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File 135782309877.jpg - (58.68KB , 950x534 , Academy-Awards-Statues.jpg )
36309 No. 36309
Oscars Nominations 2013youtube thumb
Let's see how this rolls.
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>> No. 36310
File 135784627489.jpg - (26.30KB , 384x286 , spidey fucking hates you people.jpg )
>Tarantino not nominated for Best Director
>> No. 36318
>click play
>Hugh Jackman for Best Actor
>introduced by Seth MacFarlane
>close tab
>> No. 36322
Oh boy, this is worse than that one time they nominated Wolverine for a Golden Globe.
>> No. 36324
It's Les Miserables. You really didn't expect Jean Valjean to be an award-winning performance?
>> No. 36325
i'm definitely more meh about the seth macfarlane choice.
they can't be bothered to include things they don't consider art into their award nominations but they will pander with celebrities for ratings.

this whole thing is a sham.
>> No. 36334
If you're not nominated for anything or aren't even going there is no sense in being hyped.
>> No. 36414
That's always my problem with the Oscars. They really don't seem to know if they want to be an artistic awards show or a mega television event and they generally fail at trying to be both. The Sundance meets the MTV Movie Awards thing doesn't work for me.
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