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31007 No. 31007
I got something that might interest ya.
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>> No. 31008
>>Durendal, one of the most important swords in European history is a shitty rapier
>> No. 31009
a shitty rapier wielded by fuckin cavendish no less (also mangareader doesnt work for me? Does anyone have any idea /why/? All I get is the name of each page where the page should be, like as a link.)

also bartolomeos gonna beat the living hell out of bellamy. like a naughty puppy
>> No. 31010
I'm liking Headbutt McMutenRoshi. And I was wondering how Oda would portray how a guy drawn like a small hill would fight, but this is acceptable.
>> No. 31011
It's not shitty it's just his head is pretty incredible.
>> No. 31012
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I would bet in One Piece its still pretty sub-par compared to all the fancy series of Graded-katana all the best swordsman carry in one Piece (be they from Wano or not)
>> No. 31013
Cool chapter but it felt kinda brief.

I really wonder what Bart's power is.
>> No. 31014
You mean those ones weaker than Hawk Eyes'?
>> No. 31015
Isn't the black blade also a Saijō Ō Wazamono?
>> No. 31016
Ahh, it is, I was wrong.
>> No. 31017
Why are these chapters so short. They used to be like 18 pages, but this one's like 15.


Are you in the US? Mangareader blocked traffic from the US for a number of series.
>> No. 31018

Two-page spreads, friend.
>> No. 31019
But... there aren't any two page spreads this chapter.
Durendal looks pretty cool.
>> No. 31020
It looks pretty lame I think
If it looked like this it would be better
>> No. 31021
For us Freedom Enjoyers


From the Top, FriedFishman Critiques:
>Please end Caribou's New World Kehehe.
>Luffy's silly and we love it. I wonder how the revelation of his entry will affect the rest of the big timers if it gets out past Don Chin-Jao and Cavendish.
>On those guys, it's cool that Cavendish isn't some gag character. He's able to toe to toe a 500mil Belli Pirate that tussled with the legendary Garp and escaped and he wields a Legendary Sword. It's awesome to see Swordsmen who aren't katana spec'd.
>Chin-Jao once split a continent with a headbutt. I'm sorry Elizabelio, but that's a bit higher tier than taking down a fort with a punch. But don't underestimate the Fighting King, I'm still betting on an upset from him. No one on the Straw Hat crew could do that without using some extent power, Luffy's Gear Third, Franky's Shogun.
>He totally looks like he's using Haki after Luffy stomps him. Cavendish is unaffected.
>What do Jeet and Abdullah plan to do if they're the last two? Neat characters and good tributes to Oda's childhood of watching Japanese Pro Wrestling, but I'm glad to see them taken out. Not to say they won't make a reappearance later bombing something...
>Bellamy is bad ass. He's turning into a great choice for a reach back character. Can't wait to see what part he plays.
>Fuck Oda for using Hack as the fodder for Bart's Power. He could just as easily used the Long Leg dude or a large group of other no names.
>> No. 31022
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>captain Gabull, who loves meat pie, is papa's dead grandchild
Just kill me already. And why doesn't Oda show full peen? Oda stop teasing.

It's Hack because he's perfect for that role. Fishman all have that inherent pride about them, especially the ones who practice fishman karate. He's Jinbe lite. Bartolomeo is a troll; it's what his title alludes to in Japanese. Simple as that. Their personalities clash beautifully: the serious business old man and the internet troll.
>> No. 31023
So if Bad Mouth Bart there is an Internet Troll... Is he hiding behind Proxies?
>> No. 31024
Yeah, that's how he was totally immune to being Hack-ed.

Thank you ladies and gents, I'll be here all week.
>> No. 31025
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>> No. 31026
>> No. 31027
Please, contain your orgasm.
>> No. 31028
>> No. 31029
Eh, neither of those are really a Durandal.

They're too thin. Renaissance style blades, really. Carolingian swords were much broader. Shorter than >>31012, too.
>> No. 31030
So is caribou here just a victim of of identity confusion? Is he going to lead a revolution posing as this che guevera lookalike?
>> No. 31031
I'm almost positive there's been a manga where famous swords are portrayed as cute little girls, would that be better?
>> No. 31032
>My Sword Can't Be This Cute.
>> No. 31033
Oh god... Zoro suddenly takes on a more hilarious nature.
>> No. 31034
I just want to know who the fuck was hiding on the ship in the past few chapters. Fucking Oda and his blueballing!
>> No. 31036
>I love being sharpened by Onii-chan~
>> No. 31037
Am I good steel? Uguu~
>> No. 31038
>Don Chin-Jao's going apeshit!

I don't know why but I laughed
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