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File: 126316415173.jpg-(37.83KB, 400x400, 20100110_dastardlymuttley.jpg)
29297 No.29297
I've been DrawThreadan anonymously over on /co/ for several months now, so I figure I ought to say hello here.

Some of my pics have been reposted here by /co/mrades, so I'm glad someone appreciates them. I have no webgallery for these pics, so the rest have likely been lost into the electronic ether.

To which end, I may dump some here that I like or find interesting. Or all of them, I dunno.

Expand all images
File: 126316431438.jpg-(30.25KB, 400x400, 20100110_penelopepitstop.jpg)
The 400X400 format is an arbitrary filesize because these are just fast doodles I draw mostly for my own amusement.

The originals are drawn at a higher resolution and reduced for the web. I don't usually spend more than 30-45 minutes on them. Some take a lot less, a few have taken longer.

File: 126316460829.jpg-(39.01KB, 400x400, 20100110_stos-callie.jpg)
I usually adopt a cartoony style and tend to choose requests I find interesting, challenging, amusing or cute.

Also, Furries.

Well, welcome to /draw/, friend. Feel free to stay as long you please. You'll always have a place here.

File: 12631647463.gif-(8.90KB, 400x600, 20100110_cynthia.gif)
Very rarely I try a different art style if the mood and inspiration takes me.

Ah! Your lines are so crisp! Nice work.

I like it.

I like it.

I like it.

Don't forget to put your DA link in our DA thread if you haven't already. Assuming you've got one, that is.

Keep up the good work.

Awesome work of yours!

Fuck yeah Dastardly & Muttley!

I don't have a DeviantArt gallery so I was wondering whether or not to dump them all here so there would be a formal collection/archive. Then I realised that I've drawn over 240 in the last 11 months with vary degrees of quality.

It was while I was looking over them all that I began to see how my art - and my confidence in my abilities - had developed over that time.

So if you will indulge me, I will present some milestones from that period. The original creation date is in the filename of each piece.

File: 126368615178.gif-(22.08KB, 500x500, 20090212_heckloli.gif)

My first contribution to a DrawThread. The theme was 'characters as little girls' and someone suggested Hellboy.

The first dozen or so sketches are black and white line art, because that was what I was most comfortable with at the time. They also started off at 500X500 size.

File: 126368629892.gif-(21.92KB, 500x500, 20090221_squirrelrogue.gif)
About one week later, I decided to start a drawthread of my own. The very first request was Squirrel Girl wearing Rogue's costume.

File: 126368666739.gif-(11.55KB, 400x400, 20090312_conshach.gif)
I predicted that a lot of Rorshachs would be seen at 2009 comic conventions.

First use of greyscale, in a limited pallette. Most of the subsequent pictures had some grey tones. I don't have much experience of using colour so I was reluctant to go overboard and end up with garish results.

This was also the first picture at 400X400 and all the others have been that size ever since.

File: 126368741451.jpg-(42.02KB, 400x400, 20090413_helgawindow.jpg)
First use of colour. Someone asked for an adult version of Helga (based on a design by another artist).

I wanted to bring the character forward and went back to a technique I'd used on another picture a while before. It was a quick and easy way of laying down base colours and shadows, useful for quick little sketches like these - the same technique I still use.

Over the next few months, the pictures are a mix of b&w illustrations, greytones and coloured (flat or shaded), depending on how much time I wanted to put into them and whether or not I had a strong sense of what colours to use.

File: 126368809872.jpg-(40.38KB, 400x400, 20090718_arzachmelusine.jpg)
Arzach and Melusine trade rides.

Around this time, someone suggested having themed Drawthreads, so I started one based on European comics and cartoons. Most of the pictures I produced for this thread were full colour.

After this point, the majority of my drawthread pictures are in colour, whether shaded or flat/limited pallette. There are still a handful of b&w/greyscale images.

File: 126368938953.jpg-(23.06KB, 400x400, 20091018_ozzybitthebat.jpg)
Ozzy Osbourne bit the bat (after Goya).

To wrap things up, I think the last 11 months of drawthreading have been an interesting experience. I've gained some confidence in my use of colour and got to draw things I don't usually think about drawing.

