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File 138088970180.png - (153.84KB , 500x800 , 61924_0_97608_20131002120244.png )
146119 No. 146119
Last one is auto-saging.

Some aren't porn, but they seem to be sets, so I'm just posting those to be complete.
Expand all images
>> No. 146120
File 138088976177.png - (417.75KB , 900x900 , 97608_20131004201849.png )
>> No. 146121
File 138088979112.png - (282.81KB , 800x640 , 97608_20131004045142.png )
>> No. 146122
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>> No. 146123
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>> No. 146124
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>> No. 146125
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>> No. 146126
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>> No. 146127
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>> No. 146128
File 138089014632.png - (390.53KB , 600x800 , 97608_20130930084148.png )
>> No. 146224
File 138108566658.png - (651.76KB , 723x1023 , 12-WIP.png )
working yet?
>> No. 146225
File 13810857999.png - (521.07KB , 723x1023 , 13.png )
>> No. 146226
File 138108588373.png - (481.51KB , 723x1023 , 14.png )
they see me rolling'
>> No. 146227
File 138108594891.png - (528.61KB , 723x1023 , 15.png )
they be hatin'
>> No. 146228
File 138108598028.png - (527.26KB , 723x1023 , 16.png )
censoring me yet /pco/?
>> No. 146229
File 138108606141.png - (574.23KB , 723x1023 , 17.png )
I guess since the Simon's brown-noser won't share; I will!
>> No. 146230
File 138108613443.png - (574.82KB , 723x1023 , 18.png )
I hope this is not DNP!
>> No. 146231
File 13810861774.png - (449.01KB , 723x1023 , 19.png )
been trying to upload this for a while; I guess something was prevented me here.
>> No. 146232
File 13810862398.png - (484.77KB , 723x1023 , 20.png )
share the love
>> No. 146233
File 13810862732.png - (621.87KB , 723x1023 , 21.png )
>> No. 146237
OMG I love you guys!
>> No. 146238
File 138108948450.png - (547.32KB , 724x1023 , 22.png )
>> No. 146239
File 138108955973.png - (477.84KB , 723x1023 , 23.png )
I can feel your juicy love!
>> No. 146240
This should end well.
>> No. 146241
There's nothing especially hot there. It's torture more than sex. lots and lots of words too.
>> No. 146245
there's plenty of people who are into that, mate
>> No. 146249
>> No. 146258
I posted them because the fag who did it first was being a whiny bitch about it and stopped.

Any comic by Simon brings me joy.
This one, not as much, I am sad to say.
I hope it will turn out better.
>> No. 146276
By that logic You can just post anything you want. But there's barely anything sexual there, just someone unloading his anger on a fictional character.
Dunno. I like his pin ups, but it seems all his stories are just that, frustration and anger.
>> No. 146279
I think your twisting it a bit to suit your argument.

images and text are different mediums that can still give you the desired effect, depending on who you are.
>> No. 146283

>huge anal insertion
>barely anything sexual
>> No. 146284

This is an extremely sexual story. Maybe it's not your bag, I get that, but I think it's pretty damn hot.
>> No. 146287
this guy is also one of those whiny fags >>146241, please proceed to please e.g. me and to piss them off. kthx.
>> No. 146288

oh fuck it, now I can't read without this going off in my head

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Re…youtube thumb
>> No. 146294
As trollish as that anon sounds, he somewhat has a point. The pacing seems awfully slow. The average doujin chapter is only 20-30 pages. After 23 pages, this one isn't even past what most people would consider foreplay. It just feels like the first part dragged on a bit longer than it needed to.

It's not too bad, but doujin/comic pacing is just something I think Simon needs to work on if he intends to stick with it.
>> No. 146297
He can say it's slow. He can say it's torture. He can say he doesn't like it.

But to say it's not sexual is fucking retarded.
>> No. 146298
File 138118063045.png - (217.01KB , 700x1100 , 97608_20131008002606.png )
>> No. 146302
>complaining about the pacing in a medium where he can just flip the pages until the action starts
>> No. 146303
Maybe complaining turns him on? I bet there are people with a fetish for that!
>> No. 146305
It's just used to inflict pain, it's not really sexual. Torture of that level is more /d/ than /h/.
>> No. 146306
oh please, that's a very weak point. whether or not something is sexual or not is subjective.
>> No. 146319

I bet he's pacing this for 40~48.

