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File 134032712932.jpg - (118.74KB , 773x1033 , one_piece_500_by_rod_d_ruffy-d3h5qev.jpg )
26706 No. 26706
Sorry if their is one already, but what do you think of the OP anime? Is the filler worth watching compared to Bleach and Naruto? And fav episoes?
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>> No. 26709
I watch it every Saturday regardless.. buuuut it's really become very hit and miss lately. One episode can be really good and the very next one sucks, which makes any sort of ramped up excitement almost nonexistent. And this one-episode-one-chapter thing that's now apparently become mandatory can be a nightmare.

>entire episode of "I killed Otohime" Hody speech stretched out
>> No. 26710
By and large I dig it, it does fluctuate a lot, but in some cases it works to it's advantage and things come out better just about as often as they come out worse.
>> No. 26711
I like it because I love the voicework, however the pacing and art are just .... painful at times. It's really goddamn apparent in Fishman Island here. Padding out the most "barebones" and simple arc One Piece has had in awhile is just ... blegh.
>> No. 26712
I watch it for the fights and to put Voices to the speech bubbles. Can't wait for shit to finally start happening in the Fishman arc but damn are they taking their time.
>> No. 26713
I just really, really wish they'd call the anime off for like a few years to make a buffer that would actually allow them to pace things in a way that's actually tense and compelling.
>> No. 26714
I swear that Fishman Island would be the best anime arc ever if they went back to Water 7 style pacing. Fast paced animation, good voices, and fitting music would both magnify the arc's strong points (strawhats doing cool things, dramatic moments) and patch up the weak points (I'm sure everyone is sick of the P word by now). I might even have actually watched it regularly again but noooooo.


Oh god was that actually a thing they did? Ugh
>> No. 26715
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>Just keep waiting for the show off fights
>remember Franky Shogun is coming
>> No. 26716

My body is ready.
>> No. 26719
The anime version of Fishman Island actually started off really really solid. Much better than the manga in my opinion. It explained and stretched the RIGHT things, which Oda didn't do in the manga and left a lot of people confused. As soon as the flashback hit, it slowed down considerably, but I'm almost certain that's because.. well, those chapters sucked, too. The Luffy vs. Jinbe fight? .. Really? Why was that needed?
And what's the P word .. ?

>> No. 26720
It's PJinbei4nakama
>> No. 26721

The P word is "Pacing," numbnuts.
>> No. 26722
That's definitely something way too general to expect people to know. I guess you need some B word for my S word in this F word, right? Right? Har har har.
>> No. 26724
It was made pretty obvious by pretty much all the comments previous talking about it.
>> No. 26725

I also assumed it would be made obvious by the fact that every single conversation about every single chapter in every single place I'd gone to that talked about OP never stopped mentioning its pacing. Even ones after the arc had ended. Like this one.
>> No. 26726
Alright calm down.
>> No. 26727
>ITT: people can't take a joke.
>> No. 26728
>ITT you fucked up and decided taking it gracefully was for chumps.

Seriously, that's like one degree off from pretending to be a troll all along and acting like the tepid skepticism you garnered was exactly the reaction you were looking for.
>> No. 26730
I'm almost convinced you're the exact same bitch that keeps endlessly moaning about hurt feelings and magnifying every little troll that passes by here tenfold all over this board.
Seriously, relax. You're on the internet; you'll get a hernia, computer hero.

And I'm not even the persons you replied to.
>> No. 26731
why can't we just be internet friends?
>> No. 26733
One Piece- Luffy Kicks Hody Jones- Eng Sub HDyoutube thumb

Pretty damn good if you ask me. Would have been better without the Megalo pounding, but oh well.
>> No. 26734
First time I saw that episode, I was slightly annoyed. Hody using a sword? Hody stopping mid-swing? Megalo bouncing around for 15 seconds? I was under the impression the entire scene took about 1 second to execute from swing to kick. Watching just that one scene again, it didn't look too bad, but having Hody stop the killing blow himself killed the tension.
>> No. 26735

toei really ought to have saved the budget for this ONE scene for the Red Hawk instead
>> No. 26736
Can someone make a gif of this?
>> No. 26737
File 134064358285.gif - (1.52MB , 371x200 , 1239907172326.gif )
request seconded with a bribe
>> No. 26738
File 134064793582.gif - (0.97MB , 500x281 , tumblr_m64by3rWel1qcbi9yo1_500.gif )
Apparently finding a gif of it is a lot harder than I thought.

