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File 139950443236.jpg - (378.79KB , 588x796 , Squiglyfortune-drawthread.jpg )
161743 No. 161743
Ok, making my drawthread over here. Hmm, This can be my general Liquidmark request thread or whatever guys. Right now, I'm working on a boondocks piece.

I guess I should set ground rules for a general request thread...

Ok, be cordial, provide references, no OC's, Requests get deliveries based on my taste. If it is a good idea that makes me laugh or something, then it'll probably be at the top of the stack.
205 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 162713
Have you ever attempted to use drawing software fully?
>> No. 162715
File 140097279092.jpg - (390.66KB , 1142x720 , kitlove.jpg )
I've used photoshop, but I suck at drawing in a detatched manner. I think I'd need to get a cintiq.
>> No. 162719
Wow that's really good. So you need a better drawing tablet?
>> No. 162720
File 140098580014.jpg - (288.82KB , 486x756 , Plasmoid_Alpha_mission_by_LiquidMark.jpg )
Yeah, I need a newer tablet and to just get better at drawing on them in general.

As it stands, paper, scan and photoshop is the most effective technique that I have at my disposal. Also, I have to point out that I've had long periods of downtime over the years. This is what some of my work looked like in 2006 years ago using my methodology. I didn't have a tablet when I colored it, I used a Trackball or a laser mouse, I think...
>> No. 162723
File 140098781455.jpg - (1.09MB , 1280x1600 , tumblr_n600bpRxs01t0smmwo1_1280.jpg )
somethin like this?
>> No. 162725
well, I meant more in terms of ref or gameplay, but that'll do.
>> No. 162726
ohh. well if you wanted gameplay, theres her basic reveal trailer.
>> No. 162729
Thanks Rexic
>> No. 162731
File 140099628294.jpg - (4.26MB , 3300x2550 , Killakill.jpg )
Hello LM, I was wondering if you could do a image of Ryuko and Satsuki from Kill la Kill, tag teaming Mako with either strap-ons or dicks, either way. They are both just trying there best to stop Mako from yapping on about...i dunno, whatever. It is clearly failing.
>> No. 162732
File 14009984241.jpg - (271.89KB , 595x787 , monkeydance.jpg )
Ok guys, sharing some stuff I'm sketching out

Sure, I can do that.
>> No. 162733
File 140099849026.jpg - (244.42KB , 595x786 , wreaking hearts-2.jpg )
>> No. 162735
File 140100136643.png - (245.61KB , 721x800 , 210282 color.png )
Those look great, though I don't know the characters in the first pic.

That's impressive. I try to color some pics with Gimp and they come out bad for me, also with mouse. Here's a pic I did of Garabatoz's Dani and Valerie from Danny Phantom. Not really that good but I tried.

I was just wondering if you had ideas for the pics of the previous shows we were talking about. I think for Downtown you said Serena, Jen and maybe Mecca.

I also have more pics of Mission Hill girls if you want to take a look.
>> No. 162743
File 140100560942.png - (627.10KB , 689x767 , Shelly 1.png )
Here's Shelly the Stripper from the Mission Hill episode "Andy Gets a Promotion"

Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOE-gbTm0FI
>> No. 162744
this is fantastic
thanks a ton
>> No. 162745
Yessum! You're really good! I'd be honored to see whatever you have to show.

Do you do commissions or requests?
>> No. 162746
Also, source on the first pic

>> No. 162747
Well, I'm not done yet so stay tuned
>> No. 162748
Well, I'm not done yet so stay tuned
>> No. 162778
I'm pretty bad at coloring and I don't know how to shade. But if you request some stuff I can use that as practice.
>> No. 162782
File 140112847916.jpg - (318.06KB , 595x787 , bobbeh.jpg )
I understand. I've been getting ready to make a webcomic called Gettin Wet. I wanted to know if you do Commishes because I'd like to see if you could draw one of my girls.

Anyhow, sharing my recent sketches in the meantime.
>> No. 162784
File 140113104861.jpg - (419.22KB , 595x787 , Aahego.jpg )
another pic
>> No. 162785
I can try, I really want to get into this.

