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39795 No. 39795
Hey, /mtv/, does anyone know of an independent movie about teens getting ready for a dance(prom?). In it, there’s supposedly a kid in a purple cape who might be a LARPer and there’s a scene where someone asks a girl to the dance with a sign in a thrift store (Neither of them talk). One of the characters is maybe named Kevin and he may be the kid in the cape.

There's also a scene near the end of it where the mean girl is, maybe, ditched by her friends, and she has a conversation with the cape kid (who also didn't go to prom) and he talks about his thoughts on love, and it leaves her respecting him a bit, but no desire to date him.

There might be someone that looks Michael Cera who is also not Jesse Eisenberg also none of the actors are either unknown or relatively unknown.

It also came somewhere between 2010-2012 probably. My friend saw it in theaters around that time in Utah.

We've concluded, conclusively, that it's not:

- Role Models
- Prom (Though prom has a similar sign scene)
- Homecoming
- Babe: Pig In The City

Any help you could give us in this matter would be greatly appreciated as we've been trying to figure this out for about two hours.

Cross-posted from /tv/.

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