So here, I brought one of your favorite fishman instead.
>> No. 26739
Yeah, that really killed the tension. If it happened before he swung, it would've been better.
>> No. 26740
It was anime filler
>> No. 26741
>Hody using a sword?
Well, to be perfectly honest, how Oda set this up in the manga made even less sense. He says he's going to "cut off" Neptune's head, but he grabs his head with one hand and makes a fist with the other. Whu? Was he going to PUNCH through his neck?
>> No. 26742
He was going to use his water shot.
>> No. 26743
That still makes no sense. Water shot acts like a bullet. Have you seen Neptune's neck?
>> No. 26744
ya kno, one piece physics don't make sense a lot
given hody's "power level" it ought to be pretty easy to punch someone's head off
>> No. 26805
I had no problem with him using a sword since that fits nicely with traditional execution methods but him stopping for no reason whatsoever was pretty stupid, yeah.
>something mildly interesting!
>better completely stop everything I'm doing even though I've been building up to it for 10 years!
Hody confirmed for ADD.
>> No. 26875

I know I am hells of late, but I always just assumed he was going to karate-chop the head off and the water would make some sort of water blade. I mean later on he even made water sharks with biting water teeth, so it made even more sense in retrospect as something he might be able to do.
>> No. 26898
I love the anime, though admittedly I just want to get Fishman Island over with and move on to Punk Hazard (I'm praying for no filler, it's not needed right now). It was completely unnecessary to drag out the flashback, they could've cut a lot of fluff.

With the latest episode I wasn't impressed with the whole haki sequence which is pretty much the same as the mangas. I kinda wanted to see a bigger reaction from his crew when he used haki. I know they realize he's much stronger but jesus, 50k men in an instant using an ability only the most powerful people in history possess!? Even Zoro should have been dumbstruck for a second.

Also, I don't wanna get a debate going or anything, but I've only read bits and pieces of the manga and have watched pretty much the whole series. I find that pages can get way too chaotic in the manga at times and there are plenty of clusterfuck pages that just work better animated.
>> No. 26902
it's the main reason I watch the anime to see the big events/fights in motion
>> No. 26903
You want the anime to add in completely different reactions and personalities to characters that Oda never put in the manga? You make a lot of people pissed off that way, bud. The anime put in word for word what Zoro says and acts like in the manga -- that's the purpose of the anime; why would he be dumbstruck? They know he's strong.

And we do need filler, by the way. We need about 5-10 episodes of a mini-arc like that whole non-canon feudal stuff we got in TB. Doesn't matter what it is, but a whole filler arc lets the real arcs move much more smoothly without the fluff you seem to hate. IDEALLY, we should always get something good and short like G8 between every major big arc. Look at earlier arcs (Drum, Loguetown, Sabaody) that ran smoothly and quickly because they had filler arcs beforehand.. and compare it to Impel Down and Marineford that had been running on fumes without filler for a while so they had to add in the Fucking Buggy Show filler between canon stuff.
>> No. 26923
I never said that I wanted him to change anything from the anime to the manga, I was just saying how I don't like how it was handled in the anime which is the same way in the manga, so I just personally didn't like how it was handled period. I know Zoro knows he's strong, but 50 thousand merman in an instant utilizing a legendary technique warranted a raised eyebrow at least but whatever, it's not a big deal
>> No. 26958
I'm wondering just how long they can do this now

The show is at an astounding 555 episodes and it's just the first arc after the time skip

555 episodes and they STILL aren't even in the new world, and probably won't be for at least I'd say 15-20 episodes. Don't get me wrong I love this show but I'm just wondering if it might get axed for some reason at some point, when you run this long and have no end in sight you never know if something might happen.

