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32163 No. 32163
http://www.mangapanda.com/one-piece/727/3 till better translation

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>> No. 32164
Meh... He's a dick but thats not a shock
>> No. 32165

I vote we go back to ignoring mangapanda. I saw this chapter was up like an hour ago on MS.
>> No. 32166
Good thing that this chapter showed that Doffy's Parasite attack is an actual projectile that can be dodged because his powers are super fucked up. Body control is so much more terrible than mind control. Like, being completely self aware and able to shout for help and for others to run away? Ugh.
>> No. 32167
I'm guessing we'll see who the old Heart Seat occupant was before Law next week. Wonder what happened to him. Or why Monet ties into this. Will we ever find out why she randomly grew wings and talons?
>> No. 32168
Looks like there was no heart before Law. The people with Doffy in that rooftop scene are Trebol, Diamante, and Pica, and are apparently the only people besides Monet who were in the kingdom at all at that point.

What's interesting is that everyone repeatedly says that this event happened 10 years ago. However, a few chapters ago Law said that he's going to make Doflamingo pay for what he did 13 years ago. If Monet was in Dressrosa before Doffy took over the kingdom, she might be connected to that.

Or maybe Vergo was Corazon. It'd be pretty weird if he were nonseated considering he was Doffy's closest and most trusted pal. And during PH Doflamingo implied that Vergo had done something terrible enough to Law that would make Law afraid of him even now. Maybe it was that event which made Doffy realize Law's potential, and he sent Vergo off to infiltrate the marines now that he had a replacement heart seat.

I like this arc.
>> No. 32169
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I like this callback to King Nefertiti. What he's doing is absolutely unthinkable for a king - even Nefertiti could only do it out of gratitude in the bath, away from the eyes of his kingdom.
>> No. 32170
so does X drake work for kaidou now?

Also, think the revolutionaries in this cover arc are related to Dragons revolutionarys?
>> No. 32171
I wonder what Doffy's endgame is? What is he trying to accomplish by ruling the underworld?
>> No. 32172

The dude is an utter nihilist, I doubt he has an endgame in mind at all.
>> No. 32173
He wants to be the Pirate King. Monet even cheered him on like the Strawhats cheer on Luffy, back when she was about to blow up Punk Hazard.
>> No. 32174
>Looks like there was no heart before Law.

There has to have been a person occupying that seat, they've talked about Law being handed over the honor before, so we know there was a person there before Law.

That guy on the tower didn't look like Doflamingo to me, but I read it first on mangapanda, so the quality was worse. It looked like some skinny guy with two ribbons hanging off his body when I first saw that panel..
>> No. 32175
If Rebecca just does this dancing shit she may as well use a blunt weapon instead of a sword, she could hit them somewhat and not do anything fatal
>> No. 32176
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>> No. 32177
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>> No. 32178
Maybe later we'll see her fighting one of Doflamingo's followers and she'll actually cut them.

Goddamn Oda don't introduce a gladiator chick who Claymores and Boards instead of katanas and then have her be a total pacifist.
>> No. 32179
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It's definitely Doflamingo. In the powermanga scan you can even see his poofy coat.
>> No. 32180
>don't introduce a gladiator chick who Claymores and Boards instead of katanas and then have her be a total pacifist.
Well, why not?
>> No. 32183
our first kick ass gladiator chick and she's built like a supermodel and never actually hits anything

its kinda disappointing
>> No. 32184
Well, there's a good reason for it. Story trumps gimmick.
>> No. 32186
If you know someone who reads OP and doesn't post like they're from facebook or love memes then you should all get them to come here to discuss the latest chapters

I like this semi civilized chan board dedicated to OP but the population here has seriously disappeared
>> No. 32187
This whole site in general is getting pretty sparse.
>> No. 32188
It mainly happened after all those huge blackouts we had a while back. Remember when the site was down for almost like a month? And it didn't happen once, either.

This site is pretty irregular and that's driven a lot of people away.
>> No. 32190
>> No. 32191
I'm making that the new chapter op, sweet jesus
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