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File 137178414692.gif - (8.03KB , 650x450 , 06307.gif )
72377 No. 72377
So i guess this started updating awhile ago but the thread was autosaging and i didn't know so i got caught up and hey lets talk about homestuck
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>> No. 72379
...and there goes John again. I wonder how he knew Jade was coming?
>> No. 72381
Did he even know she was coming? It seems to me like he can't really control where/when he is for more than a few seconds. I don't think he was running away from Jade or even knows she is after him.
>> No. 72384
John is now Sonic, he's blue and has to go fast. Now for Jade to turn yellow and grow a pair of tails while Dave goes all egg-shaped and takes command of an army of robots, after which they can follow him around the loop-de-loops on Skaia.
>> No. 72386
He didnt zap away, though. He windied away.
>> No. 72391
Wouldn't it be great if the hero of Homestuck was the Condesce though
>> No. 72394
Wait no, Dave is red and likes to rap and so is Knuckles. You might be on to something here...
>> No. 72395
Dirk, then? He actually makes robots, and as the Dancestor of a character associated with birds could be considered an "egg man" in reference to the chicken-or-the-egg question.
>> No. 72398
so...long enoigh without an update for baseless upcoming flash speculation to begin?
>> No. 72400
>> No. 72401
He's possibly saving up some updates so as to have more to release just before/while at the next convention. Or maybe he wasn't done making stuff for the game, and got back to it.
>> No. 72402
I smell another story-wide retcon
>> No. 72403

What do you think is the difference between a Thief and a Rogue?
>> No. 72404
Active versus passive. One example given being that one steals for her own benefit, and the other steals for her teammates' benefit. But given what we know of the fluidity of titles, that's not the only way it could play out.
>> No. 72405
Thief takes their aspect from their enemy. Rogue takes things from their aspect. What I'll believe until it's inevitably contradicted.
>> No. 72406
Roxy has also been shown to steal her aspect from others for their benefit, like being there for each of her friends when they were feeling alienated, empty and alone inside.
>> No. 72407
1. that isn't an aspect power. that's just her personality, which might fit in with her role thematically, but it isn't something the game bestowed her
2. that isn't stealing because she is not taking away something to keep for herself
>> No. 72408
1. Aspects and roles have been repeatedly stated and implied to be a reflection of the person they're tied to.
2. Rogues don't steal from others to keep for themselves, that's what a thief does. Rogues steal for the benefits of others, like Robin Hood.
>> No. 72410
>1. that isn't an aspect power. that's just her personality, which might fit in with her role thematically, but it isn't something the game bestowed her
In Homestuck, and thanks to the non-linear nature of time in Paradox Space, there's essentially no difference between causation and correlation. Her aspect is her aspect because of her personality and her personality is her personality because of her aspect. Both were the cause and the effect of one another. It's the sort of thing that can only be true in so self-aware a piece of metafiction.

There's a tendency to think of a character's Mythological Role as a character class, but that's not really the way it seems to work in practice--there's no suite of abilities that are universal to all or even most members of a Class and the way each Aspect manifests seems to depend on the individual as well. Aradia and Dave are both Time Players, but the way they use Time is entirely distinct. I don't think this is solely because of their classes--I suspect if we saw another Knight of Time, he would not use Time Turners, and he might very well not work almost exclusively in stable time loops.

In practice, the Mythological Role seems to work more like a High Concept for the character in general. It's descriptive rather than prescriptive. That's why characters' first time using their Aspect is rarely "magic" or a skill in video game terms, but in the items they create through Alchemy--again, look at Dave and his Time Tables. Theoretically, that combination of items was available to anyone. If John had borrowed Dave's turntables or something, he could be the one doing those stable time loops. Or even if he hadn't made them, he could've just borrowed them and spent three days getting stronger instead of just one. But it wouldn't have happened for anyone but Dave, because it wouldn't have made sense for anyone but Dave to make and use them. They are connected to his personality, and also to his High Concept.

"Temporal inevitability," I think is the term they use in-comic, but it could just as easily be called "Narrative Causality" to steal a term from Discworld. "Roxy did that because it's part of her personality" and "Roxy did that because she's the Rogue of Void" are synonymous statements. Or even "Roxy did this because it what's supposed to happen at that time." And like....it's true for all works, to a certain extent, that characters do things because that's what's supposed to happen at that time, but in Homestuck's case they do it because they are aware that that is the thing they are supposed to do at that time, or sometimes, they refrain from doing it because they know it's what they were supposed to do at that time.

This has all probably been fairly scattered and silly reading, but I think what I'm getting at is that thinking of Homestuck too much in terms of consistent Rules and standard Causality is missing the point of what Homestuck is. It's not random, but it's not a Functional Magic type of system, either.
>> No. 72411
i remember when i cared about homestuck enough to make posts like this and now i can't even be bothered to form a rebuttal

feels bad man
>> No. 72418
did hussie die
>> No. 72419
Yes. Fans are searching for his corpse to kiss it even as we speak.
>> No. 72421
for some reason that reminds me of when tumblr fandom reactions to all the "I hope Homestuck fans drop dead!" hatred was to thank them for the well wishes on going god tier :')
>> No. 72422
>> No. 72423
File 137262535063.png?spoiler - (16.17KB , 332x285 , 1372624087781.png?spoiler )
today's update:
>> No. 72424
>> No. 72425
this is kind of stupid...
>> No. 72426
oh thank god im not the only one who thinks that
>> No. 72427
Is that not the very point of Homestuck? I mean, Hussie's been pretty much saying that from the beginning.
>> No. 72428

and even if it was, he meant it to be a fun entertaining kind of stupid, and this is not fun or entertaining. plus whether or not he meant for it to be stupid actually does not make it any less so.
>> No. 72429
I'm pretty sure he meant it to be his kind of stupid.
>> No. 72431
well then congratulations on succeeding in making something bad and worthless? i don't know why people think "but it was MEANT to be dumb so it's ok" as a valid defense. making your work terrible on purpose is worse than trying to make something entertaining and fucking up.
>> No. 72432
File 137265863251.png - (205.74KB , 498x449 , terrible on purpose.png )
>making your work terrible on purpose is worse than-
If you try to take Homestuck with any amount of seriousness at all at any given time, you're going to have a bad time.
>> No. 72433
1. that's untrue
2. the latest updates are bad because they are uninteresting and unfunny, not because i am "taking homestuck too seriously," which trust me, i am not
3. i feel pretty bad for hussie if most of the remaining homestuck fans that are still really into it are like you

i have been reading homestuck and have been active in its fandom since the first update
>> No. 72434
Dude don't bring SBAHJ into this. It's a work of beauty and I'm not even sarcastic.

At least something actually important is happening to Karkat now? Even if it's completely contrived and a lame attempt to shock readers.
>> No. 72435
File 137265999365.gif - (304.36KB , 450x363 , This_is_stupid_Large.gif )
>i have been reading homestuck and have been active in its fandom since the first update
So have I, chowderhead. I even started some generals in the old site.
Hussie doesn't care if the fans are lackadaisical or not, he's going to keep doing it regardless. He enjoys doing it, and his fans as a whole enjoy reading it. Right now he's just moving through exposition and plot devices, not a big deal. Not every page need to be a major wit tickle or brand new species expansion pack. Just take it easy, one update at a time. The series has a very 'whatever' tone and that's totally fine. I've seen plenty of fans get upset over pieces and chunks, weather by boredom or upset about the direction of a character or plot thread, but in the end if they leave or not, Hussie still has a massive legion to back him up.

And as an aside, would it kill you to use the shift key?
>> No. 72436
Am I the only one who enjoyed the update? Karkat's rants are always pretty great and I didn't think this was an exception. Everything else was kind of meh but Karkat kept me entertained the whole way through.
>> No. 72437
Karkat yelling about something will always be a good thing in my eyes.
>> No. 72439
How is it shocking? Jade said flat out she was going to demonstrate Jane's ability to wish people back with the dragon balls, he's just gonna get rezzed right back up

The only really important thing to take from this is that the one dragon ball limit means Karkat is just a tiny bit more mortal than everyone else now
>> No. 72440
Someone jokingly suggested that John's going to steal Karkat, and somehow or another it's going to end up that Roxy conjures up a Sacrificial Slab and Karkat gets to go God Tier.

I REALLY DOUBT that's going to happen, but it does raise one new way for the remaining trolls to God Tier, if indeed that needs to happen.
>> No. 72442
To be fair, Roxy's ability raises one new way to do practically anything. Yes, "do". Not just make. She could create entire branches of reality by simply stealing their non-existence, if Hussie decides to ever explore that route.
>> No. 72443
File 137274958078.png - (141.54KB , 1008x655 , 704dfc118bad0dd34e5dc47e547ef683.png )
goggles is a treasure.
>> No. 72445
You know, Karkat getting hurt by Jane could set up some fairly intense conflict between Meenah and her alternate self. And since John is also obviously upset, I guess that means it could also lead to Meenah teaming up with him in some kind of Karkat vengeance squad? Especially if it turns out he did come back to life, but neither of them realize this until they're at Condy's throat making a grand speech about it.
>> No. 72446
>Jane has the power to revive the dead one time
>in a comic where death is next to meaningless and barely even slows you down

Life continues to take a big, hefty dump on Jane Crocker
>> No. 72447
You have to admit though, she does get a pretty nifty alt costume out of it.
>> No. 72448
Or none of that could happen and Karkat could just get resurrected immediately...
>> No. 72449
Are you a seer?
>> No. 72450
Jane has the shittiest power. Seriously. Even Aranea's is more useful.

