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33191 No. 33191
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone else partakes in musicfaggotry?
I've dabbled in composition a bit, and have done a few remixes of cartoon songs.
Ex. about a year ago I did this remix/extended version of Alien Heart from Phineas and Ferb.
Alien Heartbreakyoutube thumb

I know it's not great, but it was an interest of mine for awhile.

I thought this kind of thing would be more /coc/, but they told me to go here instead.
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>> No. 33192
Oh, and I've also done a Zone-inspired mix combining the theme of My Life as a Teenage Robot and Chewing Gum by Annie that I've since become embarrassed of:

And a Scooby Doo surfer-mix I put together as a request.
Which wasn't hard in retrospect, as it already kind of is surfer.

Anyway, don't know if anyone cares, but I was just wondering if anyone shared my hobby.
Shared songs, or just pointers, would be wonderful.
>> No. 33193
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I can play the first part of the Tetris theme song on a piano.
>> No. 33232
Taught myself Axel F on the school piano. Which is like what, 5 different notes? Felt like a boss.
Oh and also 6 years of classical guitar training, which was something that wasn't even nearly as cool. My father pretty much forced me, because he wanted to learn to play guitar as a kid and tried to live his ideal life through me. Sometimes I still feel like picking up the guitar again, but fuck it. I'm not giving him that satisfaction.
>> No. 33241
So you're denying yourself something that you kind of enjoy in order to spite someone? Are you retarded?
>> No. 33296
That's pretty kickass.

Anyone else try to write or play music?
A couple of years ago I wanted to try taking requests as a "musicfag" (instead of a "drawfag"), but my muse/inspiration promptly left. Which is how my Scooby-Doo thing came about.
Anyway, I've been trying to get back into music, as I recognize it as something I used to have a lot of enthusiasm for, and I don't really have that for anything else in my life at the moment.
>> No. 33988
Well, did a remix of Dimitri's Greasy Sweet Remix.

Greasy Sweeteneryoutube thumb

Seems to be slightly more popular than my first one, though I'm still not too proud of it. Game music seems to garner a greater audience than cartoon music.

Am working on some Inspector Gadget music, if anyone's interested, though my muse is absent as previously mentioned.
>> No. 34207
Here's a little (mostly) original piece I did a few years back.


It was at a point I kinda started getting the hang of it but didn't completely know what I was going for.
>> No. 34774
Gravity Falls remix: Anti-gravityyoutube thumb
>> No. 39247
Hey guys.

Made this.

Just bumping in case anyone would like.
Also would absolutely love to hear what you guys have done.

Any suggestions for additional software? I'm using FL Studio pretty much exclusively at this point.
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