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File 137547785995.jpg - (203.50KB , 1039x583 , PVJScreenshot.jpg )
31624 No. 31624
Surprised there's been no thread for this yet. Even though there's just Luffy in the game.

J-Stars Victory Vs Trailer 2 (…youtube thumb

Even though it has a very low chance of coming Stateside, we can still import it thanks to no region lock on the PS3.
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>> No. 31632
Look cool but like you said its unlikely to leave Japan
>> No. 31642
File 137569608839.jpg - (121.94KB , 500x779 , Jump+Ultimate+Stars+jump_ultimate_stars_bonusw.jpg )
Unlike Jump Ultimate Stars no one will be able to just make a translation patch.
I wonder what the full cast of this new game will be like.
>> No. 31685

Yeah but really, why do you need a translation patch? There's probably gonna be some banter between the characters, but it's not like it's an RPG or anything too text heavy.
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