Doujinshi are only the lengths they are because book pages need to divisible by 8, doujinshi artists are paying for the printing out of pocket, and because most of the time they don't have a real story to tell.
>> No. 146321
Are you underage or are you really that naive?
>> No. 146334
Please of the love of god post more. Ignore these over analytical self privileged assholes. Some of us love Simon's work. Every time I see a new page it leaves just another tick of happiness in my day. Thank you Simon for all your effort if you're ever here to read this.
>> No. 146343
What is /h/ or /d/ isn't, though.
Simon usual naked pin ups are ok there, but this stroy is turning into /d/ territory pretty fast. We alreadt got smegma shit. now painful insertion. Shit or blood is incoming next
>> No. 146346
Painfull inserction is not /d/ material. /h/ doesn't means drawn porn for prudes.
>> No. 146354
*cough* brown noser *cough* *cough*.
>> No. 146355
English, please
>> No. 146360
File 13812819806.png - (143.60KB , 900x400 , 62498_0_97608_20131009101652.png )
>> No. 146361
File 138128200611.png - (263.11KB , 800x800 , 97608_20131009101647.png )
>> No. 146379
yeah, good points. Frankly, he can make it 800 pages as far as I'm concerned. I just think he needs to punctuate it better; break it into chapters or something to to make it more digestible.

When producing any kind of media, it's important to remember your target audience. And let's be honest, most of the people looking at this kinda stuff generally have a divided attention span. You can't really expect most people in that position to sit through 40+ pages in one stroke.
>> No. 146382
On the other hand he is doing this for free so I think he can very well do whathever he wants since no one is paying or being forced to read his comics.
>> No. 146392

I'm confused. Are you complaining that the comic isn't following generic pacing, isn't just pages of "Ahs" and "Oohs", that it doesn't fit the kind of material you're personally familiar with, or is it simply too wordy for you? (I hope it's not that last one, there are plenty of good fapfics out there to enjoy.)

I don't think it's too many pages or slow at all, because none of the dialogue felt extraneous. Do not confuse deliberate pacing with meandering or uneven pacing. There is clearly a slow but steady escalation of things. He's taking as many pages he needs to tell the story he wants to tell.

I've seen plenty of doujinshi that are 64 or 80 pages, and doujinshi that combine manga with dense text, like a mix between comics and fanfics. Assuming your taste is representative of a large and diverse audience, or that your knowledge of it is representative of the medium, is a bit presumptuous.

TLDR: I like that he gives a shit about dialogue and characterization.
>> No. 146394
No, none of that. I just don't like ones that go on for 50+ pages with no breaks or pauses. It's like reading a giant run-on sentence. It's also harder to find that one panel that really does it for you (you know the one I'm talking about) when it's all one continuous doujin. The dialogue and action pacing isn't bad. I just feel like it's getting to that point where it's starting to need a break, and it doesn't really seem like a good stopping point at all. In all fairness, my perception of time might just be fucked since I've been following this for months.
>> No. 146402
that's not true. piss goes to /d/ despite being way more socially acceptable than pedophile torture. Furries also go on /d/ even is they are just nude. You are just playing favorite there.
>> No. 146419
Rough sex is not /d/
>> No. 146421
piss isnt painful insertion, where did you get piss from?

/h is for social norms, /d deviates from the norm and both in their own right are sexual.
>> No. 146427
Hey! You are the same faggot whining in the other threads! Go troll somewhere else!
>> No. 146454
>>146360 What toon is she from?
>> No. 146455
What about Mimi.
>> No. 146458
What kind of idiot do you have to be to take a comic and say to yourself "this doesn't arouse me", and then extrapolate from the fact that you're not into it that it must not be sexual? It's sexual, bro. Jesus fucking christ.
>> No. 146459
Looks like Simon has really dialed back the censorship. At this point it's very easy to ignore. Much appreciated!
>> No. 146470
File 138145329769.png - (462.18KB , 600x1250 , 97608_20131011074434.png )
>> No. 146471
File 138145336426.png - (344.72KB , 700x900 , 62646_0_97608_20131011074439.png )
>> No. 146473
Is it just me, or is Simon often so good he's bad?
Do you know what I mean?
>> No. 146474
I tend to agree and I know exactly why I feel that way, but I won't go further than that because it'll upset his fans.
>> No. 146476

I have noticed that his pics have the ability to turn everyone into art critics.

But seriously, I think I know what you mean. But I think it has more to do with having a very specific artistic taste than being "so good it's bad." A lot of rule34 are indistinguishable, or are just copies or traces. Simon's style is more personal, so it's going to be more polarizing. He reminds me a lot of Raita in that way. There's the lolicon thing, there's the skinniness thing, and there's the anatomy thing. Personally, I love it, I know some people hate it, but either way you can't say it's shallow. Just polarizing.
>> No. 146478

Sensible opinion?
Get out of here! ;p
>> No. 146481
No, I don't see it. He has a solid colouring and a limited set of body type but I don't see the good would make it bad.
>> No. 146484

I find his work frequently has an uncanny element to it that makes it feel...disturbing, I guess? It's all very good art but something about the way he blends cartoon and realistic anatomy doesn't sit right with me.
>> No. 146487

I have the opposite feeling. I look at the way he draws these cartoons (especially when he tackles something I never thought could be appealing like Rugrats), and I wonder why the originals weren't designed his way. He could unflatten cartoons and still make them look really identifiable, without going the complete anime/disney/tumblr fusion style that's so popular and somewhat pointless, imo. He could draw those styles and these characters completely on model, too, he just doesn't do that often. He goes his own way, which I think is drawing in an anime way, without drawing an anime design. Does that make sense?

