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File 13471645024.png - (703.88KB , 700x827 , 160760.png )
124914 No. 124914

The first chapter and a 1/2 of Jeremy Kyles incomplete FOP story.

Source for pic if Crocface on Hentai Foundry
215 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 157341
File 139586792532.jpg - (166.56KB , 600x591 , 400562 - Cosmo Fairly_OddParents Gyem Wanda.jpg )
Yeah, but I don't want to break Cosmo and Wanda up. You think he would be cool with Timmy banging her?
>> No. 157342
I think there was something in the idea about Cosmo permanently becoming a girl. Might be thinking of something else, though.
>> No. 157343
File 139587114366.png - (289.23KB , 961x1229 , 737775 - Fairly_OddParents FairyCosmo Wanda.png )
Well I definitely don't want that.
>> No. 157346
I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing her. Besides, they could always have a threesome together.
>> No. 157350
So how is the story structure going to play out? Will each chapter be a sex scene with different pairings, locations, and fetishes in each one? Or will it be story and characters first, smut later?
>> No. 157351
Cosmo: Sorry Timmy, I know this was supposed to be your special day but I can't hold anymore. But seeing you and Wanda really got me horny!

And them Cosmo sticks in Timmy's butt
>> No. 157359
I take it his fairies got him covered with STDs and unwanted pregnancy?
>> No. 157361
I guess it's implied, not that he has to worry about stds
>> No. 157386
File 139595005795.png - (265.68KB , 1744x1920 , 133457007.png )
So would the sex only be restrained to Timmy and the girls or will there be some girl on girl action as well? Also can we still suggest possible sex scenarios?
>> No. 157402
Well it wouldn't be a real harem without a little girl on girl action going on would it? And of course you can share some ideas. The more the merrier
>> No. 157412
File 139597133499.png - (260.27KB , 815x1200 , 30312020.png )
>> No. 157430
Gara finished the pic. You gotta wait for the official release though.
>> No. 157462
Is the co author still here? I have something I want to ask him about all this.
>> No. 157470
File 139606267571.jpg - (966.43KB , 1200x1500 , web9small.jpg )
>> No. 157478
File 139607657486.jpg - (323.74KB , 1157x893 , 264222.jpg )
Nice Job. but what became of Vicky?

And now part 2.
>> No. 157487
>shortstack Wanda
I didn't even realize I wanted this until now.
>> No. 157496
Pt 3, carly comes in and complains they started without her
pt 4, unprotected sex comes with certain ramifications including horny pregnant girls
>> No. 157503
Nah. Probably gonna move on to something else.
>> No. 157519
I love the idea of Timmy making the girls breakfast after fucking them senseless. I also love the idea of the girls being super casual with one another. This is an awesome concept and should be incorporated into the story somehow.
>> No. 157539
Can we talk about how amazing these are?
>> No. 157543
Sure, I just hope the guy who came up with this harem idea hasn't abandoned everything
>> No. 157552
I'm here what did you want to talk about?
>> No. 157555
>>157503 was in reference to the new Gara pic, not the story.

Speaking of that what do you think of >>142380 and >>157478
>> No. 157559
I was wondering if you if plan on adding Wanda to be a possible addition of the harem? Also since it's obvious that Timmy's gonna wish up some kinky scenarios for him and the girls but hasn't revealed his fairies to them yet, how will he explain all the weird sex related stuff happening?
>> No. 157563
Could you please answer this question here? >>157350
>> No. 157570
So where's this comic posted? Can't find it on his hentai foundry.
>> No. 157571
look for garbage on hentai foundry.
>> No. 157572
those are pretty good pictures

story is definitely a priority, although sex stuff is still pretty important

yeah Wanda is going to get involved(as will Cosmo after he gets wished into a woman due to saying something really sexist, and he comes to realize he likes being a woman and decides to stay as one), and as for the kinky things, well half the time in the show people don't even really notice the weird stuff going on even when it's really obvious, so it shouldn't be too hard for him to keep the secret
>> No. 157583
Maybe it can be a good way to introduce Timmy's girlfriends as well the focus of the fic?

Have you came up with some chapter ideas yet? I think it's about time we began doing that
>> No. 157594
Still not sold on the girl!Cosmo idea.
>> No. 157609
My biggest concern is how do you end a story like this?
>> No. 157621
I hope Garabatoz starts drawing some nsfw art based off his Timmy x Missy x Carly headcanon series
>> No. 157630
So, are the girls here going to compete to see who can last the longest?
>> No. 157631
Nah. I think it's just showing that the Vicky, Tootie, Trixie and Veronica are more used to Timmy than the other girls. Remember the prequel here >>142380
>> No. 157632
I'm sorry. It's not a prequel. It's a continuation
>> No. 157678
I'm mostly going with that because I wanted Wanda involved, but Timmy doing Wanda with a male Cosmo still around would feel too much like NTR to me, and the only other solution which Cosmo could stay a guy for, them double teaming her is another massive no from me(I do not like having more than one guy in my porn), so the best solution for this scenario was to turn Cosmo into a woman(and luckily we have a canon R63 design for him that's pretty cute)

well since I think I'm gonna approach this in a "season" format so to speak(in other words set plot arcs), I'm thinking "season" one would have two primary plot lines; Timmy forming his harem, and Timmy trying to find a Da Rules legal way to show his girls his Fairies without losing them, and after that we can do some more brainstorming to figure out where to go from there
>> No. 157682
How about having Cosmo be cool with Timmy banging Wanda like an open relationship or something?

Or worse case scenario have Wanda sex scene be a one time thing?
>> No. 157689
I think the basic chapter breakdown in terms of lemons will be Timmy x girl, girl x girl, or Timmy x all girls

Would Wanda and Cosma stay as fairies during sex or whip out some adult human bodies to make things kinkier?
>> No. 157696
Shortstack Fairy Wanda is the best Wanda.
>> No. 157704
I'm not too sure yet(still sorting out a lot of details for this idea)
>> No. 157705
File 139632947337.jpg - (262.45KB , 724x1107 , Tinica.jpg )
Well if you need any help. You know where to look
>> No. 157737
File 139639752091.jpg - (305.42KB , 864x1152 , 41807y687851.jpg )
There's not nearly enough porn of Timmy fucking his mom
>> No. 157738
>fingering his ass while he cums on her tits

>> No. 157776
We need more /ss/ art of Timmy fucking any woman in the show
>> No. 157880
File 139658775534.jpg - (1.05MB , 1440x1800 , web10.jpg )
This is what became of Vicky.
>> No. 157885
Can we get a translation?
>> No. 157888
this. if i were timmy the first wish i'd ask for is a blowjob from wanda
>> No. 157910

It's written in random-symbols--I-made-up-ese, so no translation is possible. You can pretty much just imagine whatever story you like.
>> No. 158300
File 139708278138.png - (823.34KB , 803x1220 , 266353.png )
>> No. 160219
File 139855998164.png - (622.82KB , 2160x1191 , nYqCgUy.png )
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