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File 140204391177.jpg - (190.31KB , 1321x1057 , Princess Flame modelsheet.jpg )
163135 No. 163135
Looking for a character from a french cartoon...
Posting this from a guy's request on Fchan, as maybe the description rings a bell for someone!
What we know from the requester:

-There was a French cartoon on Teletoon from about 2003-2006 that had a really deep voiced female anthro dragon on it.
-She was an incidental character, was purple with red eyes and had a real deep voice.
-She was far more anthro than Princess Flame from of Blazing Dragons, for comparison.
-Flat/B-cup bust

That's all he can remember, I have checked many toons out from this era, but no luck so far. Maybe someone here knows?
>> No. 163139
Stop bumping old threads off the board with garbage like this that wont go anywhere. Either take it to the content request thread, or put it in a furfag or general thread. I dont understand why people can't think before they post. You are just clogging up the board with garbage 1-6 reply posts.
>> No. 163164

Stop bumping up old threads!?! Dude, I started a NEW thread. You need your eyes checked.
>> No. 163172
I meant bumping content off the board at the end pages. For something you could have put in any other thread, like the lizard thread. Instead you clog things up with something only to get 2-3 replies, then it will sit there stagnant. Plus you already posted it on the new bored, why clog up the soon to be archives with your thread here as well.
>> No. 163177

Because I want more people to read it, DUH. More people = more chance of someone knowing. And since these old boards are gonna die anyway, why are you so upset?
>> No. 163199
>A incidental character
I don't think I can't help.

Some art style and story describing would be more helpful.
>> No. 163210

Tell me about it! That's above is ALL the guy on Fchan could remember. Believe me, we asked... All he knows is that it was on French Teletoon around 2003 and about the character, doesn't know anything about the actual show. :(
>> No. 163211

Tell me about it! That's above is ALL the guy on Fchan could remember. Believe me, we asked... All he knows is that it was on French Teletoon around 2003 and about the character, doesn't know anything about the actual show. :(
>> No. 163212
You know what would help? If he could find the weekly TV listings for Teletoon during that time in France.
>> No. 163244

Good idea, though I doubt they have an archive from waaay back then. Still, can't hurt to ask.
>> No. 163256
She's Princess Flame for Blazing Dragons

>> No. 163340

DUUUUH... You think I am posting a reference sheet of a character whose name is printed there and DON'T know who she is?!? Please Read the darn post. She is only there as a reference, since the guy said the unknown characters is "more anthro" than Flame, whatever that means.
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