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File 13824331692.jpg - (125.26KB , 606x1174 , lesbian loli thread.jpg )
147091 No. 147091
Let's have a /ll/ thread!
80 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 153703
There will be more guys!

But since you like the pairing too, why not draw, commission or request something with them, too?
>> No. 153719
How old is Misfit supposed to be anyway, like 15 or 16? Younger or perhaps older?
>> No. 153728
Misfit is 15.
>> No. 153740
File 13919922464.jpg - (938.74KB , 1500x2308 , WW_Cv24_vcntslqy2o_.jpg )
Yeah, the idea of the Wonder Woman, the acting God of War, falling in love with a tiny teenage ginger girl is pretty funny, and yet really sexy in a weird way.

I also need a lot more of it.

I don't think Misfit even exist in the new universe, but who gives a shit, this is porn.
>> No. 153742
For this new universe and for this particular thread, Misfit is now a few years younger.
>> No. 153755
Who is the dominant one?
>> No. 153757
I'd find Misfit being the more dominant one to be adorable. While a warrior Wondy still has a bit of wide eyed innocence coming into a different culture. Accepting of a knowledgeable guide.
>> No. 153759
Damn it. It's always the same.

The best artists don't do any actual porn, or very little.
>> No. 153853
File 13921248984.jpg - (556.13KB , 811x708 , 1392114396982.jpg )
Another to add to the mix being Captain Marvel and Ms.Marvel
>> No. 153926
Any scenario/pose/story ideas for the Wonder Woman/Misfit pairing that you would like to see?

Anyone willing to get a commission?
>> No. 153927
>Yeah, the idea of the Wonder Woman, the acting God of War, falling in love with a tiny teenage ginger girl is pretty funny, and yet really sexy in a weird way.

Exactly this is what i think makes this pairing so sexy.
Wonder Woman is always rather classy and action rational.
For her to fall in love with a young girl is really sexy.
You understand what i mean? I struggle to find the right words to describe it. English is not my first language.
But i think it's good that some of you appreciate the pairing, maybe we can make it more popular.
>> No. 153932
Wondy takes her under her wing since its a custom of Amazons, Misfit is accepting of this because she's getting attention and respect from another hero.
>> No. 153934
I like the idea of Diana genuinely trying to mentoring her at first, thinking that her overwhelming and strange attraction to such young girl is something that will go away if she gets to know her better, but in fact it only gets worse.
Soon enough she is completely smitten by her, and of course eventually ends up making passionate love to Misfit against her better judgement.
>> No. 153936
I can even see Diana trying to find out if she has been "cursed" by a member of her family(Greek gods), simply because her passion and lust for the girl came so strong and sudden, having really graphic and detailed thoughts about her moments after just meeting her.

Wonder Woman acting super fluttered when just shaking her hand, something completely unlike her.

Think of that bit by Louis CK about Ewan McGregor
>> No. 153938
Wondy starts laughing like a loon at something Misfit says to another hero that really has no other meaning but in heir heightened state comes off as as suggestive to her.
>> No. 153939
I can see her more like nervously snickering

Anyway, it would be quite amusing to see someone like Diana who is almost always calm and collective acting like a little girl with a crush.

Maybe thats her biggest attraction, she makes her felt like a kid again or something like that.

I think its cuter that way than Wondy just seducing Misfit and getting into her pants, although that would be interesting too.

Maybe use both approaches
>> No. 153940
Makes her more open to doing things that are more sociable and fun, bonding with her on additional level of love that never really came up among Amazons. I've become more keen on feels rather than sexual whatnot, carries more a punch with me.
>> No. 153950

Sounds great! It's a really good backstory to give the pairing some context. I really like it.
>> No. 153951
So, Wonder Woman falls in love with her because she finds her adorable, and not so much because of sexual appeal?

Yeah, I can buy that, I mean, its not as if a lot of people in the DC universe can really compete with her in terms of looks.

Although, the idea that Misfit would be a bit younger in this incarnation makes more sense in this scenario.
>> No. 153956
a relationship they can transition and grow into, something else I'm keen on.
>> No. 153961
Wonder Woman could just start to mentoring her because she feels the irresistible need to want to protect her, like a lost puppy.

