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File 140454311378.png - (957.31KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_mbn08xcGUI1rtsbszo5_1280.png )
163812 No. 163812
Is this comic too small to have its own thread? I've seen a little porn here and there on sites like Paheal and in the general webcomics thread, but it could totally use more.
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>> No. 163822
>Is this comic too small to have its own thread?
Yes. Please delete this and put it in the general webcomics thread.
>> No. 163846
File 140463555720.png - (171.16KB , 560x568 , tumblr_n1rxvkXZOY1r5zvuio1_1280.png )
It has a massive fanbase for a webcomic it's age, so I wouldn't call it small. Problem is about 90% of that fanbase are in tumblr and get rather iffy about porn of 15 year olds.
>> No. 163935
File 140487921131.jpg - (330.08KB , 688x800 , avaxwrathia004.jpg )
That's too bad. Not really into loli porn myself, but all the demons are in their over-100s and Gil is 19, so that really should count for something.
>> No. 163979
True. Not enough porn of the demons. Especially Nevy.
>> No. 163999
File 140495113198.jpg - (277.92KB , 800x800 , tumblr_mx02fwlbgr1r3fadqo2_1280.jpg )
There is a sad lack of Nevy porn. All the demons are confirmed to be naked when they're ghosts, too (and Wrathia has mostly been naked since making the pact). If we ever get a new request thread here, I know what I'm asking for.
>> No. 164003
File 140496283481.jpg - (453.34KB , 908x1000 , nevyprawnsketch004.jpg )
A starting attempt to rectify this lack of Nevy porn. Was gonna have her riding Gil but, eh, it wasn't working out. So I guess now it's just a Titan Inc vibrator or something. May or may not finish this sketch.
>> No. 164007
File 140497544459.jpg - (392.08KB , 885x1000 , neviprawninks001.jpg )
Now there's some Nevy porn. Much better.
>> No. 164008
Much thanks!
>> No. 164009
Y'welcome, thanks for the idea. :) She's delightful to draw.

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