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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 131388918580.jpg - (201.62KB , 586x884 , leelacolour.jpg )
100639 No. 100639
Well it's been a while fellas, dunno if the guys who knew me from before are still here but I'm back (after a year's absence - sorry bout that!). I was busy repeating my college course after failing it the first year like a retard so I had to knuckle down or I'd end up with no college at all. That and I wanted to take a break to work on improving inking and other aspects of my art.

Anyways, enough of that shit, here's what I've been up to the past while. Starting with some Leela...
Expand all images
>> No. 100640
File 131388939486.jpg - (262.50KB , 582x912 , cheloffice.jpg )
Chel in office garb

Oh yeah, I'll be contacting the guys that commissioned me shortly, in case any of you are still here and wondering.
>> No. 100641
File 13138895949.jpg - (174.23KB , 475x995 , noods.jpg )

I'm still stuck with traditional methods, but I plan on buying a proper tablet vewwy vewwy soon.
>> No. 100642
I can't properly put into words how thrilled I am to see you return! :,D
Your new stuff looks great. You've gained a bit of polish since the last time you posted. Sorry to hear you ran into a bump in the road, but glad you're back again. :)
>> No. 100643
Ah, I remember you.
Good to see you again.
Your inking has improved and your characters look less sketchy now.
>> No. 100647
Thanks fellas, great to see you two are still around!
I'll be back tomorrow with some more stuff, I'm off ta bed for now...
>> No. 100680
Welcome back!
>> No. 100716
File 131398104413.jpg - (354.64KB , 778x819 , ruffbutt.jpg )
Next up is an older Ruffnut from HTTYD...
>> No. 100717
File 131398131577.jpg - (336.15KB , 745x933 , pepperann.jpg )
...and a Pepper Ann pic. That's me for tonight, more to come soon including Kitty Katswell and Amalia.

Thanks bro! S'good to be back...
>> No. 100719
Loved your Other Mother stuff... Hope to see some of her big, meaty butt from you in the future...
>> No. 100721
Glad to hear you're back bro! We missed you.
And good on you buckling down and focusing on college, that's the stuff that matters.
>> No. 100722
Dat Viking booty and side-boob, and she looks just as badass as she looks sexy. :)

Nice! I love it when a tight shirt gets those stretched 'tent' lines over the gap between the breasts.
>> No. 100740
Awesome to see you back!
>> No. 100750
Oh man, I remember you!
I remember requesting your first Other Mother pic, way back.

Great to have you back!

Oh hell yes!
>> No. 100808
So... anyone have any of his older stuff?
>> No. 100812
His older works can still be found in the archived thread:
>> No. 100819
and now... I fap for DAYS.
>> No. 100825
File 131415600835.jpg - (114.90KB , 746x782 , amaliawakfu.jpg )
Here's some Amalia as promised, gonna return to her soon enough cos she's just plain adorable. Might ink this one too

Thanks, I'll be uploading some OM soon enough as a matter of fact...

Thanks for the warm welcome back fellas!

Wow, the guy that started it all here folks! :D
>> No. 100826
File 131415623876.jpg - (462.89KB , 819x1155 , carmelitaundressingink 001.jpg )
Hmm, perhaps I should RAR all my old stuff...

Happy wanking, lol.

Carmelita from Sly Cooper / Racoon. Till next time...
>> No. 100831

>Hmm, perhaps I should RAR all my old stuff...

Yes, pls.
>> No. 100833
Lovely! Amalia looks utterly cute, and I dig the overflowing bososm and muffin-top action on Carmelita.

You mentioned you'd be getting in touch with the folks who commissioned you. Have you still got my email?
>> No. 100848

Btw, would you make some Asstrid to compliment Ruffbutt?
>> No. 100862
So, if I get you right, there's both Amalia AND Other Mother pics in the future?

This is the best news ever!
>> No. 100956
I hunger for more.
>> No. 101004
>Oh yeah, I'll be contacting the guys that commissioned me shortly, in case any of you are still here and wondering.
Who's hype?
I'm hype
>> No. 101016
File 131449904024.jpg - (348.18KB , 941x1069 , 1314497513742.jpg )
Got this off a Coraline thread at /co/
>> No. 101018
File 131450032278.jpg - (164.91KB , 539x775 , germaineink.jpg )
I was actually meant to draw her wearing nothing under the apron but I'm drunk and forgot fast hahah

I'll get onna that tomorrow buddy!

