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File 139708001312.jpg?spoiler - (1.28MB , 1988x3056 , Invincible 110 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire) .jpg?spoiler )
158294 No. 158294
Spoilers for the new issue of Invincible (#110) but... yeah.

Anyone else looking forward to the inevitable edits?
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>> No. 158295
Bah, glad I stopped reading long back, this is the same level of nonsense that you see in Marvel or DC.
>> No. 158296
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>> No. 158350
File 139714159517.jpg - (84.71KB , 523x792 , invincible Anissa.jpg )
wow, that's great stuff.

I always hoped they would bring back Anissa. I love angry sadistic women so much.
>> No. 158355
>>158295 so, so, what are you reading then?
>> No. 158356
And she's coming back for seconds.

Its double great because Eve just kicked him out because she got mad he ran off to fight one of his mortal enemies again. And so he was flying around all weepy then BAM.
>> No. 158380
Wow. Wonder why he didn't just say 'Fine! My life is shit anyway, why not fuck a murderer?'
>> No. 158381
reverse rape yes please.
>> No. 158383
See this is one of the things that interests me a little. You usually don't see the hero on the receiving end of this.
>> No. 158384
Glorious man-rape.
But how does one get hard during man-rape?!
>> No. 158385
its involuntary, she can force it up from stimulation and the act itself will keep it going till its spent. Lady is going to get her sample.
>> No. 158390
File 139716419463.jpg - (132.93KB , 466x600 , Atom_Eve Garrett_Blair Invincible.jpg )
A man can choose not to act, but he can't always choose not to react. It's the same way, in cases of female rape, you hear of them unwillingly finding themselves getting wet or even orgasming. It's fucked up, but it happens.

Also, so the thread doesn't get deleted, general Invincible thread?
>> No. 158392
File 139716521855.gif - (834.82KB , 300x169 , 8LSW8l7.gif )

Well is Atomic Eve still chubby at least?
>> No. 158393
Yep she's back to being pregnant again.
>> No. 158397
Well that's nice.
>> No. 158400
Because then she probably would have just started ripping part off instead of raping him. He said he didn't want it; so he got it.
>> No. 158401
His resistance only made her wetter.
>> No. 158406
>> No. 158409
Nightwing, Deadpool. It honestly isn't that uncommon.
>> No. 158410
First Deathstroke, now Invincible.

This is just embarrassing.
>> No. 158421
Nightwing and Deadpool have been raped?
>> No. 158422
Yup, Nightwing's been raped twice in different circumstances. Deadpool when Typhoid Mary took the form of Siryn to seduce him then after the deed revealed herself and mocked him (the Deadpool example was treated with surprising weight, Wade was really fucked up by the experience)

Oh yeah, Deathstroke got retconned into being a child sex slave for a bit in recent history right?
I think they undid it later though.
>> No. 158456
This implies Wade was marginally sane to begin to with...

Comic writers love messing with Wilsons don't they?
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