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31061 No. 31061
What the hell? Why is there no thread? We even have a mangastream link.
11 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 31074
But Bellamy got punked by Isabelo, he was actually doing well against Bartolomeo.
>> No. 31075
Same reason that Bluegilly is floating while having his knee cocked up and foot resting on the surface.
>> No. 31076
That damn "super-floaty wood" gets everywhere
>> No. 31077
What? No he wasn't, he was bleeding majorly and there were comments on how he's only getting damaged by his own attacks. that he managed to get a spring hand on Bart right before getting King Moon Shooting Punch'd was all he accomplished.
>> No. 31078
I believe thats what Mindwipe is saying, that the Hyena was actually coming back against Bart's barrier ability instead of losing to him to hype the heel up and only got taken out by the super finishing punch from the king.
>> No. 31079
More like he'd found a way through his enemy's barrier with his grapple and now had a chance to do something other than get his punches thrown back at him.
>> No. 31081
Were people actually expecting Bellamy to win this? Like.. really? Why is him getting knocked out so mind-crumbling shocking to you? He was always a sub-par scrub asshole who hung to the outside margins bullying weaker people. Just because he came back all brooding and rejuvenated doesn't mean he's magically stronger. And he's not any less of an asshole -- he just didn't mock Luffy again because he now knows he'll get his face kicked in.

Like I said earlier, I have no doubt him and maybe some other fighters will play a larger role after the Colosseum fights inevitably go to shit and the country implodes to hell, but him getting far in the tournament? Come on now.
>> No. 31083
>your face Bellamy has one spring foot in the ring, making him still qualified.
>> No. 31084
because in onepiece it's totally unbelievable for a character to have a 180 degree turn around in attitude (and the drive to become a great fighter) after a dramatic encounter with luffy
>> No. 31085
>Just because he came back all brooding and rejuvenated doesn't mean he's magically stronger.
>> No. 31086
Except we saw him continue to be a brutal dickhole. So yeah, no.
>> No. 31087
... It... Looks like the water beside the ring went solid. Frozen?

Oh wait I got it, there is a fishman around, they seem to be able to polymerize water.
>> No. 31088
Possibly the King punch broke the moat wall, making water drain just enough for that panel.
>> No. 31090
People were expecting Bellamy to win because he had the most character about him when compared to the other goons. And then Bartolomeo stepped in and acted like a real cock.

It was just one of those givens, like how either Cavendish or Rebecca are going to win their block and how Luffy's going to win his.
>> No. 31091
At least he never forgave Crocodile.
He had to be convinced by the others to team up with him for the escape, and he was still wary of the sandy bugger like when he goes to attack Whitebeard Luffy was ready and jumped in right away.
>> No. 31092
Yeah, Luffy doesn't forgive everybody. He wouldn't be like this with Arlong, or Kuro, or Spandam or a Celestial Dragon. But Bellamy was just some punk, to Luffy that barely even registers.
>> No. 31093
And it's not like Luffy forgot he attacked Uncle Chestnut.

But he knocked that fool out with one punch, and then proceeded to win Sky Island. Proving himself right, and getting back at all the doubters ever.

Not total grudge worthy.
>> No. 31096

Hey even managaka forget.
>> No. 31097
It's the true proof we're in New World Alabasta.
>> No. 31098
>> No. 31099
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A big arc where shit gets real, a dangerous Warlord ruling over an exotic kingdom, and Devil Fruit users floating all over the damn place.
>> No. 31101
And conveniently hidden Super Floaty Wood.
>> No. 31102
am i the only one a little disappointed when the one-punch king didn't win it? just his whole concept was hilarious
>> No. 31103
Even Luffy floats momentarily, and I think technically it's not that DF users can't float, it's that they can't move/lose their strength.

Nah. I was pulling for The Fighting King since he was shown. He's really cool.
>> No. 31104
DF users can still float, they just can't swim. There is such thing as buoyancy after all.
>> No. 31105
No, they sink like a stone. They don't float at all, that's been established: the page I posted actually had Oda admit it was a mistake, and in reprints he puts a plank of super-floaty-wood under Mr. 3's back.
Fighting King is GREAT but I kind of figured his one trick would only work once.
>> No. 31106
I think the idea was that the King's punch was so strong it blew away most of the water and there's like an inch left...
>> No. 31107
*snap* I've got it. Bellamy is laying on top of someone else.
>> No. 31108
Of all the things you guys could be talking about, two guys floating for dramatic effect is the one you choose?
>> No. 31109
Someone brought it up. It's incongruent with our expectations. We discussed why and how.

