cat is Don Draper. Look at dose eyebrows... even the name! Is it purposeful?!
>> No. 73830
File 130654247829.jpg - (43.31KB , 543x521 , domdrago.jpg )
What I imagine.
>> No. 73841
Guys, why is Sandoval gorgeous?
>> No. 73894
File 130677339385.png - (37.54KB , 317x397 , genji watanabe.png )
So is anyone reading Sakana? Because I'm hate-shipping Genji/Shigeru
>> No. 73895
File 130677397961.jpg - (618.62KB , 800x900 , STEELPOWER - Slashyyyy.jpg )
I don't have any Genji/Shigeru for you but I have a few things ganked from Mad's Y! account.
>> No. 73896
File 130677400662.jpg - (152.20KB , 605x743 , STEELPOWER - KISSIESSSSSsss.jpg )
>> No. 73897
File 130677405531.jpg - (110.35KB , 428x606 , STEELPOWER - GAAAAYYYYY.jpg )
I LOVE TAISEI AND YUUDAI UBUBBUU. Okay, that's all I have for you. :c
>> No. 73899

I-I thought I was the only one shipping the glorious characters of this comic
/happy tears

Am I the only one that sees potential gay between Yuudai and that guy who delivers fish to their market? In a hatesex, slap-slap-kiss way?
>> No. 73971
File 130697558981.png - (123.76KB , 538x334 , yuudaiflexible.png )
not porn, but maybe suggestive?
Here's a Yuudai anyway.
>> No. 74200
File 130724756159.png - (321.91KB , 520x1760 , Unfortunate_Discovery_by_Itsy_Bitsy_Spyder.png )
I don't even know if anyone's still reading Looking for Group, but there reeeallly needs to be Cale/Richard fic or art after the recent revelation about Richard.

This picture is not it.
>> No. 74201
File 130724831899.gif - (334.73KB , 700x1000 , 4d7e1eae25c514d7e1eae261fa.gif )

God fucking dammit. Fuck you. I stopped reading after it got waaaay too grimdark, but now I'm curious. Damn it.

Also, look where Cale's hand is in this old strip. Right on Richards ass. They look pretty comfortable, too.
Sorry about the tits. Threesomes just don't happen with two people, you know.
>> No. 74202
File 130724891563.gif - (304.68KB , 700x1000 , lfg422.gif )

If you'd rather be spoiled here, here's the first interesting part...
>> No. 74203
File 130724895869.gif - (291.89KB , 700x1000 , lfg452.gif )

...and the second.
>> No. 74206
I... What?

>> No. 74207
Speculation is that he was made mortal as his sentence back when he was on trial.

The important thing, though, is that Cale test that he's really not dead through sex. Lots of sex.
>> No. 74226
>by Ryan Sohmer
>> No. 74336
Polite sage. Anyone keeping up with sfeer theory or knights errant? KE may be going places soon.
>> No. 74473
I was already reading sfeer theory, but /thank you/ for introducing me Knights Errant. Much praise, anon.
>> No. 75501
File 130910206453.jpg - (158.14KB , 760x596 , 2arabiannights.jpg )
I seriously love the oglaf artist work soooo much....
>> No. 75503
File 130910685934.jpg - (182.77KB , 760x596 , sermon.jpg )
The Oglaf artist is my hero.
>> No. 75631
File 13093318408.jpg - (561.46KB , 600x900 , 01-50.jpg )
.......I think I'm shipping it.

Sfeer theory is good so far, I just wish it updated more. But quality >>>>> quantity.
>> No. 75650
File 130938403131.jpg - (430.61KB , 650x981 , 05a353ba7Avkn.jpg )
>> No. 75651

Sorry, I forgot to mention this is Knight's Errant, for the posters who had mentioned it.
>> No. 75656

I know I am. Can't fucking WAIT for the next page. I'm drooling for it, DROOLING I SAY
>> No. 75701
File 130947861875.jpg - (344.39KB , 768x1024 , 2011-06-29-page-thirtyseven.jpg )
String theoryyyyy

In which things get even more 8I
>> No. 75936
Kind of offtopic, but does anyone have a link to the axis/rhys backstory comic from Teahouse? I remember it was in one of the older threads but I can't find it anywhere.
>> No. 76333
I demand to know more, Phineas, please tell us more in excruciating detail, leave nothing out.
>> No. 76532
File 13109220235.jpg - (97.33KB , 491x504 , tumblr_lh9k5cqfo11qgjh6ao1_500.jpg )
Browsing through goknight's older tumblr posts and holy hell there should be fic for this.
>> No. 76550
Uh, yes please! I discovered this comic through /coq/ and at first filed it under "cute squintable bromance", but lately it's edging into full-on queer (much thanks to Louis) and apparently it's not unintentional, ha. Is there any more of this?
>> No. 76665
File 131127232285.jpg - (251.71KB , 886x1181 , Canal St_ Martin - 00.jpg )
Hm... I have a question /coq/, what makes a webcomic western? Is it the style that it is drawn in, or the place where it comes from?

