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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138477772868.jpg - (200.02KB , 675x1226 , 1383755417892.jpg )
148660 No. 148660
What happened to the new HU thread?
Expand all images
>> No. 148666
I was requesting for info about this happening as well, but the mods seems to be silent on it
>> No. 148674

Probably threat of legal action. Jab is banned too. Unless of course a lot of people where bitching on the threat. That's what got palcomix banned.
>> No. 148675
That's annoying. I hope Subscription Guy can find a new place to upload everything.
>> No. 148676

Legal threat?

For WHAT? Unless someone's posting wholly original content (i.e. content that doesn't feature characters from previously-copyrighted works), Hentai United’s owners don’t have a legal leg to stand on. They’d have to prove they own the complete rights to any-fucking-thing they put out to fully assert a copyright claim, and last I checked, they don’t own the rights to April O’Neill or any other ‘famous’ character featured in their art.

They might think they own the rights to their art, but the corporations/people who actually own the rights to those characters could shut Hentai United down in a flat fuckin’ second if they so wished. ‘Parody’ defenses only go so far, after all.

If Hentai United sends another DMCA/copyright claim, tell ’em to produce a court order or other such document proving they have full control over the copyrights of their images. If/when they can’t, tell them to go get fucked until they have such control.
>> No. 148678
I sort of assumed it's a steaming pile of shit and they just got sick of it. Sub Guy was the only good poster.
Well you know the mods do or don't do as they see fit, it's their forum - which is apparently now turning into a pedo/furry forum, now that I think about it.
>> No. 148681
>Hentai United’s owners don’t have a legal leg to stand on.
Only if plus4chan's owner is willing to go to court. Guess what's not happening?
>> No. 148685

Technically, HU would have to go to court if plus4 filed a DMCA counternotice and HU still wanted to sue -- at which point HU would have to prove plus4 infringed upon copyrights which HU does not (and will likely never) own.

HU would have two burdens of proof: proving they deserve copyrights for their images of ‘copyrighted’ characters AND proving plus4 infringed upon those copyrights. I don’t think the HU gang would consider going to court and potentially losing what vague legal protection they have under parody law over plus4 posting a few pics.

So yeah, HU can choke on its own vomit until/unless it can prove it holds the copyright to images such as the one in the OP.

Now let’s get back to posting porn, goddammit.
>> No. 148699
Anyone remember the username/password for magic shop 1.1 game? I got the link but I forgot the user/pass before the last thread died. Here is the link btw:

>> No. 148700
I've seen this argument too much lately, it's so idiotic. HU artists do not own the rights to their week period unless they do enough things to the characters being portrayed that it can be labeled officially no longer the character in question. Even then it'd be a hard fought battle in court if the real owners of highest characters decided to sue. I mean them demanding money is ridiculous I've drawn quite a few hentai works in my life, they aren't very good but people have asked me, mostly because I still do everything on paper rather than on high quality image software . Anyway I've never charged and never will because I realize something I do not and never will own the rights to characters I draw, claiming I own it just because I did the work is fucking stupid. Hell, mosh companies hate even the artists at conventions doing sketches for money, why ? Because the artist in question usualy does not have the companies ok to do that character and charge for it. Example, a few years back my wife and I went to a local com so she could meet Brian pulido who created, and owns rights to her favorite character, lady deaths. While there she found an artist( whose name I cannot remember right now) who had a sketch book full of work, he was selling said book for 25$ when she flipped through it she found a sketch of lady death,immediantly she wanted it. Now she decided she wanted to ask pulido to sign said sketch, when we showed him he was livid he hadn't given said artist permission to draw a character he owned rights to. Fast foreward a year, we went to another convention , again mostly so she can get works from pulido, and we asked what had happened with the guy from the previous year. Pulido used, and won. Why you ask? Because he owned the rights to said character, not the artist, no matter how much work an artist puts into his or her drawing, if that character is not the artists exclusive property, they have no right to make money off it. End of story . So in conclusion hu artists who may read this, you do not and never will,w have the right to charge.
>> No. 148703
File 138482624658.jpg - (218.16KB , 1356x882 , image.jpg )
And to stay on topi here's an ONI work
>> No. 148706
No one cares about your stupid wanna legal arguments guys

Like if the mods do a thing it's their thing to do and they don't care about you
>> No. 148716
Yeah, fuck the people adding content. Who cares what they say? It's not like without them the board would be completely worthless or anything.
>> No. 148717
Lucky for you I'm the person who added that link and here's the pass btw : First and Only
>> No. 148718
File 138486256574.jpg - (1.08MB , 1346x1000 , 1384848507822.jpg )
Have some kitty cat while you're at it
>> No. 148750
I didn't delete any HU threads recently and, as far as I know, no other mod has either.

And have I heard anything about a DMCA coming down from the people who run the place.