But I guess that's what you get for being lifeless~ but I guess she might have something else up here sleeve. I mean, John went from tornado drill to wind mode.
>> No. 72451
My theory is that John's ring of life can some how boost Jane's life powers, like the void ring boosted Roxy's.
>> No. 72453
All it did for Roxy was make her invisible, and it still didn't help against tricksters. Not much of a boost.
>> No. 72454
It might be interesting to see how this will affect her just/heroic deaths though.

If she gets killed in this state, does she get a "lol nope" do over? And if so, would it cancel out the waterbitch's mind control shit?
>> No. 72455
I'm very surprised that Jane's resurrection didn't turn Karkat into some evil Crockercorp zombie. It's just a technology induced evil state for Jane, but we don't really know the full extent of her influence. And it's about time we had a true necromancer in Homestuck.
>> No. 72459
I think the invisibility was caused by her Void powers awakening. She seems to have concluded as much when Jade asks her if she knows what her powers do.
>> No. 72463
How many seers does it take to get their shit together?
>> No. 72464
Come to think of it, this is extra bad for Terezi since not only is she newly-sighted, but aren't Trolls generally a nocturnal species to begin with? They made special mention of the fact that Kanaya was unusual for not being bothered by sunlight.
>> No. 72465
The alternian sun is probably a lot worse than lolars or any others.
>> No. 72466
Can...can the characters see any of that glitch stuff?

The player planet environments aren't nearly as harmful as their realistic counterparts anyway. Otherwise, Dave would have easily overheated from being so close to the lava on his planet.
>> No. 72468
Incoming seer strife? Or will John of jade zap in to interrupt?
>> No. 72469
Incoming seer strife? Or will John of jade zap in to interrupt?
>> No. 72470
Apparently they can.
That's. I can't even imagine how trippy it must be to see real life glitches
>> No. 72471
I think it's something we'd see if we ever got Aradia using her troll powers more, but she's stuck doing afterlife time stuff. On the other hand, the Condesce does have all the troll powers, so she could end up using Aradia's eventually as well.
>> No. 72472
That's weird. John's presence seems to remove those artifacts?
>> No. 72473
Like blowing (star)dust out of a cartridge?
>> No. 72474
John confirmed for being the hero Homestuck deserves.
>> No. 72475
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
>> No. 72476
I love how Terezi sometimes sticks out her tongue when something new happens as her first instinct, forgetting that she can no longer taste visuals. Old habits die hard.
>> No. 72478
Oh snap. I thought it was just her being weird or doing so in disgust.

Anyway John's warping through time cleaning up glitches. Who here hopes he cleans up that little flash from a while back that we got cheated out of seeing?
>> No. 72479
The weird thing is that he could actually retcon it with his new powers. I wonder how Hussie's gonna handle that when he retcons something more important than sticking his arm into random panels or standing just off-camera.
>> No. 72480
Did Rose suddenly forget that computers and messaging devices exist?
>> No. 72481
Talking to John via computer right now might be impossible with him displaced in timespace. As for talking to Roxy directly, she might just not know her handle.
>> No. 72483
>> No. 72485
What they really ought to do is go inside for a bit and have the turtles serve delicious smoothies to them while they recuperate, presuming any of them would do that as thanks for Rose letting them wander around her huge tower-house.
>> No. 72487
I'm sure those turtles are still very thankful for Rose dismantling their tower in mid air, terrorizing them and possibly killing a number of their friends.
>> No. 72488
It's been years, and they're consorts.
>> No. 72540
(There has been an update.)
(Not much of plot relevance has happened, but I think ARquiusprite is still pretty funny in an unsettling way.)
>> No. 72541
I think so too.

But ugh, come on Hussie. I want plot progression not humorous banter.
>> No. 72543
I partly partly agree, in that I'd like banter and plot to be interwoven rather than separated into nonsensical tangents and infodumps. Moreover, it seems that attempts to speed up the plot are at least partly what causes more snags in the plot to develop, thus actually slowing it down by adding more things to explain. I figure/hope things will naturally pick up once the characters have finished essentially shaking hands with each other to confirm they're all on the same page.

Also, it cold be that this was more just to remind us that Dirk was on the way back now and he's not actually supposed to be in on anything important yet, with the humorous conversation thrown in as a bonus.
>> No. 72546
So ARquiusprite and Davesprite are hanging out? That's neat.
>> No. 72547
I'm just hoping for the alpha and beta kids to FINALLY meet. Banter is all well and good, but I'd love to see some actual character interaction and plot advancement.

I find that lately homestuck has gone from "show, don't tell" to "this is all the shit that happened, but you don't get to see any of it here's some exposition"
>> No. 72549
When was actually the last time Homestuck was "show, don't tell"? It felt like like your latter remark for ages now.
>> No. 72550
Not the same person, but "too long ago, unless you count the times we've been following a Jack".

Also: Dave, no. You need to go back in time in time to when the alternate kids chapter started and just make the whole chapter un-happen by bringing everyone up to speed real quick and then taking them to your present. Or maybe have John do it, since he can break continuity better.
>> No. 72555
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'd really rather see what the trolls are up to.
>> No. 72556

>> No. 72557
If the mayor dies, I'm blaming all of you guys who were wishing something would happen in place of more banter.
>> No. 72558

Also I'm really loving how Hussie is using panels lately. Very cool
>> No. 72559
Uh oh. Guys? I think we lost Dave.
>> No. 72560
Dave has seriously cracked. He's become unhinged
First he laughs so hard he starts crying, then he becomes hysterical over the mayor.

Tbh I think if/when he actually meets Dirk he'll just have a full fludged breakdown it'll be fantastic
>> No. 72563
And the hussmaster trolls us on kid/dancestor interaction again
>> No. 72565
So Jane CAN talk. Good to know.

and Kanaya is just plain sick of everyone's shit. I love it.
>> No. 72567
These turns of events are interesting. It looks like Jane's going to give some explanation as to why Kanaya ought to fear her, and with that hopefully some clue as to what she wants them to do. Meanwhile, I have no idea if Dirk's tendency to fragment ought to have any affect on how he handles being glitched, and if so what effect it would actually have.

Also, I'd actually be more accepting of harm befalling WV now that he's so beloved by the main cast, since now I know he won't just die in a pointless explosion caused by characters who ought to know better and quickly get forgotten.
>> No. 72568
No Kanaya! Please don't die, I love you! you stupid bitch.
>> No. 72569
Jane is just straight up diabolical
>> No. 72570
File 137584985065.gif - (366.00KB , 395x300 , tumblr_l2oic3J0vk1qz9rjn.gif )
I just want to get to the god damn fireworks factory. Can we please just get to the god damn fireworks factory.
>> No. 72571
Shush, you already almost killed the mayor! If you're not careful, he's going to end up killing off Ms. Paint or PM or something.

...what is the "Fireworks Factory" in this scenario, anyway? The three-way jackoff?
>> No. 72572
>You would drink heavily from its multicolored well, and the hemospectrum would be your wine list preceding the great feast of passion.
Kanaya confirmed for killing Lord English!
>> No. 72574
I think it could also refer to killing the empress, or perhaps draining power from LE after he's already mortally wounded. Or maybe beforehand, to weaken him enough for Dave to get a strike in?
>> No. 72576
Or it refers to her chugging all those bottles she just bought, then sloppily making out with Rose.
>> No. 72577
i don't understand, what just happened
>> No. 72578
John's breaking the comic. He's rewriting events
>> No. 72579
oh wow, this is meta as fuck
>> No. 72580
I wonder what's going to change with the scene now that John's in it.
>> No. 72581
Oh, so that's what the fake character select screen was for.
>> No. 72582
I feel you man. I feel you.

Also this is the most confusing turn of events since the whole godmod PI shenanigans in Problem Sleuth
>> No. 72583
>> No. 72584
They (briefly) already talked some weeks ago, dude.
>> No. 72585
So does this confirm that what John is doing to reality is pretty much the same thing anyone can do within dream bubbles? Changing memories of what happened as represented in bubbles, only instead of memories, it's continuity itself.
>> No. 72586
I wonder if this means Dave still doesn't know he can fly in-atmosphere now.
>> No. 72587
This is the Medium. The only difference between being near a planet and being far away from one is the unusually consistently high gravity. I'm sure he knows he can fly.
>> No. 72588
What if it turns out they all died in a train crash and it was a dream all along?
>> No. 72589
He can't summon things at will or meld environments or anything like that.
What he can do is time travel without creating stable time loops or alternate time lines.

When Dave went back in time to stop John from attacking Typheus, that didn't stop the attack from having happened. It just created a new timeline. That's why Davesprite, Dream Rose and the dead John were still around after.

Jade pushing WV off that building is a thing that never happened.
>> No. 72590
The thing is, he's only been able to fly before since he became god-tier, which specifically happened outside the medium. I'm just wondering if it took something like the Mayor falling for him to bother testing if it still worked within it.

