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File 133179022695.png - (418.12KB , 1685x793 , Kickstarter.png )
149743 No. 149743
You know, with all the hate that the Arkh project got, I say we make a good kickstarter thread for projects that are properly proposed and built.

Example: Here is a kickstarter proposed by the multimillionaire Ellwood Bartlett who is trying to make the MMO that everyone has dreamed of making. And you know you can trust this man to get the job done. I mean, you don't become a multimillionaire overnight!

And he's going to make sure you get your god damn guild bank.

He won 48 million dollars in the lottery

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>> No. 181564
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The Wind Waker look has won me over.
>> No. 181578
>First words of the description:
>"Wind waker meets Dark Souls"

Well they sure knew how to catch my interest.
>> No. 181579
Every game pitch these days seems to be "X meets Dark Souls".
>> No. 181580
I'm okay with that!
>> No. 181581
Honestly? A welcome break from "its like COD but..."

Also I just noticed it was a Swedish studio. yaaay patriotism.
Their goal seems a mite optimistic though. 30 000 $ doesn't take you very far with video games, does it?
>> No. 181582
>"its like COD but..."
Even that's a step up from most modern games I see advertised, which just seem to be "It's like COD."
>> No. 181587
I haven't noticed that, but I haven't been looking at that many pitches either. I think I'd enjoy the combination of gameplay and tone this one seems to have going for it, at least from what the trailer shows.
>> No. 181631
The thing about Dark Souls is that it's the game that made it okay for videogames to be videogames again.

games have always struggled with their perceptions of being "interactive movies", with narrative and difficult and trying to appeal to as many people as possible in a time when these issues had reduced most of the videogame community to drooling simpletons for mass appeal Dark Souls jumped and said FUCK YOUR MOVIES, FUCK YOUR STORY AND FUCK DUMBING EVERYTHING DOWN TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

And it sold, that has made a MASSIVE impression on the indie world that can't be understated.
>> No. 181633
Dark Souls has a story, it just believes in subtlety and environmental storytelling.
>> No. 181634
I'm more talking about the traditional way story is conveyed, which as you point out it has and is unconventional for videogames.
>> No. 181646
Tiki I don't know how to tell you this but indie games didn't need Dark Souls to do that because while AAA development had shifted to the 'interactive experience' paradigm, indie devs never stopped making games that are about gameplay.
>> No. 181654
>if it isn't a big-name console release then it's not a videogame

Check your implications.

Also the uncaring masses do not get to define what is or isn't a videogame. That falls to the enthusiasts.
>> No. 181660
a transforming battle horse sold.
>> No. 181661
Exactly, when the casuals all move on like the magpies they are, we'll be all that's left, and the industry will have to come crawling back.
>> No. 181662
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>> No. 181664
That...isn't at all what I am implying.

Again I wasn't saying that.

What I'm getting at is that Dark Souls was not afraid to be difficult and not made for mass consumption and that made a big impression.
>> No. 181670
So many companies are afraid to be niche it seems.
>> No. 181671

You specifically said 'on the indie scene'. But the indie scene was already full of weird, niche title, many of them extremely challenging. Where is this impact?
>> No. 181673
>Where is this impact?

Umm...in some indies constantly naming Dark Souls as one of their inspirations...like, ya'know, what we were talking about?
>> No. 181807
The Mandate Backstory and Game Conceptyoutube thumb
>> No. 181809
Check this out.
>> No. 181813
Fuck yeah. I rented this game for months on end. So ridiculous and nasty and fun.
>> No. 181820
An all-new, immersive adventure game from the award-winning creators of Myst and Riven.
>> No. 181861
Oh, boy.

I sure can't wait for the bullshit puzzles, lack of an engaging narrative, and overall oppressive boredom of the Myst series to come roaring back to life.
>> No. 181869
Red Baron.
>> No. 181889
At The End Of Everything, Hold On To Anything.
>> No. 181914
File 138265285313.png - (931.24KB , 700x1120 , e8c41a3baf71be556647ee39373d91fd_large.png )
And so, Cornerstone is launching into it's final hours, with just above 40 hours to raise 4000$. Damn, i've never been in a close call kinckstarter before, legitly nervous here.
>> No. 182228
Remember the 7th Guest?
Well, Trilobyte is back, and they're trying for a 3rd game in the series.
Plus, they got Stauf's voice actor back.