Thanks for the comments as always man! Yeah I reckon I've still got it around somewhere...


In the words of that little shit from The Land Before Time; yep yep yep!


Here's Germaine from the Flash webshow I can't remember the name and never really watched
>> No. 101019
Sweet bulging-bosoms!

Those curves are weapons-grade UNF-inducing.
>> No. 101021
Once again your Other Mother proves to be second only to Fluffys; but he's not around any more.
Love dem curves and many MANY thanks for the fresh OM. Smells like baking cookies.
>> No. 101023
Cloudman's Other-Mother is clearly superior.
>> No. 101050
To have one's head wedged in her cleavage would be... unimaginable.
>> No. 101051
I've missed your Other Mother

>> No. 101059
Any chance of some adult stuff? Maybe an Other Mother thigh-job pic?
>> No. 101072
This would produce an endless, heavenly 'yes'!
>> No. 101109
Oh god yes, dat ass on Other Mother.
It's so good to see more Other Mother!

She was my favorite character of that movie.

Oh hell yes, more Amalia! :D

>I was actually meant to draw her wearing nothing under the apron but I'm drunk and forgot fast hahah
Ah, ok, I see.

Naked Apron Other Mother would be nice as well!
If we're going with something like that, I mean.
>> No. 101387
maybe he appeared and disappeared just as quickly as last time...
>> No. 101850
File 131543262477.jpg - (345.53KB , 720x983 , peekaboobfox.jpg )
Sorry fellas, got a bit caught up the past few days sorting out some last-minute college shit (got a place in an Illustration course, thank god) and haven't scanned anything since.

Here's a random fox chick to tide you all over for the moment until I get some stuff up tomorrow.

Hahah thanks. Something happen to him?

I do lurve me some meaty thighs, so yeah I may just do that...

Lol I promise I won't do that again bro
>> No. 101854
No worries, mate. Gotta put the real-life stuff first.
>got a place in an Illustration course, thank god
Glad you got in! :)

And that fox babe is one fantastically curvy cutie! Cool outfit too.
>> No. 101860
I think "fantastically curvy" is a fairly common theme for Cloudman.
>> No. 101864
File 131545368899.jpg - (68.52KB , 540x405 , lady-marmalade.jpg )
Ha. Let's take this idea further. Take the Lady Marmalade music video as reference, and have a group pic of Amalia, Evangelyne, Maude (masked boufbowler) and Chochanne (the bread bun girl) all as the whores, and Miranda (Kabroks wife) as the madam.
>> No. 101868
Heh, true that. I should add that fox-lady appeals to my major weakness for redheads, I'm fond of the way green and purple look together, and I quite enjoy her apparently brazen demeanor.
>> No. 101984
>Hahah thanks. Something happen to him (fluffy)?
Word on the street is he got tired of always drawing porn and didn't want to be known for just that so aside from a side project with Zone he's gone cold turkey and hasn't produced or at least uploaded anything since.

Again it's great to hear you're back and are working to sort everything out. When the time comes and if you're still interested, I'm still very much into going through with the commissions from last time (if not for a few differences here or there) if you'd have me.
>> No. 101986
I think one or two new fluffy pics have gone up on paheal recently. They may be old commissions released now, though.
>> No. 101988
Weird thing is, Fluffy's back. Started a thread on WWOEC.
>> No. 101990
Got a link?
I thought he was actually done for good.
DLT takes breaks every now and then, but from what I heard of Fluffy, it sounded like he just packed shop and left for good.
>> No. 101992
I saw a bunch of new posts in this thread, and got excited at the prospect of new content. Then I find out it's just a bunch of gab about Fluffy. :[
>> No. 101996
>> No. 102111
Uh, yeah...
Could we maybe not talk about Fluffy in this thread?
>> No. 102328
File 131604364889.jpg - (272.24KB , 646x1125 , fiona.jpg )
Hoookay, back again. Here's a Fiona pic I just finished. Wasn't really sure how best to approach a more realistic Fiona face, but I gave it a shot anyway.
Also yeah, I drew shorts instead of a skirt by accident. Always something, hahah...

>green & purple look
Yeah I dunno, there's just something about those two together that I fucking love. I might be wrong but I think they're considered complimentary colours...

Well that's certainly understandable, I'd imagine drawing porn 24/7 would be a real drain on one's motivation and inspiration...
>> No. 102329
File 131604395418.jpg - (199.29KB , 666x672 , incrediblebootay.jpg )
And also a very quick and rough Helen Parr (whom I'll be drawing again soon) having her ass pounded by Dash, hahah
>> No. 102336
A MILF with an ass nearly the size of her young son as he pounds it...