Thanks for listening, thanks to those /co/mrades who made requests and suggestions and thanks to those who liked my pics enough to save them and occasionally repost them.

I remember that thread, it was awesome.

You are more than welcome here.


Theres a good sense of physical depth in this picture, and thats hard to do.


Google 'spatial depth'.

File: 12639056286.jpg-(88.37KB, 530x530, FF VI (20).jpg)
I like your draws. Do you take requests? I would like Terra brandford from Final Fantasy VII as Bahamutgirl (Batman's equivalent in Final Fantasy World). Thanks in advance

Thanks for the welcome, folks. I am open to suggestions, if anyone wants to see anything new or anything I may have drawn before - but bear in mind I tend to have a cartoony style.

I have drawn cheesecake, but not porn (because then everyone would see how poor my grasp of anatomy actually is).

No promises and no guarantees, however - it depends on whether I have the time and the inspiration.

File: 126421139458.jpg-(19.74KB, 400x400, pepperpotts.jpg)
The linework is on a seperate layer to the colours, so it keeps everything neat.

I dunno anything about layers since I'm photoshop illiterate, but if it works then I support it. That looks cute.

File: 126557703752.gif-(20.11KB, 400x400, 20100207_robinwaller.gif)
>Amander Waller becoming the new Robin.

This is the fixed version of the one in the Drawfag Archive thread. I left out part of Batman's cape.

File: 126557711779.gif-(25.98KB, 400x400, 20100207_calliedayjob.gif)
>Callie doing office work. Because you never actually see her doing her damn job.

Jun the Swan from Gatchaman giving Flapjack a kiss on the cheek.

Sounds like a typical government bureaucrat to me.

File: 12658326253.jpg-(40.40KB, 400x400, 20100210_junflapjack.jpg)

Changed the kiss to the top of his head so her visor wouldn't get in the way.

File: 126600453785.jpg-(31.82KB, 300x446, CoverSSrull2_sm.jpg)
Can i request something?
Super Skrull, Ronan the acusser (the Kree) and Crystal (from the Inhumans) teaming up to stop intergalatic crime in the 70's!

File: 126601704738.jpg-(369.50KB, 800x1056, songbird.jpg)


Songbird uses music to fight villains, by turning it into a hammer and smashing their faces with it.

Robin spreading sunscreen lotion on Power Girl's bubbly ass.

File: 126633164155.gif-(19.93KB, 400x400, 20100216_bubblyass.gif)

Sir or Madam - I maintain that I am of unaccountably foreign extraction and therefore unfamiliar with the idiosyncrasies of colloquial English. I sincerely hope that this is an accurate interpretation of your request.


>That song




File: 126887425987.jpg-(38.22KB, 400x400, leprechaunette.jpg)
Have a leprechaun. Yes, I just missed St Patrick's day.
I was halfway through when I had to go to work.

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From a Drawthread the other day:
The Blob, wearing a suit and hat, raising a glass to the camera.

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From a Drawthread the other day:
Amelia Bedelia (inspired by Art Frahm)

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From a Drawthread the other day:
Futura from the Filmation Ghostbusters cartoon.

At this point it was late and I was losing the ability to think coherently.

File: 126887769172.gif-(102.00KB, 800x600, blobclassy.gif)
Here's another version of that, drawn later in the thread.

File: 126888409824.png-(23.92KB, 800x450, 123098928931.png)
Charlie, Mr. Delta! Will you draw Boringer for me?

He is the handsome costumed hero you see here.

File: 126888619767.png-(38.60KB, 520x937, 12687684396.png)
Also, his arch-enemy is Formaldehyde. You can draw them fighting, if you like. Depending on how detailed you'd like to get...

File: 12692122892.jpg-(30.65KB, 400x400, 20100321_boringer.jpg)
I assume it was the Skull-mask Guy and not Chin-Man or Kitty-boi.

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Naga naga.

File: 126921248685.gif-(27.37KB, 400x400, 20100321_samuraipizzacatwoman.gif)
Samurai Pizza Catwoman.

Yes! Thank you so very much~

Why did you put so much more effort into those requests than mine? =\

Beggars can't be choosers, man. It's not like you paid him for it.

