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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138820343617.gif - (816.61KB , 750x750 , simon_animaniacs_23532.gif )
150937 No. 150937
Old one at bump limit. >>146119
274 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 154138
File 139244828068.jpg - (53.45KB , 500x308 , image.jpg )
>> No. 154142
no simon new porn yet?
>> No. 154144
considering he's spending an unhealthy amount of time on /co/ and drawing softcore loli, I wouldn't expect real porn anytime soon.
>> No. 154145
File 139246890767.png - (145.20KB , 900x700 , 1392468172283.png )
>> No. 154152
File 13924974128.png - (209.81KB , 900x900 , 1392497243185.png )
>> No. 154205
It's like... they're waving goodbye. Like we'll never see them again.

I'm sad.
>> No. 154212
File 139254787157.jpg - (88.81KB , 986x758 , Rage Marie.jpg )
Naw, I like to think they're just entering the "no cameras" portion of the evening. And geez, some colourists are kinda fast, if you don't mind my repost.
>> No. 154215
>kinda fast
That, and very very bad.
>> No. 154216
no please. put that away until whoever did that heard of "multiply"
>> No. 154254
File 139257193693.png - (512.24KB , 700x800 , 97608_20140217021153.png )
Looks like he's still updating at least one of his accounts.
>> No. 154262
What account is that?
>> No. 154266
File 139257463463.jpg - (50.61KB , 480x376 , image.jpg )
>> No. 154267

No idea, just got it from IM.
>> No. 154271
I think that's pretty good, for what? an Oekaki? Of course Simon's colours are godly. I guess that's what normal people draw.
>> No. 154272
even oekaki have mutliply these days. And what's this "normal colouring must look like shit" logic? Multiply and shading are explained in any colouring tutorial ever. Duno, it's like not knowing a pencil line can be erased with a rubber.
>> No. 154273
>ia pencil line can be erased with a rubber.
Wait, what?
>> No. 154284
Rubber: the British/UK term for a pencil-eraser. The term started long before reliable modern condom production, and has caused some confusion to american speakers who need to be reminded that such things as rubber balls, rubber boots, and rubber trees should not be put over your johnson if you want 'safe sex.'
>> No. 154292
>Pretty good
>Not knowing how to layer properly.
Even noobish Paheal fags who just color other peoples art all day and never draw can get this shit right, how the fuck did this dude fuck up so hard?
>> No. 154316
What is that ink bunny or something?
>> No. 154318

Think for just a second.
>> No. 154321
You should delete that post.
Please stop this.
The moment someone openly posts the URL, Simon will delete everything and be gone for good.
Just sit back and wait for new pictures to be posted here.
>> No. 154331
I would suggest at the rate he puts out new content, and how slow this place moves, that this and future threads be rode past the bump limit as to not have all of /pco/ simonized. Could easily ride it to page 3 or 4, at least.
>> No. 154346
Doesn't seem necessarry, simon comes and go, and he coult take a several month break at any moment. He's good but not big enough to deserve such privilege on the board.
>> No. 154348
Its not about that. Its about keeping clutter to a minimum here. Just because it reaches a limit doesn't mean a new thread needs to be started right away, as it takes forever to sage off. Remember, every time you make a new thread, another one with good old content dies. I missed the first Simon thread because of newly posted nonsense threads that die after 10/20 posts and never get used again.
>> No. 154349
Sounds more like a problem with you than the board or even Simon's art. Simon's art come and go, people are used to save it no mater what. You should do the same.
>> No. 154364

yeah, god forbid an artist has his art accessible to people. you know, if he's really so touchy about his work, why does he put it online at all? it just seems like a lot of effort to constantly delete his blogs every time the internet finds out where he's at. art is meant to be shared, otherwise it's worthless... simon really needs to learn this.
>> No. 154373
Come on you just didn't spit in the face of someone who give you free stuff that you want, right?
>> No. 154400
I don't think he did, I think that was a resonable explained unaimed request to get Simon to stop wiping out his gallerys. Simon posts his stuff for everyone to see, but as soon as people start seeing them, nope, not there, art what art? Is he hiding from someone, got some kind of stage-fright, or is it an odd form of sadisticness ?
>> No. 154402
I think he draws mostly for his own enjoyment and as soon as he start feeling that he have an obligation he runs away. If he feels like he should update regularly or attend requests this must block his creativity and them he wipe his stuff.
>> No. 154406
File 139268784071.png - (165.63KB , 600x800 , 1392660153189.png )
Way to waste the last few bumps with whining. Who gives a shit if he keeps a gallery or not? He posts his images for 4chan. Save it when you get it. Post it when you get it. Paheal isn't the fucking last word in rule34, it has shitty mods that didn't want his pics there. You can find his pics everywhere else, including here.
>> No. 154407
File 139268792294.png - (176.09KB , 700x800 , 1392664771553.png )
>> No. 154408
File 139268801348.png - (138.33KB , 700x700 , 1392671266861.png )
>> No. 154409
File 139268822695.png - (177.21KB , 600x900 , 1392677391498.png )
>> No. 154419
File 139269607434.png - (134.33KB , 400x1000 , 1392693163569.png )
>> No. 154421
Just so you know, an unrelated thread someone pointed me to tbib.org and there I found 324 images with the tag simon_(artist) so save them all just in case that booru dies
>> No. 154427
i looked all over /co/, where did the last five come from? Link would be appreciated.
>> No. 154428
Even though it's not really rule34, these are still enticing as fuck.

I like that Simon's been putting a little more meat on his models.
>> No. 154431
File 139271293629.png - (490.89KB , 1113x700 , elementary.png )
Peabody & Sherman thread...obviously.
>> No. 154433
That generic thread OP. Literally all movie threads are the same these days.
>> No. 154443
File 139275082413.png - (199.68KB , 800x900 , 1392743317994.png )
>> No. 154444
File 139275090248.png - (148.41KB , 600x1000 , 1392732673301.png )
>> No. 154466
Yes, Love these pieces. I eagerly await the coming film with great anticipation. Thanks for sharing your artwork!
>> No. 154526
Ironically, he's adding meat to a model that's very pretty thin in the movie.

Dude's wacko.
>> No. 154634
File 139298096194.png - (124.45KB , 500x900 , 1392939074831.png )
Fresh from the Lit'l Bits thread
>> No. 154641
File 139299211891.png - (120.41KB , 600x800 , 1392991930840.png )
>> No. 154815
File 139315810991.png - (512.09KB , 700x800 , tumblr_n1g7lakP7t1tte10co1_1280.png )
>> No. 154816
This thread is autosaging
Start a new thread if you have new pics to post
>> No. 154823
you could post another 100 pics here, why bother? It takes months for it to even get to page 7-9.
>> No. 154972
without a catalog, nobody reads a board past page 2 or 3. This thread is already dead.
>> No. 156642
>Tasty ghetto little chocolate girl bodies

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