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 Posting a reply to post #88492

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88492 No.88492
So, uh, what do we think?

Does it live up to the hype?

81 posts omitted. Last shown. Expand all images

It's on iTunes.

You know. If you want to pay for it.

I'll consider it once I gain the ability to pay for things online. I think Blizzards economy will be holding up until then.

You can export all the music files using the map editor


Maybe Third will shift into some Unified Front Alliance deal or something I don't know and really its all just speculation till we get more information next year before its release in 2012

Sounds like some Blue Man Group in there.

Just spent the past couple of days of play learning how to properly rush.

Using photon rushes as Protoss, classing zergling rush as Zerg, and the interesting barracks rush as Terran.

So far the photon cannon rush as Protoss has treated me best.

Oh my god I just played an unbelievable match. It was an hour and seventeen minutes long, me as Protoss and him as Terran. After a bunch of initial back-and-forth, I wiped his main, and he retreated to an island expansion (I had no air at this point). He just sat at the island, sending out flights of vikings and banshees to harass me, but I had him trapped: he would run out of money eventually.

He did manage to sneak out an expansion without me noticing, and started rolling in Marines, Marauders and Medivacs (which I repelled, but not without losing my gold expansion twice). After the second wave I started getting suspicious - no way could be bankroll all this on one base. I poked some observers around, and lo and behold there it was. I ran a pair of carriers up with Stalker support, and took it out, and that was it. When I saw that GG I literally whooped with excitement, I can't remember the last time I felt that awesome.

God, I want this game so bad.

I'm so afraid though of purchasing it, and then finding out my laptop can't play it.

Have you tried this?

The requirements for the game is about the same for Mass Effect 2 in my experience. Right now I'm holding off playing multiplayer battles because a big one in singleplayer causes my computer to chug up.

For some reason, nothing happens when I try to use that site. I turned off my pop up blocker and everything, but it just sits there.

>Same as Mass Effect 2
WHAT. Are Real Time Strategy games not just isometric maps with little figures running around on them anymore or something?

Dude, really? They're all 3D now. You can't always do full rotations though. Starcraft 2 has that same angle but you can rotate about 45° both sides.

The most recent one I've played is Age of Mythology, I'm out of touch.

Well okay there's the Battalion Wars games, but they don't really count.

Are you using Firefox? Try using IETab or Internet Explorer. Firefox gives it issues.

According to this, my laptop can run Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Fallout 3, and Mass Effect.

...Where the hell did I find this thing?

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>watching dimaga absolutely melt huge formations of marines with fungal growth and banelings

Fuuuuck I love watching ProCraft.

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>The finals

I wish to know if the first thing you mentioned is viewable on Youtube please.


I don't think it is yet. I just got finished watching it live.

It was the match between dimaga and Tarson at the ESL Intel Extreme Masters in Cologne Germany, so there's a starting point for you.

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Oh, thanks for the suggestion.


sysrequirements sucks anyway.

>Fail everything because Windows 7 is listed as incompatible for every game released before 2010.

>Fail everything because "the Nvidia 9500 doesn't exist", even though it's listed specs are well beyond most of the games I test for.


I think it takes place in this match.


Probably this one, too.

Dimaga does it pretty much every match.

I have windows 7 and it's never failed me.


indeed, it was a little wiggy last year during the beta period but when it hit RC1...Fuck Yea.

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I totally ship these two now.

...that is all.

Is it shipping when they are married?

It shouldn't be, but it probably is.

Yeah, but not 'happily' married.

Matt's less enthusiastic about it than Mira.


Needs to be a Mini campaign in the Zerg bit



Something along the lines of the Specter/Ghost mission stuff. Going down one path can get access to some old Confederate Labs that have some lost Zerg Control Tech as long as we give Mira the spoils of other tech. The end path for that gets us Mira as a support and Tech that will double Kerrigans strength in controlling Zerg. Other path would be some live hybrid subjects from the Imperium or something in return for sinking the Confederate facility deep into the ground. Which would get Kerrigan greater protection against Zerg Hybrid forces. Course that offer would be made about halfway through the mission by some officer or something and acceptance would mean triggering the self destruct of the facilities reactor immediately and then running for it in the process Mira would lose a great number of her forces if not her complete merc band and end up blaming Matt and end up crippling the use of Mercs if such a thing is still available in the Zerg campaign, maybe replace the Merc HQ with some kinda Zerg registration matrix to bring back legendary members of the Swarm.

>Other path would be some live hybrid subjects from the Imperium
Freudian slip there, Bunker.


Eh whats titles between oppressive regimes

>The end path for that gets us Mira as a support

And makes her a permanent fixture on the Hyperion, I hope. Probably in the cantina, but it'd be funnier if she stayed at the bridge.


Lounging around on the Holotable annoying Matt. Maybe using her as a lead on more tech to upgrade Kerrigans abilities from old Confederate storehouses and such .

>Lounging around on the Holotable annoying Matt.

Wait 'til he finds out where she decided to bunk.

  Ok, so photon rushing didn't work as well as usual for me last night. However, I did begin learning to play zerg. So far I have the 6 pool rush and fast muta strategies down. I'm even learning not to turtle and expand.

Also; this is an extremely useful channel for any novice SC2 player.


Maybe you could consider...not cheesing.

I mean, if it's working out for you, then by all means continue. But the game's a lot more fun if you don't.

