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File 138299751651.jpg - (662.65KB , 1020x1320 , HAgirls04Med.jpg )
147545 No. 147545
Cause' of the Co discussion about Lila devolved in it's usual way lets have a thread for the show.
106 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 155433
>and another case where they banned porn movies that featured girls with smaller breasts because they could be confused with underage women.

That one isn't true.
>> No. 155473
>>and another case where they banned porn movies that featured girls with smaller breasts because they could be confused with underage women.

Australia was going to impose a ban on nude imagery that showed any flat chested female in it in some fail attempt to thwart the spread of CP, no matter what the age of the woman really was. The internet providers were supposed to install recognition software that could read such a thing as it went thru their servers and report it, but I think it was finally abandoned as useless.
>> No. 155484

It was an offhand remark by some minor party that doesn't even have a seat in government, picked up by the media because of how obviously outrageous it is.

But hey, who gives a fuck about facts when we can get mad at stupid shit right.
>> No. 155591
Any word on that .zip file or its images?
>> No. 156276
File 139465241666.jpg - (175.73KB , 744x1052 , 1291216 - Campfire_Lass Hey_Arnold IVLS.jpg )
>>152651 Bumping for those art pieces......please?
>> No. 156821
>>152651 Bump....
>> No. 157095
I want to eat her cookie.
>> No. 157098
anyone know how to access the rest of the stuff from IVLS' site:


He seems to have a few interesting stuff I have never seen.
>> No. 157612
File 139622180985.jpg - (291.79KB , 744x1052 , IVLS_RQ_HA_Sheena_01.jpg )
>>152651 Come on, anyone willing to share this? O.k, last bump...
>> No. 157878
If someone can provide me with the ones from his blog that aren't on WWOEC (or at least explain how to access them cause I'm not seeign it) then I'll post the lesbian ones from IVLS.

To be specific the Sharron Spitz , Lydia, Coraline, and the new Peg ones.
>> No. 157884
Those are commissions i believe. Probably the commissioner just doesn't want to make them public. Please, if you do have them, post at least one of the lesbian ones.
>> No. 158213
File 139698831796.jpg - (663.77KB , 1024x1317 , drunk_night_with_arnold_and_helga_by_laborde91-d7c.jpg )
Unfinished comic by laborde91.deviantart.com

I fucking love this so far. Tattooed curvy sexual-deviant drunken Helga vs Arnold is a wonderful thing. The third part of the series is going to be posted on his Tumblr(which I-as of yet, do not know the link)
>> No. 158215
File 139698846591.jpg - (566.24KB , 1024x1325 , drunk_night_with_arnold_and_helga_ii_by_laborde91-.jpg )
>dat muscular midriff/treasure-trail combo
>dat dirty talk making Arnold lose his spaghetti

fucking love it
>> No. 158231
Bonus points of Arnold makes her climax by pulling the top of the treasure tuft.
>> No. 158880
>> No. 159649
how has nobody cracked the IVLS mystery yet?! those phoebe and Lila images look so damn good, help!
>> No. 159650
how has nobody cracked the IVLS mystery yet?! those phoebe and Lila images look so damn good, help! Where are they!
>> No. 159665

>tfw laborde hasn't posted anything since

;_; don't quit on me...
>> No. 159783
What the fucking hell?? someone post a leaked pic, then deleted??? and IVLS acts like have been raped?? damn it folks sometimes I hate how people reacts , IT'S ONLY INK not murder are a pussycat A MEOWLING PUSSYCAT or are MEN?
>> No. 159836
Damn, and here I thought we had a chance to FINALLY get it! I have a copy of the .zip, but I'm still waiting on that password...!
>> No. 159841
>>159836 post here
>> No. 159852
Can't post a .zip on the boards, can you?
>> No. 159856
I got this.


