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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 136913995214.jpg - (38.47KB , 249x768 , let_s_go_swim_benjamin_by_acp626-d5jc3mz.jpg )
138421 No. 138421
Get in here, brodents!
Expand all images
>> No. 138422
File 136914020419.gif - (1.29MB , 450x338 , 1369084885729.gif )
>Who are 'Stilton Girls'?
Female characters related to the Italian series of books, animated show, and comics "Geronimo Stilton". It's about mice (including sexy lady mice).

First of all, there's Thea/Tea Stilton. She's a hot milf who's also a badass martial artist with a takes-no-shit attitude. She also ends up tied/tentacled a lot, for some reason.
>> No. 138423
File 136914056561.jpg - (560.56KB , 3047x871 , bios.jpg )
There are also the Thea/Tea Sisters. They're basically a team of teenagers with attitude who worship Thea Stilton (as we all should do). That's the reason they chose the name "Thea Sisters" (they're not biological sisters, btw).
>> No. 138424
File 136914086129.gif - (2.34MB , 319x255 , 1369086160144.gif )
There's also a little girl called Pandora, but /pco/-related fanart of her is... well... not for everyone's tastes (as she's a little girl). So, have another clip of Thea instead.
>> No. 138425
File 136914098443.jpg - (80.17KB , 605x337 , obligatory.jpg )
There's also Thea's young nephew, Benjamin, who may be considered /ss/ material.
>> No. 138426
File 13691413859.jpg - (59.72KB , 996x1280 , 1298852326_ixbalam_thea1.jpg )
>Who are brodents?
People who adore the Stilton Girls, discuss them, post and create fanart of them, etc.

>What's the point of this thread?
To post rule 34 of the Stilton Girls.
To create moar rule 34 of the Stilton Girls, since it's so criminally rare.
To have fun!
>> No. 138427
File 136914179622.png - (163.91KB , 1000x1000 , 1369095533288.png )
We'll start with an Anonymous drawfriend, who drew four great pics in the /co/ thread.
>> No. 138428
File 136914196124.png - (139.75KB , 1000x1000 , 1369096397457.png )
>> No. 138429
File 136914202217.png - (135.97KB , 1000x856 , 1369099005092.png )
>> No. 138430
File 136914217429.png - (161.04KB , 1000x856 , 1369100802895.png )
>> No. 138431
File 136914231630.png - (178.61KB , 646x768 , 1369113356426.png )
Another drawfriend posted this fine doodle.

(Sorry for not much porn yet, we're getting to it)
>> No. 138432
File 136914240718.jpg - (65.80KB , 450x450 , 1367105882_lupinrager_geronimo_bruce.jpg )
>> No. 138433
File 136914246981.png - (265.49KB , 800x1280 , 1369112804_alzang676_sketch2120531[1].png )
Also, a drawfriend called alzang676 participated in the thread, and drew a couple of pics

Thea has a nasty habit of sitting on people's desks. Some anons criticized her for it, so this was a reaction to that.
>> No. 138434
File 136914257142.png - (254.18KB , 800x1280 , 1369116031_alzang676_sketch21214551[1].png )
Another Thea x Desk doodle by alzang676
>> No. 138435
wasn't there other art? i missed some of it, fell asleep.
>> No. 138436
File 136914277277.png - (406.87KB , 1653x1690 , 1367341048_wolfjedisamuel_colette_s_morning_surpri.png )
Moving on to non-/co/ brodents.
Wolfjedisamuel's drawings.
>> No. 138437