That's all.
>> No. 31110
I hope this arc ends with bellamy taking a hit for the strawhats like bon clay as payback for being a dick.

or getting turned into a toy robot.
>> No. 31111
Welcome to the One Piece fandom.

That's all the idiots over at AP forums are talking about too.
>> No. 31112
Hell, I even remember the word "Hammer" being associated with just how buoyant they are.
>> No. 31113
"Hammer" is a Japanese slang term for a person who can't swim. It's not a One Piece term.
>> No. 31115
Right. And Devil Fruit Users can't swim.

The sea is their enemy, as is any body of water deeper than waist.

Sink like rocks.
>> No. 31116
Far as I knew, the sea just paralyzed or exhausted them.
>> No. 31117
We've seen several of them treading water, if only for a very limited time.
>> No. 31118
Seriously, when? They sink like stones, they're paralyzed and they can't swim. They say this all the time, for fuck's sake Oda personally admitted the floating was a mistake WHY ARE YOU STILL RATIONALIZING THIS
>> No. 31119
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>Seriously, when?
>> No. 31120

That's particularly hilarious because they just got done going over the direness of the situation for Luffy and Smoker because of their inability to swim. In Dressrosa it's okay, it's been a long time since the issue came up.

But with Mr.3 it's just blatantly egregious.
>> No. 31121
>Autobots can't fly. Unless it's the first few episodes, in which case they can.

>> No. 31126
No, they don't. Every time Luffy goes overboard he fucking thrashes about for a bit before sinking and someone goes in to save him. Then there's the stuff like Ice being made from water, Luffy filling himself with water, completely submerging himself in a barrell, and reaching outside of the bubble.

What does this have to do with anything? Learn to debate you fallacy swinging baboon.
>> No. 31128
>Then there's the stuff like Ice being made from water, Luffy filling himself with water
These aren't even exceptions, they're just clearly not even applicable. Of course Luffy can DRINK WATER, if he couldn't every Devil Fruit user would be dead of dehydration after a couple days.
Submerging oneself in a barrel doesn't really mean anything unless that barrel's filled with water, and reaching out of the bubble everybody explicitly stated "he should be paralyzed out there, what the hell is going on?"
When a Devil Fruit user is submerged, they sink. They can't swim, they can't move, they can't float. These have always been the basic rules. When the rule was actually broken the one time in Mr. 3, it was admitted to be a mistake (I can't emphasize this enough, you are rationalizing a scene that was admitted to be wrong and even got changed in reprints.) I don't know why you're trying to pretend they suddenly never existed.
>> No. 31129
>When a Devil Fruit user is submerged, they sink. They can't swim, they can't move, they can't float. These have always been the basic rules. When the rule was actually broken the one time in Mr. 3, it was admitted to be a mistake

>> No. 31130
He also doesn't seem very paralyzed or terrible at swimming, so I'm really more willing to call that an artistic flub if anything since it goes against basically everything. What, do you people think that Devil Fruits just make people unable to learn the swimming motions?

>O: I sure got a lot of these... you wouldn't believe how many postcards I got about this. However. You guys can't trip me up that easy... There is a reason. Under Mr. 3's body there just so happened to be a piece of "Unbelievably Floaty Wood". And that is why he was floating so unbelievably. Let's say, normally a person's floating power is 3 Puka's, and a sumo wrestler's would be about 5 Puka's. But on a good day, a piece of "Unbelievably Floaty Wood" can get as high as 13 Puka's, the world record set by floatmaster Pukayama Ukijirou.

That's the explanation for why Mr. 3 can float, because it WAS A MISTAKE AND THEY CAN'T FLOAT.
>> No. 31131
Ultimately, it ends up as that and that's just fine.
But to say they are paralyzed and can't move is blatantly incorrect and has been shown otherwise on several occasions.
What we're really confused about is how Bellamy is atop what looks otherwise like the top of water we know was very deep.
Whether that was via the moat breaking under the King Moon Shooting Punch or whatever was just clearly not shown and we can't be blamed the confusion. Oda's flubbed the clarity on this one, but let's just trust him to not make the same mistake twice.
Bluegilly's posture really lends to the water being inches deep at most.
>> No. 31132
Man why do all the thread on /op/ end up this way...
>> No. 31133
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>> No. 31156
What? That wasn't a mistake! He was on UNBELIEVABLY FLOATY WOOD, man. Of course he was going to stay atop the water when he's on Unbelievably Floaty Wood.
>> No. 31168
I wanna see more Elizabello, or hell, just more crazy-ass Grand Line kings in general.

That punch was awesome.
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