>> No. 159872
any body got the password please?
>> No. 159899
File 139829395912.jpg - (169.72KB , 774x792 , HAeditty01.jpg )
Finally gotten onto editing those King Cheetah pics together again.
>> No. 159909

Nice! That you, R-I Perils?
>> No. 159915
Started laying this one out, needs some fixing before I can get to line works.
>> No. 160016
Uh oh, look like the tears have gotten the attention of Internet Defence Force haxxor division. Better watch out whoever released that pic.
>Dun goofd
>> No. 160107
>>160016 Dang it, I missed out....What happened? *_*
>> No. 161485
>> No. 161696
What's with the passworded archive?

And is this hubbub related to >>152651?
>> No. 161735

>>159856 Sadly we have to wait till some one wishes to share said pass..
>Most likely to never happen.

>>152651 That sir, is what lies inside said files
>Waiting on a key that shall never come...
>> No. 161739
Sad but true...I guess that one leaked (and now deleted) image is all we shall ever see, unless someone does step up to it.
>> No. 161796
File 139952390053.jpg - (162.60KB , 744x1052 , 0000000000000000000000000000000.jpg )
in wwoec they think will be break the pass in a day, as if we were super-villains here and IVLS (that pussy) are freaking out making lists....like if can pop that thing easily

i dont have that pass but i saved the image and here are a complilation of his work (he may be glad for the free publicity but noooooo)

>> No. 161846
>>161796 What is the worst they can do to the person who posted this piece the last time? any chance someone would post their chat from wwoec about us, I'm curious to see what their planing? ;P
>> No. 161856
>What is the worst they can do to the person who posted this piece the last time?
if the image files are somehow encoded to the accont that accessed them, like some premium porn sites do, they can find the guy who leaked them, issue lifetime bans, take legal action in some form or another, ect. ect. Short of that, all they can do is DMCA the pic, and posibly subpoena the site for the posters IP. However, once the collection has been leaked, there is absolutly nothing stoping our countless anons from dumping them on every /b/34 thread that they stumble across.
>> No. 161859

It's not about what they can do or what legal recourse there is, but respecting other people's wishes like a decent person. Sure, the temptation to act like a complete jackass on the internet is strong, but don't be that guy who intentionally do it to ruin things for everyone. That ought to be motivation enough.
>> No. 161870
Holly molly that son of a etc just dnp his name of 34's and moans in his blog(in japanese of course, too god for english?)...shameful, as the old saying "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" hate how that guy (or girl) post pieces of art in his blog and never released completely (and the superimposed censorship)
>> No. 161886
>>161870 Well, Glad I was able to grab all his pics when I had the chance...Looks like R34 has knocked his pieces down for the count >Poor guys.... >>161796 And thank you for the file just in case I missed anything mate...
>> No. 161888
>>161870 really? too bad dont worry the deleted pics are in that zip
>> No. 161890
>>161888 Everybody wants to be a Simon now I guess....
>> No. 162076
File 139982046134.png - (391.29KB , 1600x1200 , Commission by Sadarax - Astride 1 Pregnant - Art b.png )

>Whom ever shares that pass will be remembered and muses will sing of their name for all time...
>> No. 162077
I sympathize with artists trying to make a living off of their art, but in this case IVLS thought he could share his art with STRANGERS on the internet and not have it distributed, which is extreme naive, and is now taking a vengeful attitude.

You're not out any money, dude, because you weren't charging in the first place. If I were in your position I'd be THRILLED that so many people like my art.
>> No. 162078
>> No. 162485
File 140052687223.jpg - (96.10KB , 922x1080 , OlgaH5.jpg )
(Sigh)....I guess no one wants to share the pass then?

>> No. 162492
check the newest thread, you silly edge
>> No. 162496
>>162492 A Link good sir?
>> No. 162502
>> No. 162505
File 14005495579.jpg - (169.97KB , 744x1052 , 970d8f16655078152deec6a6aa849a6b.jpg )
>>162502 Well, it looks like the site got shot down, thanks for pointing the way, glad I got my hands on the treasured pieces before the big shut down...
>> No. 162506
File 140055004089.png - (386.94KB , 1600x1200 , Commission by Sadarax - From Behind Pregnant - Art.png )
>>162505 Scratch that, It's back up!

>It was giving me that 404 crap...
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