how'd you find out there name, they never used one.
or did they post it on fa or da?
>> No. 138438
File 136914292131.jpg - (1.71MB , 1505x2139 , 1262963719_wolfjedisamuel_temple_of_boobs.jpg )
Other art by /co/ drawfriends? Then I've missed it too ;_;
>> No. 138439
File 136914304286.jpg - (294.73KB , 1280x1024 , 1269661361_wolfjedisamuel_temple_of_boob_comic_pt_.jpg )
FA. I, er, go there for the art
>> No. 138440
File 136914310845.jpg - (842.80KB , 1200x794 , 1332444517_barraqda_siroc_paulina_upload.jpg )
Found the same pic by searching for "Stilton" on FA.
>> No. 138441
File 136914314897.jpg - (281.74KB , 1280x1015 , 1270715261_wolfjedisamuel_temple_of_boobs_pt_2_com.jpg )
>> No. 138442
BASED BRODENTS! I'll try to drawfag too. Just needs more research...
>> No. 138443
File 136914327377.jpg - (239.17KB , 1280x986 , 1270730509_wolfjedisamuel_temple_of_boobs_pt_3_com.jpg )
Yeah, that's a good one
>paulina master race
>> No. 138444
File 136914350455.jpg - (417.77KB , 600x860 , 1271584453_wolfjedisamuel_inglourious_rodents.jpg )
That's great!
I don't think I can post much non-porn art (e.g., artwork from the show/books/comics) on this board, though, so I just advise you to search for "Geronimo Stilton", "Thea Stilton" and "Thea Sisters" on the net
>> No. 138445
File 136914358540.jpg - (388.48KB , 1280x1012 , 1274712082_wolfjedisamuel_inglourious_rodents_comi.jpg )
>> No. 138446
File 136914367527.jpg - (572.70KB , 2277x1395 , 1275132682_wolfjedisamuel_inglourious_rodents_fina.jpg )
>> No. 138447
Need more showering Thea.
>> No. 138448
File 136914390480.jpg - (162.37KB , 1063x1032 , 1249050873_wolfjedisamuel_not_so_childrens_friendl.jpg )
>> No. 138449
File 136914400787.jpg - (475.99KB , 863x1106 , 1296232211_wolfjedisamuel_not_so_child-friendly.jpg )
>> No. 138450
File 136914410111.jpg - (358.79KB , 637x881 , 1308060585_wolfjedisamuel_stuck_on_you.jpg )
>> No. 138451
File 136914423416.png - (2.47MB , 1232x2164 , 1317221166_wolfjedisamuel_free_sample_comic.png )
>> No. 138452
File 136914433611.jpg - (899.21KB , 1263x1233 , 1363710088_wolfjedisamuel_doodl_d_2013.jpg )
>> No. 138453
File 13691444553.jpg - (1.28MB , 1398x1920 , 1365671226_wolfjedisamuel_stuck_on_you_2013.jpg )
>> No. 138454
File 136914455219.jpg - (2.44MB , 2500x2108 , 1367927426_wolfjedisamuel_the_tall_man_part_1.jpg )
>> No. 138455
File 136914462971.jpg - (414.98KB , 876x965 , who__s_da_boss_by_wolfjedisamuel-d3u8x1x.jpg )
>> No. 138456
i'll try to draw more thea later today. got shit to do first.
>> No. 138457
File 136914477149.jpg - (378.77KB , 1035x800 , 1325100209_quelico_siroc-paulina-alternate-fa.jpg )
Moving on. Quelico.
>> No. 138458
File 136914485828.jpg - (376.56KB , 680x800 , 1338268577_quelico_siroc-colette-fa.jpg )
Awesome! More Thea is always needed
>> No. 138459
File 136914502771.jpg - (202.97KB , 1282x1268 , paulina_of_the___tea_sisters___by_colonel_gabbo-d5.jpg )
Colonel Gabbo's pinups of the Sisters
Starting with >paulina master race, of course
>> No. 138460
File 136914513025.jpg - (85.58KB , 835x539 , tea_sisters___nicky__v_1__by_colonel_gabbo-d5rnmwx.jpg )
>> No. 138461
File 136914524117.jpg - (159.99KB , 772x1044 , tea_sisters___nicky__v_2__by_colonel_gabbo-d5rnmz9.jpg )
>> No. 138462
File 136914537829.jpg - (184.53KB , 781x1000 , tea_sisters___nicky__v_3__by_colonel_gabbo-d5rnn2b.jpg )
>> No. 138463
File 136914540728.jpg - (215.22KB , 1074x1354 , violet_of_the___tea_sisters_____almost_finished_by.jpg )
>> No. 138464
File 136914557584.jpg - (84.76KB , 599x809 , tea-stilton.jpg )
Art by Tiquitoc
>> No. 138465
File 136914592143.jpg - (100.33KB , 685x768 , Pandora[6].jpg )
Err... you remember how I said that I don't think there'll be any fanart of Pandora in this thread? Looks like I was wrong o_o
>> No. 138466
File 136914604441.jpg - (53.88KB , 455x492 , 1333557736_valkanos_thea_sisters_exposed.jpg )
Thea Sisters pics by Valkanos
>> No. 138467
File 136914621556.jpg - (99.88KB , 506x960 , 1350408239_valkanos_img_0056.jpg )
>> No. 138468
File 136914649890.png - (555.53KB , 1177x711 , zzpandora.png )
There's also a little girl called Pandora, but /pco/-related fanart of her is... well... not for everyone's tastes (as she's a little girl). So, have another clip of Thea instead.

There's also Thea's young nephew, Benjamin, who may be considered /ss/ material.