Also, I forget if this was pointed out before, but I guess Jade and Jane (Team JJ?) could be alchemising nearly anything they have the code for, since Jade could probably use her ability to make stuff bigger to also make it worth more grist in Jane's recycler.
>> No. 72591
File 137606715077.png - (654.90KB , 1028x1482 , 1360476600073.png )
That's a good point. It's like an RPG cheat from certain games where you buy an item for a certain price and then sell it for even higher.

I never thought about it before but I'm pretty sure if the same object at a different size has a higher grist cost they could essentially have infinite grist.
>> No. 72592
I had to go back and check, but it seems that Jane's recycling device (called a "gristwidget") actually costs boonbucks to use, though in doing so I also found the page where Rose used the server interface to recycle perfectly generic objects for free. So it's possible the gristwidget is in fact entirely useless unless one lacks access to a server player. I wonder if the boonbucks spent on gristwidget use get transferred to Condy or some other recipient, or if it just disappears
>> No. 72593
The fire works factory in this metaphor represents Kids and Fun and posing as a team and getting shit done.
>> No. 72594
Does doing their worlds' quests count as getting things done? Because it looks like that's the direction we're headed in. Although not Dave, because Davesprite already covered that for him.
>> No. 72596
Now all Terezi has to do is carry around scales and the ensemble will be complete.
>> No. 72597
She is the scales. That's what the symbol on her chest means. Plus the whole dragon symbolism.
>> No. 72598
But will Rose start carrying around a tablet while being a torch?
>> No. 72601
File 137620344184.gif - (52.75KB , 950x950 , 06416.gif )
This will probably be explained soon enough.
>> No. 72602
I think it's obvious what has happened. John has come back from a future point to "undo" his interference with the timeline. Making the whole John scene just now unnecessary, other than to establish that John has paradox-proof "undo" powers that even allow him to change things he's already changed.
>> No. 72603
It's already been explained.
>> No. 72604
File 137621180255.png - (131.71KB , 950x408 , page.png )
Actually, I'm dumb. Too stupid to check and find out that it starts a few pages before that. Thanks for the misleading info, Googles.
>> No. 72605
Aw shit, I hadn't noticed that Hussie actually retconned those pages.
>> No. 72606
B-but muh archival readers.
>> No. 72609
That's probably why he made the retconned file names so obvious.
I wonder if we'll ever get a panel retconned more than once. [number]_retcon_2 or something like that.
>> No. 72611
...has Hussie finally gone nuts?
>> No. 72612
...you're only asking that now?
>> No. 72613
He's always been kinda nuts.
But yeah, there's a slight chance that this will lead to him doing something drastic.
>> No. 72614
File 137643330681.jpg - (367.28KB , 700x525 , 1335415145331.jpg )
His insanity has only increased ever since he 'blitzed' his chacras, or maybe it was the time he went to Olive Garden.
He has alway been insane tho.
>> No. 72615
Not the best circumstances under which he could meet Jane. Being her dancestor, though, is he considered some kind of Crocker Cousin or something? I ask this entirely because it seems like a fun phrase to say.
>> No. 72616
Meh, checked a page from two months back for curiosity's sake.

Seems the same as before? Click view image.
Although it looks the same as the original...
>> No. 72619
this is the most interesting jane has ever been
even knowing that's not saying much
>> No. 72622
I'm actually kind of annoyed she still isn't completely over Jake. Wasn't the whole discussion she had with Dirk before going God Tier about getting over him? Have we now backtracked over that piece of character development? I thought we were done with this.
>> No. 72623
At this point I'm starting to loose faith at anyone developing proper anymore.

I really don't like the direction things have gone.
>> No. 72624
Never really believed that Jane was really that over Jake after staring at his package for awhile after they hit godtier.

Also, Jake, all of a sudden seems to have the most realistic reaction about the shit that's happened because of sburb after everyone else more or less shrugged off at the end of their worlds.
>> No. 72625
Now this is interesting. Each kid is able to make things appear from thin air, but how they need to do it is tailored to watch based on their personal challenges. This makes it clearer than ever that role aspects don't really mean shit for specific powers, they're just different in the way they manifest themselves.
>> No. 72626
>I'm actually kind of annoyed she still isn't completely over Jake. Wasn't the whole discussion she had with Dirk before going God Tier about getting over him? Have we now backtracked over that piece of character development? I thought we were done with this.
Honestly, it seems like a very shallow reading to say she "isn't over" Jake at this point. She doesn't seem to care for his personality even a little bit, she just thinks he's hot and therefore intends to use him to fulfill her sexual needs and/or make her look good. Getting over someone doesn't mean you don't think they're hot anymore, it just means that either you've come to terms with the fact that it's not going to happen, or decided that you wouldn't make a good match.
>> No. 72627
> Each kid is able to make things appear from thin air
How so?
Roxy can create anything from nothing
Jake allows for the impossible to become possible

Otherwise none of them really match that description
>> No. 72628
I'm thinking Jake and Roxy could eventually team up in a way that allows Roxy to use Jake's visions as templates for crating things.

Also, what's up with Jake getting another mind Dirk? Can Dirk just make replacement dream selves as long as there's a ghost brain Dirk to manifest in, or would Jane need to use her revival powers make him into a living brain Dirk for real Dirk to use him that way again?
>> No. 72629
They probably don't function as actual Dream Selves in the sense that he can revive through them. The interpretation I've heard through the fandom is that as a Hero of Heart, he is essentially able to connect with other people's hearts and/or create splinters of his own heart (which we've explicitly had defined as being synonymous with his soul) in other people.

I'd take Jake's Imaginary Dirk as somewhere between a memory, an imaginary friend, and a subconscious telepathic connection. I don't think Dirk can willfully communicate verbal messages to Jake through Imaginary Dirk, but clearly some details are communicable, like what his Prince of Heart outfit looks like.

I also don't think Dirk is doing it intentionally.
>> No. 72630
File 137705156155.jpg - (24.87KB , 217x230 , ohYES.jpg )
>John and Roxy

Two great tastes that taste great together!
>> No. 72631
Hey it's a "Kids and Fun" log! We haven't had that in ages. Recently it's been "Kids and Despair", "Kids and Drama", or "Kids and Exposition".
>> No. 72632
What brain Dirk's god your jammies look like could also be from Jake's subconscious. Page title's vastness of power and all that.

I've never cared for any of the straight relationships in Homestuck before, but now that I see it, John/Roxy would be excellent.
>> No. 72633
Yeah, I always thought "Breathalyzer," as the fandom has taken to calling John/Roxy, was a cute ship that was funny to joke about, but after seeing them together today they actually have chemistry.
>> No. 72634

I've been on board with this pairing for a long time, and seeing these new pages makes me cautiously optimistic that we could see something happen.

Let's hope together, and maybe our collective quasi-happiness at the prospect will reach the Huss.
>> No. 72635
Best way to kill ships tbh
>> No. 72636
To be honest it's not like they have any decent alternatives.
>> No. 72637
>They probably don't function as actual Dream Selves in the sense that he can revive through them. The interpretation I've heard through the fandom is that as a Hero of Heart, he is essentially able to connect with other people's hearts and/or create splinters of his own heart (which we've explicitly had defined as being synonymous with his soul) in other people.
I meant the thing that happened with "Dream Dirk: Dream", but apparently that Dirk wasn't able to leave the deambubbles. I just confused it with some other instance of a character appearing and flying out of it. I'm still thinking it could be made into another body if Jane gave it life and/or Roxy gave it existence.

Well let's see... hmmm... John could end up with Terezi, since she isn't going out with Dave. No, I have no idea how things are between her and Gamzee now or what that would mean to John.
>> No. 72638
Pretty sure things are over between her and Gamzee--I think she's prepared to kill him on this Clown Hunt of hers. I don't think she'll manage it, but I think she's prepared to. Either way, that's a blackrom, and doesn't affect John unless he has the same issue with it that Dave does--which is very likely.

Honestly, while Rose and Kanaya seem okayish for the moment, I'm concerned about what will happen if Kanaya ever develops a caliginous relationship with anyone. Rose at least understands the quadrants better than Dave does, and has read troll romance novels, so maybe she'll be okay with it, but I don't know. It's so alien to human thinking that it might still feel like cheating to her.

Dirk and Roxy might actually be able to deal with it, since they grew up in a society that was guided by ) (IC, but they're the only humans I would not be surprised at being completely fine with having separate blackrom and redrom relationships. I haven't seen any indication that they ARE fine with it, but the justification is there if it needs to be used, at least.

>> No. 72644
File 137714622339.gif - (191.67KB , 372x270 , itsbeautiful.gif )
Oh yes.

I can get behind this.
>> No. 72645
Yes, me too.