Like, let's say there is a webcomic out there that has a more anime-manga type way of being drawn. Not full out Kawaii-Desu but there is an obvious japanese influence in the art work. If so does that mean that the comic could not be posted because of that? More importantly, how does anyone know? Webcomic artists can draw in their own unique style; BoxerHockey, Penny Arcade, This Is Not Fiction, and Tripping over You are all drawn in their own way. Does this mean that any online comic is allowed so long as it isn't anime-like?
>> No. 76666
File 131127258915.jpg - (1.57MB , 1417x1890 , Canal St_ Martin - 01.jpg )
Or is it descided by where the artist comes from? Like let's say that the artist of the manga-ish webcomic from the earlier example is from Denver. Is it acceptable now because he's american-western? Is there a cut-off line, like any country past this line isn't allowed? Or is it just Canadian and U.S. things allowed?
>> No. 76667
File 131127298916.jpg - (1.51MB , 1417x1890 , Canal St_ Martin - 02.jpg )
I also find it weird that there aren't threads for the gay comics like Naked Justice, Porky, Brothers to Dragons, Handjobs and all the others. Not that I want them here, I hate all of them.
>> No. 76668
File 131127309962.jpg - (1.51MB , 1417x1890 , Canal St_ Martin - 03.jpg )
>> No. 76669
File 131127321879.jpg - (1.89MB , 1417x1890 , Canal St_ Martin - 04.jpg )
>> No. 76670
File 131127335242.jpg - (172.82KB , 616x760 , KD - O1.jpg )
Also posting some cute guys he's drawn. (Sadly, they don't have a comic of their own.) ;_;
>> No. 76671
File 131127357752.jpg - (177.06KB , 510x782 , KD - O2.jpg )
Such a cute cat.
>> No. 76672
File 131127382548.jpg - (190.32KB , 800x593 , KD - O3.jpg )
>> No. 76673
File 131127396926.jpg - (204.73KB , 680x784 , KD - O4.jpg )
>> No. 76674
File 13112741114.jpg - (200.08KB , 544x808 , KD - O5.jpg )
>> No. 76676
File 131127767435.jpg - (84.66KB , 640x800 , Chapter_01_Page_03.jpg )
Interesting questions. Starfighter, though it has obvious anime influences, would undoubtedly be welcome here because it's created by a westerner. Like how Avatar the Last Airbender isn't technically an anime because of its origins in the US. Those two have both appeared on this board in the past.

I believe the "western works or gtfo" rule is just so that this board's interests don't coincide with /y/; it refers to fandom way more than art style. There's a million and one imageboards for gay anime porn - not so much for western fandoms in general.

>Like let's say that the artist of the manga-ish webcomic from the earlier example is from Denver. Is it acceptable now because he's american-western?
Yes. I think it's mostly about the country of origin for the artist. It would be acceptable but people might whine a little bit. Depends on the webcomic -- like you can post Starfighter but most people here don't like it at all because of its bad yaoi writing. Pic related.

>Is there a cut-off line, like any country past this line isn't allowed? Or is it just Canadian and U.S. things allowed?
I believe the widely understood definition of western is the Americas, Europe, Russia, and Australia.

However, you could probably make a case for just about anything. Like if a Japanese artist drew some sort of magnificent slash comic in English in the art style of American superhero comics, /coq/ would open its horrible arms wide and welcome it home. The rules aren't really hard and fast unless you attempt to post something awful and the world rebels.

And last but not least, I fucking love that comic you posted. Love it to death.
>> No. 76681
File 131128593916.jpg - (331.75KB , 768x1024 , 2011-07-20-page-thirtynine.jpg )
Why isn't there a String Theory kinkmeme yet? Because I would love to read about Phineas fantasizing(faping) about what would be in Schteins psychiatric records.
>> No. 76687
Hey look what I refound! There's a String Theory thread!!
See here: >>68878
>> No. 76755
I ship Luca x Balzac, too, anon!
So, I promise content.
>> No. 77029
I've thought about making my own webcomics once in a while, but I'm not sure if the ideas behind them. I mean one idea is about wizards and junk, and then the other one is just two dudes derping around and some occasional gay moments.
>> No. 77042
wow that is so fascinating and relevant
>> No. 77043
File 131196889820.jpg - (205.59KB , 642x859 , Chubby Hippy.jpg )
Are there any webcomics out there that have a chubby dude as an important character? I can't seem to think of any at the moment.
Pic related, a chubby guy, not Jabba the Hut type fat.
>> No. 77048
File 131197415359.jpg - (233.16KB , 500x1020 , sfeer_theory___pfff_ball_sack_by_chira_chira.jpg )
Sfeer Theory has Balzac, who at least starts off chubby (though some of Chira's art shows him toning up later.)
>> No. 77069
>> No. 77073
Well, there you go.
>> No. 77076
this is beautiful
>> No. 77088
i love you.
>> No. 77103
What is this comic?
All forms of reverse-image-search are failing me, and it looks fantastic.
>> No. 77104
...sfeer theory. Like it, you know, says. In the post.
>> No. 77106
I thought someone had typo'd string theory for some stupid reason. Ignore me. It made sense in my head.
>> No. 77373
where can I find that one webcomic about two guys and the lady writer?
>> No. 77382
Wow that's... specific
>> No. 77424
Well that is all I remember, there were these three dudes, some annoying dude, a not-homo whiny dude, and a black dude who was normal all looking for this book lady.
>> No. 77430
You mean THIS IS NOT FICTION http://tinf.nematodeinspace.com/?id=1
>> No. 77431
File 131293270126.png - (348.87KB , 625x1583 , cheeseburger thing.png )
Oh jesus every time <Epic updates I run here hoping for excitement but THERE'S NEVER ANY.
>> No. 77447
just an anon letting you know i am excite <3 it's just i figure /coq/ won't care if there's not porn
>> No. 77506
File 131310471310.jpg - (107.47KB , 450x733 , 1313026533224.jpg )
>> No. 77517
File 131314002067.jpg - (147.60KB , 450x538 , tjaforcoq.jpg )
more recent stuff :3c
>> No. 77577
File 131327967319.jpg - (394.12KB , 1080x864 , Least I Could Do.jpg )
I am the worst human being ever. I read Least I could Do and love it.
>> No. 77628


The only thing left to do is to collect/draw gay LICD porn with sub Rayne. It is the only way you may redeem yourself.
>> No. 77702
>implying Rayne would sub at all
>> No. 77708
File 13135929396.png - (834.89KB , 611x1019 , Hippy dudes.png )
Come to think of it, why are chubby main character's hard to find? I mean I can only think of three; Cartman from SP who's overwight, and Chris (Dan VS) and Ralph (Magic Schoolbus) who are just husky.
>> No. 77720

Pssh, obviously he wouldn't, if one cared to adhere to every part of his character. But come on! It's porn, it's unlikely fantasy fulfillment, and it's putting him on the other end of the equation for once. It would be wonderfully absurd.

in other words psh who cares
>> No. 77732
What are these characters from?
>> No. 77753
They are nothing.