And I think the OP anime shits all over Naruto and Bleach and their "stories", filler and all. Specifically, the first major saga in One Piece in East Blue is better than anything I've ever seen in those two shows, I'd even say its worthy of being called classic. I still hold those feels from Arlong Park in my chest
>> No. 26961
It might go on hiatus from time to time to let the manga progress, but I doubt it'll be canceled. You don't screw with a franchise this big.
>> No. 26984
Nobody in their right mind is going to cancel One Piece. That thing is making them more money than a flying, golden diamond-pissing cash cow. In the worst case scenario, what they may do is call off the anime for a hiatus (which I wouldn't be too opposed to, honestly).

Just think about it.. No filler. Manga pacing. MUCH more time for better animation and art. It'd be beautiful.

Also, unheard of? How many episodes did DBZ amass from start to finish? Cause I sure as hell don't know.
>> No. 26988
Actually I'm pretty sure One Piece has as many or more episodes than DBZ did at this point.
>> No. 26998
I calculate 508 episodes from Dragonball to Dragonball GT, but the manga had 519 chapters.
>> No. 27057
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So Brook is fucking a wizard
>> No. 27059
The correct term is Bard.
>> No. 27060
File 134232528277.jpg - (82.21KB , 650x440 , c06.jpg )
Anime is doing a 2 hour special on the whole Arlong Park arc. It's a remake from start to end with current new animation and graphics without any filler.

Should be fun, I think.
>> No. 27061
oh shit, nervous anticipation

I think its one of the best, if not the best arc in One Piece
>> No. 27068
I don't know if I'd call it the best arc, but it's certainly the first great in the series arc.
>> No. 27096
Maybe no filler, but seems heavily edited length wise.
Arlong arc is 15 episodes total and each episode is 23 minutes long, give or take with all the openings and endings.
That makes it roughly 5 hours long.

Not trying to bad mouth this. I'm eagerly waiting to see it.
>> No. 27097
Whatever they do, I'm hoping they don't cut or change the scene when Luffy knocks the desk out of Arlongs building

That was one of the most amazing scenes in this series and one my most memorable ever, that incredible sounding music and the way it worked perfectly and the reactions of everyone watching it happen. Also the scene where Luffy gives Nami his straw hat and meets up with his crew to go to Arlongs, that was classic.
>> No. 27118
i'd rather see kuro's arc
>> No. 27119
There is a reason they are doing Fishman Island, it's directly related to what is transpiring now.
>> No. 27120

You know what'd i'd like better? some fucking filler so the anime can stop padding out everything, what they did to Impel Down and the war was disgusting.
>> No. 27121
Wouldn't redoing the old arcs count as filler?
>> No. 27122
Well this remake of Arlong Park isn't going to take up anime time. It's a special by all accounts, meaning it's gonna play on its own time without disrupting anime schedule.

People always bring up anime Impel Down and Marineford as the worst crimes in human history, but I went back and re-watched them both recently and it really wasn't as bad as I remember or people make it out to be. The Buggy filler stuff is usually 2, maybe 3 minutes tops out of a full 26 minute episode. And I'm all for integrating filler into canon as long as it's done right and in moderation. Early episodes of Fishman Island did this beautifully.
>> No. 27123

padding, very lazy animation and all the filler are what is wrong with Impel Down and marineford, more than ever they used still image reaction shots with a grunt in these two arcs.

truly disgusting.
>> No. 27124
Toei's art and animation quality goes up and down like a roller coaster sometimes even within the same arc. The current arc they're doing is a prime example of this.

