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 Posting a reply to post #59389

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59389 No.59389
For the last couple of weeks at work, I've been thinking about making something Avatar related out of metal, but I couldn't think of what. Than today, I finally figured it out.

Sokka's boomerang!

It was one of those "why the hell didn't I think of that before" moments. The idea hit me when I was looking through my scrap metal and came across this (pictured) 1/4 inch sheet of steel. This would be perfect. Depending on the size, I may even be able to get a few out of it. Though I've never made anything quite like this before, so this is all experimentation on my part

I do need a small amount of help though. The most advanced graphics program on my computer is MS paint, so I need someone to get a picture of Sokka's boomerang, convert it to an outline (the holes included) so I can print it out and use it as a template.

I just got a plasma cutter last week, so I plan on using the paper template to cut out a plywood mock-up that I can then clamp down to the steel and trace around with the plasma cutter.

I'll, of course, post the progress of said creation in this thread.

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avatarspirit stopped letting people hotlink to their screenshots like six months ago.

...copy paste the links.

File: 124440020322.png-(34.79KB, 307x313, 101-102-sokka-boomerang.png)
This might help as well. It's at an angle, but it is from the Nick site and thus could be helpful.

first of all wouldn't the plasma cutter ignite the wood you are tracing also make it larger rthan you want so you can file of any rough edges(and or sharpen) and finally if you are going to do anything with this other than place it on your wall I would have it tempered to strengthen it

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Aha! Thanks Maritova, that's perfect!

Once it burns through the metal, all of the flame is pretty much being pushed through the other side of the plate. The wood will probably get scorched (from the metal heating up) but as long as I move fast enough (the one I have is rated to cut half inch, and I'm doing quarter) the plate shouldn't get hot enough to actually combust the wood.

As far as the outline being bigger I actually want it to be. Plasma cutters don't leave a real crisp cut. The picture attached is a half inch plate I cut a few hours ago, and you can see how jagged the edge is. With a template to guide me (that cut is freehand. Sorry about the crappy picture quality.) it'll be a smoother cut, but still a bit jagged. I was just going to finish it off with a hand held grinder for the finishing details.

I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to temper it. We don't get much Fire Nation traffic around here (Ozai's smart enough to stay out of Oakland... I wasn't) so making it actually usable isn't necessary, but it would be cool if it could stand up to some target throws. So I probably will.

A friend of mine, who's been doing metal work longer than I have, also told me about "Squelching". Basicly, after metal has been tempered, you heat it up again (red hot) then place it in boiling oil, then cool it down slowly. The result brings out different colors in the metal depending on what oils you use. I'm going to do a bit of research to see if I can find a way to squelch steel witth a blue/purple finish.

>>59457 apparently we are the same page then and when i said tempering I was talking about what you call squelching

>>59458 bah imposter this is what I get for going as an anon. that is it I am getting a name from now on on this site I am "steel polisher"

So did this ever get finished?

>>68684 I have not heard a word from sabotron

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(formerly stabotron)

So, earlier this week, I finally decided to get back on this project (sorta got pushed to the wayside when work got way to busy). Despite it once again being fresh in my mind, still didn't really have the time. Then I come home for lunch today and see my thread bumped to the front page, so I figured it was high time I got off my ass and actually made the damn thing.

I started out by printing out and making a jig with the pic Maritova supplied (pictured)...

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...then, I starts the cutting

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Once I got the rough shape cut out (pictured), I spent about an hour grinding and sanding all the rough edges off.

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Then I drilled the holes in it...

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...and clean it up a bit more before calling it a night. Most of the rough edges have been taken care of, though it still needs a little detail work to get the shape completely right.

Work permitting, I'll start on the bladed edges tomorrow, or at least by the end of the week.

I think it's going pretty well so far. I wasn't so sure about the size when I first started, seemed a little small (...that's what she said), but after holding it in my hand, it actually feels just about right (...can I make that joke twice for the same sentence?).


Holy crap Matt. That looks freakin' awesome so far!

Can't wait to see it with the bladed edges!

Sweet! Seeing this makes me very excited; I hope to see the final product soon!

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Test it.

At a playground.

A crowded one.

Don't ask questions, just do it.

Oh, take pictures.

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make a bone club too.

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Not OP and didn't make this, but I think it's relevant to your interest.

Sooo, did this ever get made or not?

Last time I'll bump this thread, unless you guys want to post other fan-made Avatar weapons or discuss them. In a rare moment of usefulness from the Avatar Extras, I learned the name of one of the polearms in "Zuko Alone" (the one that looks like a naginata) is called a bisento.

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