I'd much rather have him top instead of bottom though, he's just hotter that way.
>> No. 77878
File 131423049051.png - (41.49KB , 500x478 , bossy tj.png )
the response to:
>To both boys: If there was one thing you could finally convince the other to do, what would it be?
>> No. 77884
File 131428122343.png - (688.33KB , 1500x1000 , spanking comic.png )
any idea who drew this? I swear I've seen another couple of comics like this one.
>> No. 78456
File 131584380568.jpg - (103.89KB , 684x598 , cartoonjunkie - RoomMates - Cover Art.jpg )
I wonder how hard it is to write-draw a webcomic? I mean, I've seen some terrible ones that everyone loves, and then some that will never get off the ground.
>pic related
I really like the artist's style and think her characters are kinda cool, but she always says it is hard to do and so on. I don't think it will ever be started.
>> No. 78459

Once you get into a routine it's not bad. The hardest part is finding motivation to start, I guess.
>> No. 78477
Oh please, it can't be that hard. Just draw two dudes, make up some stuff and draw out everything with drama and angst. BAM! Perfect comic.
>> No. 78479
i gotta say, i literally started my comic this weekend, and by putting it on heaps of different media sites the positive feedback i gained has spurred me on to finish it! it's all about giving yourself deadlines and just putting yourself out there.
>> No. 78482
File 131592686880.png - (471.83KB , 715x700 , rm___wiimote_by_cartoonjunkie-d34upwz.png )
Oh make no mistake, it is difficult. Drawing anything on the spot can be, it takes the right frame of mind to sit down and tell yourself you're going to draw 50+ pages of the same characters with the same story. Some peep's attention spans don't last that long.

My webcomic's been going on for 100+ updates, but it's taken me a couple of false starts to get where I am now (had to stop because graduating from high school, had to stop because of college stress, had to stop because of thesis projects). It wasn't until I graduated from college (six years after the origins of the comic) that I was able to get a decent push in my morale to begin again.

Ceej is crazy-talented, but also still in high school? Maybe early college? Give her time to find out what she wants to do with her life before getting on her about how 'easy' it is to draw comics.

To not make my rant completely pointless, here's some links-
http://themdudes.smackjeeves.com/ - artist said something about a book deal a year ago, currently on hiatus. It's about punks who get high and have sex.
http://www.khaoskomix.com/ - kinda shoddy illustrations, but I've been following this one for years. Lots of dramu and an emphasis on the LBT part of GLBT...
http://drew-green.tumblr.com/ - already linked to Super-Gay Adventures earlier, but here's the dude's tumblr. Good inspiration if you're in a rut.
>> No. 78484
She's just too lazy and more interested in drawing greenday slash and shota, the two things she's good at.
>> No. 78486
Don't forget the fact that she's a bad writer! Seriously, it's bad and stale.
>> No. 78487
File 131594322976.png - (450.12KB , 861x256 , 5534543543545.png )
Soooo anything BH?
like maybe skip and rittz
>> No. 78501
I suggest you look a couple pages back; I remember posting all that there is a while back, and a short story!
>> No. 78526
I-i looked through the 10 pages but couldn't find anything..
>> No. 78529

It was hidden on the archived board:


there's some stuff towards the end and a few fics that I saw.
>> No. 78538
Allright, thank you
>> No. 78543
File 13162390814.jpg - (270.30KB , 650x813 , 0b97b2abbAZaN.jpg )
Always Raining Here anyone?
>> No. 78546
... continue
what is this Always Raining you speak of?
I can't tell if i find the art cute or too weirdly animu.
>> No. 78563
File 131632793529.png - (224.46KB , 900x654 , blood_thirst_by_anntheraven-d4a3aw0.png )
>> No. 78564
Pairing I did not know I wanted. Wtf did you do to me.
>> No. 78568
File 131635181282.png - (64.18KB , 151x238 , Freckle1.png )
Nothing special...
>> No. 78790
File 131714889328.jpg - (177.70KB , 650x806 , always.jpg )
I was un-aware other people read this.
>> No. 78793
The writing kind of makes up for it. It's a pretty naturally-flowing story, doesn't feel too forced or anything. Cute enough. I'm also amazed at the artist's ability to actually fill in all the panels with backgrounds and people and stuff haha
>> No. 78919
File 131767294516.jpg - (213.05KB , 900x910 , Zib.jpg )
>> No. 78959
I have officially given up on Lackadaisy ever getting a fandom.
I'll go sit in the bitter barn and eat some hay.
>> No. 79023
File 131794697387.jpg - (126.33KB , 803x859 , i_hate_you_too_____by_anntheraven-d4a73zf.jpg )
Save some for me.
>> No. 79270
File 131828828148.jpg - (528.35KB , 600x900 , 02-03.jpg )
I am shipping it. Dear lord, 4 pages and am I shipping it. Anyone else?

