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File 130903926531.jpg - (53.93KB , 704x396 , [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_Diamond&Pearl_-_612_DP14.jpg )
22088 No. 22088
How would Pokemon change if Team Rocket were suddenly defeated once and for all, or Jesse and James died?
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>> No. 22090
less entertaining
>> No. 22091
Miror B., Trolly, and Fudly take over goofy antagonist duties

Hunter J doesn't die
>> No. 22092
Or maybe their names are Folly and Trudly...
...I don't remember...
>> No. 22094
Wait, I thought J actually did die.
>> No. 22096
Cassidy and Biff. Same old plot.
>> No. 22099
File 130911354381.jpg - (50.89KB , 720x480 , [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_Diamond&Pearl_-_621_DP15.jpg )

J got blown up then impaled into the ground.

Team Galaxy's leader committed suicide, by jumping into inter-dimensional space

Giovanni nearly died when Mewtwo blew up his HQ
>> No. 22138
You mean Butch, right?
>> No. 22139
He meant Bruce.
>> No. 22140
FOOL! He clearly meant Brent!
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