So, until the other mods or I hear from the admin that this particular material is no longer allowed, I guess you're free to post the stuff.
>> No. 148851
File 138502639144.jpg - (238.01KB , 938x878 , 1384901716347.jpg )
Guess we'll start our journey here again then.
>> No. 148853
File 138504391296.jpg - (6.76KB , 150x150 , 16909378_DC-2013-001-insert-B.jpg )
Someone has full version of this please?
>> No. 148871
if anyone needs anything OLD posted, just ask and i'll be happy to post whatever you need. i have most pictures with the exception of futa variations. i don't have an HU account, so i can't post anything new, but if you need anything else, i'll be happy to help if i can.
>> No. 148902

Well Ricky if you have any of the Red She Hulk pics Oni did I'd love to see them as I never managed to get them if they were posted on the old thread :(
>> No. 148920
Any chance of the variants for Oni's Cortana pic?
>> No. 148922
I'd love to see the new Ganassa stuff with Mila in the shower
>> No. 148923
Anyone got Kinzie from Saints Row riding a neon blue dildo?
>> No. 148934
File 138517964446.jpg - (15.44KB , 150x233 , Mila In The Shower 2.jpg )
Yeah same, full size of this please?
>> No. 148947
Hello guys,
another week, another update. Oni, Alx, Ganassa, etc.

>> No. 148948
the one red she-hulk i have is posted here: >>136616

if that link doesn't work, you can use this one: https://plus4chan.org/b/pco/res/132552.html#136616
>> No. 148949
here are the non-futa variants: https://anonfiles.com/file/d24eeb064ccafe43fa7210e970d61c29
>> No. 148950
File 138521714252.jpg - (273.14KB , 1035x1148 , Kinzie Kinzington (Saints Row) 2.jpg )
>> No. 148990
Sweet. Thanks, man.
>> No. 149036

Thanks but I could have sworn he did another pic of her before that.
>> No. 149037
There is one of her spread eagle using a dildo, with a futa variant, that was produced earlier than that one. It's old enough you can GIS it though.
>> No. 149112
Thanks, but I can't download pics. Any chance of posting them (including futa) here?
>> No. 149160
Futa goes into /cod/
>> No. 149193
Can someone repost the X-23 Ganassa pics?
>> No. 149218
anything new by Onagi?
>> No. 149220
I just took a peek at /cod/ and all the futa threads are just futa on male not solo futa threads. Oh well IF someone posted the She-Rulk futa variants on there I'd appreciate a link.
>> No. 149240
File 138567763395.jpg - (163.60KB , 805x1349 , Rapture-Elizabeth.jpg )
New Oni.
>> No. 149242
File 138568401274.jpg - (343.23KB , 1453x1384 , 1385680316711.jpg )
>> No. 149253
File 138571527886.jpg - (227.97KB , 1194x898 , Red She-Hulk (Marvel Comics) 1.jpg )

was it this one? this was the only other one i could find.
>> No. 149254
File 138571737917.jpg - (123.09KB , 610x1022 , 241590.jpg )
thank you very much fo Elithabeth glad to see you!!! but have you thos version?
>> No. 149255
the literacy rate of this thread has reached new, appalling lows.

Thanks for putting up with these donkeys, Sub Guy!
>> No. 149338

Yep that's the one. Thanks man!!
>> No. 149485
plz more Alx. A lot of his work have never been posted
>> No. 149504
Does anyone have Oni's Lara croft pic?
>> No. 149511
File 138621896226.jpg - (152.69KB , 1136x908 , cYiTKAz8Y8o.jpg )
this one? it was here
>> No. 149527
I miss The Subscription Guy... TT_TT
>> No. 149534
Sub Guy posted like a week ago, he said he's busy with working and posts when he can.
>> No. 149709
Hello, another busy week, another update:
Variants of elastic girl by Oni.
>> No. 149762
I would love to see some of the new Akabur stuff. Did you already post that?
>> No. 149765
New Akabur stuff? He's only working on the game, and after the 1.1 update, he only posted the small demo.
If you want to ahve links to said things, ask for them.
>> No. 149810
is there a 1.2 preview for the magic shop?? link would be appreciated
>> No. 149811
File 138660129258.jpg - (8.24KB , 150x150 , xxx.jpg )
Any chance for the full picture?
>> No. 149914
File 138674457821.jpg - (178.02KB , 968x1088 , 1073138.jpg )
Does anyone have Oni's Tifa uncensored?
>> No. 149930
File 138677115121.jpg - (74.87KB , 968x1088 , Tifa (Final Fantasy 7) 2.jpg )
here you go. not sure if the final fantasy franchise counts as eastern content or not, so this picture might get deleted.
>> No. 149955
Can we get a repost of the 2nd Bayushi Young Justice comic? The Miss Martian focused one?
>> No. 149956
>> No. 149966
File 138682645558.jpg - (175.82KB , 1251x929 , asami66-ONI.jpg )
New Avatar promo
>> No. 149967
Lllllighting Crotch
>> No. 149970
Hello guys,
just a real small update today.
Included new Oni, new Ganassa, etc.