Also, have you seen this series I posted earlier? I just want to know your opinion.
>> No. 162788
would you consider doing pics for the following shows Phineas and ferb, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Gi Oh and Yu Gi Oh GX
>> No. 162790
File 14011353855.jpg - (636.20KB , 1202x790 , splashandslurpref.jpg )
Ok, how about either Splash or Slurp or both if you're up to it?

I haven't watched that show yet. It slipped my mind.
>> No. 162791
File 140113559248.jpg - (322.15KB , 678x864 , hit the showers.jpg )
Here's a short comic page to get a feel for their personalities.
>> No. 162792
People keep asking for Phineas and Ferb, but I've yet to watch it. DBZ has been done to death. Might do Pokemon even though it has also been done to death. Might do Yu-Gi-Oh. Not familiar with DX.
>> No. 162803
File 140114887020.png - (371.22KB , 592x791 , Slurp.png )
Here's a pic of Slurp since it was the only large one. I might work on the rest of the Osmosis Jones cast if your interested. Took me longer than I thought.
>> No. 162823
File 140115129816.jpg - (353.88KB , 595x784 , bad guy.jpg )
The conclusion to this one.
>> No. 162828
File 140115168110.jpg - (1.37MB , 2468x3298 , Slurp and Osmosis-for color.jpg )
oop, sorry try this one. I wasn't paying attention, I thought you were a drawfriend, not a colorfriend. Also, if you see anything in the thread that you'd like to practice on, help yourself. ^^
>> No. 162829
Forget about drawing, I can't do that till I get a tablet and some practice.
Do you have a pic for this downtown pic? And me coloring these pics benefit you in anyway?
>> No. 162830
Also do you have any other pics for coloring?
>> No. 162831
A pic for the downtown pic? I don't understand...
>> No. 162832

This >>162828 is more suitable for coloring. Does this >>162666 have a more suitable counterpart for coloring?
>> No. 162833
Can you do something with Rancis and Vanellope from Wreck it Ralph, them doing it doggy style would be great
>> No. 162841
You mean you want the hi-rez version?
>> No. 162843
Yes? If possible?
>> No. 162847
File 140120587240.jpg - (1.67MB , 2480x3292 , downtown.jpg )
here ya go
>> No. 162850
>> No. 162895
File 140131405190.jpg - (84.81KB , 297x369 , kohGlassElevator.jpg )
Liquid, have you watch the King of the Hill episode "Hank and the Great Glass Elevator" or season 5 episode 11? What do you think of Lenore?

>> No. 162900
you're the best man
>> No. 162901
I remember that ep. I think Lenore is an evil person. She single handedly ruined Bill.
>> No. 162904

are these things? if not they should be!
>> No. 162913
Yeah, she's crazy but she looks hot to me.
>> No. 162927
Liquid, how far are you with this? Can't wait to see it finished.
>> No. 162928
File 140135950932.jpg - (301.30KB , 793x595 , 1399536668_liquidmark_guess_what_this_is.jpg )
Is this the comic that you wanted to get colored?
>> No. 162929
I am ready to tighten up the lines on it. Sorry, I just get easily distracted by shiny things and crazy ideas. It doesn't hurt to poke me a little if you're checking on a request. That way you're letting me know that you're still there and the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Yeah when it is done. Tho I have someone that I plan to color it. I just need to come up with a few more strips. If anyone is a gag writer and would like to help, I'll give them writing credits. I want to produce about two or three pages a week.
>> No. 162953
When are you moving to the new board? Time is running out.
>> No. 162954
I'll start uploading stuff there this evening. Could someone archive the page for me so I don't lose any of the requests? I'd do it myself, but I'm on my iPad.
>> No. 162969
Ok, made a new thread here: https://boards.plus4chan.org/pco/t163734.html#p163734

I'll keep monitoring this thread till this board goes down or something.
>> No. 163282
Hi, Love your gallery in hentaifoundry and noticed you may accept request if it sound fun for you so I wonder if you may be interested to take part of my Rosalina x girl project while drawing Rosalina from Mario galaxy with any other girl you want (you can understand more about Rosalina in my profile or blogs: [url]http://rosalinaxgirl.blogspot.com/[/url] or [url]http://rosalinaandgirl.blogspot.com/[/url] for soft).
My dream is to have a lot of styles/artists in my blog, and a picture by you must be sooo nice... ^^

Have a nice day and continue upload great stuff... ^^
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