Unfortunately the fact that it's happening so easily, the way we had hoped it would, means that it almost certainly isn't going to work out.
>> No. 72646
At first I thought Roxy might be better off learning directly from Vriska, but then I remembered her teaching style is to almost get her student killed several times and actually kill them at least once. Maybe the three light players could collaborate on writing a guide to learning awesome moves. On the other hand, I guess Roxy still has at least one resurrection left from Jade, plus god tier death resistance, so maybe it'd be worth it.
>> No. 72647
File 137738279163.png - (53.10KB , 927x1000 , tumblr_lo69bvtvE81qmydsoo1_1280.png )
Hussie pls stop twisting the knife already
>> No. 72648
These two are great together! They're actually trying to accomplish things!
>> No. 72649
Yea. Damn, John. Ouch.
>> No. 72650
tbh I never saw the appeal of this pairing so I'm very "meh" about this revelation. Vriska is a great troll which means she'd be an awful human. I don't blame John for being "jesus christ what is wrong with you" after the whole ghost fiasco
>> No. 72651
its because people spent months upon months seeing them interact
and they don't realize it was a afternoon
>> No. 72652

Or rather we just liked the interaction they had with each other.

Hell, Roxy's only been interacting with John for like an hour and there are a lot of people who are liking that ship now too.
>> No. 72653
How likely is it that someone would remember a single afternoon after three years though? It'd have to be one hell of an afternoon.
>> No. 72654
Yeah, like one where you fight weird chess people, survive a meteor strike that wipes out the human race, visit whole new planets, meet your friends in person for the first time, see your parent's corpses, see one of your friends die, kiss her dead body, and set up a bomb that destroys the universe, followed by three years of mostly watching one movie and playing one game over and over. John is all over anything requiring skills similar to those used by a MMORPG Ghostbuster character at this point. Maybe he'll end up trapping Lord English's soul back in Lil' Cal as if he were a ghost trap.
>> No. 72655
If Breathalyzer wasn't such a perfect ship name, there's also Take My Breath Away.
>> No. 72656
One thing that really strikes me about Homestuck is how clever the ship names tend to be. Way better than just making a portmanteau of the two members' names.
>> No. 72657
Probably because every character has such a distinct and diverse list of interests, aspects, and attributes. Plays-on-words(?) come much easier than they usually do.
>> No. 72658
So it's the end of the intermission, huh?
I gotta admit, I lost track of which act/intermission we're in right now.
>> No. 72660
I think that's the point: introduce the concept of intra-act intermissions, then abuse the concept to an absurd level so no one knows what's going on.
>> No. 72662
I like how that room is a mix of all four beta kids' homes, with a bit more Jade and less John for some reason.
>> No. 72663
Aaaand now we're at the point where things get even creepier. This shift came later than I expected.
>> No. 72664
Wait, does this mean that Caliborn's shitty drawing world is actually real? And those pseudo-kids are actually alive in some way?

I think this is the first time since I've started reading this comic that I honestly have no idea what on earth is happening
>> No. 72665
File 137780148150.jpg - (21.96KB , 500x303 , f_199c0a2370.jpg )
What is "real?" How do you define "real?"
>> No. 72666
He was literally inside Con*Air at one point. I don't think "fictional" and "non-fictional" exist for John anymore.
>> No. 72667
But that was a joke. This may be a joke too, but it has actual bearing on the plot.
>> No. 72668
In Homestuck, the fact that something is a joke does not mean that it is not true. Remember that we are talking about a story that, for a long time, had as its primary antagonist a flying dog wearing sunglasses.
>> No. 72669
Trusty Bitch Parade would make a pretty great band name.

Also, really digging the PS-esque style for these updates.
>> No. 72670
File 137784522513.gif - (6.88KB , 650x450 , 06490_2[1].gif )
We now have something pretty close to actual speech bubbles. In Homestuck. Truly, the end times are nigh.
>> No. 72671
File 137786405036.png - (101.37KB , 540x534 , drrdrrdrr.png )
>> No. 72672
John has no choice. Caliborn has commandeered the dialoguelogs.
>> No. 72673
File 137788946041.gif - (139.64KB , 450x375 , 1326336533264.gif )
>> No. 72674
So the land is called Loshit.

I love it.
>> No. 72675
John's reaction to DoodleDave was perfect. I hope that this sort silliness continues for a while
>> No. 72676
Are they about to reenact that part in Wizardy Herbert?
>> No. 72678
Anyone notice that the shitty enemy party is all three forms Jade has taken on? Jade confirmed for killing Dirk or maybe Arquisprite.
>> No. 72679
And Arquiuusprite is horse-themed now, and we saw what happened to the horses in this scene.
>> No. 72680
At least try to put Bogus Roxy's parts back together, it looks like the parts could easily just kind of snap back into place.

Also, the Smord is the best Sword.
>> No. 72681
After Roxy gets killed by whatever battle this is foreshadowed, John will pull a Jake and kiss her back to life with Breath powers so there won't be a need for the extra self she already lost.
>> No. 72682
I think John is channeling his inner tumblr user here.
>> No. 72683
Ladies and Gentlemen, the internet: where standing up for your friends makes you an SJW.
>> No. 72685
waaa I don't like it when people point out discriminations
>> No. 72686
Maybe it's just me, but "This story is so sexist!" was not one of the complaints that came to my mind.

And here I thought tumblr's social justice community was a safe target for ridicule. Learn something new everyday.
>> No. 72687
Whenever I see someone this stupid I always have to wonder if they are a real idiot or just a troll.

It's like a riddle I will never know the answer to.
>> No. 72688
Eh. What with the Trusty Bitch Parade and all, I'd say that was pretty obvious. John can see the prompts, remember?

That said, he totally is.
>> No. 72689
Oh yeah, no arguments there, Caliborn is really sexist. This has been known for a good while now. And this crappy story of his does reflect that. It just didn't cross my mind until John brought it up. I was too absorbed by the horrible art and narrative to notice it.

Real idiot, without a doubt.

Just look at that guy.

Look at how stupid he's being.

I hate him.
>> No. 72691
File 137812119038.jpg - (27.51KB , 400x264 , TheMoreYouKnow.jpg )
Many people are unable to tell if something is wrong if they're not personally affected by it. That's called a lack of empathy.
>> No. 72692
File 137813758779.jpg - (56.38KB , 640x480 , not_this_shit_again.jpg )
>I think John is channeling his inner tumblr user here.

Snes please look into getting one of those social filters that keeps you from typing every dumbass thought that crosses your mind.
>> No. 72694
To be honest, few enough things have happened that it does seem odd to say the trusty bitch parade didn't do anything cool when it could in fact have just no gotten its chance to shine yet. While I wouldn't blame anyone for doubting the possibility given the general caliber of Caliborn's writing and how he's acted towards others in general (and girls specifically), there's a chance they hung back because they were at Dave's house and subsequently his planet. I suspect Caliborn could attempt to make it appear that was his plan all along either way, though, just as an excuse to say John was wrong about something. Also, I wonder if the bogus time travel is used to bring back the other bogus characters as well.

Also, has Caliborn ever actually acknowledged the adults much? It seems odd for him to leave out Bro when he was the guy who actually loved puppets.

And Dave usually breaks his sword, so I'm wondering how the smut sword relates to this. Is a smut based sword inherently a broken one anyway, or is he going to refrain from breaking the new one only to unceremoniously drop it later?

Dave will feed Arquius to Jade he recently mortally wounded, thus somehow turning her into a crazy robot? Or just cause her to run away while Jane goes crazy?
>> No. 72695
File 137814114783.gif - (9.39KB , 782x543 , mspaintadventure05[1].gif )
Might just be there for the Jailbreak reference.
>> No. 72696
Huh. The thumbnail somehow manages to turn Jailbreak Guy's vacant, slightly bewildered expression into a :3 face.
>> No. 72698
Honestly, if anything, I think it dooms Jade if you interpret it that way.

Robot = Jadebot going crazy and exploding.
Wolf = Becquerel never coming back again.
Witch = Foreshadowing Jade (Witch of Space) dying in battle?
>> No. 72699

>> No. 72700
OH NO WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT but seriously who would Gamzee use it on?
>> No. 72703
Kurloz or Damara?

Kinda expected some Ring of Void stuff to happen though. But I guess the Ring of Life didn't really go "missing" in this case, so eh.
>> No. 72704
>> No. 72705

>> No. 72706
well damn, I was guessing pretty much everyone but aranea in someway or another. wtf is this.
>> No. 72707

>> No. 72708

>> No. 72709
This just goes to prove that inside the heart of every sweet, quiet girl is a villain waiting to break out.
>> No. 72710
Aranea confirmed for hidden bitch
>> No. 72711
Guess someone is tired of being a harmless nerd
But seriously Aranea what are you gonna do, the only thing you possibly could accomplish is helping Terezi and Rose out with their Seer troubles
...which isn't very villainous
>> No. 72712
My main question is: is this a recent development? Or has she been pulling the strings the whole time?
>> No. 72713
My smile is SO HUGE right now ::::D

This isn't a complete shock, it was stated a couple times that Aranea is "learning" to be more evil like she is "supposed" to be. Kind of like how Jane and Jade are supposed to be evil now, and like them, she probably isn't very good at it either.

