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3190 No.3190

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Where does it come from that Watson was a ladies' man like she says in the comment box for this one? I get that he was married to that Mary lady from the second novel, which makes him a casanova compared to Holmes, but other than that, nothing.

He was married three times.

Remember that in Victorian England, getting divorced at all meant something went seriously for fucking serious wrong with your relationship. The fact that ladies still wanted to marry him- or that he had absolutely no worries about being a permanent bachelor after a divorce- meant that he was a goddamn pimp.

I've gathered no evidence that he was married more than once - although I do recall that in the same novel he said that he had experience with women stretching over years and continents, so whether or not he actually married many times, he surly knew how to treat a lady in a societal context.

The wikipedia article says he was married twice, but the second wife was only mentioned and never really appeared.

I've read all but "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes," and I've only seen him as having that one wife. Meh.

Watson's first wife, Mary Morstan, dies sometime during the three years between "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House" (Watson refers to her passing merely as "my sad bereavement"). He refers to a wife on later occasions, but because Watson's stories are essentially told as recollections of past adventures, there's no way to precisely date them, so we don't know if they take place before or after Mary's death unless he refers to her by name. For example, "The Adventure of the Dying Detective" takes place during "the second year of my married life", as Watson puts it, but was written well after Mary's death; it's up to the reader to determine whether he was talking about her or someone else.

Movie Watson was such a badass as shown. Perhaps too much so.

>>too much
Watson does not work that way.

From the Sign of the Four:

>In an experience of women which extends over many nations and three separate continents, I have never looked upon a face which gave a clearer promise of a refined and sensitive nature.

Movie Holmes and Watson are insanely different from novel Holmes and Watson

I was watching it and going "Am I in the right movie theater?"

I don't think folks would've had as much fun watching movie Watson gush on about how awesome Holmes is and Holmes' quirkiness seems to work better in movie form if exaggerated.

Its a matter of going from first person limited to the third person most visual media has to be in much of the time. Watson might think fanboyish thoughts but would he say them and feed Holmes's ego? Would he mention the fights and conflicts they inevitably had as roommates and friends, and risk the reputation of a great man?

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Holmes Gone.

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