Well I asked for something specific and he just drew something else.. someone else requested 'Character B doing whatever' and got what I asked for. Where's the fairness in that?

Again, it's not as if you paid him for it. Nobody said anything about this was fair, or that fairness was going to be involved at all. Whining about it won't help your situation. Just get over it.

You're just brown-nosing him because he's an artist. Way to circlejerk.

Please realize that if an artist isn't really all that interest in a subject, they might not draw it as detailed or put as much effort in. Same goes to if they are just not as motivated that day, or something along those lines.
In reality, you got what you asked for. It might not have been as nice as the others, but if you really want it to look as good as your standards, you should pay for it. Besides maybe a chance to learn how to do something or experiment(which they can do on their own time with subjects they enjoy more), they get no real benefit from drawing your request. Please just accept it as it is, because God knows how many times my requests have been ignored.

Sorry but when the process goes like

"Hi, I specialize in drawing smut"
"Cool, give me smut"
"Here, have some not smut
"Hey, draw this person doing whatever, I don't care"
"Here's some smut"

Then I'll call bullshit when I see it. Then again, I'm used to /co/'s artists pulling shit like that. geers, MK, and animoose did the same thing. Though at least geers had the balls to just come right out and tell someone to fuck off rather than try to weasel his way out of it.

I'm not brown-nosing the artist, I'm saying you need to stop being such a whiny little bitch just because a drawing didn't come out how you wanted it to.

Get the fuck over it.

>Artists always troll me on purpose too
How do you deal with it?

Except, I can't draw what I want. I can barely draw anything that isn't a female human. Plus, it's nice to see other people's renditions of things I enjoy.

I really fail how to see how that fits into what I said. =/ That wasn't the case here, and hasn't been for a lot of drawfags that you claim do it. The way I see it is: If they even consider drawing it, I'm satisfied. I'm fine with it not being everything I ever expected from them, because, hey, as a fellow drawfag, I know sometimes how ridiculous it is to please a requester, how difficult it is to get into the drawing mood for some subjects, and how even more difficult it is to get into the drawing mood to do a specific way for that subject.

personally i'd prefer they not do it at all then to waste my request on something i didn't want, but maybe that's just me

File: 126923067327.jpg-(33.08KB, 852x480, 006BSM_Justin_Timberlake_025.jpg)

Whoops, didn't mean to ban you, that was an error.



Boo hoo.

I don't know how many times I have to say this, an artist fulfilling a free request on here doesn't make him your personal draw-monkey. There is no reason to whine about how your request wasn't chosen, or how your free picture wasn't good enough.

I just feel like it's pretty absurd. You're all adults here (if you're not, kindly leave, as there are things on this website not appropriate for minors) you should act like it. These requests, that surely are worth a bit of money, and other artists of the same quality would actually charge for it.

And when someone doesn't fulfill your request, or takes a long time, or doesn't do it how you want it, consider this:

Maybe, just maybe, it's because, instead of trolling, they actually have other shit to do. Maybe it's because they're getting paid to draw elsewhere, or maybe it's because they simply don't want to, and are not obligated.

Or maybe, like here;


They didn't want to draw a young boy sexually interacting with a grown woman, and opted for a little humor, hoping that something would be better than nothing.

Please, people, have a LITTLE class. Or at the very LEAST, be funny about it.


Personally, I'd prefer if you didn't act like a little bitch, but then again, I suppose we can't all get what we want.

(I'm not sure if I just banned you, and you're evading the ban, or you're another person who is just as bitchy.)

Then go ask another artist for their rendition on it, instead of sobbing and bitching and feeling horrible because a single artist didn't meet your vague expectations.


Sorry about that, I removed the ban as soon as I realized I made a mistake.

>They didn't want to draw a young boy sexually interacting with a grown woman, and opted for a little humor, hoping that something would be better than nothing.

I'm not the one who requested that, but the very next picture is a little girl flashing her ass/panties. I mean, if they dont want to draw cheesecake then that's fine, but to say 'lol I dont draw that' then turn around and draw it for someone else seems odd, like favoritism or something. At least give a reason why, or something


Actually the next picture is of a Leprechaun with tits and ass, and the cheesecake there isn't even in the same vain as the other request.

