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 Posting a reply to post #11459

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11459 No.11459
So we've had these pictures floating around for a while, but as far as I'm aware, no story ideas were ever presented. So I ask you, comrades, how would we ultimize the DCU?

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I think Booster needs a bit more of the retribution part of his motivation. Maybe he was retreating while his squad was being eaten and pressing the detonation button was an accident.

Now he feels like shit and is trying to make it up by not only saving up money for his sister but protecting the family lines of the men and women from his squad.

Heh, okay, if you say so.
Good thing I haven't posted my version of JLA Batman... :)

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Another one. By Tim I'm guessing.


I'm interested. What's your JLA Batman?

Also, since we're discussing time travel, I think it's important that we establish HOW time travel in this world works.

Personally, I like a single timeline with a few loops in it. It's good for avoiding paradoxes.

Also, I've come up with a way to give Wonder Woman her powers: Simply enough, they work the same way as Superman's (tactile telekinesis granting super strength and near invulnerability) but since she is human, and not an evolved, future-human like Kal, and her body can't process regular, ambient radiation), she must be recharged periodically by receiving regular doses of a special kind of ultraviolet radiation from... a Purple Ray.


Time travel causes self-correcting paradoxes. This means Booster was already supposed to be there and there were legends of Booster Gold in his time. He sees his costume and figure "Eh, why the fuck not?" Also, he keeps trying to make a legacy (Dread Pirate Roberts) for himself when he finally returns to the future.

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>this thread

Not to rain on your parade, but you seem more focused on the technical bits rather than actually focusing on the characters at large For one thing, you're making what was a society, based in Greek mythology into one based in the realm of advanced super-science (radiation, really?), making Diana's origin more ridiculous than it needs to be. How does being powered by radiation reinforce her ideals and moral high ground? That women are better at SCIENCE than men?

So you don't like the idea of mystical gods running around, understandable, but you're replacing something already mind-boggling with something more so it borders on being flat out stupid (if not stupid already). So far your idea is no better than the usual poorly thought-out retcon.

By what you've said so far, these advanced humans are powered by radiation. So humanity just builds a natural resistance to it that we eventually benefit from it by getting tactile telekinesis and such? Is this what you're trying to say? That makes less sense than Greek gods interacting with Judeo-Christian gods.

Maybe you should contemplate what you're out to accomplish, because you seem to be changing things for the sake of change, rather than build and improve on them.

>>Maybe you should contemplate what you're out to accomplish, because you seem to be changing things for the sake of change, rather than build and improve on them.
I was wondering why this Ultimate Wonder Woman sounded exactly like a real Ultimate character.

Also, how many people are on this Island? How did they afford gold alloys and radiation machines? And how is being the strongest and smartest woman on this island any more impressive then being the strongest man in Lichtenstein?

Wrote out a scene that should hopefully give you guys a bit more insight into where I was going with the Amazons...

“Senators, Generals, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr President. My name is Steve L. Trevor, and the reason I have request this meeting is to brief you on a situation that my department feels may become very important in the coming weeks.

In the early 1960s an organization called the “Sisters of Themescura” arose. In behavior, they acted much like any “secret society” today. The stonemasons, Knights of COlumbus, Rotary International...except the society was exclusively women. We aren’t sure of the actual practices within the organization, but it is believed they modeled themselves after the ancient greeks, and possibly worshipped ancient greek deities, specifically the goddesses Hera and Athena.

They accepted most women who applied into the organization, but the highest ranking members were women of power and wealth. They performed some community service projects, lobbied for women’s rights in the workplace, made considerable investments in the stock market, mostly companies and corporations owned by women and made quite a log of money off the deals..

Then, in 1969, about four hundred women from the organization, including every officer, left the country. They had pooled their money, which was considerably more than we had previously thought, and used it to purchase an island in the Agean Sea, where they all disappeared to. It is believed they also took a small handful of men with them, but we are unsure of that detail. These women have lived an isolationist life on the island for the past forty years, having almost no contact with the outside world other than in dealing with the companies they have stake in. We attempted to fly a spy plane over the island in the late nineties, but it disappeared on us, so the only images we’ve been able to get are from spy satellites which reveal structures resembling ancient greek temples. They look far to new and complete to be ruins.

Other than that, we do not know what these women have been up to. We know they have resources and wealth estimated to be worth anywhere from 500 Million to 5 billion dollars, but we do not know what they have done with it.”

“So what is it about these women that concerns you?”

“Mr. President, three days ago we received a radio signal from the island...It said “Prepare yourselves. We are sending our greatest daughter to the world of men” ”

“What does that mean?”

“...We don’t know yet.”

>>400 women
Oh, so I take that back. The Strongest man in Lichtenstein is considerably more threatening.


Wow, sexist much? The strongest man in Liechtenstein doesn't have superpowers, does he?