Wondy finds her incredibly cute and can't help but to keep hugging her and kissing her, playful at first of course but soon enough finding herself feeling different when doing this, and then the hugs and kisses start taking a different meaning. Misfit on the other hand loves the attention and affection of an established and powerful icon like Wonder Woman, but then her innocent girl crush also starts to grow into something more, something she can't really explain but knows that feels so right.

If this mentoring takes a few years, yeah, I can see how by the time she is her usual canon age their relationship would have grown quite a lot.
>> No. 153968
File 139224783539.jpg - (192.95KB , 1600x2374 , wonder_woman__justice_league_war__by_philbourassa-.jpg )
If you guys are using the new Wonder Woman, she was just 18 years old when first arrived to the regular world.
You can have her meet Misfit in the five years that were skipped over, so by the current timeline she has been her mentor and "friend" for several years.
Makes their relationship more of an older friend/sister type of thing.

Than again, maybe you guys want more in the retro/classic style, with Wonder Woman looking more mature almost MILF like in nature.

I don't know, I like both, but I much prefer new Wondy to be perfectly honest.
>> No. 153977
Make Misfit as old as the girl that gave her ice cream and maybe it can work
>> No. 153981
what identity would Misfit take when she reaches maturity and becomes Wondy's official "partner"
>> No. 153990
Something with a double meaning in Wondy's native language or a reference to Greek Mythology?

Also, Wondy is like six feet tall or taller, their height different, especially with Misfit maybe being younger should be amusing.
>> No. 153998
Mighty Misfit, so that her logo is like Wonder Woman's but upside down, or is it the other way around?

In her own comic she looks ever taller than the official height(6'), more around 6'3'' at least, but than again artist are anything but consistent.
>> No. 154005
There are a few other tribes of warrior women, maybe part of her maturity is fully becoming a representative of her warrior tradition.
>> No. 154013
Are you taking about a costume that shows more skin? The Amazon way?
>> No. 154017
Not necessarily, all depends on what her tradition would be.
>> No. 154027
I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of them tribbing
>> No. 154028
Well, it was a good idea OP.

But there really isn't any of it.
At least not in this thread.
>> No. 154322
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>> No. 154324
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>> No. 154326
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>> No. 154327
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>> No. 159052
File 139759936940.jpg - (340.00KB , 595x793 , chasexiris.jpg )
>> No. 163056
File 140171013558.jpg - (128.44KB , 877x620 , image.jpg )
Who the shit is TDF?!
>> No. 163057
File 140171021363.jpg - (115.34KB , 620x877 , image.jpg )
"Holli and Daisy" the series is called
>> No. 163064
File 140173886745.jpg - (122.41KB , 954x716 , sarajaz.jpg )
Some mother/daughter bonding. I guess it fits best in here.
>> No. 163071
Oh please need more of Iris from my giant friend please !
>> No. 163097
File 140188807963.jpg - (566.34KB , 771x1025 , 1401884118231.jpg )
>> No. 163103
Wonderful, there must be more
>> No. 163112
File 140192609086.jpg - (190.71KB , 1228x868 , image.jpg )
Incog's legendary Gwen x Natalie pic.
>> No. 163113
incog does /ll/ sometimes. rarely though. I wish he did more
>> No. 163147
File 140212249053.png - (284.66KB , 773x1097 , The Belchers visit 2.png )
someone on /co/ requested some Mabel/Louise. Wasn't sure if i should post this in the Bobs Burgers thread, or the GF on, but i figured this would be a nice compromise. I'll see about adding some colors and shading later.
>> No. 163155
File 140215343041.jpg - (135.11KB , 497x1000 , image.jpg )
Utterly captivated by this idea, any takers? In cartoon form of course.
>> No. 163201
File 140227902782.jpg - (133.03KB , 861x864 , image.jpg )
milk-tastic hotties, GFD
>> No. 163209
I though that fucker had dropped the comic.
>> No. 163297
File 140264209859.jpg - (151.33KB , 930x801 , image.jpg )
>> No. 163352
File 140291409543.jpg - (116.89KB , 990x638 , image.jpg )
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