Who cared about all that though. What I want to know is how she was able to improve enough to control a highblood when Vriska can't even do it (purportedly).
>> No. 72714
Yeah, I'm totally in the dark about what Aranea's goals are here. Is she working for self-benefit? Does she have some scheme to do something "for the greater good" that ends up hurting a lot of people? Has she secretly been working for Lord English all this time (which, incidentally, would explain how she knew all that stuff about Cherubs)? And has Gamzee been working for her the whole time, or is her control over him a recent development?
>> No. 72715
I think her evilness is a recent development to mirror Jane and Jade, right down not sounding evil enough. She could be working for Condy too, given her show of support for Meenah's ambitions. Pink shell phone makes me think it's Condy instead of Meenah. The fact it's engraved with the scorpio symbol could mean Condy planned this all along. I can't figure out why Aranea would help her though, what with being a Sufferer supporter and all.
>> No. 72716
I don't know if she supports Meenah's ambitions as much as she just supports Meenah because they're so close. But yeah, you could be right.

But then again, I don't know. Meenah clearly admires the Condesce, but would she actually want to be subordinate to her, or would she want to surpass her?
>> No. 72717
>latest update
Looks like her respect for Meenah is pretty low now. Makes sense, Meenah was starting to go soft as Aranea was getting more calculating. Let's not forget that thing between them and Vriska too. Aranea wouldn't trust either of them after the shit they pulled.

If an impulsive troll like Vriska was able to make complex schemes, I'm excited to see what Aranea has in store. She is way smarter and more subtle, not to mention she's technically Mindfang aka. the original spiderbitch.
>> No. 72718
Maybe this is just another pre+post scratch interaction like with Jake and Jade. Condense contacts Aranea long before Sgrub happens and has her plan stuff out in the pre-scratch session so things work out in the post-scratch?
>> No. 72719
And then has her continue doing stuff now obviously. Maybe her relationship with Meenah is more her keeping an eye on Meenah for the Condense than actual friendship?
>> No. 72720
She was against the Sufferer because he represented a threat to her rule, but if his followers are willing to help her fight against Lord English, seemingly opposing them would make concealing their alliance easier.
>> No. 72721
Wrong. Meenah was an instruction manual to how Condy thinks. All she needs to do is drop some fish puns and a bit of smoothtalking, and HIC will be like putty. Aranea is taking this all the way. I for one, welcome our adorable new overlord.
>> No. 72722
What if that's ) (IC that's contacting her, rather than Meenah?
>> No. 72723
So even Vriska thinks Aranea has gone off the deep end.
>> No. 72724
Aww, Meenah. Look at you all worried about other people and shit. It's almost like you're not the ruthless badass you try to pretend to be, and actually just want to have fun with your friends.
>> No. 72725
>> No. 72726
Aranea gained about ten coolness points through these updates. I like that she actually thought this through and has a real plan instead of just screwing things up for the heck of it. There is quite a bit of reliance on her own abilities, though. I hope she's not overestimating herself. And what did she mean about having tricks up her sleeve? Will she employ some of the kids into her new plan?
>> No. 72727
>I am confident I can restore its vitality to such a gr8 extent, it will effectively take over as the alpha timeline
first thing I thought was cancer
>> No. 72728
Wait why did Meenah tell her to destroy it? Wasn't the plan to give it to Calliope? Something must be wrong with the ring. Things just got even more interesting.
>> No. 72729
> I am a very powerful Sylph of Light. I have had
millions of sweeps to hone my a8ilities.
If she's not exaggerating, how has it been that long for her? The reason she and her friends arrived at different times was up to paradox space, which means...

this plot twist actually was supposed to happen all along. Paradox space granted her all that extra time difference in order to hone her abilities.
>> No. 72732

Her plan is to ruin time, and wreck anyone who opposes her, then watch over reality forever as a manipul8ive goddess-jailer. She sounds like a Final Fantasy villain right now.
>> No. 72733
I cannot be the only one getting tired of all these extra plot threads being added with none of the previous ones being answered, am I?

HIC, Trickster mode, Kurloz and Meulin, the cherubs and how the midnight crew/the felt came into being, the beta kids' parents and how they knew what the hell to do, etc etc I can go on forever.
>> No. 72734
there shouldn't be new plot threads at all when we're (supposedly) in the endgame, it's just bad messy plotting.
>> No. 72735
Trickster Mode is some sort of Cherub ideal achieved by the combination of those powerful jujus. It was really more of a plot device and excuse for crazy stuff to happen than anything.

The Felt is the gang of leprechauns that joined Caliborn as he completed his dead session. Apparently that's where leprechauns come from in this story?

We've know the origins of the Midnight Crew literally for years now, and what's so perplexing about what the kid's parents did? They're adults. They take care of things.
>> No. 72737
Why was it touted as a boost higher than God Tier? And why was it the only way to get zillyium/legendary weapons? Speaking of legendary weapons, why are they legendary if only weapons like Caledfwlch are capable of harming LE?

We know the Felt are the same people that Caliborn has, but how and why were they on Alternia's moons?

Also I'm going to assume that last bit of yours is a joke.
>> No. 72738
This twist actually explains some things, very minor things like why Terezi said Gamzee seemed uncharacteristically mean even for him when bullying her into getting back her eyesight, and why some characters were falling asleep at key points like Jane, or John after his tantrum. It also scratched the itch I was feeling after Aranea showed she knew way too much about cherubs, and was so amoral in idolizing Mindfang despite her otherwise kind nature. Hussie's twists usually end up having retroactive seeds of proof.
>> No. 72739
>Why was it touted as a boost higher than God Tier? And why was it the only way to get zillyium/legendary weapons?
Because it was? Really if you're going to start asking questions like that, we might as well go back even further and ask why universes are frogs and why Skia looks like a chess board.

>We know the Felt are the same people that Caliborn has, but how and why were they on Alternia's moons?
It takes very little imagination to figure that English/Scratch brought them there to do mobster things.

>Also I'm going to assume that last bit of yours is a joke.
It seems that "Very little" is the approximate amount of imagination you have. When you find yourself separated from your kid in a strange place inhabited by monsters, what do you do? You fight the monsters until you find your kid.
>> No. 72740
>I cannot be the only one getting tired of all these extra plot threads being added with none of the previous ones being answered, am I?
I'm sure you're not, the fandom has a high incidence of obsessive personalities. But if you're asking "doesn't the story actually need to address these things I want to know about to tell a complete and satisfying story," then the answer is "no. No it doesn't."
>> No. 72741
Holy shit Aranea. I really hope Rose and Terezi get their shit together and stop you.

I've just got one question.
How the shit are you gonna turn paradox space against someone with complete dominion over time?
>> No. 72742
I think the short answer is that she won't. Aranea just wants to be important.
>> No. 72743
Well of course not, there's a reason they are distracting him and searching for powerful artifacts and creating magical weapons, trying to resurrect powerful individuals and learning how to exploit their powers.

But she's waaaay too smart and well-informed to seriously believe that she can pull it off.
>> No. 72744
Well of course not, there's a reason they are distracting him and searching for powerful artifacts and creating magical weapons, trying to resurrect powerful individuals and learning how to exploit their powers.

But she's waaaay too smart and well-informed to seriously believe that she can pull it off.
>> No. 72745
>So even Vriska thinks Aranea has gone off the deep end.
I'm not so sure. The only word we have on that is Meenah's. She could be lying and Vriska think's that it's an awesome plan and wants to get in on it. I can't say for sure until I hear it from Vriska herself.
>> No. 72746
Aranea fails to realize that the difference between Vriska's plans and hers is that Vris has always played within the confines of reality. She follows the script, but alters things so the results end in her favor instead if somebody else's. Aranea wants to burn the events entirely.
>> No. 72748
Yeah, but Vriska's plan failed. So, while I am 99% certain Aranea's will fail too (this is Homestuck--I'm never 100% sure about anything), it is perfectly logical of her to assume that using a plan similar to Vriska's but changing it a bit would make it more likely to succeed.
>> No. 72749
So Aranea can control ghosts in the dreambubbles, and their powers can affect stuff in the session. That's one hell of a power boost.

Damn near everyone in this comic is gonna end up omnipotent by the end of this story, aren't they?
>> No. 72750
I think that "Suddenly gamebreaker" was pretty much established as one of the underlying themes of the comic right about the time Feferi tossed her Lusus into her Kernelsprite.
>> No. 72751
If Serkets can put humans to sleep from dreambubbles, there's no reason they can't affect the real world via hijacked ghost powers too. Question is, is the real-world-affecting ability due to Aranea, or can the Damaras affect shit on the outside on their own?
>> No. 72752
While it does seem to be an unneeded complication to the plot in some ways, in others I'm just glad it's using existing characters instead of expanding of the cast yet again. I mean, imagine if suddenly he threw in Beforus!Vriska and then all the other 12 Beforus adults as if that was a thing that was good for the flow of the story. That not happening was a good move, I think.
>> No. 72753
Beforus!Vriska was probably some sort of good-natured but meddlesome bureaucrat. Still self-centered, but in a less cutthroat fashion. So I'm saying she'd basically be a grown up version of the main character in Clueless, only smarter.
>> No. 72754
File 13783564652.png - (84.64KB , 364x557 , 1348699191928.png )
Color me hyped.
>> No. 72755
Wow I know I'm the slowest of the pokes but apparently the protag from Avatar's name was Jake.

