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File 130894408631.jpg - (71.80KB , 516x1024 , Pokemon Movie 1 original.jpg )
22068 No. 22068
When are the original 3 movies coming out?
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>> No. 22069
File 13089441381.jpg - (78.32KB , 513x1024 , Pokemon Movie 2 original.jpg )
>> No. 22070
File 130894415454.jpg - (102.74KB , 602x1024 , Pokemon Movie 3 original.jpg )
>> No. 22071
What did they cut out from the first?

I don't recognize any of that.
>> No. 22073
File 130895966361.jpg - (117.91KB , 1280x720 , [TM-Raws] Pocket Monsters - BW 036 (TVO 1280x720 x.jpg )

I'm not sure if these were just pilots to sell the concepts. If they had made an entire movie then they either destroyed it or have it vaulted.

Personally I bet these would have been awesome movies.
>> No. 22074

Also, in every trailer they always refer to the star Pokemon as "Unknown Pokemon" or "A pokemon that has never been seen"
>> No. 22078
I believe that those scenes are from the japanese version, wich was censured/cut from the american one.
It's about a little girl Mewtwo knew before escaping TR.
>> No. 22083

They still had that in the first movie. It was cut out in the original american version. Aitwo was cut out completely and the expedition to the jungle was added as an extra.
>> No. 22085
I think the First Movie was originally suppose to be a sendoff to the series and have the Pokemon anime end.

Obviously things didn't go as originally planned.
>> No. 22086
File 130903775535.png - (1.19MB , 1484x750 , 1304376104699.png )

They thought the ride was going to end and tried to send the show out on a high note. It's almost like DBZ life span.
>> No. 22101
MewTwo Strikes Back (Unused Tr…youtube thumb
Here's the actual trailer for anyone interested/too lazy to look themselves.
>> No. 22242
I just noticed how most of the guys who are wearing pants, save for Lucas and Red 2.0, tuck their pants into their shoes.
>> No. 22243
It's pretty damn sensible if you think about it. All sortsa nasty stuff hides in tall grass, and do you want that going up your pants leg?
>> No. 22244

>Wild Paras crawled up your pant legs
>You sent out: Exposed wiener!
>Paras used cut
>> No. 24425
There were scenes from the japanese version that were cut from the english dub, but I do remember that later on they took those scenes and made a short story called "The Birth of Mewtwo". Its a prologue to the movie that shows the head scientist trying to clone Pokemon (specifically Mew) in order to use as a way to revive his dead daughter. The two things I remember most is 1) he's so obsessed with bringing back his daughter that his wife leaves him, and 2) the heartbreaking scenes of Mewtwo (in pre-birth limbo) talking with the clone daughter and three other pokemon, then watching them disappear as the clone bodies deteriorate and die.
>> No. 24426
Don't forget the part where they force him to forget all that and it takes the entire movie for him to relearn the moral he had already learned.
>> No. 24427
Personally, the First Movie seemed to work just fine for me without that stuff.
>> No. 24433
I REALLY wish they would release them again, only uncut and with Japanese language option and official PROPER subtitles.
>> No. 24436
I'm pretty sure no Pokemon anime release has ever had Japanese in it.
Not even the new ones.
>> No. 24484
>4Kids/Pokemon USA
>Acknowledge Japan actually exists


Just fansub it, bro.
>> No. 24521
Do you know how much space a HQ fansub will take on your HD? Up to 2 GB. To have all the movies I would need 24 GB of free space.

>> No. 24522
>subtitle file
>up to 2GB

It's fucking text, dude.
>> No. 24523
I assume that's for the movie with the subtitles burned into it.
>> No. 24524
In that case, what the hell is the complaint? That movie files are big? Yeah, they kinda fucking are. But if you don't have space for 25GB spare, why the hell do you have the tiniest computer on the world? Nowadays even just standard HDD size is well over 100GB.

And for the record, most of the Blu-Ray rips I've got downloaded are more like 6-10GB in size, of which I already have a couple dozen. Buy a decent external drive. They're NOT expensive.
>> No. 24526
Fansub movie file. Funsub ≠ movie with fan subtitles.

It is all mixed up.
>> No. 24527
File 132952237528.jpg - (17.29KB , 250x250 , rf contempt costanza.jpg )
You are assuming I only have movies on my hard drive.
>implying I only have movies on my hard drive
>> No. 24528
Where the hell else are you putting them?

Also, that does nothing to invalidate my point.
>> No. 24600
I have 65 GB of music.
>> No. 24798
Anyone knows where to get the subs for the original mövees? Just the subtitle files, not the movies themselves.
>> No. 25617

Ash looks pretty badass in that third-to-last image. Too bad the big PIKACHUPROJECT2000PRESENTS text is in the way...
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