The update speed drives me a bit nuts but every page makes me hnnngh.
>> No. 79291
the artstyle's nice; sauce?
>> No. 79292
>> No. 79720
someone tell me they're still reading goodbye chains because the latest updates are BEAUTIFUL
>> No. 79771
Fuck, I NEED to catch up, its been forever since I last checked on updates.
>> No. 79849
File 131993288872.jpg - (169.73KB , 800x507 , who_is_he.jpg )
Anyone else read through Purpurea Noxa? The author says the comic came about for love of Vampire the Masquerade.

http://www.purpureanoxa.com/ for anyone interested.
>> No. 79859
File 13199645601.png - (396.31KB , 800x822 , 72834%20-%20Freckle%20Lackadaisy_cats%20Rocky_Rick.png )
Why is there never any Lackadaisy 34.
(WARNING: this link has vaginas. http://i.imgur.com/oXKYT.png)
>> No. 79926
File 132027258592.jpg - (104.85KB , 900x685 , Penny Arcade4.jpg )
Needs more PA.
>> No. 79927
File 132027261048.jpg - (94.77KB , 900x648 , Penny Arcade3.jpg )
>> No. 79928
File 132027262835.jpg - (86.30KB , 900x605 , Penny Arcade2.jpg )
>> No. 79929
File 132027264314.jpg - (58.97KB , 900x483 , Penny Arcade3.jpg )
>> No. 79930
File 132027267562.jpg - (67.26KB , 480x650 , Penny Arcade2.jpg )
>> No. 79931
File 132027269696.jpg - (87.43KB , 900x432 , Penny Arcade.jpg )
>> No. 79932
File 132027271587.jpg - (83.75KB , 450x682 , Penny Arcade.jpg )
>> No. 79933
File 132027317868.png - (429.22KB , 900x720 , Penny Arcade8.png )
>> No. 79934
File 132027322994.png - (319.41KB , 800x907 , Penny Arcade9.png )
>> No. 79935
File 132027327941.jpg - (126.01KB , 900x744 , Penny Arcade5.jpg )
>> No. 79936
File 132027330849.jpg - (133.09KB , 628x990 , Penny Arcade7.jpg )
>> No. 79937
File 132027333850.jpg - (276.54KB , 850x852 , Penny Arcade6.jpg )
>> No. 79938
File 132027336794.jpg - (117.33KB , 650x492 , Penny Arcade4.jpg )
>> No. 79940
Penny Arcade out of no where. I like it.
>> No. 79941
File 132027470953.jpg - (106.14KB , 750x376 , Penny Arcade11.jpg )
>> No. 79942
File 132027482027.png - (847.39KB , 800x400 , Penny Arcade11.png )
That's all.
>> No. 79948
Kate Beaton, you are #1 in my heart.
>> No. 80047
File 132036582483.jpg - (270.39KB , 1277x1625 , U2Lih[1].jpg )
Houston, we have liftoff.
>> No. 80051
File 132037759074.jpg - (439.99KB , 1834x1372 , X9NSP.jpg )
>> No. 80106
File 132045262125.jpg - (253.22KB , 1520x1489 , KcpLI.jpg )
I believe I've found the best tumblr ever.
>> No. 80123
File 132047421556.png - (108.52KB , 500x500 , 584600 - edd_gould eddsworld.png )
i would love some eddsworld rule34. there is barely any!
>> No. 80137
This. I have secretly been wanting this too.
>> No. 80487
File 13208062804.jpg - (167.27KB , 1034x1307 , FwYac.jpg )
>> No. 80608
File 132100392095.png - (134.85KB , 500x382 , Penny Arcade16.png )
>> No. 80609
File 132100395955.png - (91.70KB , 500x498 , Penny Arcade14.png )
>> No. 80610
File 132100398231.png - (117.00KB , 500x379 , Penny Arcade13.png )
>> No. 80611
File 132100402138.png - (208.76KB , 494x700 , Penny Arcade15.png )
>> No. 80614
File 132104348770.jpg - (95.75KB , 450x1032 , QKILK.jpg )
>> No. 80618
...well, I'm ecstatic to see some new art...
but who is this?
>> No. 80619
File 132106925555.jpg - (370.89KB , 1100x1100 , viktor.jpg )
Speaking of new Lackadaisy art, have some Viktor.
>> No. 80622
dem eyebrows
>> No. 80625
File 132109720077.jpg - (184.49KB , 620x470 , frankyrelax.jpg )
mother of fucking god. I can't stop thinking about this image, it's all I've ever wanted. Seriously this doesn't happen very often.
>> No. 80631
File 132112903177.png - (49.40KB , 130x190 , ddJfdsgdj.png )
>...well, I'm ecstatic to see some new art... but who is this?
>but who is this?
>who is this?
He's only the main character and all.
>> No. 80648
And now, all I want to see are the Viktor & Mordecai side-comics humanized. They just...they just look so good together in human form.

Also, more young!Viktor. Cat, human, whatever...so much handsomeness cannot be contained in one form.
>> No. 80656
I want to see a humanized Mordecai slurring out "Have you seen my fffriend, Viktor? He's- he's built like a brick shithouse! I mean a brick- a shit- where'd my thing go?"
>> No. 80659
YES. Seeing human!Mordecai drunkenly frazzled, saying "shit brickhouse, er, no wait, brick...wait, where'd my thing go?" would just about make my entire MONTH a better experience.

Are you me? Because young!Viktor is great.

Also, more human!Viktor with his back exposed, like in the upper corner of >>80619 . DEM ARMS, DAT BACK, HHNNNNNNGGGG.
>> No. 80660
File 132120421150.jpg - (66.83KB , 429x415 , YoungViktorSoldier.jpg )
Found this in the lackadaisy gallery, had to screencap it because it was part of a group image dump with lots of women all around him. Also, there are pics of both Mordecai and Viktor as children, but that seems a bit too young to post for this board/thread.
>> No. 80661
For those of you who need an epic dose of cute, I posted Viktor & Mordecai as kids in the cute thread on /co/ here:
>>148899 kitten!Viktor
>>148902 kitten!Mordecai
>> No. 80664
So cute I want to fucking die. Thanks, anon!
>> No. 80686
File 132129679839.jpg - (132.88KB , 900x791 , oh_tidal_you_by_anntheraven-d4a6soh.jpg )
>> No. 80753
File 132146665466.png - (83.46KB , 280x398 , 777.png )
Is there such a thing as too much.
>> No. 80923
File 132158793357.jpg - (232.85KB , 1254x1134 , 0ZBQf.jpg )
>> No. 81168
I have a problem, and I am not sure where I could go to get an answer. I can't ask my friends, my best friend is vacationing in the UP and can't respond.... As for the others; well they're not very good writers. I have read their roleplaying journals and they don't put that much thought into their characters. Aside from who is fucking who, anything goes. Odd japanese names for no reason, over powered, non-existant hair colors, and cliche backgrounds everywhere.

