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File 13030218848.png - (5.59KB , 320x160 , scizor_better_shiny.png )
20732 No. 20732
This is the thread where we discuss Shiny Pokémon. The good, the bad, the ugly.

Take my picture, for example. On the right is the original shiny Scizor, and on the left is one I recoloured according to the shiny Shuckle's colour scheme.

What do you think is a better colour for a Pokémon? What was your first shiny? What's your favourite? Least favourite? Why?
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>> No. 20733
File 130302338069.png - (4.25KB , 320x160 , Kabutops_Scizor_Colouration.png )
Another example, where I replaced the pea-green Kabutops shiny with a redder colouration.
>> No. 20735
Why not just change Scizor's green to Scyther's green? Then the shiny would be that he'd evolved into his pre-evo's color. Switch Scyther's shiny to red to complete it.
>> No. 20736
Hmm, that's a good point. I'll look into it in the morning.
>> No. 20737
File 13030303987.png - (5.16KB , 320x160 , scizor_better_shiny_2.png )
Well I'll be damned.
>> No. 20738

>> No. 20739
Any green ones!
>> No. 20748
My first shiny was my shiny shinx in Platinum.

Named her Marisa (MASTA SPARK!)
>> No. 20757
Metagross is probably the coolest shiny.

And for my own personal use, I love shiny Zoroark. Somehow the blue just stands out more for me. Seems more unique and interesting.
>> No. 20758
Ok, I'm in the middle of swapping a couple, and I want your opinion, guys.

Which two Pokémon do you want swapped?
>> No. 20760
File 130309818582.png - (7.97KB , 320x320 , Kabutops_Omastar_Palette_Swap.png )
To quote bones:
>> No. 20761
Lord, what I would do for some metagross bling.
>> No. 20785
I found a Shiny Rattata in Fire Red while searching for Suicune, and a shiny Gulpin in Emerald on my way to fight Watson. I've transferred them between every game I've gotten since then and I will never ever let them go.
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