Double standards? /ss/ is fine but Pandora is off limits?
>> No. 138469
File 13691465043.jpg - (105.54KB , 824x1280 , 1356196625_valkanos_scan0000.jpg )
>> No. 138470
File 136914661614.jpg - (86.06KB , 939x1280 , 1356198215_valkanos_img_0115.jpg )
Isn't she younger than him?
>> No. 138471
File 136914667633.jpg - (25.43KB , 350x469 , 1333557023_valkanos_scan0006.jpg )
>> No. 138472
nvm this was posted as I was typing.
pretty off model, but whatever
>> No. 138473
File 136914679019.jpg - (241.53KB , 1024x1439 , thea_sister___nicky_and_colette_in_trouble_by_limp.jpg )
Limpurtikles' art.
As I said, Stilton Girls often end tied up, so some of the fanart reflects that
>> No. 138474
File 136914694716.jpg - (115.06KB , 840x1133 , Thea_Stilton___In_a_tight_spot_by_Limpurtikles.jpg )
>> No. 138475
File 136914708941.jpg - (79.12KB , 740x1169 , Thea_Stilton_once_more_by_Limpurtikles.jpg )
>> No. 138476
File 136914885540.jpg - (155.77KB , 900x1200 , bound_thea_stilton_by_levvvar-d31t083.jpg )
More bound mice by Levvvar
>> No. 138477
File 136914903262.jpg - (136.65KB , 900x675 , req__fso_mice_by_levvvar-d32odhh.jpg )
>> No. 138478
File 136914974950.png - (311.16KB , 965x921 , 1369149578950.png )
While I was positng all this, a new drawing came up on /co/! Thanks, drawfriend!
>> No. 138479
File 136915008412.png - (306.57KB , 768x814 , 1280439812_konnykon_tied_tea_sister.png )
Some more art
>> No. 138482
File 136915066449.jpg - (62.58KB , 807x1280 , 1337791667_blazingferretlord_thea_naughty_001.jpg )
>> No. 138484
File 136915169194.jpg - (529.10KB , 900x900 , 1367727390_siroc_tritonsdaughter.jpg )
>> No. 138485
File 136915185013.jpg - (292.19KB , 1280x996 , mouse_trap__by_nandah-d4n1hu1.jpg )
>> No. 138486
File 13691519432.gif - (32.67KB , 465x1010 , Tea_Stilton_in_the_cheese_room_by_Hypercat_Z.gif )
>> No. 138487
File 136915212289.png - (964.05KB , 939x1569 , the_search_for_colette_by_grouchom-d5vyuoe.png )
>> No. 138488
File 136915226615.jpg - (204.11KB , 733x1021 , Tea_Sisters_as_girls_by_roby_boh.jpg )
And that's pretty much all I have. I'll end on a safe, but cute picture.

Have fun!
>> No. 138489
File 136915279937.jpg - (718.91KB , 1187x1649 , 1369146806516.jpg )
Oh, and also some useful information for drawfriends.

The Stilton franchise also features other cute mouse girls.
E.g., this pirate catgirl who has a habit of undressing in front of her crew
>> No. 138490
Also, Patty Springs, Pandora's aunt and Geronimo Stilton's* love interest – seen here: >>138431

* Thea's brother and main character of the franchise
>> No. 138492
File 13691576088.jpg - (142.74KB , 650x886 , 1369156549645.jpg )
One more drawing from the /co/ thread. Keep 'em coming, drawfriends!
>> No. 138493
File 136915885453.jpg - (512.43KB , 1400x2002 , 1369157689353.jpg )
Her name turns out to be Tersilla of Catatonia
>> No. 138503
So after a year or two /co/ FINALLY bit on this just like they did with that North Korean toon...
>> No. 138521
"North Korea toon" has been available on YT for some time. This, on the other hand, is not.
>> No. 138531
Fetishy scenes with Thea that may be of interest to drawfriends:

>a clean freak sheik forces Thea to be part of his harem
(also >>138424)

>a pirate mousegirl fights with Thea, dominates and ties her up at the end
Nicolas MARTIN composer, Geron…youtube thumb (scene at 7:22)

might be more
>> No. 138536
File 136922380670.jpg - (105.99KB , 521x750 , lets_get_dirty.jpg )
Another fanart from the /co/ thread!
>> No. 138541
File 136923684674.jpg - (144.53KB , 700x866 , this sucs less.jpg )
That sucs.
>> No. 138543
File 136923722536.jpg - (177.10KB , 529x671 , its_just_cheese_nothing_indecent.jpg )
The thread in /co/ is in autosage now ;_;