>> No. 182387
>AN MMO based on the Jane Austen's novel
>> No. 182396
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I had to read Pride and Prejudice in high school, fuck that.
>> No. 182405
Reminds me of stuff from that old BBC Museum of Everything Radio show.
>> No. 182439

A hand animated original 2D action platformer, inspired by Megaman X and Super Metroid.
>> No. 182447
Mite be cool.
>> No. 182448
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What are everyone's thoughts on Kickstarters that uses the "inspired by [insert classic games here]" tag line? Does it make you feel more comfortable in funding a game that is relatable to games that you like? Does it help you to understand exactly what a game is selling than if it didn't mention those titles?
>> No. 182449
Eh, honestly, it feels kind of amateurish to me. Like you're not really sure what game you want to make, just what games you liked and you were thinking of when you made it.

I know this might not be the case with all of them, and I've actually donated to Kickstarters that do it in the past, but it just makes me wince a little when I see it.
>> No. 182455
Don't try to entice me by name dropping other games in your sales pitch. It makes me, as a customer, think less of a product since it makes me think that the end result will just be "Hey remember this game? Yeah that was good! We're gonna copy that."

It just leaves me wanting to play something else.
>> No. 182456
>What are everyone's thoughts on Kickstarters that uses the "inspired by [insert classic games here]" tag line?
It's how you pitch most ideas in the film and videogame industries in the first place, so I'm fine with it.

They're all based on some idea or another. A project isn't better for not being influenced by other works. Any sense of greater significance by not showing your influence is misplaced. It's how you help to get folks to understand your perspective.
>> No. 182459
I don't mind it much, but it isn't very descriptive if you don't at least try to specify what elements from each game you're talking about: For instance, I don't know from the description there if it's for a top down adventure game where you collect major powers from the main bosses and minor ones via leveling, a sidescrolling platformer where you can explore dungeons out of order and use items gained halfway through them to solve puzzles and exploit boss weaknesses, or some other thing. It also only works if you can be sure enough people are actually familiar with the game you're comparing yours to.
>> No. 182461
>They're all based on some idea or another
Of course they are. That's just how art works. But my point is that it's amateurish to use the other person's idea that it's based on to describe your work instead of being able to describe it yourself. They shouldn't feel bad about being influenced by other games, or even of making homages to them, but I do greatly prefer if they treat the current project as its own thing.
>> No. 182463
>But my point is that it's amateurish to use the other person's idea that it's based on to describe your work instead of being able to describe it yourself.
Except it's actually very professional and even expected when you're trying to pitch an idea to investors and executives. It's a way to quickly get the gist across to people.
>> No. 182464
When it comes to pitching to executives, yeah, it helps a ton. Usually the best way to throw a thirty second pitch.
Though when it comes to pitching to the "consumers" (in other words, the "customers" who are going to help fund your project while usually expecting something in return), I find that it's a bit of a different story. Some will be able to relate more to the goal with these references while others would much prefer something to not be reminded of something else that they may or may not like. This is especially a bit understandable where the game industry is currently at in this time with the populace seeing a ton of first-person shooters, character-action games, and other such genres that blend here and there.
In a nutshell, you're both not wrong, but I can't say we're all completely right either.
>> No. 182486
File 138410794611.gif - (235.58KB , 700x1478 , 114697589a92aa18de86bb1485b7af39_large.gif )

Collect more loot than you can bear.
>> No. 182534
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>> No. 183092
>> No. 183260
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/437762268/tadpole-treble This was linked in /diy/ instead of here, so I link it here.
>> No. 183281
Last week.
>> No. 183708
File 138689359284.png - (1.15MB , 640x1793 , 1913f3003431eda8e5e540a201aae5db_large.png )
Already funded (and counting). Could be good? I'm having trouble seeing the fun of the game with how they explained the rules (or rather have not explained the rules) so far.
>> No. 185960
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn - The Big Deez Teamyoutube thumb
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn - Game Teaseryoutube thumb
Shaq Fu - A Legend Reborn - Campaign Videoyoutube thumb
I, for one, welcome my new Shaq overlord.
>> No. 187277
>> No. 187279
Didn't this furry trash already have a kickstarter?
The fuck did they do with the wad of cash they got before?
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