BTW, I still need a good way to give WW her powers. IDEAS, PEOPLE?!?


I say keep the magic angle, but don't explain it. The Amazons happen to have magical trinkets in their possession and she takes them when she leaves.

Also, that ultimate WW costume art is fucking awful.

I meant design.

>>Wow, sexist much?
>>The strongest man in Liechtenstein doesn't have superpowers, does he?
I dunno. If it takes 400 people, with a variety of backgrounds with a total (Including everything else they spend money on) budget of somewhere between half a billion and 4 billion dollars to make superpowers, I'm sure the 30th strongest man in Lichtenstein has superpowers.

Being on Earth makes him super powered, of course. But it also makes his life burn out faster. So he's on a time limit. He dies after every 30 or so years. Just rapidly ages and dies.
BUT the thing is, in his Fortress, there's a mind recording machine that is link to his mind.
Ok. So.
Clark has to mate, have a son, and train the boy to be the next Superman in that time frame who will, upon Clark's passing, upload all the information from the computer into his own mind.

That way there is a constant cycle of Superman and Super kids.

Ultimate Superman - Clark Kent, a kid from Kansas, who was on a military base when it was attacked by alien race X (pick your poison). Saved by an injection of alien DNA, a failed supersoldier project that was noted to have some mild regenerative side effects in the first few weeks after application. It worked, he survived... and nothing else happened, until he hit pooberty.

Then... flying. Superhuman strength. Everything a dorky episcopal altar boy from Kansas could ever want...

I would have Superman pretty much be a moral character but also have had a shitty life and in a way proving that no matter how fucked up your life can be you can still have a positive outlook and make something out of it.

Clark would be an abused child and would know he was an alien/mutant because he would always be reminded by being called an alien freak by the Kents. Make Pa Kent be a drunk wife beater and abusive towards Clark with Ma blaming her shitty marriage on him and saying that they should have left him to die. Clark then develops his powers and becomes the cause of a tragedy (he kills Lana/Pete or burns someone's house down) causing him to freak out and run away to Metropolis. He then makes a living out of abusing his powers for personal until he meets Perry White who then finds about him and becomes his sort of mentor figure and shows him about responsibility, respect, truth, justice and shit and gives him a proper job as a copy boy at the Daily Planet (to which Clark then starts going up from and ends up being a writer/reporter).

I recall several years ago reading some thing by some person where they were experimenting with the idea of making the Justice League more international.

Anyway, they had Captain Marvel as a Russian street kid, and I thought it was a pretty cool idea.

Just leaving it here.

Green Lantern:

Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner are the first humans to land on Mars. The collection of soil samples and plant life is quickly overshadowed by first contact with an interstellar race. As a token of good will, the Oans grant the travelers a set of rings that create hard light constructs of whatever its wielders imagine. They are told that the rings are used to keep the universe safe, and that the astronauts are now Earth's representatives in an intergalactic police force. The five astronauts, the "Green Lantern Corps" as the press calls them, are their own superteam. The Corps is independent of every government, but most countries believe they have US interests in mind. They disappear for long stretches of time, and as such are considered very mysterious and private. It doesn't help their case that they act very cold towards everyone they meet, including their own friends and family.

The truth is that the astronauts never really left Mars. The power rings killed them instantly. Oa has been watching Earth very closely and has noticed a huge spike in metahuman activity. The planet is deemed a threat to intergalactic security and sends the "new recruits" as undead sleeper agents. The end of the second JLA story arc involves the full force of the Green Lantern network invading Earth. The invasion justifies Lyutnev's paranoia towards all alien contact and he is given full control of his own SCIENCE division. Enter Ultimate Checkmate, CADMUS, and STAR Labs. The third arc is about Lyutnev trying to regulate every single thing the JLA does.


Same anon, expanding on this.

Apparently a lot of these kids will move underground during the winter, to be nearer to sources of warmth like hot-water pipes.

So, he could stumble on Shazam's lair by accident, and remove the slightly-skeevy "Hey, kid, follow me!" bits.

Though, apparently the kids will sometimes support themselves by letting creeps take pictures of them?

Rookie cop, Richard Grayson signs up for a special training program called Project: Nightwing. Funded by Lexcorp, Project: Nightwing is Gotham City's attempt to have a controllable superhero since Batman came in and brought in the crazies like Joker. It was working well until Lexcorp stop funding the project because of downsizing. Grayson stole the Nightwing suit, left the force and continued as Nightwing eventually getting help from Batman. 2 years after he stole the suit, during a fight with Blockbuster a madman know as "Stan" shot a RPG into room from the rooftop across the street killing Blockbuster and Nightwing in the process.

Later we find out that Dick didn't die but was reborn as Cyborg and the body of Blockbuster was used for a new project called Doomsday.