I need to change my pants now.
>> No. 102337
D'aww! Go for it Finn!

>I think they're considered complimentary colours...
That sounds right to me. I recall that's what they taught me in high school at any rate.

Whoa momma. That booty is beyond belief, and I love the way her breasts are resting. Great expressions too. Helen's enduring expression and Dash just going to town. :)
>> No. 102340
Good ol "potential in stretch powers for expansion"!
>> No. 102549
sent a response e-mail
really love your new other mother pic
>> No. 103127
ok, then what should we discuss?

also needs more DAT ASS
>> No. 103144
Well it's the Cloudman thread, so we should probably stick with discussing Cloudman's art.
...when there's new art to discuss.
>> No. 103476
he'll return one day
>> No. 104857
well that was short lived...
still here by chance?
>> No. 104863
I've been meaning to drop him a line just to see how he's doing, even if he's not able to draw up stuff for this thread right now.

I really wish he were in a situation to take commissions though.
Cloudman, I would give you all my money. ;_;
>> No. 105637
File 131941127658.jpg - (274.05KB , 527x1338 , misery.jpg )
Don't worry fellas, I'm still here (won't leave ye's again like last time, promise!). Just up to my balls in college stuff and Life (TM), workload is larger than I ever expected and it's not easy getting inspiration to do more promotions when you've been drawing all fucking day.
I will be back in full swing shortly though, first round of project's deadlines are in around two weeks or less, hopefully have a a few moments of respite by then.
>> No. 105643
Glad you're hanging in there, even if a bit overwhelmed. Hope you can catch a breather and get some time for yourself soon. :)

Very nice Misery too. I adore the formal-yet-sexy look. She's such a cutie, and her forlorn demeanor makes me want to cuddle her. Cuddle her all night long. Then make her breakfast.
>> No. 106509
>> No. 107619
>> No. 110714
File 132547593043.jpg - (210.44KB , 606x893 , peej.jpg )
Happy new year to y'all, hope ye's had a good Chrimbo!
As always, I have risen from the dead (read: college deadlines, work, life shit and vidya cravings) and have a few little things to post.

Starting off with a /co/ mainstay, Peej. Wish I was more creative with the pose but bleh
>> No. 110715
File 132547602284.jpg - (247.96KB , 693x1281 , noodlepeep.jpg )
More Noodle...
>> No. 110716
File 132547634011.jpg - (365.58KB , 936x1011 , panda.jpg )
...and some Panda Delgado.

Tomorrow I'll be finally looking into and restarting those commish requests now that I have some time to myself, know you guys have been waiting a hell of a while. Also if all goes well I should have a Betilla the Fairy (from the new Rayman) pic up here tomorrow too, and hopefully some Colette (from Ratatouille) down the line...
>> No. 110732

>and hopefully some Colette (from Ratatouille) down the line...


Though, not to be an ungrateful brat, what about that Astrid?
>> No. 110751
Good to see ya, mate! Your stuff is gorgeous as always. I'm especially digging that Panda.
>> No. 110850
File 132564329980.jpg - (430.57KB , 952x1284 , betilla.jpg )
And here's that Betilla the Fairy I promised. It's a great game, I recommend picking it up if ya spot it cheap!

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about her. I'll have a crack in the next few days, thanks for reminding me!

Thanks man, much appreciated!
>> No. 110962
Hot damn, dat everything!
>> No. 110963

More of a later down the line thing considering your current project pipeline, but it'd be great to see your take on Nani or Timeskip Lilo.

Meantime, looking forward to Colette.
>> No. 111915
File 132659460798.jpg - (309.27KB , 887x1278 , eristug.jpg )
This gets me excited as all hell.
>> No. 113499
File 132849041797.jpg - (249.65KB , 596x931 , megumicolour.jpg )
Don't wanna leave you guys with radio silence again so just dropping into say I have stuff almost ready to go (one of which is a Nani pic) but it won't be til next week as I have college projects to hand up as well as a liver biopsy on Friday.

Here's something I did ages ago but never uploaded for some reason; Megumi, one of the Trophy girls from Crash Team Racing.