Can I ask my question here?
>> No. 81180
There are LJ groups for that sort of thing. This place is for posting porn.
>> No. 81290
guys, we really need some Viktor/Mordecai now cmon
>> No. 81300
khkkjkhlıgkoklh ngoıgı mf fofk lhglnlg
>> No. 81309

...clean-up on aisle 73718?
>> No. 81310
File 132225676588.jpg - (1.64MB , 800x2694 , 127471090582.jpg )
There's only so much.
>> No. 81370
File 132236747742.png - (802.98KB , 900x2410 , Nemesissm.png )

I fucking love Kate Beaton goddamn
>> No. 81371
File 132236956751.jpg - (65.83KB , 500x391 , tumblr_lu280eoKmk1qjwoqoo1_500.jpg )
I ship this two so hard.

Just saying.
>> No. 81372
I love you so much
>> No. 81383
What webcomic is that? I love skeletons.
>> No. 81384
File 13223762849.jpg - (162.57KB , 500x491 , tumblr_lukylv8Wea1qffyoco1_500.jpg )

I don't care if it never gets to be canon, they are pretty cute together.
>> No. 81385

>> No. 81396
Aww, this is interesting so far!
>> No. 81415

Jesus I love her so much for this
>> No. 81416
File 132242888379.jpg - (199.14KB , 760x596 , croquembouche.jpg )
that is adorable. also I think that gay is pretty much canon.

hahaha I love that she did more for them! I bet she's into slash at least a little, her Holmes stuff had some gay going on too.

also, I miss Ivan but deeply love Sandoval. surprised he isn't molesting Ivan's unconscious(?) body, instead of pastries.
>> No. 81417
File 132243223289.png - (239.71KB , 500x375 , tumblr_luozf4ubH61qbxtr1o1_500.png )
I am so happy you shared that comic , it's fun and adorable.
And yes , I ship Steak/Heavens with burning passion.
>> No. 81433
File 132246186612.png - (125.73KB , 900x1116 , fashion_by_neko_girl123-d4gpl6h.png )

I can't wait for more pages so we can get more fan art or some fanfiction.
>> No. 81597
File 132301752124.jpg - (204.33KB , 760x596 , sport.jpg )
>> No. 81669
File 132331367174.jpg - (107.97KB , 490x440 , 1318137586010.jpg )
Does Housepets even count on the give-a-fuck-omoter.
Fuck it.
>> No. 82404
>> No. 83653
File 132753754554.jpg - (261.49KB , 600x450 , 20101120_1734868.jpg )
I want this too.
<--- This shit is all I can find.
>> No. 83790

Bumping with potentially relevant webcomic! ALSO, anyone else here keeping up with Sakana?
>> No. 83801
File 132815147952.jpg - (261.19KB , 640x480 , tumblr_lyqlbqC1xq1r2dnt5.jpg )
Any BFF stuff? Because seriously, this comic oozes gay.
>> No. 83802
File 132815192671.png - (280.63KB , 500x750 , 108.png )
Forgot to link the site.
>> No. 83806
Jesus.... Have I ever said how much I love this place? I mean, really.
>> No. 83807
anyone know where I can find Sakana fic? Or nice fanart?
>> No. 83834
File 132832877185.png - (1.83MB , 2079x2118 , sakana_dump3_by_henni_chan-d4lunbd.png )
I don't think anything porny exists yet. Pretty much everything there is... is already on Mad's DA and Tumblr. Though there's a pic or in the archived thread. Here's something though
>> No. 83835
File 132832890287.png - (317.27KB , 919x539 , tumblr_lsgd52QHPE1qijb9po1_1280.png )
Also this shippy pic
(also Sakana)
>> No. 83851
Riddle me this, how is there not a single thing for Nerf-This? I mean, giant tentacle-y monster thing stalking a guy for most of his life?
>> No. 84007
File 132901320640.png - (0.99MB , 1200x700 , lucy and helvetica.png )
I already ship this
We're never going to get gay skeletons, are we?
>> No. 84023
I doubt it, but we can console ourselves with boner jokes
>> No. 84389
>> No. 84440
needs more sakana
>> No. 84447
File 133024747073.jpg - (18.71KB , 200x484 , sopretty.jpg )

I agree whole fucking heartedly. I just mean... where is it all? Even just cute shippy shit? I CRAVE it
>> No. 84547
Hey there,
I appreciate your comments... I haven't forgotten about these two characters, and one day do hope to finish it... But of course life and anxieties get in the way from time to time, just know that I haven't completely given up yet! There's still hope!

Thank You,
>> No. 84594
it's hard to do fanart for this comic, I keep trying and failing. But I love it and I love the "angry cab driver" sort of trope, Steak is the best.