An edit from the thread
>> No. 138554
File 136924010454.png - (729.52KB , 789x599 , edit_www_kepfeltoltes_hu_.png )
And another edit! Yay!
>> No. 138559
File 136925084762.png - (478.74KB , 830x600 , I don't have photoshop.png )
I actually wanted a non-sexual edit, with panels and the other mouse erased. You know, like this, with the hat and hair redrawn from scratch, and white background transparent. I would like to do that, but I do not have a tablet.
>> No. 138562
File 136925505156.png - (218.35KB , 800x1280 , Sketch223162435[1].png )
more shit i drew.
it ain't gonna solve itself...
>> No. 138572
I say that goes to /cod/
>> No. 138574
whelp, it won't let me delete it.
no stupidass reason either, way to go pluschan...
>> No. 138612
File 136934565465.png - (281.07KB , 1000x1000 , 1369332144098.png )
Fanart from the new /co/ thread
>> No. 138613
File 136934569377.jpg - (469.48KB , 723x1241 , 1369339288818.jpg )
>> No. 138614
File 136934572649.jpg - (251.81KB , 809x727 , 1369341130382.jpg )
>> No. 138615
File 136934586397.jpg - (357.61KB , 536x1326 , 1369342775014.jpg )
>> No. 138616
File 136934598842.jpg - (377.22KB , 779x1330 , 1369343785326.jpg )
>> No. 138617
File 13693460938.jpg - (232.16KB , 461x912 , 1369344813581.jpg )
>> No. 138619
File 136934627953.jpg - (713.84KB , 1076x875 , 1369345732959.jpg )
>> No. 138628
File 136936767299.jpg - (157.50KB , 519x884 , 1369366249624.jpg )
>>138616 colored
>> No. 138635
File 136939439588.jpg - (128.40KB , 810x588 , 1369377001730.jpg )
Thea among other /co/ waifus of the week
>> No. 138636
File 13693972558.jpg - (617.68KB , 1150x1585 , 1369391137_wolfjedisamuel_journalism.jpg )
It's by HentaiBoy, by the way.

And a new rule 34 by wolfjedisamuel (picrelated)
>> No. 138644
Always with the big boobs, that guy.
>> No. 138648
Boobs are filled with men's hopes and dreams.

Obviously the artist has alot of hopes, and dreams.
>> No. 138671
God bless him and his obsession with giving Thea giant lactating tits.
>> No. 138745
4chan banned me for trying to post this. It's one of the official comics, but in Spanish.

>> No. 138847
Mods sometimes do not like filesharing. I guess it depends on the weather, and whether or not they fapped that day.
>> No. 138884
In case any of you would like to actually DISCUSS the show and books, you can do it here:
>> No. 138951
Okay, this is sort of important. The first thread that got archived received several negative votes in the past two days, and is going to be deleted unless a lot of ppl vote for it soon. I voted once, but that's it. The rest is up to you. You can make an account; it's free and forever.
>> No. 139195
File 136980693875.jpg - (7.68KB , 190x265 , too small.jpg )
So, was the original version REALLY really lost, or what?
>> No. 141469
File 137326286873.jpg - (46.90KB , 403x768 , 1024-3.jpg )
New brodent here. Saw this introduced on /co/ by Mister Twister there a few days ago. REALLY interested in this image here, any information about it?
>> No. 141691
This thread is for pr0n. Discussion thread is available on +/co/.
>> No. 142363
File 137506555975.jpg - (153.75KB , 677x1039 , 1375055857407.jpg )
/r/ing them undressing from shown swimsuits.
>> No. 142438
I am sort of kind of seconding that.
>> No. 142482
Know what? Fuck promises; I'll try to draw one of them. Will hopefully finish in less than 2 days.
>> No. 149378
File 138594455510.jpg - (972.92KB , 3305x2544 , fan___geronimo_stilton___tea_bikini_by_shoxxe-d6s7.jpg )
So I found this... quite unexpectedly.

I will draw that someday, and if I get a tablet for Cristmas, sooner than later.
>> No. 153343
Nothing new today brodent? Or waiting 'miracle' come?
>> No. 153348
Still no Pandora?
...Do I have to do everything myself?
>> No. 155268
File 139364654598.png - (38.98KB , 900x540 , Pandora R34.png )
So, an anon drew this. Not sure what to say or think, but the artist in me cannot hate anything well-drawn. And this is very well-drawn.
>> No. 155395
Whoops. Mistook it for the general rodent thread. Thanks for offensively reminding me.
>> No. 155398
You have my support.
>> No. 155400
File 13937678502.png - (121.97KB , 320x240 , 1393730384688.png )
You have my support.