As far as padding and filler goes, it was bad, but I repeat, nothing that was too unbearable. It really is much better when seen whole in one go.
>> No. 27154
Marineford, for all its fault, was still pretty captivating, it dragged on in parts and the size of the battle made things a clusterfuck, people who should've been fighting at certain points appeared to be just standing around scratching their asses but it was still enjoyable. The scene where Whitebeard talks about a new era and it shows him thinking about his past while his tattered flag flies in the wind was one of the best in the series. The music coincided perfectly with it too

Impel Down was shit though I'll agree. It picked up slightly at the end but my god the beginning was awful. Too much Buggy and Mr. 2 and the Okama shit was ridiculous even by One Piece standards

One important thing about Marineford I didn't like was Ace's death because of Luffy's stupid ass face. It's such a pivotal scene in the series and Oda makes him look like fucking Pacman. It took me out of the moment for a few seconds and was the worst fucking time to make an exaggerated face.
>> No. 27158
But that's Oda's mark. He makes goofy faces all the times and doesn't pull punches even in the most dramatic moments. In a way, you have to respect him for that. If another mangaka drew weird, disproportionate characters all the time and got to that scene, they'd make it uncharacteristically somber and melodramatic (when that's not what the series is about); Oda sticks to what makes him him through and through, and even though Luffy DID look ridiculously hideous, you still felt sad for him.
>> No. 27159
Agreed. Half of what makes One Piece great is how utterly, completely invested in their emotions these characters get when they really get struck by them. They don't just cry a single, manly tear, they bawl until their noses start running. They are utterly and completely wrecked by the intensity of what they're feeling, and it is not glamorous or dignified like Hollywood or other manga would do, it is deeply human vulnerability and ugliness that wraps right around to beautiful again because of its ugliness.
>> No. 27160
So Japan still hates dark skinned people?

Watching the newest episodes, Zoro is lighter in skin colour, Usopp is lighter and of course after hundreds of episodes they thought it was a good idea to make Robin paler than fucking Nami all of a sudden. I know she's white in the manga but you don't suddenly turn a character who has dark skin, whos mother had dark skin and who has had dark skin since they were a child, completely white randomly.

Hell, even though it doesn't really count, Chopper is lighter in colour post timeskip. The new white master race Straw Hat Pirates.
>> No. 27161
They just used Oda's colors instead of their own after the timeskip, and he doesn't bother with skin color. That's all that's happening.
>> No. 27162
Zoro spent two years on a sunless island perpetually covered in fog. Robin was also on a snow country before heading off with the Revolutionaries.

But it's what >>27161 said. They're all the exact same skin color in Oda's mind - always have been. He never made Usopp or Zoro tanned, the anime did.
>> No. 27164
I understand, still I liked the unique skin colours, Zoro looks good tanned, Robin looks way better dark than pale white in the anime. These are people who live at sea, they should have some skin colour at least or at least have variations of skin colour instead of all being white.

Als even though Robin was on that island, you don't go from being really dark skinned all your life to instantly pale because you don't get sun for a couple weeks. I can see how they could use it as a reason but its stretching it really far
>> No. 27169
File 13435269633.jpg - (2.63KB , 126x94 , 1330060037329.jpg )
In case you hadn't heard, Funimation got season 5 (264-336) and Strong World.

>> No. 27170
I'm one of those people who don't really anaylze pacing alot, but man, even I'm noticing the drag the anime is on.

So what ever happened with 206-263? Its been a long time since 205 was posted.
>> No. 27171
End of G8 to end of Water 7 should be coming out next month, actually.
>> No. 27175
New episode out

I'm expecting the Merman Island arc to end around the end of the decade. At least we got more super Franky
>> No. 27436
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I haven't really bothered watching many of the new episodes since this arc is dragging on way too long but...

good lord
>> No. 27437
oh god everything below the tits terrifies me
>> No. 27438
File 134552714653.png - (1.35MB , 1599x877 , 4533543.png )
that's actually partly my fault, I should've edited the screenshot since it stretched itself out
>> No. 27439
Definitely a highlight of the episode.
>> No. 27440

Was anticipating Brazzers logo.
>> No. 27441
File 134555253163.jpg - (180.46KB , 1000x560 , Nami Brazz.jpg )
Happy now?
>> No. 27442
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>implying the great Nuru was not only the best thing about the episode, but also the next nakama
>> No. 27443
His true power is not in his swordsmanship, but in his ability to add minutes to the show and drag the arc out even longer.

