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File 132298363038.jpg - (19.68KB , 375x423 , my favs apparently.jpg )
23979 No. 23979
hey /pkmn/ try this

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>> No. 23980
File 132298734853.png - (241.11KB , 1029x743 , favoritepokemon.png )
Sheesh, I need to get laid.
>> No. 23981
File 132301657193.png - (15.03KB , 369x420 , What Do.png )
>> No. 23983
File 13230238074.jpg - (23.74KB , 320x408 , Untitled.jpg )
Isn't it sad, Dragonite? ;-;
>> No. 23984
File 132302425776.png - (28.38KB , 591x435 , stillmyhomeboy.png )
Definite bias to Electric and Water types here.
>> No. 23985
File 132303498345.png - (19.95KB , 557x434 , bleh.png )
I don't even know how this happened but I don't like Suicune
>> No. 23986
So does this work?
>> No. 23987
For your favorite? Yes, although it takes the easiest most tedious route to find that out. For the others, it's much less accurate.
>> No. 23989
File 132307278672.png - (31.35KB , 735x450 , close enough.png )
More or less, I suppose.
>> No. 23990
No, I mean, how does this work? In order?
>> No. 23993
File 132312073515.png - (23.35KB , 632x456 , feraligatr__.png )
Drapion plz go. Feraligatr...
Just like tournaments, so many that should have been in the finals lost early to the champs...


Seems like an "elimination tournament" type thing with randomly generated entrants.
>> No. 23994
Gen 3 is so unpopular, I noticed.
I feel kind of bad for >>23983 you.
>> No. 23995
File 132312837587.png - (24.66KB , 344x411 , Favorites.png )
Scrafty would be there but he came up against Heracross and lost out early.
>> No. 23996
Ffff, I was about halfway through when my mouse started double clicking. I'll try again when I get a new mouse.
>> No. 23997
This would be so much better if there was a skip match button so stuff like Heracross vs Chandelure doesn't happen in the third round. Meanwhile, whatevers like Larvitar get in because I click it over gen 5 mid-evolutions and Mr. Mime.
>> No. 23998
File 13231416959.png - (30.33KB , 384x400 , Picture 4.png )
The Bug Lady got lucky, and the order after Haunter is a bit off, but otherwise, yeah, pretty much.
>> No. 24000
File 13231437467.png - (15.62KB , 350x400 , favoritepokemon.png )
Lanturn how did you get there
I wanna trade you for Ludicolo
>> No. 24001
File 132315249612.png - (18.14KB , 578x461 , nuuur.png )
Well, it got the Farfetch'd, Sandshrew, Typhlosion, Cubone, Xatu, Alakazam and Eevee right but I have no idea where in the hell Swinub came from.
>> No. 24002
File 132315634550.png - (35.41KB , 394x425 , a bunch of Pokemon.png )
Other than Braviary and Sharpedo somehow losing out to Pikachu and Dragonair, this is accurate.
>> No. 24003
File 132316670538.jpg - (57.44KB , 570x459 , gen1favorites.jpg )
. . . Man, I'm such an evolution whore.
>> No. 24024
Aww yeah baby, grow and adapt to your environment, that's the GOOD stuff...
>> No. 24054
File 132320013791.png - (9.52KB , 380x477 , theworst.png )
>> No. 24056
File 132321330565.png - (15.36KB , 363x408 , HorriblyInaccurate.png )
Lost Glameow and Purrloin near the end in favor of Haunter and Scraggy. I don't even know who that grey one in the corner is. Also what are Hitmonlee and Squirtle doing there? Where did Raichu go?
>> No. 24065
it is EXACTLY like that, dead on
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