Catch you guys soon, take it easy
>> No. 113503
I think I remember her. Love what you've done with her. :)

>college projects to hand up as well as a liver biopsy on Friday.
Dang man, hope that all goes smoothly for you.
>> No. 113504
Good luck
>> No. 114872
File 133074468384.jpg - (258.65KB , 834x1390 , nani 001.jpg )
Like a Phoenix I rise from nothingness yet again~
Finally inked the Nani piece, hopefully get around to colouring it tomorrow.
>> No. 115195
Are you still taking commisions?
>> No. 115277
Loving that muffin-top and Stitch is a riot.
Always glad to see you stop by. :)
>> No. 116000
File 133271729088.jpg - (740.63KB , 1085x1755 , nanistitch 001.jpg )
Finally got around to colouring this sum'bitch. The Hawaiian skin tone is nigh-on impossible to replicate with colouring pencils but sure fuck it.

Colouring a Nicole Watteroson piccy atm, be done in an hour or so...

Cheers, Stitch was fun to draw.

Well I owe two guys commissions dating back what must be nearly two years at this stage so can't take on anything until I get those done. Tell me what ya have in mind though, d'you have my email?
>> No. 116001
Did a nice job with it for the materials you had.
>> No. 116002
File 133272093164.jpg - (0.99MB , 1222x1755 , nicole 001.jpg )
Got another brush pen so I'm back using that. Which d'you guys prefer, the fineliners (as seen in Nani, Betilla, Chel) or the brushpen (pretty much everything else)?
>> No. 116036
I kind of prefer the fineliner one.
It just looks nice, far as I'm concerned.

Looking forward to seeing more!
Will there possibly be more Amalia stuff, at some point?
>> No. 116044
Nice stuff, cloudman. Have you ever drawn and shared a drawing of a fat woman? I know you draw thick, but I don't think I've ever seen a true fatty from you.
>> No. 116069
Cheers for the input, and yeah you can expect more Amalia down the line!

Nope, not really my thing to be honest. The internet has its fair share of fat artists IMO but whatever
>> No. 118285
File 13367000499.jpg - (764.15KB , 1464x1309 , edward.jpg )
Just dropping in to say I haven't died again and will have Greta Gravity and Cloudy Jane pics up soon...
>> No. 118287
>Cloudman-drawn Greta Gravity
My boner will never be ready.
>> No. 118291
Are you taking requests, cause I got an idea you might like.
>> No. 118318
File 133677027929.gif - (514.32KB , 900x900 , jessica-and-her-amazing-zeppelins.gif )

Hell with that! More Ed!!

. . . Preferably in J. Rabbit style, and perplexed to be so!
>> No. 118816
File 133779005410.jpg - (704.52KB , 1216x1886 , cloudyjane 001.jpg )
Cloudy Jane. Shame we probably won't ever see her again.

I finished the Greta pic but I'm not too happy with it. Fucking downside of working traditionally, can't CTRL+Z shit.

Speaking of, I should be ordering a Wacom tablet at the end of the week and finally make the jump to digital. Which will be a godsend, as there's only so much you can do with a pack of twelve colouring pencils hahah
>> No. 119654
Nice stuff Cloudman, is there another website where you post your stuff?
>> No. 121857
File 134223500522.jpg - (165.30KB , 1024x768 , gazongas.jpg )
Wussup guys, IRL shit reared its ugly yet unavoidable head yet again but I'm back (...again again).
I got myself a new Wacom tablet just yesterday and have been giving it a few whirls (some of you may have seen my Punisher and Midnight picnic sketch), hoping to get into digital colouring properly soon. It's also a lot easier to turn out pics faster, as well as edit fuckups (a liberty I don't posess when inking traditionally).

I'm gonna be around in tomorrow's eventual Caturday thread by the way

I fucked up that one actually (after I'd coloured it and all), like I said disadvantages of working traditionally. I'll do another though

What ya got in mind?

Can be done!

Nowhere else but FurAffinity but that's all just furry stuff (obviously);

I thought about HentaiFoundry but it seems a little too militant. Open to other suggestions of course...

I know I promised some Taokaka wayyyy back, so here's one I did in a /v/ drawthread earlier.
>> No. 121861
Actually, there's plenty of FA users that post human art in addition to anthro. They don't really discriminate against it.
>> No. 121876
More caurday shenanigans!
(It begins: http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/38727477)
Any chance you'd consider taking on the old commissions from the first time? If you want I can re-submit them to you.

