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File 138797854098.jpg - (206.23KB , 1200x875 , one-piece-4658317.jpg )
32595 No. 32595
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

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>> No. 32596
File 138797870364.jpg - (18.57KB , 355x345 , Miss_merry_christmas.jpg )
But don't think I didn't see all the times you were naughty as well. So you get mangapanda in a bittersweet twist. Enjoy.
>> No. 32597
Ussop seems to have gotten more cowardly if anything
>> No. 32598

Merry Christmas for those who can't get into manga panda. And everyone in general.
>> No. 32599
ssssoooooo.. Rebecca has Conqueror's Haki but doesn't know how to use it and it knocked everyone down including herself? Don't really see who else could have caused that.
>> No. 32601
Could have been someone else in the ring, or something else entirely, there's really just not enough information to go on to really discern what just happened.
>> No. 32602

No thanks.

I like Becky and all but CoC is too much. Just CoO is enough.
>> No. 32604
>Fat Snowman
>> No. 32606
File 138800971282.jpg - (1.34MB , 1896x1400 , image.jpg )
>> No. 32607
But they said no one in the ring was left standing.. meaning obviously everyone went down. If it WAS someone inside the right, then they went down for X reason as well.
Hey man, I don't like these dumb haki happenings any more than you do.

So it's official the Strawhats all seem to ship Luffy x Nami?
cause that's gross
>> No. 32608
Don't be hatin just cuz you can't handle this truth bro.
>> No. 32609
File 13880371095.png?spoiler - (169.67KB , 500x303 , yohohohoho.png?spoiler )
I really like Brook's bird hat. With that much snow he must have been chilled to the bone.
>> No. 32610
Fighting Lion has to be one of the most hilariously blatant fodder enemies in the series, you could see it a mile away

There should've also been Sword Guy, Aggressive Person and Punching Male
>> No. 32611
fighting bull > fighting lion
>> No. 32612
This annoyed me too, but it was a vehicle to showcase the dorf's strength.
It was probably Sabo interfering.
>> No. 32613
Well I guess something ridiculous like this had to inevitably happen to D Block. Rebecca was obviously outmatched by a number of people and that's not including Cavendish who is implied to be a heavy hitter. If Oda has her win (which still may not even happen) then this is her shot.
>> No. 32614
The announcer said the person who did it was part of the ring. Why the hell would Sabo interfere there? He's not even part of that bloc.
>> No. 32615
What if the Revolutionaries want to take down Doflamingo and possibly put the old royalty back in control who would then be a potential ally.

I'm not putting forth any serious speculation since maybe he's just planning to steal Ace's fruit for personal reasons, but remember its more than just Sabo on the island.
>> No. 32617
Then he wouldn't need the Lucci disguise. He could have just walked in there two rounds ago and done that. And then promptly have gotten killed by Diamante and Burgess and Doflamingo all at once cause if the Revolutionaries are that retarded then they deserve to die.
>> No. 32619
>The announcer said the person who did it was part of the ring.

No he didn't. He just said fell down
>> No. 32620
I guess boy Nami is gonna get jobbed harder than even Sanji has been lately
>> No. 32621
The announcer doesn't know who did it. He doesn't know what happened at all.
>> No. 32663
I didn't see anything saying on break in the chapter but there's been no release, do they naturally go on break for new years and not mention it
>> No. 32664

Basically it goes like this: the publishing year for Jump magazine ends around December twenty-something, then they announce the break which is 1 or 2 weeks I think.
But some years the next issue that should have appeared in january is sold early and we get the chapter before the end of the year, this is one of such years.
>> No. 32675
On top of having a break, the issue before last said the fights begin and there were gonna be colour pages

Did we not get the colour pages in the scans or something because otherwise that statement was a complete lie
>> No. 32677
Yeah I noticed that, too.
Maybe it was a mistake and it's supposed to be this upcoming chapter after the break. That's when it'd make the most sense.
>> No. 32679
Aren't OP's color pages almost always used for a spread instead of stuff in the story?
>> No. 32680
I don't remember the last time that Oda used his color pages for anything other that a color spread. I think it might have actually been the first chapter after the timeskip. And before then... I think it didn't happen while I've been caught up? Basically if anyone mentions color pages it's safe to assume it means a color spread.
>> No. 32681
File 138890014324.png - (567.44KB , 440x660 , Jora_Digital_Colored_Manga.png )
There was a colored issue not 20 chapters ago. Come on.
>> No. 32682
I... wait. That page was in black and white originally. I'm sure of it.
>> No. 32683
The thing is in the previous colour spreads he's done, at least this arc, he never had a message stating anything about it the previous week, yet last chapter specifically stated "colour pages" so you'd think that meant actual pages this time around

Even beyond that it said "the fights begin next week" which they sure as shit didn't, unless you call random mook beating which happens every other chapter a "fight" so obviously some wires were crossed with the message and what actually happened
>> No. 32684
but anyways, it's not really a big deal or anything I'm just curious if he just dropped it, the editors said something last minute, etc.

