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File 137338179781.jpg - (43.38KB , 450x552 , $R5V9PM6.jpg )
31524 No. 31524
Oh look, early chapter!


More Luffy badassery!
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>> No. 31525
That whole chapter's just refreshing. From Randy Savage giant to the pain of modern art, it's just some good old fashioned fun. The little dramatic stings are a bit amusing, especially Bellamy's "hard choice."
>> No. 31526
man, never realized how much I preferred the flat boyish looking nami over the big boobied one we got now.
>> No. 31527
What are you, gay.
>> No. 31528
File 137338744042.png - (1.09MB , 1272x704 , nami and sandy.png )
compared to oda? I'm fucking flamboyant, buddy.
>> No. 31529
Some of us prefer the non-whore design. Ever since the time skip Nami's boobage is everywhere as her default outfit outside of winter island Punk Hazzard. When you parade so much bare flesh around it loses its Umph.
>> No. 31530
oh look the toys are people I FUCKING CALLED IT
>> No. 31531
Hi /a/. large tits=/=whore. If I had the option to walk around without a shirt on the sweltering sea I goddamn would.
We're not entirely sure they're toys still, I'd personally say it's a toss up between toys and art. Brook looks decidedly like Edvard Munch's "The Scream, Nami looks like she has a bit of Picasso influence, where as Chopper sort of looks like a cubist movement thing. At any rate, I think I'm leaning toward art-art as opposed to toy-toy due to all the influences I'm seeing here. That and; if Chopper were a toy you would think he'd just get cutesy, but that's definitely not the case.
>> No. 31532
The strawhats/ship have been transformed into art not toys
>> No. 31533
....fuck you guys are right. IM STILL SAYING THE TOYS ARE PEOPLE
>> No. 31534
More power to you, it's possible. It could go either way honestly. If anything though, that probably happens at the toy factory.

Oh, and another thing. What would happen to the one legged soldier if he WERE a human. If he got changed back he'd just bleed out to death due to lack of a leg.
>> No. 31535
So much for all the theories about the stowaway being Monet or Vergo or a fairy. Suddenly fat old woman. And even though her powers seemed OP at first, they're actually pretty shit upon a second read. Because unless they work like Kalifa's, I see no reason why they can't still kick her ass in "artistic" form.
I had actually imagined Big Mom having a similar power before this whole Dressrosa and living toys shit stuck its head in.
>> No. 31536
So, I must've missed it in some earlier chapter. When does that chick on the Thousand Sunny show up? The one with all the art stuff?
>> No. 31537
File 137343902094.jpg - (113.97KB , 776x447 , Capture.jpg )
Chapter 705.
>> No. 31538
So it only took Oda 9 fucking chapters to finally reveal who the fuck was on the ship...
>> No. 31539
If you're going to complain wouldn't it be more about the character that was revealed wasn't very interesting?
>> No. 31540
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mfw no dfc robin
>> No. 31541
File 137358747413.png - (729.61KB , 844x1228 , Mangarule.png )
At first I thought Bartolomeo had met Luffy before. But the mangarule translation implies something different.
>> No. 31542
Fuck you, asshole. Jora is great.
If that's not interesting to you, I don't know what is.
>> No. 31544
Cavendish vs Bart.
I want to see a pretty boy not taken seriously beat the scary bad boy.
>> No. 31548


Fixed that for you.
>> No. 31549
More like I hate being blueballed. If she's the reason half the island is filled with toys (or art or whatever) then goddamn! Shit just got real!
>> No. 31550
When you make the OP, try and just crop something from the chapter

that OP is pretty shitty
>> No. 31551
More suspenseful.
>> No. 31552
absolutely nothing happens next chapter, enjoy
>> No. 31559
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>> No. 31563

That isn't Buggy or Usopp
>> No. 31565
5 bucks says he doesn't make it through the next chapter
>> No. 31566
oh for sure, like 90 percent of the arena characters are disposable which is kinda why I love them, it's like Oda's inner 8 year old self throwing out deviant art grade characters for his present self to brutally beat down.
>> No. 31569
i've never thought of that, i guess probably every artist wants to take a shot at their own mediocrity. Still I'd rather have more than 15 seconds of plot progression.
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