Cheers and welcome back!
>> No. 121878
Dang man. I know you had to dwal with IRL stuff, but I think I forgot the original idea. It think it had something to do with either Scooby Doo, Fairly OddParents, or the Total Darma series. Tell me which series you would prefer to do and I'll come up with something. Sorry about this.
>> No. 121880

>> No. 124285
File 134629190049.jpg - (476.51KB , 1548x2373 , apple 002.jpg )
Welp, after yet another brief (har) intermission...

Here's an Applejack piece I finished two days ago that I'm pretty happy with. I'm not usually into the whole MLP thing but I do like Southern American gals...

Other stuff in the pipeline;
- Flame Princess (BG needs finishing)
- Colette (pencilled already)
- Chick from Paranorman

That'd be a great help, thanks!

Tbh I never really watched FOP or Total Drama. I'd be up for maybe drawing the Goth/Punk chick from it though, or if not that just some Velma
>> No. 124290
File 134629582623.jpg - (70.00KB , 696x490 , 1343845652653.jpg )
Well If it's not too much trouble I have two ideas with Velma.

The first one is a simple Velma/ Marcy "Hot Dog Water" Flech from Mystery Inc. One with Velma being chubby and curvy and Marcy being skinny and somewhat less curvy.
>> No. 124291
File 134629633712.png - (837.24KB , 872x625 , Patty_and_val.png )
The other idea is doing Velma and Val from the Groovy Gang episode of the Venture bros.

If you could make Val younger and chubbier I'd appreciate it.
>> No. 124431
File 134637442550.jpg - (482.72KB , 1158x1637 , fp1r.jpg )

Sounds good, I'll give that a shot at some stage!
>> No. 124435
>> No. 124536
sent you an e-mail looking for price confirmation on those old commission ideas
>> No. 125575
File 134819335786.jpg - (88.69KB , 800x600 , kittygotnotail.jpg )
You guys be interested in joining me in a livestream this weekend? It'll be exclusively just you guys, I'll be doing a few free requests for whomever wants one and just shooting the breeze, nothing hectic.

Reply sent
>> No. 125576
Sounds fun.
>> No. 125583
Can't wait to see it.

Also for the Live Stream
>> No. 125589

A chill stream sounds sweet. Got good music?
>> No. 125621
Depends on when it is I guess. I've got a few things I know I'd like to see, that much I know.
>> No. 125627
File 134827620644.jpg - (763.42KB , 2893x4092 , para-dise.jpg )
Cool beans

Funny, I forgot that streams include audio. But yeah, I got good stuff haha

Sometime tomorrow, Saturday. I'm in GMT, it'll most likely be on closer to midnight but on the odd chance I'm on earlier I'll post here about it
>> No. 125628
Oh shit, that catgirl from Oban
>> No. 125676
fuck; looks like we all missed it due to +4 having some technical difficulties. Oh well; maybe another time?
>> No. 125687
File 13484006392.jpg - (855.67KB , 2893x4092 , OMMY.jpg )
Balls. Well I should be able to do something tonight again.

Here's a preview of a little WIP
>> No. 125710
Oh lord dat mom belly. You simply must do a nice ass shot of her... pretty please?
>> No. 125712
MILF body

>> No. 125714
Mmm perhaps, but first I must draw another ass; that of Courtney's, from Paranorman - which I just watched several hours ago (and loved!)
>> No. 125717
I figured you would. Try to get her mom too if you can.

Come to think of it there are a lot of decent asses in that movie aren't there.
>> No. 125787
File 134845619415.jpg - (714.74KB , 2480x3507 , courtney.jpg )
Sorry guys, got hella late and I was struggling to keep my eyes open.
Here's the current progress on Courtney, hopefully get around to doing some requests next time round
>> No. 125788
>> No. 125818
File 13484889243.jpg - (103.35KB , 480x270 , lascars-teaser-manuella_1gi95_1k7xo2.jpg )
I would REALLY love to see you draw Manuella from Lascars in your style, Cloudman. Seeing this already thick French woman in your style would be amazing.
>> No. 125839
File 134850416828.jpg - (938.86KB , 2893x4092 , OMMY.jpg )
Okey-dokey, finished the OM pic.
For those that weren't in my stream last night, I pointed out that this was based off the very first pic I uploaded to /pco/ two years ago (christ...) and pretty much the reason I'm in this whole promotions game.

Here's the original; http://i.imgur.com/UNOjM.jpg

Quite a difference...
>> No. 125861
So, I guess I can forget about that Astrid pic to go along with the Ruffnut one?
>> No. 125865
Sweet stuff! And your skills have refined quite a bit. :)
>> No. 125873
File 134853515243.jpg - (469.29KB , 992x1403 , courtney2r.jpg )
On a roll today. Just finished this. Need sleep now...