Seriously though god damn he and Heavers are such a fucking item.
>> No. 84695
File 133193675255.jpg - (234.72KB , 561x730 , tumblr_lzvz4bDq1a1qi2cay.jpg )
More Sakana stuff would be nice. I'm going to post some, you probably already have seen most of this stuff. I think I saw something porny on tumblr once? Maybe I'll go search for it tomorrow, have this by whitekitestrings instead (super adorable, but everybody probably already knows this)
>> No. 84696
Okay, so I tried to find it, but didn't. It was on tumblr, and it was porny with text saying that her personal headcanon is that Taisei has a big dick. I'm pretty sure I saw this once, and this was not just a dream. Maybe tumblr is acting up again. Trying to search it tomorrow again.
>> No. 84727
File 133198391690.png - (118.54KB , 483x712 , KQ5Di.png )
Didn't found it again. Did the artist delete or something? I'm just going to dump all the Sakana fanart I have saved.
>> No. 84728
File 133198435243.jpg - (58.72KB , 459x600 , 6k3oL.jpg )
>> No. 84729
File 133198513622.png - (469.59KB , 589x1022 , tumblr_lp1ugrzwXX1qijb9p.png )
>> No. 84730
File 13319861413.png - (227.35KB , 768x626 , tumblr_lxs0wv1ZQI1qijb9p.png )
>> No. 84731
Man, months of trying to make Sakana threads on 4chan, and suddenly all the Sakana fans assembly here?
>> No. 84732
File 133198632437.png - (198.19KB , 512x874 , taidai_by_chip_turtle-d4nyi6u.png )
>> No. 84733
File 133198703682.png - (568.06KB , 658x622 , tumblr_lsq27gEXsb1qi7n51.png )
>> No. 84734
File 133198709031.png - (83.26KB , 349x542 , tumblr_lyn55g9kPx1qlqammo1_400.png )
>> No. 84735
File 133198739662.jpg - (30.89KB , 400x600 , Yuusei__by_VulgarxSxDxR.jpg )
>> No. 84736
File 13319900761.png - (827.37KB , 1200x950 , tumblr_m0aog6ZDZ11qi2cay.png )
And that's about it. This pic isn't even shippy, but it looks great, and Taisei and Yuudai are on a fish together, so there.
>> No. 84768
File 13321165594.jpg - (108.50KB , 500x366 , tumblr_m122pwAHn11qdtu7l.jpg )
God, just why doesn't Sakana have more fans?

"On a scale of 1-10, how embarrassed does Taisei make Yuudai?" Or some such.
>> No. 84806
Wah, they are so adorable...
>> No. 84821
>read that page
shipping it so fucking HARD
>read later pages
oh... .......... okay then......
>> No. 84890
File 13323662384.png - (118.49KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m15zxxfnIL1qi2cayo1_500.png )
More Sakana fanart, by our Taidai goddess whitekitestrings.
>> No. 84891
File 13323664104.png - (109.51KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m15zxxfnIL1qi2cayo2_500.png )
>> No. 84892
File 133236644878.png - (118.54KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m15zxxfnIL1qi2cayo3_500.png )
>> No. 84893
File 13323664857.png - (89.44KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m15zxxfnIL1qi2cayo4_500.png )
>> No. 84894
File 13323665195.png - (83.43KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m15zxxfnIL1qi2cayo5_r1_500.png )
>> No. 84896

I still ship them...sadly. I imagine them bugging the shit out of each other in the afterlife.
>> No. 84900
comes looking for sakana shipping
sees own fanart
ollies out and dies of embarrassment
>> No. 84906
Which one of those wonderful artists on tumblr or deviantart are you? It's nice to see you here, whoever you are!
>> No. 84907
File 133244082473.jpg - (689.00KB , 1082x1588 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684ku.jpg )
Hey look. It's some pretty amazing Sakana fanart by fellowadventurers on tumblr.
>> No. 84908
File 133244088027.jpg - (350.96KB , 1280x1589 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684kus.jpg )
>> No. 84909
File 133244120149.jpg - (411.97KB , 1280x1688 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684kuss.jpg )
>> No. 84910
File 133244138528.jpg - (636.48KB , 935x1686 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684kusss.jpg )
>> No. 84911
File 133244150837.jpg - (276.06KB , 1280x974 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684kussss.jpg )
>> No. 84912
File 133244170412.jpg - (258.38KB , 1280x894 , tumblr_m1arnmKC6S1r684kusssss.jpg )
>> No. 84916
File 133245210598.png - (586.53KB , 1280x1318 , tumblr_m1b1c9eCuJ1qiods0.png )
Aaaand some more, this time by atenineten.
>> No. 84917
File 133245446473.jpg - (197.82KB , 1181x1748 , tumblr_m1b2bmIkg61r00uft.jpg )
Today seems to be perfect TaiDai day. This one's by wiishu.
>> No. 84951
Aw, my bitter shrivelly heart just melted a little
>> No. 85092
File 133302141329.jpg - (385.78KB , 1200x400 , ahhhh.jpg )
Look, he's blushing.
>> No. 85161
And it's adorable.
>> No. 85200
File 133348144850.gif - (349.97KB , 500x1525 , aprilfools2012.gif )
here you go~
>> No. 85211
>> No. 85244
Is it wrong that I want fic?
>> No. 85332
File 133382835620.jpg - (95.36KB , 800x401 , penny_arcade_2012_4_6.jpg )
holy shit, are you kidding me?
>> No. 85333
File 133382862726.jpg - (154.60KB , 800x401 , 770509271_mUGL4-L.jpg )
and then there was this, earlier. The PA guy have a strangely sexual relationship towards macs.

maybe they feel that pc = hetero and mac = homo ?
>> No. 85619
Not even Gabe and Tycho?? Guess there'd be way too much backlash from the fandom.

New topic: Oglaf. Where the fuck is Ivan? I miss that sexy, awkward, sexually repressed, motherfucker. (never thought I'd put sexy and sexually repressed in the same sentence...)
>> No. 85621
Oglaf seems to be getting its second wind right now, as far as having an actual plot. I'm liking the lesbian mercenary and nymphomaniac vampire shenanigans, it's all very Black Adder, but I assume Ivan will also turn up again. Maybe in some plot twist related to these monk-murdering guys.