Truly a worthy foe
>> No. 27491
Has anyone ripped the latest DVD of the dub yet? Can't find it anywhere.
>> No. 27494
I havent caught up with the manga since the Whitebeard War and the beginning of the time skip. Watching the anime through Fishmen Island, the characters seem like broad caricatures of their former selves. I hope that's just isolated to this arc.
>> No. 27495
I think Oda wanted to bring them back with a bang. Sort of reintroduce them in the most obvious and loudest way he could (hence Sanji's annoying nosebleeds, Brook's nonstop joking, etc etc). Fishman Island in general was lousy as far as character interactions went; I think it's gotten slightly better since then, and we're still arguably half-way through the series.

However, this is a legitimate problem a lot of people have noticed; you're not alone. The Strawhats have changed dramatically since Sabaody and they have become very one dimensional.
I really do hope Oda improves this, cause they, as characters, have taken a real sharp turn down hill.
>> No. 27514
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I have watched all the sagas and arcs of One Piece, even some of the bad fillers, and have always managed to keep going because I love the series and the characters.

but Fishman Island has stopped me. I agree with
in order to get people interested again I can't blame Oda for pushing particular angles with characters after the time skip but its gotten tedious and has made me lose interest in watching the crew. Fishman Island has dragged waaaaaaaaaaay too long, I mean the amount of episodes they made for the queen's backstory was completely ridiculous. Unfortunately, the characterizations don't seem to improve in Punk Hazard from what I've read so I have doubts the anime will get better. There will probably be a filler arc after Fishman Island so maybe some good of will come out of it at least, I hope. and if not at least we'll be able to skim through the episodes to see more big titties
>> No. 27515
If you're watching the show at this point, it's gotta be out of masochism. I would say the characterization honestly has improved a bit, it just hasn't slowed down. You can clearly see the crew everybody is "waiting for" in quieter scenes like when they're waiting on the boat for Luffy's scouting crew, or when they're imprisoned by Caesar and have no idea where they are.
>> No. 27516
Hey bro, hey.. The anime has its bad and good episodes; don't knock it. And most of the fault is with Oda and the source material for this. For example, next week's episode will be Hody's "reveal." The entire episode will be the same as the chapter because their pacing is titsonfire. I'm sure Toei will try to add things to liven it up, but what more could they possibly do? The anime has been having some unbearably shitty animation/art quality lately, though. That I blame entirely on them.

Also, I think they handled the Tiger/Otohime flashbacks very well. They didn't add or stretch anything; it was, again, Oda who should have shortened some of it down.
>> No. 27517
The unbearably shitty animation/art quality is part of them slowing it down. By doing about a chapter an episode and also not adding anything to the episodes, they've forced themselves to make every panel last about two minutes.
>> No. 27518
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Characterization aside, modern One Piece also appears to be getting trope-ier and trope-ier, to the point where it's resembling all of the other hundreds of mass-produced animes out there.
It feels as though the series is losing it's unique charm in exchange for mass appeal. I hope to be proven wrong, I never want to stop loving One Piece.
>> No. 27519
I blame the Supernova

Everything was great until they showed up to stink up the place.
>> No. 27520
Saying that One Piece using common shonen tropes makes it same-y is like saying Community using common sitcom tropes makes it same-y.
>> No. 27521
I somewhat agree, I like a couple of them but in general I didn't like how it played out

>welcome to Saobody
>well Straw Hat, you've become famous to everyone on the first half of the grand line and have great crew, you were even the cause of the destruction of one of the cornerstones of the Marines, Enies Lobby as well as beaten shichibukai members
>oh btw, there are a shit ton of other ways to go across the grand line and there are 9 other rookies who happen to be here at the exact same time, are famous and one of them even has a bigger bounty than you because he hurt some civilians

It reminded me of Bleach and its "story? Fuck that shit just have a fuck ton of new characters show up out of nowhere and have them somehow be on a similar level of strength"
>> No. 27523
>oh btw, there are a shit ton of other ways to go across the grand line
This much wasn't a reveal at all. Crocus explained it very clearly before they even got to the first island, there were always multiple routes.
>> No. 27524
>on a similar level of strength

That's debatable.
>> No. 27525
they do vary and some are weaker than Luffy and Zoro but the point is that 9 other extremely talented and strong grand line rookies came out of nowhere
>> No. 27526
I don't get the butthurt over them appearing out of nowhere, given the whole "different routes" justifies it. All they got was an introduction. Its not like they've been central to the plot the whole time. Only one was briefly important after the War arc, and now is central after the Fishman Island arc.
>> No. 27527
And that's exactly the point.