Same anon, again. Telling you that Russian names are hard, but this is what I've got so far, prone to changing all over the place:

Vilgelm Varfolomeiovich (Varfolomeivich? What?) I-can't-think-of-a-last-name.

I just figured out a tweest.

One of LexCorp's international programs involves cleaning up the slums in Lyutnev's homeland. The kid, who I'm calling Batsovich, looks up to Lyutnev because of this. So now LexCorp has Captain Marvel aboard as one of its greatest supporters. Eventually he will clash with Superman to defend Luthor.


"Son of Bats"?

I wanted something that sounded like Batson. The reader should have some hint right away that it's Ultimate Billy Batson.


Trouble is, Russian version of "William" is "Vilgelm" and the Russian version of Bartholomew (Batson=Bart's Son) is Varfolomei.

And I have no idea what the diminutive for either is.

Arc should be titled "The Colour out of Space".

The atom needs to wear a fucking helmet. How else can the guy breathe when he's smaller than an oxygen molecule?

I'm thinking of something like Ultimate Giant Man, where Ray can only shrink to a survivable limit. Sadly, this means he won't have phone-line teleportation.

Perhaps the Atom shouldn't be entirely human anymore?

All Amazons have enhanced abilities, Wondies' abilities exceed most Amazon's due to her blessings of Birth, Her powers are clearly defined, Superman level Strong, Flash level speed reflexes but not actual speed, Flight with a max speed of 50 Miles an hour, hence her need for a Jet.

Good with magical impliments, however not inherently magical. Example, She was born from God magic giving her greater ability than most, however She is not magic, so She can punch Superman and it does him no magic damage, however it does him as much damage as a Normal person of his level in power.


Ray is fine Human, When he "Shrinks" it's not actually him getting smaller, he tears open a hole in reality with the Gravity of the White Dwarf star piece in his belt, as such while shrunk he enters an unknown state that various High Magic orders have deemed damaging to the Universe, especially Ivytown as Ryan Choi encountered (As well as fixing the problem in an unexplained way), in that state he nor Ryan has need for oxygen as he pointed out when asked how he could breath when smaller than an Oxygen molecule.

Actually, I'm going to stop reading the thread now, before I get mean, I do however fancy the idea of an Ultimate DC Universe, however I think it should SWIM AGAINST REALITY AS HARD AS IT CAN.



Actually DCAU is a lot like the ultimate universe.

The companies flagship titles are given a tremendous boost and re-imagining of canon (Batman/Spiderman) but many of the other aspects of the universe are changed. Some for the good (Question) some for the worse (Green Lantern).

No, it really wasn't, it was barely a re-telling, AND FUCK THAT BRO, THE QUESTION WAS GODDAMN AWFUL IN THE DCAU, he's just a bad Question rip-off instead of Charlie.

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And if you were saying Superman but screwed up your spelling I AM DOUBLE DISAPPOINT as DCAU Superman was as annoyingly Cardboard as his World.


>it was barely a re-telling

Wait I'm sorry. Barely a re-telling of what? You mean as in USM is a re-telling of Spiderman's story and the DCAU isn't?


>And if you were saying Superman

Noo I meant the original/flagship titles. Batman was the starter of the DCAU and Spiderman was the starter of the Ultimate universe. And why you disappointed bro? Is Ultimate Spiderman bad?

It would appear there is a misscommunication on both our parts, I didn't realize you were making a BROAD comparison and you didn't make it very clear.

In short my point is that The DCAU was not an Ultimate DCU, just a simplified watered down re-telling.

I think the big thing is that the DCAU is meant to be watchable by children.


No it's more or less the fact the DCU is a comicbook universe that's had 80+ years of history, writers and character evolution while the DCAU is an animated series that had about a 7+ year run.

Really the idea of "watered down" or not is obvious.

Ehh, DCAU was fairly great in that regard, escaped crippling censorship.

T'were more than just that, but that's most of the reason yes.

This thread got tripped up discussing Diana, so lets bring it back with some newish content.

I was thinking about ultimate universe Justice Society alumni. I think it would be cool if we changed the dynamics of the character map around a bit by making the alumni of the Justice Society (Jay-Flash, Alan-Lantern, Wesley Dodds, Charles McNiter etc.) either younger than or contemporaries to the main stable of heroes.

(I originally wrote something here about re-introducing the concepts of Earth 1 and Earth 2, and having the Justice League and Justice Society largely being mirrors of each other (Say, Sandman and Sandy roughly match up with Batman and Robin, etc.) But I realized it might be stupid to have multiversal stuff within a self-contained Elseworld)

The main idea would be to have, say, a young hotshot 20-something Jay Garrick and Alan Scott and Wesley Dodds running around alongside the other 20-something heroes. Maybe instead of a Mentor/Student relationship, the two Flashes would always be antagonistic towards each other or whatever.

Might be a nice idea to shake up and introduce a lot of Golden Agers who the reader might not expect to show up.