And he may just be a filler character in Oglaf, dunno if he'll show up again, but I enjoyed that dopey revenge-seeking warrior who slept with all the allegorical creatures. I ship him with the giraffe-caterpillar who's an allegory for allegory. Pretty sure that's canon, actually, what with the strip where the lady the warrior's fucking suddenly turns into the...girafferpillar?
>> No. 85623
fair enough. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the current storyline as, "no fun" mercenary girl is one of my favourite recurring characters.
I didn't think Ivan would be a filler character since he was so involved in the story, but you could be right. I know he's like in a coma right now or something, but maybe that's all we will ever know.
I kinda was just hoping to see him get a one-up on evil magic mistress at one point.
>> No. 85633
Oh, I didn't mean I thought Ivan was a filler character--I was referring to that guy with all the allegorical creatures, who was looking to avenge his parents (who turned out not to be dead).

No, no, when it comes to Ivan, I really can't imagine that Oglaf won't come back to him. And to the Mistress. (For that matter, I also assume that the immortal warrior woman whose head got cut off a few strips back will show up again, probably getting carried around and looking for her body.)
And the "doctor" vampire chick was directly involved in the plotline that finished up with Ivan in a coma or a magical sleep or whatever it is. I sort of figure that since she's a main character in the current main plotline of Oglaf, she and the mercenary will naturally run across Ivan at some point in the near future. This plot's got a lot of dead bodies in it, so maybe they'll come across apparently-dead Ivan, the vampire lady will recognize him, and...something.
>> No. 85640
OOOOH! Woah I completely read that wrong. Hahaha, yeah now I get what you meant. I apologize, it was late, and my brain was just dead from studying for finals all day.

I think where you're going makes sense, believe or not. I could see that as a plausible arc. hahaha
>> No. 85667
File 133471923241.jpg - (403.66KB , 1179x1200 , 1334692624.jpg )
New Lackadaisy art out! Mordecai you so foxy.
>> No. 85690
File 133478779669.png - (163.90KB , 252x364 , 1321834881330.png )

>> No. 85699
>> No. 85732
I need pictures! Pictures of Sakana! I keep hearing tales of NC-17 rated pics but I just can't find any. Has ANYONE spotted any? Even like half-assed sketchy pics?
>> No. 85757
Hey, don't mind me, I'm just gonna sorta...
repost this...
>> No. 85797
Like I said, there was stuff on tumblr, but the artist deleted it. How bout asking some drawfags?
>> No. 85807
File 133514734593.png - (123.36KB , 525x903 , mads_tumblr.png )
you guys you guys
mad is answering asks about sexuality on her tumblr! YOU GUYS.
>> No. 85814
File 133518552817.jpg - (382.91KB , 456x850 , tumblr_m2wpa0lKsN1ruvpuro1_1280.jpg )
My eyes bled rainbows because of this perfection.

>> No. 86238
File 133597899326.jpg - (271.98KB , 594x882 , 1335928672678.jpg )
Hey guys
>> No. 86387
oh my god I KNOW, except Lackaidaisy fanart is sort of non-existent if it doesn't involve Mordecai.
>> No. 86539
File 133667223315.png - (142.14KB , 900x1100 , ZV3Kl.png )
The only thing I've seen with Drago.
Also, sexy Zib.
>> No. 87077
File 133907446453.jpg - (394.80KB , 1000x1500 , O human.jpg )
Hello everyone.
I come with recommendations.


The basic plot is;
Al Sterling jump-started the robotics revolution. He died before he had the chance to see robotics really take off, but was resurrected sixteen years later. Now he's getting his life back together.
>> No. 87078
File 133907466048.jpg - (163.50KB , 750x675 , OHS-Al+Brendan-July-small.jpg )
Now here's where it involves us; you don't even need the goggles to see his business partner is in love with him.
>> No. 87084

Thanks for the rec! It's a pretty good comic so far.

Oh, those awkward silences~
>> No. 87249
Romantically Apocalyptic has a kink meme, guys
This day is the best day
>> No. 87629
Does anyone remember Friendly Hostilty? Because I just did and proceeded to re-read all of it as well as it's replacement series (which is currently kinda defunct and that makes me really sad)
Anyone have fanart of FH or its spinoff Other People's Business?
>> No. 87687
File 134151443544.gif - (99.12KB , 600x781 , 20060206.gif )
I loved Friendly Hostility! It was the best. I also liked the comic before it, Boy Meets Boy, even though the art was pretty blindingly horrible at first.
>> No. 87832
File 134194172715.jpg - (42.84KB , 500x251 , tumblr_m2fi9eqE0y1qea5l7o1_500.jpg )
>> No. 87833
File 134194183093.jpg - (105.31KB , 500x705 , tumblr_m22ohwI6g61rnh54do1_500.jpg )
>> No. 87834
File 134194195190.jpg - (71.38KB , 500x385 , tumblr_m2cavt43K61rnh54do1_500.jpg )
>> No. 87835
File 134194204211.jpg - (65.42KB , 300x300 , tumblr_m2fji6Ppwy1rnh54do1_400.jpg )
>> No. 87836
File 134194243392.jpg - (42.22KB , 500x391 , tumblr_m2pcabnhY51rnh54do1_500.jpg )
>> No. 87837
File 134194247451.jpg - (65.73KB , 500x409 , tumblr_m0fp1d5wH41rnh54do1_500.jpg )
>> No. 88798
File 134526797841.jpg - (117.12KB , 500x217 , lackadaisy.jpg )
Guess what updated.
>> No. 89240
File 134718260642.jpg - (115.90KB , 377x400 , tumblr_m3au7odtP81qdm9r3.jpg )
We need artfags to like... Fag up this comic. Bad. I mean Penny Arcade has a steady stream of prawn and this has 12 entries total on paheal? For shame.
>> No. 89298
File 134785658018.jpg - (473.92KB , 1000x1500 , CAN'T STOP LOVIN YOU.jpg )
Alright, I spent like an hour trying to post this last night...
...but we need something for O Human Star
Look at this shit
>> No. 89300
There is no adequate reason for this comic's total lack of fandom

Apart from, granted, the update schedule

Although long breaks in updates are exactly what fandoms are for- right, guys?
>> No. 89810
File 135073977555.jpg - (411.49KB , 1000x1500 , FUCKING TOUCHDOWN.jpg )
>> No. 89813
Oh shit. Uh. I thought I was going to get teased about this for at least another couple tens of pages.

