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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #9156

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9156 No.9156
I can't be the only person drawing heavy parallels between the World Government and the Imperium of Man.

For those of you NOT nerdy enough.

>The Imperium of Man (Latin: Imperium Hominis) is a fictional galactic empire of over a million planets that contains the vast majority of humans in the forty-first millennium, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe created by Games Workshop. In the fiction, the Imperium is depicted as a loose empire, nominally consisting of all human-inhabited worlds in explored space and united through a common imposed religious conviction, extreme xenophobia and militarism, brutal despotic rule and threat of massive disciplinary force. The founder of the Imperium, an enigmatic and mysterious persona known only as the 'Emperor of Mankind' is in theory the supreme ruler of this galaxy-spanning empire - in practice a supreme council known as the High Lords based on Terra (Earth in the 41st millennium A.D.) has ruled for ten millennia under his name.

In particular, I can't help but notice that Captain Morgan and Admiral Akainu both acted a lot like Imperial Commissars.

>One of the more distinctive aspects of the Imperial Guard army is its Commissars. They are represented as akin to the ruthless, political commissars of the Soviet Union.

>The Imperial Commissar, as described by many Warhammer novelists, is given complete jurisdiction to judge the actions of any trooper or officer and to act accordingly. An Imperial Commissar's word is immutable law and his visage is one of grim authority that is to be respected and rightly feared, reporting to the Commissariat personally. Many novels hint that a good portion of the Commissars slain in battle are accidentally hit by friendly fire. (The Fourth-Edition codex for the notoriously anti-authoritarian Catachan regiments of the Imperial Guard includes the "Oops, Sorry Sir" rule that gives Commissar models included in a Catachan army a 1-in-6 chance of having been killed - or more appropriately, fragged - before the game begins.) There are also hints that some Commissars have taken to the tactic of inspiring troops by heroic example, hoping to emulate the "heroic" Commissar Ciaphas Cain.

Oh yeah, and the Buster Call is very similar to Exterminatus.

>Exterminatus is the name of an order given by the Imperium to destroy a planetary biosphere and all life upon it in extreme circumstances where a threat to the entire Imperium of Man exists on the planet and might spread to other Imperial worlds.

>Exterminatus is typically only used as a last resort, when the price of holding or retaking the world is deemed too high, or the threat of mutation, disease or heresy spreading to the rest of the Imperium too great to contain by conventional means. Thus Exterminatus has very rarely been used on vital or valuable planets to the Imperium. Typically, the order may only be given by a high-ranking Imperial Commander in the Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy or the Space Marines, or by a full member of the Imperial Inquisition.

>Orbital bombardment is the simplest means of carrying out an Exterminatus, as it can be done solely through the conventional firepower of the Imperial Navy. The power of an orbital strike can range from small precision strikes, not unlike that of modern surface to surface missiles, to thermonuclear blasts. Typically, special weapons are used, designed to destroy all life on a planet's surface and potentially any entrenched even in the planet's crust.

I wouldn't have agreed till the cyborg army.

And I guess how they treat fish and mer people is really DIRTY FILTHY XENO!

So... this Iperium of man is from a videogame?

And a tabletop miniatures-based wargame, which came first.

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