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Japan, Anime, & Manga

 Posting a reply to post #48632

File: 128283915517.jpg-(50.26KB, 854x480, uraboku-01-23.jpg)
48632 No.48632
Why does it seem that shows with:

1. Bishounen character designs, or BL themes, AND
2. No mecha.

Always have horrible sakuga? I think it's because female anime fans and fujoshi just aren't as big "animation nerds" as otaku are.

Alternately, show me a counter-example of a pretty boy-bait show that actually has high quality sakuga. And that means not just well-drawn still frames, but stuff that actually looks good and dynamic in motion.


Can't you just call it "fluid motion" or something? Whatever.

Honestly, I think it's because of the low budget most shows have, especially since attracting the fujoshi hasn't proved quite as fruitful as exploiting the otaku are. It's still a bigger risk with Bishonen than it is with mecha and otaku shows (both of which can sell merchandise with just the right push).

When BL inspired and influenced series prove to be just as much money makers as Lucky Star or Haruhi (or if KyoAni decides to make a show with pretty boys in it), we'll start seeing more fluid motion.

I don't know what that means

Key animation.

>Honestly, I think it's because of the low budget most shows have
I agree; it would be shorter to list shows that don't have mediocre key animation.
It also seems that when something is made to appeal to a preexisting market segment, the creators half-ass it more often than not. "They're just here to see pretty boys/gory murders/special effects/sex scenes/their favorite characters, they'll buy any old crap with that in it." Examples usually include video games based on movies, movies based on video games, tie-in novels based on TV series or games, etc. And I guess they must be right often enough to avoid losing loads of money all the time.

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