Suddenly this gets a lot more hilarious.
>> No. 72756
Holy shit the boner
>> No. 72757
That was the plan.
>> No. 72758
>Jake's symbolic design has a little bulge due to the page's lack of pants

>> No. 72760
Roxy's power was triggered by luuuuv
What if Jake's power is triggered by arousal
>> No. 72761
What if Roxy's power was activated by hope fur future troll civilization, and Jake's is activated by voiding something?
>> No. 72762
Given that Roxy's only experience with the troll species is the Batterwitch, I imagine she's completely VOID of any sort of good will toward them.
>> No. 72764
You know what? I like this new Aranea. She gets stuff done, and is respectful of the personal boundaries of others.
>> No. 72765
She cares enough to not want them ruled by her, though apparently it didn't go like I thought anyway, unless this could be interpreted as his mind being voided of obstacles. Which I guess it can.
>> No. 72766
you're kidding right
>> No. 72767
I also like Aranea. What's your problem with her?
>> No. 72768
Mindfang/Scratch 101: manipulate people without use of your powers by making them believe they are in control, when you're actually the one psyching them into doing what you want

If she respected boundaries like she claims, she wouldn't force people to be healed against their will. This includes Terezi because let's not forget the two who coerced her into getting her eyes back.
>> No. 72769
not a single thing, I like her too, but don't be saying that she doesn't respect boundaries because does JAKE LOOK PLACID I DON'T THINK SO. she may not of kissed him but she tapped into his mind. and don't forget gamzee. as reprehensible as gamzee is, he's forced quiet too due to mind control.
>> No. 72770
I didn't even think it was possible to be as worthless and pathetic as Jake is. Can someone just off him already so we don't have to see the omg super special dork being tricked/forced into doing stupid shit.

I mean c'mon, he's even more of a walking lolplotdevice than Roxy and her void summoning. Being used by one of the villains to make the impossible possible is just blurgh.
>> No. 72771
Out of all the active characters right now, Jake is probably my least favorite. I get the feeling Hussie is gonna keep him around quite a while longer though.

At the least this most recent update is probably the first time I laughed at Jake for a reason beyond his antiquated diction and goofy codpiece, this is the first time his actual character brought the humor for me. So there's a chance he'll end up a decent character by the end of all this.
>> No. 72774
As someone who relates to Jake's self doubt
it makes me a bit sad to see so much hatred
for the character. Self doubt, to an extent, is
not a flaw. Prudence and second guessing is
what often keeps us from doing stupid things
that can end up killing us, and trying to
overcompensate for it like Jake sometimes
does has only led him to trouble.

Also forcing him to be healed of his "flaws" is like saying he's not allowed to feel the way he does. Like someone with clinical depression should "just get over it".
>> No. 72775
I don't dislike Jake because he has self-doubt. That isn't it at all.

I just don't find him funny for the most part, and can't empathize with a character when his biggest recurring problem is "oh no too many people love me". It doesn't exactly bring out pity, and the way Jake has handled it is less than admirable (which may have been purposeful on Hussie's part, but that still doesn't make me like Jake).
>> No. 72776
The most annoying thing about this is that his class the Page is supposed to have the player work hard to reach their true full potential and here Aranea is trying to speed up the process when Jake barely got to do anything.

I'm hoping this ends up as a spectacular backfire.
>> No. 72777
The most annoying thing about this is that his class the Page is supposed to have the player work hard to reach their true full potential and here Aranea is trying to speed up the process when Jake barely got to do anything.

I'm hoping this ends up as a spectacular backfire.
>> No. 72778
The most annoying thing about this is that his class the Page is supposed to have the player work hard to reach their true full potential and here Aranea is trying to speed up the process when Jake barely got to do anything.

I'm hoping this ends up as a spectacular backfire.
>> No. 72779
Yeah, but a Godtier is supposed to be "fully realized" in his Aspect and Class, which means that Jake being a Godtier page and still not having anything to show for it really means that he's most likely actually well behind where he's supposed to be in terms of his development. Which means whatever Aranea is "healing" actually is some sort of deleterious condition preventing him from reaching his full potential, rather than simple lack of rung advancement.
>> No. 72780
Well, having to work for Aranea is a negative consequence of sorts, and it'll probably involve a lot of work where his powers are basically being used by someone else rather than of his own will. Not really a regular way to do things in, but I doubt he'll ever get himself freed without going through the same journey that'd normally be needed to unleash his powers to begin with. Plus, even though I like Jake, I'd like to get back to the main cast facing things other than personal issues, and this handily gives Rose a proper obstacle to work against. At least, I'm guessing Rose might do most of the facing against Aranea, in a Sylph versus Seer light war.
>> No. 72781
Oh look. It's the end times.

Why not Terezi? When she finds Gamzee she may also find out that yet another Serket fucked her over.
>> No. 72782
File 137860736579.png - (135.35KB , 650x450 , amihigh.png )
does anyone else see a silhouette of LE? i see his foot in the right, that could be his severed arm on the left, holding jake(?) as some sort of a whip.......
i'm not high guys
>> No. 72783
That "whip" is the angel on the right's tail.
>> No. 72785
i know what it's all supposed to be, but the way hussie drew/colored this makes for some interesting negative space effects
>> No. 72786
Didn't think of that for some reason, but I also like the idea her teaming up with Rose or at least someone as buddy cops.
>> No. 72787
So, the thing on the latest page look pretty much identical like the angels on Eridan's world. Coincedence?
>> No. 72788
So, the thing on the latest page look pretty much identical like the angels on Eridan's world. Coincedence?
>> No. 72789
File 137863095886.gif - (27.84KB , 650x450 , 04966_2.gif )
are you seriously asking this question
>> No. 72790
Rose's task is to bring this session to fruition. What Aranea is doing right now is exactly what Rose tried to do before she went grimdark, but on a much larger scale (but with an actual Hope of suceeding, wink wink).

So it'll basically be a battle between "Screw this reality, I'm gonna destroy it" Light and "There's something greater at the end of the tunnel" Light.

Terezi will obviously be important because Light (hurr) and she has personal business with Aranea. She did kinda rob Terezi of her Seer powers and purpose, after all.
>> No. 72791
God forbid someone ask a fucking question.
>> No. 72792
With the level of certainty provided by the observable evidence, to ask what you did as a question is to cast doubt on something of which there is basically no doubt. If you stated they were related as if it were a fact, it'd seem less presumptuous even if that later turned out to be wrong just because that's what everything we know about them points towards.
>> No. 72793
Not that anon, but jesus christ can you be anymore of a pretentious douche
>> No. 72795
It wasn't even that bad of a question, but I have trouble seeing someone as being genuinely offended that the question "Are these things that are pallet swaps of each other and directly tied to hope players at all related?" was seen as on some level unnecessary or incredulous, and thus presumed such a response was being needlessly snarky. Do I have any reason to respect that at all? How about I say "Apparently we're forbidden from asking >>72789", is that better?
>> No. 72796
it didn't need to be a question, a statement was just fine
>> No. 72797
Wow, that really showed me. I wasn't even that annoyed at the question itself, but I have trouble seeing someone being genuinely offended at what amounted to "Are these things that are pallet swaps of each other and directly tied to hope players at all related?" being treated as on some level unnecessary or incredulous, and thus saw no reason to respect a response that I saw as abusing the right to indignantly assert that a question was valid for the purpose of being needlessly snarky. And yes, yes I can.
>> No. 72798
you used 143 more words than were necessary in order to defend a single sentence comment that did not need to be defended in the most pretentious way possible. please stop talking, you're just embarrassing.
>> No. 72799
And now I can't obsessively second guess myself right after posting and immediately delete what I said to replace it because my password changed or something? In any case, I'll probably take the wrong lesson away from this, but to at least prevent myself from contributing to thread derailment I'll try to ignore any further discussion on the validity of questions unless it's taken to /baw/.
>> No. 72801
noclip mode
pretty tight
>> No. 72803
So where's Jake's spiky blonde hair?
>> No. 72804
So did Aranea get obliterated or take off the ring to slip back into ghosty mode or...
>> No. 72806
Aranea told us about the nature of the rings, and had apparently been planning to use Jake for longer than that, so I wouldn't be surprised if she hid a lie among her stories so no one would suspect she had the ring. Not that I have any idea why she would try to hide it given there's not much else that could just make a body for her out of thin air.
>> No. 72807
Can someone even die if they have the ring? It can clearly be taken in and out of dreambubbles, so if you die with the ring do you come back to life right away? I guess you'd be alive in the dreambubbles and would have to get taken out of them by someone like how Aranea and Gamzee did things?
>> No. 72808
Maybe if you die while wearing it, it turns into the Void Ring and goes off to be found by someone else.
>> No. 72809
I doubt the ring would that sort of immortality where you come back to life immediately after dying. That'd just give her the weaksauce weakness of getting the ring off her before killing her. Besides, Aranea did reach God Tier. Since she's now alive, she's presumably got God Tier immortality again. Despite being crazy, I don't think what she's done so far justifies either a Heroic or Just death.