Get your head out of your ass, and maybe, instead of acting like a spoiled child, try to look at things from a different perspective, rather than assuming you have been SO WRONGED and the artist is OUT TO GET YOU.

Also, you really sound like the other guy, and I am sorely tempted to hand out another ban, just to be sure.

I asked for a cheesecake/sexy picture and just got a regular picture instead. I just sulked off by myself without making a big scene about it since I didin' wanna make any trouble.... except, um, I just brought it up now, I guess. Um, sorry =\

File: 126928258592.jpg-(59.91KB, 400x400, lolitrollu.jpg)
I suppose I ought to respond here.

Why do I drawthread? Primarily for my own amusement, to draw something I don't normally draw and sometimes to give myself a challenge. If someone else appreciates it, so much the better. While I get the occasional note of positive feedback, I've also drawn plenty that had nary a word said about them. I'm fine with that, you can't win them all.

Which requests I fulfill depends on a lot of things, not the least of which is INSPIRATION. There have been times where I found a request interesting and wanted to attmempt it, but I couldn't get the image to work. On the other hand, sometimes the way a request is framed can conjure up an idea.

>>31201: You didn't state which exact request was yours, but I'm going to guess it was >>30507. I have a fascination for wordplay and a mischievous sense of humour, both of which kicked in with >>30507. So to answer your question: >>30510 was a quick'n'easy joke response based on the image that came to mind because of the exact words of the request (this is not the first time I have done that).

For the other pictures, I was genuinely interested in the image, so I put a bit more effort into them.

In any case, I usually spend only 30-45 or so (sometimes less, rarely more than an hour) on ANY of these drawthread-type requests. The quality and interpretation of the request does vary a lot.

I said in >>29694 that I don't draw PORN. The leprechaun is supposed to have boobs, but the composition and child-like proportions probably don't make it too clear. Mea culpa.

I also stated I make no promises or guarantees. Perhaps I should also have included a warning that quality may go down as well as up.

So that's it. I've said my piece, there's had to be a Sticky about this whole issue, let this be the end of it.

(Pic not related and is probably just throwing oil on the fire of this particular SRS BSNS so feel free to ignore it.)

tl;dr: These are FREE requests and you get what you pay for.

>These are FREE requests and you get what you pay for.

I keep making a note to myself to say this phrase in my posts, but I get so caught up in the moment that I forget.

File: 126946632961.jpg-(27.83KB, 250x500, 1254245782070.jpg)
Timmy Turner taking a shower with Ulala.

Am I too late to get a sincere request in?

Because I'd love to see Danny Phantom, XJ9, and Aang striking some sort of action-y team pose.


Ok, now you're just trollan.

File: 126954857746.gif-(29.16KB, 600x400, 20100325_heykidwanna.gif)
Don't tell me you didn't see this coming.

No, it's not too late to put serious requests in.

Just to reiterate:
Not all requests may be undertaken.
Some requests may take longer than others.
These are NOT commissions! It's just for fun.
You might get a work of art or you might get a cheap and cheerful doodle.
Quality may go down as well as up.
The choice and interpretation of requests is subject to caprice and whimsy and the final result may deviate significantly from the initial expectation.

Acknowledgements and thanks to all the legitimate requests, either here or in previous Drawthreads.



>Dat pic

I saw him do a sexy pic for someone else and I got sad mine was un-sexy :( I guess my request wasn't good enough so he changed it

File: 126989944846.jpg-(42.93KB, 400x400, 20100329_duet.jpg)
>>29711 >>30404
Hope you don't mind a twofer.
Trying out a different brush/technique.

At that time, Pepper was being used as spamfodder, so I was a bit reluctant to 'contribute' to it. I hope this makes up for it (on that note, nobody ask for Marceline the Vampire Queen for a couple of months...)

Yeah, I hate it when he does that. He did that to my request. You know, the one I posted anonymously on /co/, it hasn't even been posted here where I could link to it and I'm not going to repeat it, but you know the request I mean. Yeah, that one.

Wait, who are we talking about again?

