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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138670256482.jpg - (146.17KB , 842x1296 , 0001.jpg )
32440 No. 32440

Remember, if you wait for higher quality releases you're autistic!
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>> No. 32441
File 138670381627.png - (130.23KB , 329x541 , Decken shock mirror.png )
Jesus christ, its not even done! Why did they release this?
>> No. 32442
Remember, making a whole fucking thread to spite one anonymous person from one week ago makes you thrice as autistic.

Seriously, delete this shit. It's not even translated.
>> No. 32443
I might delete it when a better scan comes out. Might.
>> No. 32444
I just read through it. Won't post spoilers but holy fucking shit, whatisthisidonteven.jpg
>> No. 32445
Why the hell are you posting something that hasn't even been translated properly?
>> No. 32446
File 138670773945.png - (103.80KB , 408x355 , beat bellamy to die.png )
Because it's hilarious.
>> No. 32447
Or a retard.
>> No. 32448
holy shirt i like bart more every time i see him
>> No. 32490
Maybe he has an Australian accent?
>> No. 32491
>I might delete it if a better scan comes

The mangastream scan has been out for over a day, just delete the thread
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