In light of your idea, I slightly disagree on the Golden Ageers being 20 or so. But you have something there nonetheless.

Also, I think Tiki had a point on the whole "realism" bit. Problem with the whole Ultimate concept is that people confuse "realism" with "believability", when the entire idea of the superhero conflicts with the word. And when we're dealing with a world with men who can fly and afford crazy gadgets, you're already well on your way into fantasy, so why not roll with it?

Plus trying to come up with pseudoscientific/"realistic" explainations for everyone's powers/equipment sorta brings unneeded junk into the mix. Things like Supes' powers or the Atom's shrinking abilities shouldn't be dwelled on too much because again, we shouldn't aspire to be "real" here, so let's not kid ourselves. Plus this is what OP's proposed Wonder Women fell to when he tried to replace her mystical origins with some science nonsense, the reactions of that speak for themselves

I actually came up with an Ultimate Superman before.

The origin was basically the same but a few details were changed. I thought maybe Krypton should be more Earth-like to explain why he looks so human, and that his dad was a Security Officer and not a scientist, but his mom was, and that his suit was his dad's uniform. Also, I had the idea that his powers didn't manifest until puberty and that they weren't based just on him being near a yellow sun but that they had actually had an evolutionary advantage on Krypton. Also, I had the idea that the Kents didn't find him right away when he crashed (and that they didn't adopt him until he was ten, with him having spent years in an orphanage) and that his ship was actually taken by the government, and that he kind of had to piece together himself what his origins were until he snuck into where the government was holding the ship and took it. That was when he found a recording left by his parents and the suit, and when he became Superboy.

He didn't become Superman and add the cape until he figured out how to fly.

Personality wise, his geeky Clark Kent act isn't really an act and he's a bit more playing a part when he's Superman, but he's still a good guy and capable of leading when he needs to. Just a bit rougher around the edges socially.

Ultimate Themyscria Island would work sort of like Avalon in Gargoyles except you must be in a large saltwater lake or open sea to get there instead of just any body of water. The island was part of the nation of Atlantis and was treated as a one of many repositories of their knowledge. It's never revealed fully how or why Themyscira did not sink with Atlantis, only that the gods did not wish it.

So Ultimate WW and Ultimate Aquaman would be related somehow?

Distant relatives in the "we're all sons of Adam and Eve" sense. Possible arranged for marriage to unite the two kingdoms or some such.

I mainly want to be like that so any tech like the Purple Ray they may employ might just be explained away as Atlantian tech and give the Amazons some purpose to be warriors. I want them to have men on the island but they were treated like women are treat in some countries. I was also thinking that to gain fresh troops they would have settlements in various places send any children they had with the indigenous males to be trained as Amazons. Most of these mixed children would be known as Bana.

After looking into some of the elseworlds and older batman stories I’ve started to wonder if there was just a tendency for a batman to be created. Not in some kind of goofy secret society deal but this weird phenomenon in the human race that cultivates the conditions to bring about a “bat-like” entity and the subsequent consequences this released personality has on said environment.

In the farthest reaches of history freshly rediscovered by increasingly modern technology has shown a fascinating pattern that could link the greatest figures of the world together and more importantly a road map for how to mold society into their full potential with a single individual. Genghis Khan turned the Mongolians from battling tribesmen into a world conquering horde, Mohandas Gandhi freed India without lifting a finger and if this theory is true who knows what could be done with America or any other country in the world. Even if psychology was a perfect science however, this theory is difficult to fully test both ethically and legally as it would require touching the very core of the human mind with the most radical tactics to force greatness out of the subject without destroying the right mindset they need and of course time for natural ability to grow within the illusion of choice.

Amanda Waller and a few select United States Congressmen think their country need a shot in the arm to turn the public back into the best of the world they should rightly be. But before they pour money into an untested method on the entire nation they’ll experiment in a perfect microcosm of the disease they see in the country; Gotham City, A cesspool of whole scale corruption whose infamous crime families are as publically known as they are untouchable. Under conventional tactics it would take decades of frivolous high court battles before an iota of their influence could be neutralized but this inner circle believes they can make one of Gotham’s own ignite the populous into eating the cancer within a few years. And thanks to a certain foreign ally Waller has been given a candidate in the freshly orphaned Bruce Wayne.

Quickly establishing a distant friendship with the boy Amanda introduces Bruce to a widening web of contacts that teach him a variety of combat techniques and skills for the next ten years. In that time the Inner Circle allows the mafias more leniencies to further goad Bruce onward whenever he looked back at his old home into creating a vengeful demon he cannot help but obey. When the prodigal son returned Waller smiled as reports surfaced of Gotham’s “Bat-Man”.

It’s a shameless rewrite of Batman Beyond, I know.

Batman beyond meets the Suicide Squad. Pretty neat.

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