I already have some gifs from that saved, so definitely a good idea. Might try to watch the film first though

I'll get around to it soon. I don't really like the Ruffnut pic now so I might do the two together.
Is the show any good?

Thank ye kindly!
>> No. 125878
Show's been okay, but kinda slow starting up as the first few episodes are about the changing status quo on Berk. Shit gets real though with Mark Hamill showing up this week as the show's main villain.
>> No. 125887

I'm more than ok with the slower slice-of-life episodes, so I think it has been great since the start.

But yeah, it seems shit will start hitting the fan.
>> No. 126456
>slower slice-of-life episodes
Welp, now I'm interested.
Does the show retain the same kinda plasticky look the other Dreamwork cartoons have? That almost ruins it for me.

Also, I decided to set up a HF account. My name's the same as the one above, if yer on it...
>> No. 126458
File 134922779068.jpg - (161.44KB , 1600x892 , berk_Kids-Look-at-Sky.jpg )
Actually, it's the best looking CG show on TV right now.
>> No. 127130
File 135024250161.jpg - (258.64KB , 800x600 , 1350229705723.jpg )
I found out today through a Caturday thread that Oddmachine coloured another of my pics. At first I thought 'well that's cool of him', but then I saw this comment on his DA;

>"I found this image on plus4chan, anonymous give me the permiss for color it."

Why does he have to bullshit? I've never once spoken with him. I wouldn't mind if he at least said my name, but he couldn't even do that much.
>> No. 127140
File 13502544414.png - (428.52KB , 362x736 , mL7uU.png )
speaking about furry stuff, I would LOVE it if you could have a take on drawing Callie Briggs of Swat Kats fame.

I love your style Cloudman, so huge wide hips and some chubbiness is the best. I'd love to see her tease with her long sexy legs, but you're free to draw whatever you want. Again, love your art man, do you have a blog, potentially are you up for commissions?
>> No. 127142
File 135025729234.jpg - (148.62KB , 1024x921 , 1350177940371.jpg )
Thanks again for that Lydia and Jannie pic. If your still interested in them can we see them again in sling bikinis or micro bikinis?
>> No. 127147
File 135026268131.jpg - (167.59KB , 1024x921 , lydiaC.jpg )
No problemo! Here's a coloured version I just finished, in fact.
Yeah that sounds cool, I'll give it a shot sometime!

It's been a while since I drew Callie, so sure, why not.
I don't have a blog, but I do have an account on HF, FA and Tumblr. Might do one up again. And commissions will open real soon, just putting together a prices chart and shit.

A thread on /co/ at the moment reminded me I need to do Peg one day...
>> No. 127154

Can I suggest a picture featuring both Callie and Felina? I'm intrested in seeing the later in your faptastic style.
>> No. 127179
Include Kitty in that and I'd be content forever.
>> No. 127630
Are you the same artist that did the Agent Honeydew pic? I'd love to see that reposted, its gone from the internet.
>> No. 127632
File 135065834283.jpg - (825.11KB , 1608x1996 , 127726149160.jpg )
>> No. 127717
File 135077407323.jpg - (73.28KB , 588x750 , 134558343997.jpg )
Requesting Mary and Susan Test getting their thighs, hips, tits and ass enlarged by some sort of enlarger beam. ( Keeping in context with the show )

Also costumes stay on, show off those legs.
>> No. 128273
File 135138355640.jpg - (380.63KB , 992x1684 , amalia.jpg )
Woo Amalia

Ehh I dunno, they don't really seem interesting enough to draw. I'll think about it
>> No. 128282
Please, it would be AMAZING!

Are you doing that other anon's request about Callie btw?
>> No. 128283
File 135139562248.png - (242.77KB , 480x360 , 1301616615879.png )
Hey. Nice Amalia. I really need to get more into Wakfu. It looks interesting.

Hey if you're still doing that Lydia and Janie micro bikini pic do you think you could sneak Pepper Ann in there some how?
>> No. 128337
File 135147599750.jpg - (73.34KB , 600x1120 , nicoleass.jpg )
More Nicole. Trying to be bit more on-model for once.

Yeah I'll definitely be doing a Callie pic. Colouring one another dude did at the moment too

Thanks! And sure, but it mightn't be started for another bit yet
>> No. 128343
Ohhhh YES.