They're not wrong in saying that the Supernova coming out of nowhere feels weird. It was weird. It took away the Strawhats being the focus of attention in the narrative to a bunch of random people who are famous and somehow a "competition" just for the sake of them being a competition. What the fuck have they done? Why do they continually get as much attention (other than "LOLKIDisSOHOT ^w^")? Why are we supposed to care and go root for them as if they were protagonists, too? And I do agree, their whole.. BEING does feel like something you'd see in Bleach or DBZ.

We went from the entire focus being on the Strawhat Pirates to having to go "Oh jeez, I wonder which Supernova is gonna randomly show up in the next arc?"
>> No. 27529
The narrative never stopped focusing on the Strawhats, and the other Supernovas aren't protagonists. Was it really that much of a shock that other people have been riding the Grand Line to try and find Raftel too?
>> No. 27530
The only thing about the Supernovas appearance that bugs me was the presence of newspaper circulation in the One Piece world. The Strawhat Pirates exploits show up in the paper over and over again, which makes sense considering they've contested the world government several times. If the Supernovas are just as notorious, presumably for deeds as extreme as actively declaring war with the world gov., I think a touch more foreshadowing would have gone a long way towards introducing these characters to the audience.

Oh, and the long-arms suddenly popping into being.
Doesnt ruin the series or anything, though.
>> No. 27531
Sounds like you have more of a problem with the fandom obssesing over the Supernovas than the characters themselves.

When they're actually relevant to the plot, you'll get their backstories.

Apparently the Strawhats can't have "competition" who are competent enough to actually be a threat.
>> No. 27532
>Sounds like you have more of a problem with the fandom obssesing over the Supernovas than the characters themselves

Well you're wrong. My first and biggest problem is with them. Then come the idiots who obsess about them as if they were the only thing keeping One Piece together.

And no, they cannot. The Warlords are a threat. The Marines are a threat. People who came out the woodwork for no reason and who continue to do absolutely nothing are not only NOT a threat, but irrelevant in my book. Let's see where this whole alliance garbage leads.

Except Oda came up with them in a matter of hours. So.
>> No. 27533
Dude, it's the GREAT PIRATE AGE. There are all kinds of pirates running around, because Gold Roger died and claimed to have dumped an assload of treasure at the ends of the Earth. Many of these pirate crews are like the Strawhats- children of the era who are just now old enough to go out with their ships and crews to Pirate about the Grand Line. That 8 crews worth of big name guys showed up in Shaobody at the same time was coincidence, nothing more. Would you have been this upset about the Supernova if they had just been introduced piecemeal, one to three at a time?
>> No. 27534
Kidd's already gearing up to be an important enemy, Bonney's already got her mysterious foreshadowing, Law's justified his importance several times over, and who gives a shit about the rest? Does Urouge's existence actually hurt anything?

Some of the Supernovas were clearly made just for Sabaody, and appropriately they're not doing much. But Kidd and Law (and Bonney) were clearly always going to be there, and they've shown themselves to be as important as anybody. And more importantly, the narrative is STILL FOCUSED ON THE STRAWHATS. THIS NEVER STOPS. You're attributing fandom to the series when it's not really there.

This is the second Age of Piracy, Moria and Crocodile and the like were the sort of people who were in the first. That seems like an important distinction.
>> No. 27535
Dude One Piece has always been tropey as hell.
>> No. 27536
>Kidd's already gearing up to be an important enemy, Bonney's already got her mysterious foreshadowing
>and they've shown themselves to be as important as anybody

Cool speculations, bro.
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