Just look at Vicky. She'd not superflat but still more faithful to the original in a way that something like Camp Sherwood isn't.
>> No. 146488

And come to think of it, he isn't drawing these characters too skinny. They actually are that skinny, but drawn without detail on the shows. Maybe that's what you find uncanny? He's drawing them with an amount of detail that is closer to manga, while still following the proportions of the cartoon. My porn of choice is hentai, so I guess I'm used to it.
>> No. 146490
>limited set of body types
you people really should get out more often: >>146406 >>146407

>an amount of detail that is closer to manga
Actually, not even manga/anime is this detailed. it's more of a classic pin-up illustration style. Most Manga/anime is just featureless moe blobs these days.
>> No. 146497
File 138151742668.png - (422.86KB , 800x1000 , 1381511505868.png )
>> No. 146500
yeah right, because the fact other people can't draw well is totally invalidating the comments about his own work, especially if you directly insult people who did it.
>> No. 146506
File 138153200452.png - (812.48KB , 900x700 , tristate_terror_03.png )
>> No. 146507
File 13815321017.png - (425.45KB , 800x600 , tristate_terror_02.png )
>> No. 146508
File 138153522816.png - (120.52KB , 400x1000 , 1381533608453.png )
>> No. 146509
File 138153538318.png - (413.17KB , 800x1000 , 97608_20131012041950.png )

I knew it.
>> No. 146515
Anyone else think his linework is better than his colors?
>> No. 146524
I wouldn't say better, but it's certainly cleaner, which feels a bit closer to the source material in allot of cases.
>> No. 146536
This is a really cool observation.
>> No. 146548
no they aren't skinny in the show. Styilization are a view of things, but not a thing. stick figures aren't walking skeleton. The subject doesn't have physical issues just because their in world physic and anatomy is different from photorealism.
>> No. 146550
I agree about liking his line art better, but I remember when other artist used to color his line art and they did a fine job too.
>> No. 146553
File 138162236483.png - (257.27KB , 600x800 , 1381595420411.png )
>> No. 146556
Candace is actually said to be unhealthy scrawny. Others have no excuse though.
>> No. 146557
File 138164083949.png - (301.76KB , 700x900 , 1381626387663.png )
>> No. 146561
Does Simon have an anorexia fetish?

Why are all his characters goddamn skeletons?
>> No. 146566
>> No. 146595
makes it unappealing to me, too. but artistically I´m still impressed and checking his art, in a non-porn sense.

except this friggin Vanellope comic. keep it coming. :P
>> No. 146597
Some artists make all characters chubby, other with big tits and other make them with a big ass. Even with his own style you can recognize all the characters in his works unlike some artists that make generic characters with only the hair and accessories to differentiate one from the other.

Just accept that people might like stuff you don't like.
>> No. 146601
File 138170990065.png - (226.54KB , 700x900 , 62791_0_97608_20131013101525.png )
>> No. 146606
at least Simon's art a step up from Zimmerman's.
>> No. 146650
My son's crayon doodles are better than Zimmerman's shit.
>> No. 146652
File 138179710118.png - (297.44KB , 700x600 , 97608_20131015091024.png )
>> No. 146653
File 138179728748.png - (491.23KB , 850x900 , 62936_0_97608_20131015091031.png )
>That Shining reference
>> No. 146655
F- I hate Zimmerman, he downright RUINS characters. There is nothing appealing about his art. NOTHING. But it's all over Paheal, makes me throw up.
>> No. 146679
While it's true that it's normally pretty unappealing, the problem does not appear to be so much Simon having some sort of fetish for really scrawny girls as much as it is Simon actually keeping it accurate to the original material, as opposed to modifying the girls to be more appealing/healthy-looking physically.

I admit that it's kinda creepy and unappealing in an erotic sense to look at, but I think we can all agree that it's better than Zimmerman. Simon DOES have some talent at drawing... He just chooses to show it in a weird way.
>> No. 146684
There's lots of quality in zimmerman's art it's just nor really fappable. He also suffer from a shitty hate maymay because of that. namedrop it and suddenly you gets 10 idots signing for his assassination asap.
>> No. 146685
I myself happen to really love the petite type myself. ^_^
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