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File 132408376321.jpg - (61.97KB , 600x800 , 1324081526763.jpg )
24135 No. 24135
Are you SEEING this?
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>> No. 24136
File 132408380037.jpg - (47.22KB , 600x800 , 1324081370821.jpg )
Are you LOVING this?
>> No. 24137
File 132408392924.jpg - (48.77KB , 600x800 , 1324081600892.jpg )
I really hope this shizz comes over to the US.
>> No. 24138
I am as well.
>> No. 24139
If it's Pokemon, there's no reason they wouldn't.
>> No. 24140
Well, Nobunaga's Ambition has a history of no foreign release and it's a DS game coming out a year after the 3DS did, but you're right that almost all Pokemon games that were actual games have come out.
>> No. 24142
I just can't figure out what this is going to be like.
>> No. 24144
File 132409748626.png - (442.99KB , 640x480 , 1266197649709.png )
So, this is some kind of Pokemon RTS?
>> No. 24145
Looks more like a TBS.
>> No. 24146
Trailer's up:
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition…youtube thumb

Judging by the screenshots, it's still turn-based, but with multiple units moving around on a grid, like Final Fantasy Tactics.
>> No. 24147
Considering just how dead the genre is over here, I'm amazed Japan still makes turn-based strategy games.
>> No. 24148
I'm just here to say, I am amazed by this. That is all.
>> No. 24149
>> No. 24150
It's so close to what I've always wanted (Final Fantasy Tactics Pokemon) that I'm actually apprehensive of it turning out to be bad.
>> No. 24152
>>Mewtwo, what are you doing in feudal japan?
>> No. 24192
>> No. 24197
What you didn't know that Feudal Japan was capable of Genetic engineering?
>> No. 24198
Well, if I was a ninja(?) feuding in fuedal japan, I would certainly use my ninja(?) magic to make loyal super-monsters. Hypothetically, of course.
>> No. 24199
But Pokemon isn't set in Japan...
>> No. 24201
Heh, swindel...
So does this take place in the past of the "pkmn-world" or what?
>> No. 24203
It's probably it's own continuity.
>> No. 24204
I really like the idea of this (especially because feudal Japan) but at the same time I'm afraid it's going to be shitty.
>> No. 24207
It is DEFINITELY its own continuity.

As long as the TBS gameplay holds up, it should be fine. Pokemon's not known for having TERRIBLE spinoffs.
>> No. 24357
File 132588236651.jpg - (237.88KB , 1099x469 , ScreenHunter_336.jpg )
Finally something new in the world of Pokemon
>> No. 24363
A varied and interesting male cast, and the only female characters are seventeen and wearing short skirts and pink?

Yeah. New.
>> No. 24365
What about the setting, gameplay, story, and the actual personalities of the characters?
>> No. 24375
This is Japan, it's a huge step forward that she's not wearing a ball gag.
>> No. 24423
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition…youtube thumb
>> No. 24424
They look to be the same age as the first character in the chart.
>> No. 24434
Well if any of you remember the Lucario Movie it propably has something to do with the Pokemon Wars with isnt a bad idea for a game but would lack what makes pokemon so great in the first place. Just like in dynasty warrior its proably chose one of three pokemon hero's from a side and the feilds full of different types of pokemon. I cant blame them for trying this since they do have a Gundam dynasty warrior game.
>> No. 24534
Didn't he have a black companion named Yasuke?
Will he be teamed with a Machamp?
>> No. 24629
File 133071965346.jpg - (58.50KB , 256x191 , 13307171180022.jpg )
Nobunaga's Dark Rayquaza distro!
Is there something they're not telling us about Nobunaga?
He's always shown in-game with a Zekrom.
>> No. 24630
Well he seems pretty dragon themed, and also mostly black colored. So, he probably has some more black dragons, like shiny Charizard? These dudes are supposed to be something like not!gym leaders, right?
>> No. 24636
File 133075866340.jpg - (505.83KB , 1280x720 , player characters.jpg )
I dunno, but it seems like they evolve when their Pokemon do.
>> No. 24682
Not a big fan of TBS games, but my curiosity will inspire me to get it.
>> No. 24688
I'm getting this the moment it's in English.
>> No. 25248
>> No. 25251

Is it... actually good?
I intentionally had low expectations, and I'm still apprehensive despite the generally good-ish scores.
>> No. 25254
Well I'm certainly having a good time. It has its flaws, of course - short on actual plot and character development, like just about any Pokemon game, but then again I haven't finished the game yet. Another gripe is each Pokemon only learning one move. If their only move is ranged and they're stuck on a tiny space up against an opponent, they're useless. Or if your opponent's entire team is immune to your one attack, they're useless.

Obviously they're trying to promote spreading training over your entire army, but I simply don't have the patience for that kind of micromanagement.

But beyond that the gameplay is still enjoyable. What really surprised me is how each battlefield has certain elements your Pokemon can attack for different effects; ring-side bells that boost attack, giant balls that bounce forward and cause damage, or just trees and rocks that can be removed so they don't block your path.

Also I appreciate how much cleavage is in the game despite being owned by Nintendo.
>> No. 25256

Great! I love micromanaging the training of a large group of units who may on occasion become fucking useless at the drop of a hat due to circumstances mostly outside of player control! Not sarcasm.

Can't believe I'm actually going to buy a videogame. For a handheld, no less.
>> No. 25263
>> No. 25264
NG+ already?... How long have you been playing?
>> No. 25265
The actual story should only take you a couple of hours to tear through. It seems like the bulk of the game actually takes place in NG+. Odd decision choice, but I can dig it.
>> No. 25271
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