Pic not related to the thread, I have trouble posting without a pic.
>> No. 157988
File 139670983928.jpg - (159.02KB , 710x1248 , 1341233 - Geronimo_Stilton Thea_Sisters Tiquitoc V.jpg )
Here... Got from Tiquitoc blogspot. Hope this thread keep on.
>> No. 158030

Wow, never expected this pic will be here too soon.
>> No. 158984
File 139755741289.png - (670.88KB , 1120x1200 , 1397477373_cheesecaked_pandora_wozguxxsmal.png )
Pandora(Adult version. I think) by CheeseCaked. Hope you guys like it....
>> No. 159271
Yo peeps, I've never watched an episode of this in my life, but I quite like the designs of the characters I've seen, especially this Thea girl. I quite like mice/rat girls; that is what brought me here. So, as some practice, I took that tiny pic you peeps couldn't find the source of, and inked it in photoshop. I'm not the best; I hope it's up to standard. I can't color it because I am colorblind (it would probably look odd), so I'll leave that to someone more capable than I. Peace.

>> No. 159463
File 139791888171.png - (345.83KB , 1000x900 , Thea.png )
>> No. 159496
thea/tea sisters site

anyone know how to rip or can post the full swf of the site here?
>> No. 159580
>anyone know how to rip or can post the full swf of the site here?

not sure how to rip the swf. but here's a rar of all the images i could get for ya. sorry for duplicates if any.

>> No. 159604
Here ya go. Most of them are .svg files, so you will need a vector editor to play around. Enjoy!

>> No. 159693
>> No. 161941
File 139964065787.jpg - (1.19MB , 2318x1790 , 1398610760_wolfjedisamuel_tips_request_churendel.jpg )
This maybe not a porn but...... still okay a bit....
>> No. 163027
File 140162894671.jpg - (305.81KB , 843x913 , 1401508028_thewill_blackknife12_bigcheese.jpg )
Commission by TheWill.
>> No. 163111
I really want some /ss/ of Thea and Benjamin - Anyone willing to do/find it/do a commission?
>> No. 163499
File 140368996899.png - (612.03KB , 1200x791 , 1403595864_cheesecaked_pamelapinupfin.png )
>> No. 163523
>> No. 163524
>> No. 163529
I apologize if this isn't the place to ask this, but does anything of Sally Rasmaussen from the TV series exist? I still have yet to see any rule 34 of her.
>> No. 163662
File 14042269884.jpg - (1.05MB , 2102x2080 , 1404213073_wolfjedisamuel_suck_it_in_trade_blackkn.jpg )
No lucky cheese for those who said about Benjamin or Sally whatever it is. However, this just(or past hour ago) post from Furaffinity by WJS. I hope you guys enjoy it. :D
>> No. 163758
Where did you find this pic? Do you have any of the comics, like this would imply? If so, can you upload them somewhere? I would love that a lot. Any Geronimo/Thea ones OR Thea Sisters ones would be appreciated.

Also, is it me or are the Sisters comics actually meant to be catered to older readers, and I don't mean in the sense they have teens in, but are like a bit fanservicey? I mean one of the artists kittyformaggio is clearly a furry if you check her DA.
>> No. 163760
Where did you find this pic? Do you have any of the comics, like this would imply? If so, can you upload them somewhere? I would love that a lot. Any Geronimo/Thea ones OR Thea Sisters ones would be appreciated.

Also, is it me or are the Sisters comics actually meant to be catered to older readers, and I don't mean in the sense they have teens in, but are like a bit fanservicey? I mean one of the artists kittyformaggio is clearly a furry if you check her DA.
>> No. 163776
File 140450227153.jpg - (584.05KB , 1920x2658 , Thea_Stilton_v1 cbr.jpg )
Here is a link for a Thea_Stilton_v1 book.
>> No. 163856
Everyone's Fappable Part 1
>> No. 163895
the site only have the first and 3rd book, no 2nd or others?
>> No. 163974
Does anyone have a link to book 4 or any of the others?

Are any of the older books about THEA?

They don't have to be in English - I can translate them or something, I'm good at that sort of thing. Please gibe de links if you got them.

There is one with a small pic of Thea in the shower.

the links have expired. Can you reupload them?
>> No. 164187
File 140659030315.png - (1.21MB , 1600x1600 , jzwhol.png )
>> No. 164197
File 140677290088.png - (305.64KB , 1550x500 , Theasisters ddolls.png )
>> No. 164287
http://www.mediafire.com/download/a1p36mq2wu5n4s0/Thea+Stilton+v2+-+Revenge+of+the+Lizard+Club+%282013%29+%28Juvenile+Vapors-DCP%29.zip book 2 I heard book 4 gonna be out Sep1 10
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