The reason people cheese is because they're learning the game... like I am. it's the only real way to win games until you get some experience under your belt. The more people learn, the less they cheese.

Or you could specifically ask for no rush.
Or just ask for a macro game.

Yeah, no. That'll never happen. All the randoms I play generally play to win. Besides, why handicap yourself to suit someone else in league games?

Because a full-scale war of attrition is more fun than shaving seconds off your rush build?


Not...not really. All cheesing does is get you wins without teaching you the fundamentals of play.

If you really want to get better, take one of these build orders (as 'Toss. I only play Protoss, so I don't know exactly which threads are comparable for Terran or Zerg, but they're there):

Just take one of those and play it over and over until you've got it mastered. The classic Four Gate Opener, for example, goes as follows:

9 - Pylon
10 - 2 probes (CB)
12 - Gateway (at 150 minerals, may be before 12)
12 - 2 probes (CB)
13 - 1st Assimilator (3 probes on it immediately)
16 - 2nd Pylon
16 - Zealot if playing Zerg, save for the Stalker if not
18 - Cybernetics Core (Spend further CB's on Warpgate, research as soon as Core finishes)
18/19 - 2nd Assimilator (I use 2 probes here for now, your call on unit composition)

Post 20 estimates (these are rough as you are leaving the rigid early phase):
19/20 - Stalker (T or P) / Zealot (Zerg)
22 - 2nd Gateway
23 - 3rd & 4th Gateway
24/25 - 3rd Pylon
26 - Warpgate finishes, transform your Gateways and build a 4th and 5th Pylon, you will now be using up exactly 1 Pylons worth of supply each warp in (4 units x 2 supply = 8 supply) so it is important to be planning ahead with your Pylons.
26+ - Warp in your first set of 4 units (sentry, zealot, 2x stalkers is a good start). Mix your composition up, don't go sentry heavy, 2 is a good number.

(Those numbers are how many supply you've used up, if you don't know. You should be constantly producing workers, without queueing, at least until your base is saturated, which will make the supply number tick up through the early game)

That's a good solid start that'll set you up for just about anything. You'll probably get stomped a few times while you get the hang of the build, but once you do, you'll be in a much better position for the long-term game.

The problem with cheesey strats is that if they don't win the game for you right there, you don't really have anywhere to go. If you're cannon rushing, for example, and it fails, pretty much the only thing you can do is cannon up your base and try to rush out some Void Rays...which only works if your opponent doesn't know what to do next. Otherwise, by the time you've got producing Stargates, they've either got Void Rays themselves and more of them, or they're pushing into your base with a range-upgraded Colossus and a bunch of Stalkers.

As such, the only thing they do is teach you how to better use those cheesey tactics. And, like I said, there's nothing wrong with that, if it's working for you. But if what you want is to become a better player, it's not the way to do it.

Also good: watch replays. Your own, to see where you made mistakes, of course, and what your opponents did. But you can also download replays of pro-level games. Check out what they do, see how you can apply it to your game. It's not guaranteed to work - a lot of their stuff only works if you have insane skill - but some of it is basic stuff that may not have occurred to you. For example: if you scout with a probe and see that your opponent has already claimed their first gas geyser, they're probably going for a fairly gas-heavy build. You can delay it substantially by building an Assimilator on their free geyser, preventing them from using it until they destroy it.

Another really helpful resource is the Day[9] Daily: Day[9] is a top-ranked Starcraft player with a ton of experience. Every day (well, Sunday - Thursday, when he isn't off in Germany or somewhere doing a live cast) he watches a replay and commentates on it. There are many other people who do this as well, but Day[9]'s is particularly helpful because it's geared specifically at making the viewer a better player, and focuses not so much on the broader strategic stuff that even a weaksauce player like I can do (hurp derp don't make only zealots against Marauders), but rather on the less noticeable but even more important fundamental skills of how to optimize your build, when to expand, how much pressure to apply and etc. I find it a lot of fun to watch, too, so it's double-good!

Anyways, I'm not claiming to be some great player myself. I'm Silver League (high in my division, but what the fuck ever that means nothing), have a 30-some APM, and regularly get stomped. I'm shit-tier .But by practicing and mastering builds, watching high-level play, watching my own replays with a critical eye, and the Day[9] Daily, I've vastly improved over how I used to play, and I'm continuing to improve.


Wow I just realized how rambling and badly organized this post is.

Basically my point is:

- Cheese strategies don't really help you improve, because either they work and you didn't have to use the game's fundamental skills, or they fail and you have to play for real, but at a crippling disadvantage

- Best way to improve is to choose a build order and practice it until you barely need to think about it

- Watching your own replays, pro replays, and other supplementary material like the Day[9] Daily will also help a lot

Remember, the matchmaker will adjust the skill level of the people you play against appropriately. If you lose a lot, it'll start looking for people at a lower level. If you constantly win, it'll pit you up against better people. The idea is that you'll always be playing someone around your level of skill. So if you suck, don't worry, there's plenty of other sucky people for it to match you against. You can both get better together!

  Hahaha oh my god, I love this patch so much.

...Why did Raynor turn southern in the four years since Brood War?

Come to think of it, why does nobody remember the events of Brood War?

Things change. It's better not to brood on it.


Saving that for her lady of the blades storyline I guess. Wonder what her theme will be? Redemption? Vengeance? Salvation?

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