>> No. 149972
Thank You The Subscription Guy!
>> No. 150012
Thank you Man! But... i cant find Ganassa's Mila in the shower - 4 page. You posted it?
>> No. 150013
File 138688848683.jpg - (929.55KB , 1128x1850 , Mila-in-the-shower-Page-4.jpg )
Nope, I forgot :p
Here you go
>> No. 150028
can you post the large versions o the rest of Mila in the Shower please?
>> No. 150046
File 138691680242.jpg - (191.67KB , 1251x929 , asami77-ONI.jpg )
>> No. 150049
Or, instead you stop leeching, and support me by downloading the packs.
>> No. 150054
thanks sub guy! much appreciated.
>> No. 150056
yeah, sorry just noticed that. Too bad, I like his stuff but the game doesn't really seem worth the effort he's putting into it
>> No. 150057
That just in:
12/13/13 05:12 PM
akabur: Stop being silly, you guys #^_^#. I'm plan to release the game in a week... But since you made me say it out loud, I probably just jinxed it. So if there will be any delays, it's all on you! :)
>> No. 150060
great news :)
>> No. 150067
plezz allow us to have a very very white Xmas!! XD thanks!!! :)
>> No. 150151
Anyone have a link to an up to date set of HU picture for download?
>> No. 150173
I do.
>> No. 150174
Anything new from Bayushi?
>> No. 150175
Then it be in the packs I upload.
>> No. 150194
File 138714562323.jpg - (12.44KB , 150x233 , HU_Mila_01_thumb.jpg )
does anyone have the fullsize for this one??
>> No. 150247
File 138719815132.jpg - (82.85KB , 911x616 , BbmzDf2CMAApwg1.jpg )
>> No. 150249

@^@.... you..... youuu... herooooo!!!!
>> No. 150251
When, WHEN?
>> No. 150271
File 138723787244.jpg - (809.27KB , 1190x1850 , Mila-in-the-shower--Page-1.jpg )
Here you are
>> No. 150277
Where can I download the groups, preferably the most up to date set though i know it'll be in chunks
>> No. 150281
Does anyone know why 420chan is down the past few days?
>> No. 150312
I'll let you people know when Oni has uploaded a new promo. However, because this isn't 420chan, there may be some issue when the promo contains an anime character. Let's hope it a DC or a Marvel character.
>> No. 150313
No one needs you to beg here dude
>> No. 150369
File 138743272267.jpg - (290.51KB , 896x1489 , 1265507 - Avatar_the_Last_Airbender Christmas Eska.jpg )
need full please
>> No. 150389

I'm going to laugh so much if that crotch snowflake is removed and a giant flopping dick just appears out of a nowhere.

Then it would be moved a futa thread in /cod/.
>> No. 150395
I'm still disappointed the helen parr variants didn't involve some ridiculous stretchy futa dick for laughs (maybe glorious Sub Guy, may his sublime presence never leave us, didn't post them though)
>> No. 150398
Personally, this group of artists are better http://whentai.com/requests/?from=102
>> No. 150400
File 138748960993.jpg - (286.82KB , 896x1489 , Eska-Christmas.jpg )
Ah guys, can't you give me a few days of rest ;)
My work schedule is full at christmas.
So ehre is new oni, the rest will follow.
>> No. 150408
Thanks TSG :)
>> No. 150410
Did Akabur release the latest update for his magic Shop game?
>> No. 150413
File 138750314726.jpg - (244.74KB , 1461x1018 , 233332.jpg )
any one got this uncensored
>> No. 150414
File 138750330516.jpg - (167.71KB , 1009x932 , 1211802 - Avatar_the_Last_Airbender Korra Oni The_.jpg )
new korra uncensored
>> No. 150415
File 138750337833.jpg - (172.32KB , 1251x929 , 1260724 - Asami_Sato Avatar_the_Last_Airbender Oni.jpg )
new a sami uncensored
>> No. 150419
File 138750720351.jpg - (267.95KB , 1461x1018 , 233332b - Fable Aurora Briar_Rose.jpg )
>> No. 150420
who's the redhead?
>> No. 150441
File 138751434847.jpg - (308.43KB , 896x1489 , twins_avatar-ONI.jpg )
>> No. 150447
The Subscription Guy Thank You!!!!!!!
>> No. 150453

It wasn't Subscription Guy who posted this one for you. >>150441
>> No. 150454
Yes he did, look up.
>> No. 150457
Please look at the thread before you discredit me.
Esp. at >>150400
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