I'm interested in the future of the digital colouring that's been going on though
>> No. 32685
What if, whoever crashed in and knocked everyone out, made it so the whole Block D fight's now forfeit and has to be redone, since he/she wasn't part of the match. The trash that lost before that got sent to the Toy Factory, but now all the Block D guys people want more of aren't immediately stuck in Toy time.

It could buy the Strawhats more time, by coincedence or some unknown ally.
>> No. 32686
Except the person attempting to get up would ruin that.
>> No. 32687
File 138895424729.png - (73.54KB , 151x198 , Bartolomeo_Digital_Colored_Manga.png )
Two versions were released. You most likely saw the original mangapanda stuff, which wasn't colored. [Not that it matters, since the anime is already changing the color schemes.

And thank god for it, too, cause Oda is color blind.

They usually do this sort of stuff after long breaks and new year's break. It was probably just a printing fuck up and they announced it one week earlier.
>> No. 32688
No, see, that's the guy.
>> No. 32689
Guys this isn't difficult at all.

There are 2 types of "color pages" right now: the digitally colored manga and the shonen jump magazine color pages. The digitally colored manga is a project by the OP owner dudes that's not done by Oda (but which uses Oda's color schemes). They sell it online but it's pretty bad and also you might need a japanese credit card or something. There was a free chapter released a while ago. The jump color pages are in the magazine itself. Artists can use the however they want but Oda usually does color spreads. A special type of these is the lead color pages, which are the first pages of the first series in the magazine. The order that the series are printed changes every week, so when OP end up at front like this it might get announced in the notes at end of a chapter.

It's a pretty safe bet to ignore those notes. The only semi-useful information they ever contain is hiatus announcements. They don't seem to have any access to future chapters when they write those notes anyway. Also I think a few of them might be retarded? Like the guy that wondered if Ace would survive Luffy's flashback.
>> No. 32690

Yeah those end of chapter notes are inserted by the editors and have exactly the same predictive value as random fan speculation. The editors writing them probably do have a little bit of foreknowledge from interacting with the authors, but as a Shonen Jump editor they're contractually obligated to be the stupidest people on the planet, so it balances out.
>> No. 32691
Chapter 734
/ End

Next chapter Sabo dies in full colour! The fights finally begin!
>> No. 32692
File 138919850838.jpg - (24.93KB , 579x329 , 8578847975895.jpg )
>2 week break
>> No. 32705
The only thing I hate about this new chapter is how Usopp is falling back into his old tricks of being scared of everything, didn't he go off for 2 years to get better? All that really happened is he stayed the same and got a few more moves.

Everybody's matured, but him.
>> No. 32706
He's up against a Warlord and several Emperors at once. Give him a break.

Also going away for two years to train isn't going to make a person magically fearless of death. This is a shonen, but not a shitty one like Naruto.
>> No. 32710
His new plant-based attack style isn't very cool either, his dial moves were moreso.
>> No. 32711
The pop greens are more my issue since they just handle any situation for him instead of him having to use his wits and gadgets like pre timeskip

Usopp got stronger but the enemies they're up against are also much tougher so it kind of evens it out, his cowardice fits though he could be a bit better at keeping his cool with mooks
>> No. 32714
See I have no problem with that, but he's pissing and cowering in his boots over having to fight a little girl, I know her powers are fucked up, but she's still a little girl as far as we know, yet he's acting like he's going toe to toe with Doflamingo.
>> No. 32716
He knows what she can do. And he probably has the basic sense to understand she's well guarded.
>> No. 32721
Called it. Eat muh balls
>> No. 32722
File 138977089216.png?spoiler - (263.61KB , 850x1400 , what.png?spoiler )

Looks like you're actually wrong hue hue hue


What's even the point of posting this when the chapter will be out it a few hours. Eh, who cares.
>> No. 32723
File 138977107245.png?spoiler - (253.29KB , 850x1400 , actual what.png?spoiler )

What that wasn't the picture I saved. Fucking china website making me look bad.
>> No. 32729
But it turns out you were wrong, does that mean you need to eat your own balls?
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