Not disappoint, just thankfully surprised.
>> No. 89936
File 13518561884.png - (381.01KB , 473x912 , zickle.png )
>> No. 90351
What comic does this come from?
I am curious.
>> No. 90353
File 135352032188.jpg - (525.23KB , 1000x1500 , ohumanstar brendan breakup.jpg )
ohumanstar.com !!!
>> No. 90354
File 135353443926.jpg - (464.90KB , 1000x1547 , young protectors.jpg )
Anyone read the young protectors?
>> No. 90355
File 135354011038.jpg - (252.56KB , 600x900 , f0573317ekJIj.jpg )

Hey yeah, I was keeping up with that one for a while. I should catch up with it. Some folks on /y/ were complaining about the art, but I have no problem with it. And May/December and hero/villain couples are two of my biggest kinks.

How about S.T.O.P.? (http://www.stopthecomic.com/)

It's only getting started now, but it looks like purple-hair tragic clone warrior and red-hair tsundere android alien are gonna be a couple. And the whole comic has sort of a fun space pirates for justice thing going. I like it so far.
>> No. 90393

People complaining about the art was what got me to take a closer look at it. It's nothing special, but it looks like normal comic art, which it turns out is because it's drawn by a pro comic artist.

It's cute fluff, I'll keep checking in on it now and then. The kiss was hot. Any thoughts on the comic that was finished before Young Protectors?
>> No. 90422
I like it a lot, I enjoy the art and the villain looks a bit like Deathstroke, so that's a plus too.
>> No. 90999
I recognize this but I haven't got the faintest clue from what...
>> No. 91079

Say, this comic really is damn good. (Age difference mentor/student pairing plus robotics/artificial intelligence centric plot and quotes from Capek's R.U.R.? Be still my heart.)
>> No. 91417
Did this thread hit image limit.
>> No. 91754
File 136949389929.png - (279.33KB , 900x698 , tumblr_mnc0n6urdw1s70ti5o1_1280.png )
We need slash about Spender. Paired with whoever.
>> No. 92022
File 137166927923.png - (545.42KB , 955x1236 , 2013-05-10-Guest007.png )
This was a guest comic by Helvetica. Nothing NSFW (or really canon I guess) but it's still funny.
>> No. 92024
File 137167144338.png - (390.85KB , 1145x742 , 1371267009742.png )
>> No. 92027
I had seen some stuff of Spender and the dude from earlier pages. The one with the matryoshka partner.
>> No. 92028
File 137173798674.png - (239.73KB , 500x620 , tumblr_mo13n2pAlJ1qe7jz7o1_500.png )
Oh yeah, this I could ship.
I don't think we'll see much of Mohawk Guy, though.
>> No. 92033
i almost love this... ok i do.
>> No. 92297
Does anyone have scans of the 18+ extras for Teahouse chapter 4?
I can only find chapters 1-3...
I live in a place where you can't ship that type of material, but I still really want to read the story.
I really dislike how some webcomic artists are doing this now, where they'll include extra pages in the print version. That's fine for some people, but impossible for me. I realize it doesn't contribute to the narrative, but I still want the pages...
>> No. 92637
you mean you found the scans for chapters 1, 2 and 3??? where???
>> No. 92678
Where did you find those? I've been searching all over
>> No. 92857
I'm sorry for the late reply. i found them on the rapid share board of 4chan. Just search for teahouse. I hope you find them!
still no word on chapter 4 though =(
I just want to see Axis and Rhys. I don't give a fuck about the other couples.
I'm a little over teahouse, and plan on checking back there after 6+months. Maybe they'll have 5 new pages to read. hahaha.
I really can't stand the fandom, or even the creators... Their attitudes disgust me.... but I do feel invested in the Axis/Rhys story, so I'd like to see the conclusion and sex scenes.
>> No. 92947
What this anon said, absolutely.
>> No. 93418
File 139744366478.png - (420.96KB , 490x899 , tumblr_n2t5cmb2RK1qe7jz7o1_1280.png )
there's this, source is guttersvoice
>> No. 93419
File 139744373837.png - (541.46KB , 700x700 , tumblr_n0x9niGRQU1t0n6gpo1_1280.png )
whoops, wrong paranatural thing
this is by kawaiisharkporn on tumblr
>> No. 93420
File 139744414482.jpg?spoiler - (240.02KB , 1152x1328 , tumblr_mq9clfTWDU1qe7jz7o1_1280.jpg?spoiler )
may as well round the set, source is guttersvoice
tagged for underage and tentacles
>> No. 93450
File 139835035441.png - (626.50KB , 1008x2100 , 1398310179356.png )
>> No. 93498
I really need this, as that is the only reason i check in and flip through pages
>> No. 93499
Yeah the same with me, those are the only pages found on the internet. Anyway if anyone wants the ones from ch.1-3 here's a link http://www.mediafire.com/download/oocn755qgec1f5d/Teahouse+extras.rar
And I also second about extras pages of new chapters, maybe 4, 5 and 6? Anyone who has the books is willing to scan it for us? Not the entire book, just the interesting pages, than you! :)
>> No. 93768
File 140420014164.png - (1.67MB , 754x968 , 17.png )
bless this person. and curse them for not scanning chapters 4-6.
>> No. 93782
File 140487547839.png - (48.43KB , 188x473 , humphreydoesntlikeit.png )
did a couple images of humphrey from brianne drouhard's harpy gee comic.
>> No. 93783
File 140487556821.png - (101.75KB , 478x530 , humphreysnewjob.png )
>> No. 93784
File 140487564050.png - (59.94KB , 263x459 , humphreynothappytobeharpy.png )
>> No. 93785
File 14048757441.png - (57.37KB , 360x468 , humphreyisharpy.png )
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