>> No. 128802
File 135207795561.jpg - (57.82KB , 600x800 , panthy.jpg )
Did a Panthy request recently you guys might dig

>> No. 129098
bump for callie
>> No. 129101
File 135242131510.jpg - (69.63KB , 600x800 , grievetan.jpg )
>> No. 132057
File 135735431897.jpg - (83.21KB , 800x1000 , jenny.jpg )
Quick Jenny fo yo all

I'll colour this up tomorrow probably maybe
>> No. 132058
Wonderful Job as always.

What do you think you'll draw next? Do you think you're going to be in a Pepper Ann mode next time?
>> No. 132064
So glad you're back Cloudman

still hoping for that Callie Briggs image being done

Also if you have time, I'd love to see a Rouge The Bat pic
>> No. 132102
File 135743015876.jpg - (92.75KB , 800x1000 , jenny.jpg )
Aaaand coloured. That was fun.

Not straight away, I've still a few things on the backburner (as always...), like Miss Hepzibah from Pogo, Ashelin from Jak & Daxter, Kitty from TUFF Puppy, Sawyer from Cats Don't Dance and a few other things

I draw Rouge frequently enough so expecting something down the line

Also I'm honoured some of you guys mention me in the same sentence as X-Arielle and Mangneto. I greatly admire what they do (the latter especially), don't consider myself quite at that level yet though.
Oh and I'd never leave you dudes without warning. I do go off for ages but such is life in the full-time work zone. Gotta balance dat vidya in too, haha.
>> No. 134257
>> No. 135074
File 136409307013.jpg - (3.70KB , 127x95 , 1338231323177s.jpg )
Anyone know what episode this pic is from?

Need it for reference. =3
>> No. 135077
Are you Cloudman?

Also if I had to guess I think it happened in season one.
>> No. 135082
It's from "One Angry Woman" (skip to about 6:00)

>> No. 135175
File 136416645359.jpg - (95.88KB , 900x1024 , peg.jpg )
No this is Patrick
>> No. 135176
File 136416661751.jpg - (67.33KB , 800x800 , raven.jpg )
It's nice to draw something like this the odd time
>> No. 135180
Then who was phone?
>> No. 135182
That's really nice, then I start staring at the details and go man, the line work is really good. Then I notice her one hand is bigger than the other and I can't unsee. Her hands are really well drawn too.
>> No. 135186
File 136417353162.jpg - (70.22KB , 800x800 , New CanvasSALL.jpg )
I just looked at it and realised I coloured an area near her left thigh grey instead of purple like the rest of her cape, that's probably what's giving off that idea. And thanks!

It is a mystery
>> No. 135190
Oh well. Glad to see you're back.

Do you think we could see some more Lydia and Janie?
>> No. 135191
Out of curiosity, did you ever get back in touch with your old commissioners?
Also glad to see you around again.
>> No. 135249
File 136430700554.png - (247.26KB , 390x361 , 1364160752343.png )
Requesting Helen parr X Agent honeydew

All that tight latex rubbing against eachother. You know you wanna do it cloudman
>> No. 136045
File 136528926791.png - (762.54KB , 800x800 , New CanvasSALLC.png )
Ehh maybe

Not yet but I plan to around the same time HL3 is released
Nah joking, like I said I'll contact them once I've settled on prices, made a chart and have everything ready to go with Paypal

How could I not with a reaction image as persuasive as that? What's the source anyways?
>> No. 136070
The squeaking would be deafening.
>> No. 136120
I had to look up who Honeydew was, and instantly got a boner from imagining those two together.
>> No. 136123
Good to hear. Eric/ Mirage guy here by the way. Still interested.
>> No. 137600
File 136762632049.jpg - (101.02KB , 768x1024 , pegduckfaceC.jpg )
That was a swell thread
>> No. 137603
File 136763258837.jpg?spoiler - (112.93KB , 800x598 , tumblr_mlnwv31qnA1sn2xb4o1_1280.jpg?spoiler )
Because I still have not given up on that Astrid picture, maybe you can do something with her design for HTTYD2?

She's older and has gotten thicker, specially noticeable in her legs.

Oh, yeah, spoilers.

Open at your own risk.
>> No. 137606
further departure from the source material, not bad considering.
>> No. 137607
planning on honeydew x helen?
>> No. 137608
File 136763485691.png - (45.22KB , 170x233 , 1353358657768.png )

What? She doesn't look "thick" at all.

