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File 139411591633.jpg - (180.68KB , 867x1143 , 128276741464.jpg )
155677 No. 155677
But the reason I'm making this is that I'm looking for a picture he drew of Brittany and some mouse girl. I lost it with a hard drive loss and have been looking for it since freaking 2007.
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>> No. 155681
maybe here?

>> No. 155758
File 13942099666.jpg - (220.11KB , 1128x883 , 1158709626_kitsunekun_britpetmoisha.jpg )
It's not in that archive. That's just a bunch of stuff from his old 'Full Metal Sketchbook'. Don't have the black&white, but I've got the colored version done by joereale.

BTW, Mo is a were-rat, not a mouse.
>> No. 155789
File 139424464731.gif - (67.93KB , 1709x1336 , 137367924334.gif )
Got the B&W for you ;)
>> No. 155809
YESSS thank you.

I'm glad the B&W one is still up, that coloring job sucks.
>> No. 155810
Well, to each their own. But your standards must be fucking ridiculous if you think the coloration sucks.
>> No. 155853
I kinda agree with him, I mean why is the fur so absurdly shiny? It almost looks like they were made of metal. The B&W original is indeed superior.
>> No. 155889

Probably because the fur is shiny in the comics. Britanny spends a LOT of time on her appearance (Fred even did a small series of pics involving her thoroughly brushing all of her fur), and depending on lighting, that tends to make her fur glisten. Moisha probably wouldn't shine like that, but were-rat stealth is apparently a psionic thing as much as actual physical stealth, so it wouldn't be much of an issue if she did.

Or were you expecting it to be dull and lusterless? Because I can tell you from personal experience that animals can have quite glossy coats, even without thorough washing and conditioning. So unless you think random dogs are actually made of metal...
>> No. 155921
My pleasure bro ;) Always loved Fred Perry art in general.

Also in response to the other posts, I kinda like the colored versions but I usually prefer the B&W ones to them for some reasons, can't really say why.
>> No. 155962
File 139438078595.jpg - (133.19KB , 800x703 , 1128157209287.jpg )
2 things-
- Cheetz is fantastic. I like the colors on her alot. Moisha is lackluster by comparison. Mostly because the colorist decided to color her body and hair uniformly. This is fine for Cheetah because of her fur patterns, but for Moisha it's rather dull looking. A changing up the hue or lightness of the color would make this alot more appealing to look at.

- the background colors are kinda overpowering. No one wants to really look at that rug, but we really can't help it it's so bold.

When Fred colors he usually gives them shiny fur as well.
Also, he usually doesn't focus on highly detailed backgrounds, either.
>> No. 155965
File 139438285421.jpg - (102.63KB , 900x675 , Brianna Beach.jpg )

The problem with that assessment of Moisha is that Fred uses the same color for her hair and fur in hybrid form. That's canon to the series. Hell, that's canon for most werefolk, including the other members of the were-rat trio. I mean, just look at Sheila or her brother; both have bright red hair in their human forms, but once they go hybrid? Hair's uniform to their pelts.

The backgrounds... that really varies with what Fred is trying to convey in a scene. If he wants to focus on the characters, yeah, he's not going to put much that'll pop in the background. If he wants to use the background to help further the story? You bet your ass he's going to put background popping. But yes, if there's one failing I feel joereale has, it's that he seems to think it's necessary to throw backgrounds into pics he colors that didn't have them. Sometimes, they're appropriate, as in the linked pic, other times... really kind of extraneous.

Personally, though, I don't view the background colors in that pic as overpowering. They don't really distract from the heavy petting, since Mo and Britanny are so bright.
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