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File 134484523780.jpg - (32.46KB , 160x600 , d1e8e9ead43508ea2797406762fc1711.jpg )
27380 No. 27380
>see this image in the internet

>decides to follow it to see how unrelated it

where the link took me

the video on the front page
Pockie Pirates CG (Full Version)youtube thumb
>> No. 27382
Whose side is Sanji supposed to be on? He just attacks Nami out of nowhere, but then goes after Luffy

Also does anyone recognize where the not-OP characters come from? Assuming the animators managed to make four originals of their own is probably giving too much credit
>> No. 27385
God, these shit could not be ripping One Piece more if it tried. Do these guys actually think that they could get away with it?

Also, I gotta say they did a nice job on animating this promo vid for just a shoddy online f2p game.
>> No. 27387
Chinese developers, if they're the same ones as who made that Pockie Ninja thing. They just don't give a fuck.
>> No. 27388
That's what I was wondering. If it was just some joe schmoes I would imagine them getting their shit pushed in, but China is a free-for-all.
>> No. 27391
Oh China. You are truly a mess.
I've also seen one of these bootleg game ads with a guy who looks just like He-Man with Sasuke's hair wielding Frostmourne from WoW.
>> No. 27392
I could have forgiven this, if SANJI HADN'T ATTACKED NAMI.

Seriously what is this madness.
>> No. 27396
Wow. This is just blatant. It's like the Chinese are Gol D. Roger daring us all to find the fucks they hid away in THAT PLACE.
>> No. 27416
I forgot about the Munch Munch Fruit.
>> No. 27423
I love how the kid is obviously Arnold from The Magic School Bus.
"Pirates? I knew I should have stayed home today!"
>> No. 27488
At my old school, we never fought rubber people on a ship!
>> No. 27497
that was the most awkward video I have ever seen
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