The ring might also only be taken in and out of bubbles when someone's asleep/waking up. Aranea might have just been hitching a ride on Gamzee because the alternative for her is physically traveling from the bubble to the session.
>> No. 72810
i have no idea what's going on
>> No. 72812
Jake is far and away my least favorite character in the comic maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
>> No. 72813
No, Horuss is the worst character. At least Jake is actually doing something kind of cool here, even if whether or not he's doing it intentionally is kind of unclear.
>> No. 72814
>This update
I keep replaying that once scene from Fairly Oddparents

I can see....youtube thumb

Except full of hope and short-shorts.
HSG, help. I can't stop smiling from ear-to-ear.
>> No. 72815

i hate jake, this is stupid, can someone lock him up so we can focus on the characters that don't suck
>> No. 72816
>This update
I keep replaying that once scene from Fairly Oddparents

I can see....youtube thumb

Except full of hope and short-shorts.
HSG, help. I can't stop smiling from ear-to-ear.
>> No. 72817
Urgh...sorry. Apparently hit a 502 and it double-posted.
>> No. 72818
>Oh no! Character I hate/love is having something awesome/horrible happen to them.

How are you at all surprised by this point?
>> No. 72819
I can't tell if Hussie is intentionally making Jade and Jane seem like overly cheesy cartoon villains or not. Between the last few updates and most recently, they're nearing Team Rocket levels of haplessness.
>> No. 72820
I think it definitely is on Jade's part, and probably on Jane's part, too. I think that Jade just might have no other idea of how to BE evil than what she's seen in cartoons. Jane's not quite as big a pollyanna as Jade, so it's possible hers is otherwise, but I wouldn't be surprised if both are just acting like huge dorks because they don't really have it in them to be true villains.
>> No. 72821
And here I thought you guys were debating about nothing! Turns out wearing the ring does keep you alive forever!
>> No. 72822
Oh shit. Jane's power can revive anybody, but only once. Does the "only once" rule apply to all other forms of revival, acting as a sort of death seal? If so, Aranea may be fucked.
>> No. 72823
And look which planet Jade switched in. Ten boonbucks says they cut off Aranea's ring hand and it falls into the volcano.
>> No. 72824
Why did Jade switch in HER planet? Surely that's the most important one?
They'll take her whole arm, and an eye too while they're at it.

>smuppet phone
oh Dave
>> No. 72825
Or maybe wearing the ring is more like being undead, and we all know what reviving the undead does
>> No. 72826
Damn, lots could go wrong for our little smug maniac. I want Aranea to at least last long enough to face the Condesce.
>> No. 72827
So let me get this straight...Aranea's plan is to destroy the current session. Does that mean she's going to pretty much kill off the post-scratch's universe? Like they'll never exist if Aranea's plan goes into motion?
>> No. 72828
No, I think everyone we know and love will still be around. She just wants to erase Lord English from the picture.
>> No. 72829
i can't wait to see her get the stabs for real
>> No. 72830
the current situation looks familiar...

>> No. 72831
when do i get to watch jake spirit bomb lord english?
>> No. 72832
I was reminded a little of this.

>> No. 72833
Wow this is the most epic pointless thing to happen ever. Is Hussie laying on the cheese on purpose? Come on Jade, you're better than this.
>> No. 72834
unless this has some serious consequences for Jake and/or Aranea

I don't even know. the stupidity is overwhelming.
>> No. 72835
She should've gone with a cone shape instead of another sphere to gain the advantage of having a higher pressure at a point while deflecting force away on the sides. Or the disks, nothing defends against the discs. Or if she'd rather switch to referencing Gurren Lagann, a drill, which I guess is sort of like the edge of a disc twisted along a cone.

Also, I just figured she moved things to her planet specifically because she already did a lot of her quest stuff (having properly dealt with her land's guardian), and thus it was the least important in a way. Also that she was being polite in yet another failure to be truly villainous. With the latest updates, though, I guess that at least wasn't consciously the case.
>> No. 72836
So was this MEANT to be a DBZ parody? Like, does what Jade says line up with a similar villain speech somewhere in the show?

Because I really can't imagine this scene being played straight.
>> No. 72837
The broken glasses + botched "OVER 9000" reference didn't tip you off?
>> No. 72838
So Jake's "holy" "pure" "good" power is not only greater than the sum of two universes, it also makes black people white.

Fucking wow, Hussie.
>> No. 72839
I don't know if she'll stay uncontrolled now or if it's just that her mind is currently out in a dreambubble, and she'll go grimbark as soon as she wakes up unless preventative measures are taken.
>> No. 72840
Stop fishing
>> No. 72841
eat shit aranea for real
>> No. 72842
Well that hardly seemed Just or Heroic.
>> No. 72843
Well that hardly seemed Just or Heroic.
>> No. 72844
Well, she did try to kill the WV that one time.
Wait no, she didn't.
>> No. 72845
No, she did--John undid his undo.

Assuming this is Just (it definitely wasn't Heroic), there are still several options for Jade coming back. Jane can do a one-off resurrection, John could retcon her death, and I suppose if they wrest the Life Ring from Aranea, they could give that to her ghost.
>> No. 72846
>Or one may be subject to corruption, and slain by a hero. This would be just.

Seems to fit here.
>> No. 72847
File 137916978863.jpg - (401.44KB , 667x1000 , godtierjade.jpg )
OR this could be a doomed timeline. Point is there's so many circumstances that perma-death here would be stupidly disappointing
>> No. 72848
God lately this comic has jumped the "THIS IS STUPID, but still clever and entertaining" line and tumbled straight into "no this is just really stupid" territory.

There are just so many things apparently happening at once, but we're seeing the most boring, ham-fisted bits instead.

Although I guess I'm biased because I find this whole Aranea shtick eye-roll inducing
>> No. 72850
Does Aranea really qualify as a hero though, given what she's done so far? That might disqualify Jade from a just death.

Then again, except for Kanaya, I don't remember a time where the "dead" tag has been used in a situation where someone would later come back to life, so it seems pretty final that she's died a just death.
>> No. 72853
Flash is up, jury is in.
>> No. 72854
Oh, if only there was a character nearby with the established power of being able revive the dead.


>> No. 72855
Just once I want a spider girl who doesn't resort to murder for solving everything. Is that too much to ask?
>> No. 72856
wait, so remind me. Can jade only die a heroic death because she's from prospit? How does that work again?
>> No. 72857
yes, apparently.
>> No. 72859
What? No.
Heroic = you died while doing something heroic
Just = you died while doing something evil
>> No. 72860
No, God Tiers can only perma-die if their death is deemed either Just or Heroic. Which moon they're associated with doesn't affect it, and even their moral alignment doesn't affect it--only the nature of their death. A scoundrel who dies a martyr gets a Heroic Death, a hero whose death repays a debt or prevents future badness for the killer is a Just Death.

Jade's death was just deemed Just. We can speculate on why this is--but the fact that it was a "lucky 8r8k" suggests that either Aranea was manipulating the outcome, or that she only just barely squeaked by in getting the outcome she wanted anyway. Aranea was attempting to prevent her from coming back and continuing to work for the Condesce, thus her death could be seen to be preventing her from doing evil in the future, even though she was not evil herself. Alternately, the fact that she initiated the conflict with Jake could mean that her death is viewed as Just because she was the aggressor, regardless of who was in control.

I doubt we'll ever get resolution on WHY her death was considered just though.

Keep in mind, this is just my interpretation of it, but it seems the most logical interpretation based on the canon we've seen so far to me
>> No. 72862
lol the wicked witch euphemism got flattened by a house
>> No. 72863
>> No. 72864
File 137919565128.png - (188.82KB , 714x610 , cool.png )
>> No. 72865
so how's Aranea gonna deal with the "nigh unbeatable" combination of Seer of Light and Knight of Time?

or... has she already?
>> No. 72866
Rose isn't in best shape and Dave wants to avoid whatever, I doubt they'll be much of a problem.
>> No. 72867
File 137920614146.jpg - (7.42KB , 184x184 , 1338088049947.jpg )
>> No. 72870
Aranea just smacked the witch down with a porn sword. Next up is Bec Noir arriving to take care of Dave and Rose, before absconding with Jade? And then Jane goes haywire?

Also if Aranea wanted to get the Condesce's attention, this likely did it. Sure saves spidertroll the extra trouble of storming the castle.
>> No. 72883
this bitch just won't let up. terezi we need your spiderstabbing skills in here
>> No. 72888
Despite all the shit that's gone down, Aranea really hasn't done much yet. She's just getting started. No real elaborate chain of events has taken place yet, if Vriska's MO is anything to go by.
>> No. 72889
Jade's been the entire Wizard of Oz story.
>Had/Has a loyal dog companion
>John, who uses wind, transported her house
>Has a stuffed, tin, and cowardly version of herself
>is a witch
>flattened by her house

Tell me, has she ever had problems with water or dealt with flying monkeys? I can't remember.
>> No. 72892
so now aranea is going to let her arachnids grip on gamzee slip and kill jane like a remote bomb?
>> No. 72893
...incoming Jane Memorial Thread.
>> No. 72894
Honk honk, motherfuckers.
>> No. 72895
Honk honk, motherfuckers.
>> No. 72896
Honk honk, motherfuckers.
>> No. 72897
Honk honk, motherfuckers.
>> No. 72898
Honk honk, motherfuckers.
>> No. 72899
Your shitty internet is really based right now.
As is Roxy. Roxy please do something even if you can't take the ring.
>> No. 72900
>Meets Aranea
>immeadiately calls her out on being a smug cunt

Roxy continues to be best kid
>> No. 72901
That's more than a little embarrassing. How did it even happen?
>> No. 72902
Press reply ONCE. Let it go. Wait for the gateway timeout to appear. That means it posted.
>> No. 72903
clearly we need a thief here, not a rogue
roxy can't you like share all the nothingness you've been stealing with Aranea or something
or at least summon another one of those fuckers from the void
>> No. 72904
I was literally going to post this exact message when I came here.