Lastly, I don't think I ought to be drawing pictures involving very underage characters in sexual situations. I've seen what (and who) lies down that path and I'm not sure that's a place I want to go to.

>Lastly, I don't think I ought to be drawing pictures involving very underage characters in sexual situations.

Yeeeah, I'd say that's for the best.

Did you draw the thread opener in that BUMS thread? I missed it...

File: 127015411875.gif-(29.06KB, 400x400, 20090913_squirecyclonebum.gif)
If you mean this one of Squire and Cyclone, then yes, that was me.

This. Combined with some cat bitch picture I saw on /co/ in nothing but a garter, plus tons others, and you have the audacity to say you don't draw that stuff? Lol, wow, that's classic

And what exactly is "that stuff" that I allegedly said I don't draw and where did I allegedly say that I don't draw it?

I don't want to get into an argument about this. But I would suggest that you carefully re-read what has been discussed in this thread. Then if you still feel you are unclear as to what exactly has been said, then please frame your question citing all relevant sources, linking where possible, and I will be able to address your concerns.

>I hope this makes up for it

Not really, but whatever >_>


Welp, you can't please all the people all of the time.

File: 127162648537.gif-(20.33KB, 400x400, 20100418_vikings.gif)
This will not end well.

(Are we sick of Ruffnut yet?)


Thats vicky viking right? that clever little boy.

A classic, even Oda eiichiro got his insperation to create One piece from vicky viking, since they like pirates tend to plunder and go on adventure.

or just plunder.

File: 12718097342.gif-(52.96KB, 768x1024, 1235250189694.gif)

But then I was like Goddammit, how did this turn into shitstorming again.

But then I ended up like FUCK YES MORE ART.

Hahaaa... /slowpoke

Repostan one of my favorites of yours. You did do this one, right? THe line quality seems about the same.

Let me guess, man.

Scratchboard tool.
Colors done on a layer below the linework.

Because that's exactly what I do, and it looks VEEEERRY similar.

Bonus round: Corel Painter Essentials 4, that came with your Wacom Bamboo?

Thanks Tim - but that pic isn't one of mine! As noted up in the thread, all of my pics are 400 X 400 pixels, with a couple of rare exceptions (eg >>29301).
(For those of you still slowpoking, 400 = CD in Roman numerals.)

I've been bugging the artist of that one to come and say hello on plus4chan. I know he tunes in here occasionally. I bet he's reading this right now and he should come speak up before I sneakily take the credit for his other pictures.

>Colors done on a layer below the linework.
Sorry Batbro, this is the only one you got right!
The linework is done in Photoshop with a regular brush with a different brush if I'm not using flat colours.

I used to have a dinky little Trust tablet that served me well until I got a Wacom Intuos 4 in March.

I've been wondering - would there be enough interest to have a thread discussing techniques? Types of brush, tools, tips, etc. Or is there one buried at the back of the board?

Yes, that's Vicky the Viking.

That one's mine, not Delta's.

Oh, okay! Yep, see their thread up there now. Haha, wow, you guys have really similar styles. In any case, I still totally dig your stuff. Keep it up!

File: 127215684025.gif-(11.33KB, 400x400, 20100424_kimpinemaid.gif)
Kim Pine as a maid.

File: 127215688448.jpg-(48.12KB, 400x400, 20100424_sexyaim.jpg)
The ladies of A.I.M...

File: 127215691478.jpg-(22.11KB, 400x400, 20100424_sexyhydra.jpg)
...and Hydra's Ms. Fisher.




So you're the drawthread spammer? Why would you suddenly admit this so freely?


Ban this fucker, he just "Marceline pooping" spammed a thread on /co/.

File: 127216272844.jpg-(203.88KB, 735x1541, 1.jpg)
Can we get a ban over here?


If it happened outside of /draw/, then no.

If I started holding people accountable for things they did somewhere else, well...

Well, it's just not something I'm prepared to do.

So long as he leaves well enough alone here, and doesn't let his disagreement with Charlie spill out here (hint: Larz, drop it), and posts in a productive/un-hindering manner, then there's nothing I can do.

I suggest we all drop it now, and let Charlie post some of his fantastic work, which is what this thread is for.

50 posts omitted. First 100 posts shown.
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