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25716 No. 25716
Probably my favourite piece of pokemon dialogue is in Black 2 after you beat the Elite 4. The professor's dad shows up at your house and repeatedly shoots down your mom's attempt to flirt with him.

Pic related

Anyone else have any fave bits?
>> No. 25717
I loved all the weird references the translators snuck into the Gen IV games.

"My Pokemon is Fight" is always a particular favorite.

And because someone has to say it: "I love shorts! They're comfortable and easy to wear!"
>> No. 25720
Didn't that one guy who was on SA do a lot of work translating the Gen IV games?

Even if he didn't, I kinda noticed a distinct shift in the writing style when I got into White.
>> No. 25723
fun fact, they reference that in black 2. A woman says something like "this dress is so comfy and easy to wear..."
>> No. 25724
He actually had been working on the series for years. Read Chocorojo's Pokemon Diamond Let's Play from SomethingAwful, he interviewed the guy a few times throughout it.
>> No. 25727
Platinum actually. And yes, they're all fun to read through.

I kinda miss the FireRed LP though.
>> No. 25729
That he hasn't done a B/W or B2/W2 LP yet is killing me inside.
>> No. 25730

Well I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is:

You can follow the link to see the bad news.


For YOU, though, there is only good news.
>> No. 25731
>You cannot view this thread because you don't donate to SA.
>> No. 25732
That's the news.
>> No. 25734
that's hardly news
>> No. 25736
Goddammit. Hopefully it won't take too long for it to go up on the LP Index. I HATE YOU LOWTAX YOU BASTARD.
>> No. 25757
Well guys, I have some good news and some bad news again. The good news is that Lowtax isn't jewing it up anymore, which means the thread is readable by everyone! The bad news is that the thread is locked something like 1/5th of the way through the game.
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