Roxy is easily one of my favorite characters in this whole comic.
>> No. 72905
fully agreed, roxy is the best character Hussie created
hell she was kinda amazing even way back in the day when she didn't even have a face
>> No. 72906
I really hope Aranea is taken down a notch. The Condesce should show up soon enough so they can duke it out, but then I just want the Lalondes and the Striders to team up and take her the fuck down, because while this is interesting I really can't stand her. I mean, the hubris. Sending a Void player to the Void? Fucking wow, I hope that ends up biting you in the ass.
>> No. 72907
>Is that mindsplinter dirk getting hope'd into existance there?
>I think it is!

Aranea's about to get her shit wrecked.
>> No. 72908
>ARANEA: It does get to 8e a little 8othersome having people fling themselves at you all the time. It's always 8een my curse.

Earlier in the story didn't Aranea say the opposite of this? Like, weren't she and Meenah kind of the only two who liked each other when they were alive? I don't think she's had any solicitors other than Jake and Kanaya's dancestor (who sleeps with everyone anyway). And, from her perspective, Roxy I guess.
>> No. 72909
Mindfang embellished details a lot, so it makes sense for Aranea to exaggerate a bit too.
>> No. 72910
One flaw in her plan is the fact that being immortal won't save you from being knocked out cold, and once she's in the dreambubbles Meenah can steal the ring of life from her. Or the Condense can nab it if she also has thief powers, but I'm not sure what she'd do with it. Bring back The Ψiioniic, maybe?

Also, Jane might handle Gamzee surprisingly well. She is heir to an empire that regularly uses nasty clowns as enforcers.
>> No. 72911
Gamzee no longer has the ring, so he is quite killable right now. All Jane needs to do is point that fork up and no more cloun :o)
>> No. 72912
>quite killable right now
Are you forgetting that this is the A-hole who took about a thousand bullets to the chest and still managed to walk it off? I have no doubt that Gamzee is mortal, but I'm quite uncertain as to whether or not he can actually be killed.
>> No. 72913
Because he had the ring at the time
>> No. 72914
File 137939422712.gif - (69.25KB , 650x650 , 05481.gif )
Actually he didn't.
Well, he wasn't wearing it anyway. Could have been in his inventory I guess but I don't think it works that way.
>> No. 72915
According to Aranea it only needs to be in your possession.
>> No. 72916
She did?
> ARANEA: It is said that any ghost who wears this ring will come 8ack to life!

What if I say he was wearing it?
>> No. 72917
> ARANEA: I simply cannot 8e killed.
>ARANEA: You see, as long as a certain charm remains in my possession, I am immortal.
>ARANEA: Even more immortal than usual!
She did.
>> No. 72918
Goddamn, is it an unwritten rule all the space players have to be cutie patooties?

Poor Calliope.
>> No. 72919
Goddamn, is it an unwritten rule all the space players have to be cutie patooties?

Poor Calliope.
>> No. 72920
If that was true there'd be no reason for Aranea to put it on display in the first place. If she really wanted to keep it safe she could just, I dunno, put it in her inventory or swallow it.

Gamzee is unkillable because he's fucking Gamzee. That's literally all there is to it.
>> No. 72921
If possession was all that was needed, Hussie would have remained alive (unless he just found it after dying). Aranea only came back to life after wearing it. DD and Roxy were only able to use the Void Ring after wearing it. I'm pretty sure the use of the word "possession" is semantics since loss of possession in this case is being de-ringed.
>> No. 72922
so THAT's what the Royal Deringer will be used for. not Jack Noir.
>> No. 72923
I'm thinking Aranea's divergent timeline and the main one might both become alpha timelines, one of them making Caliborn's session, which could turn out to effectively be the begging of paradox space.
>> No. 72924
This is the funniest exchange we've had in a while.
>> No. 72925
These two are adorable together.
>> No. 72926
damn we need a new thread
>> No. 72927
The reason Dave is listing his shit is because this event wasn't supposed to happen, not because he suddenly forgot dying in Homestuck doesn't matter.
>> No. 72929
my thoughts exactly

too bad you don't do the time thing anymore and your fix-it-all sis is a drunk, Dave. I guess Jade will stay dead for quite some time
>> No. 72930
sorry brain ghost dirk

you may be unannounced and suddenly completely not fake
but I don't think you can pull this off by yourself
>> No. 72931
terezi how did you even get here, you can't fly remember

also can someone find a suitable pic so we can make a new thread so it's not just me talking to myself
>> No. 72932
>still dont have the slightest clue whats going on here but i fully endorse this turn of events

No immediate need for a new thread when this one is still the second thread on the board.
>> No. 72933
Would be nice to have something other than Dave's ironic selfie though.
>> No. 72936
>DAVE: hey johns hot mom did you see what happened
>DAVE: shit i mean
>DAVE: johns evil mom

Dave just can't help himself huh. That's pretty cute actually, even if it is a freudian slip.
>> No. 72937
Voting Terezi's dynamic entry as new thread image.

and I need a name for my new Jane/Dave ship. Lifetime?
>> No. 72938
Why does he keep calling Jane John's mother? He knows she's meant to be his Grandma.

Speaking of which, what the fuck ever happened to NannaSprite? I know something happened but I can't remember what for the life of me.
>> No. 72939
She arrived on the battleship and wandered off at some point, we last saw her hanging out with the other sprites on Dirk's planet while Arquius was failing to reference Dragonball. Looks like those two could meet up at some point, and also maybe Gamzee will be there. Could be a prank war waiting to happen, given the sheer skill of the potential participants.
>> No. 72940
Nana is effectively John's biological mother, as her DNA was mixed with Jade's Grandpa to produce both John and Jade.
>> No. 72941
Well, at least Dave's mom-lust isn't incestuous this time.
>> No. 72942
so is the momswap party happening or what
>> No. 72944
Goddamn, Aranea. Ring or no, doesn't that even hurt?
>> No. 72945
Maybe trolls and/or god tiers have some level of increased pain resistance?
>> No. 72947
Oh shit. This is like that thing between Vriska and Tavros, where Vris grabs his lance and impales him.

Except being direct isn't Aranea's style. She's going to dodge and brain Dirk is going to impale Roxy. One more lucky 8r8k and we'll have another dead kid.
>> No. 72948
Even with outrageous luck for Aranea, I can't see how Roxy (who hasn't done anything to anyone) getting killed in her sleep could be justified as Just or Heroic.
>> No. 72949
If Aranea wanted Roxy dead, I think she could have just killed her herself or had Jake or Gamzee do it or something. Aranea isn't being malicious in her plot, just ruthless. Kid needs to go through an emotional journey to unlock his potential? Heal his mind to unlock it right now. KO'd enemy will return to evil as soon as she revives? Kill her. She's about to be revived? Send your clown minion to distract the healer with his inappropriate fondling.
>> No. 72950
Killing Roxy directly wouldn't make anyone flip their shit as much as having Dirk do it. Dirk would finally crack hard, and Jane would lose it even more, effectively disabling the entire alpha kid team.
>> No. 72951
Yeah. The reason Aranea had Jade killes was that she is simply too powerful to risk her waking up and being turned into a weapon by the Condesce.

Roxy isn't a threat as long as she's asleep. I'd say that Dave, Jane or even 'real' Dirk are in greater danger right now. Maybe even Rose, who as a fellow Light player arguably is the greatest threat to her plot.

Then again it looks like sending everyone to the Void might be a really bad idea. The two most powerful influential Space players and a Void player in one place? Sounds like trouble to me
>> No. 72952
There's more Dirks out there, though. Brain ghost Dirk is just the latest incarnation.
>> No. 72953
I missed Justice Terezi
>> No. 72954
Really hoping Dirk doesn't fall for this. She's so obviously going to throw Roxy in the way it's unbelievable.
>> No. 72955
So is Aranea going to lose an arm and an eye at some point?
>> No. 72956
She wants to be Mindfang, so she'll likely end up losing them on purpose.

Adorable insane little spiderwaifus :')
>> No. 72957
It just occurred to me how smart it was of her to put the ring on her right hand, suspecting that she would at some point lose her left arm at the shoulder.
>> No. 72958
hey look another two first guardians just waiting to be possessed
>> No. 72960
Why is PM helping Jack
What the fuck even
>> No. 72961
Jack's holding Jade's dead body protectively while arguing with Dave over what killed her, PM's probably just hesitating out of confusion. Oddly enough, all three of them would gladly let Jane bring her back to life. Jack would at lest begrudgingly let her, anyway.
>> No. 72962
because of Becs prototyping making her loyal to jade i think
>> No. 72965
Oh, alright that makes sense. Gotta say I'm glad to see them make it to the battlefield finally. I wonder if Jack will finally be recruited as a good guy.
>> No. 73001
Just because his relevance as the big baddie has waned doesn't necessarily mean John and Rose are going to buddy up with the dogcarapaceman who killed Mom and Dad
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