I mean, she's not as sticklike, I guess. But a teensy bit of thigh meat is insufficiently fappable, IMO.

And what happened to her freckles? No, sir, I don't like it.
>> No. 137617

She's deffinitely thicker.

Besides, Ruffnut was even more of a twig in HTTYD. That didn't stop CLOUDMAN from making that amazing picture further up in the thread.

I want that Astrid companion piece.

As for the freckles: It's a photograph. Of a poster. That's was not supposed to be released.

As the movie gets closer to release (we have to wait a full year), we'll get glorious HD pictures with dem textures.
>> No. 140160
File 137088905986.jpg - (658.28KB , 2480x3507 , mirandachair1.jpg )
Finished Miranda. And...
>> No. 140161
File 137088912048.jpg - (252.87KB , 1126x1597 , kaia.jpg )
...other stuff
>> No. 140171
booty booty booty rocken 'erry wer'.
>> No. 140175
Cloud how can I comission you?
>> No. 140203
you'd have to get in-line
there's at least 3 other people that have been working with him over the past year or two to get something started
>> No. 140295
File 137117525221.jpg - (124.55KB , 900x1024 , New CanvasnsaiN.jpg )
What this dude says;

Anyways, Noodle WIP
>> No. 140300

OMG, that Noodle is glorious.
>> No. 140305
I'm no artist, so I can't really speak with much authority, but I think you've been improving a lot lately.
>> No. 140316
Speaking of; any chance you'll be ready to start that process with us again?
>> No. 140326
File 137126143810.jpg - (125.43KB , 900x1024 , noodle.jpg )
Finished nude Noodz.

Good to hear, and thanks! What area exactly?

Can you repeat the question?
>> No. 140327
File 137126164738.jpg - (621.27KB , 1240x2104 , New Canvasbar.jpg )
But seriously, yeah I'll be ready. Just moving house at the moment so things are mad busy as always, but the dosh will be welcome when I do so all the more incentive for me to get my ass in gear.

Sneaky peaky at an off-model Barbara from the new Rayman game (on-model in the woiks' too)
>> No. 140940
File 13724716185.jpg - (872.83KB , 2480x3332 , carmelitatiedup.jpg )
More Carmelita
>> No. 140953
Could have used some camel toe, but I like it. very nice. Thanks!
>> No. 140972
Always glad to see new stuff from you. Wonderful art, man. :)
>> No. 141649
File 137362742280.png - (3.09KB , 279x237 , DAT post.png )
>C-Man's newest Miranda piece
>> No. 141668
File 137365960151.jpg - (150.39KB , 1024x1280 , DOORSTUCK.jpg )
>> No. 141692

Speaking of cats, will there ever be Callie Briggs?
>> No. 141727
File 137376849315.jpg - (0.99MB , 2728x3703 , briggiesmalls.jpg )

Cheers lads!
>> No. 141728
File 137376854913.jpg - (105.65KB , 768x1024 , gravatina.jpg )
Also, Gravatina
>> No. 141765
>Sweaty breasts
You always know the right buttons to push don't you?
It's eerie.
>> No. 141781
That's amazing! Is it too much to ask if we can get another Callie image with her showing off her legs and body? Classic secretary high heels stuff.
>> No. 142266
File 137489376080.jpg - (161.38KB , 1024x1280 , peeb.jpg )
Did some things for /co/ tonight. First up, Princess Bubblegum spilling some breast expansion potion on herself.

Wavelengths mang

Maybe. Not right now, but I'll keep it in mind. I do enjoy drawing her...
>> No. 142267
File 137489383198.jpg - (183.58KB , 1024x1536 , cowtitsabunga.jpg )
And some Rule 63'd Mikey based on Chochi's designs. Definetely colouring this shit proper
>> No. 142393
File 13751480615.jpg - (178.22KB , 1024x1536 , wannaslice.jpg )
Aaand some colour pizazz
>> No. 142449
Wow your coloring has REALLY improved since you first hit the scene a few years back on /co/.
Excellent work!
>> No. 143391
File 137679699760.jpg - (241.81KB , 1024x1280 , nicolelifting.jpg )
Quick sketch for the Caturday thread that got deleted...
>> No. 143400

C-Man, why are you so cool?

anyways, if a thread gets deleted you can always check up with us on the IRC
>> No. 143405
Ohhh yes. Ohhh very yes. Ohhh extremely yes!
>> No. 158805
I know that there has been new stuff by Cloudman, but I am bumping this to keep this thread alive.
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