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68830 No. 68830
Get on with the silliness.
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>> No. 68832
To start off, it's unlikely Calliope was wrong, since it seems most of her information comes from Rose's book. Since Rose has been gathering information for over three years from a myriad of different sources and, as a fully realized Seer of Light has the ability to connect the dots and see how it all comes together, I'd say her information is as accurate as it gets in-comic.

Now, let's take a look at Light, which is one of the more well-explored Aspects.

Light is primarily associated with Luck and Fortune. However, since all the Heroes of Light have had a strong connection to sight -- three cases of Vision Eightfold, Rose's X-Ray Vision and Vision Omnifold/seeing the Most Fortuitious Path and Aranea being able to literally restore someone's sight -- I think it's fair to say that Light also could mean Vision or Sight.

Let's go even further. If Light is the opposite of Void, which is Nothingness, Obfuscation or the Destruction of Knowledge, I would say that Light also is connected to Clarity. It's no coincidence that Heroes of Light have a tendency to be somewhat verbose. Both Rose and Aranea -- the passive Heroes of Light -- try to bring Clarity through actions and explanations. Rose guides her friends toward the Most Fortuitious Path through her extensive knowledge of Luck and Fortune, and simultaneously brings Clarity through her explanations. Aranea, on the other hand, seeks to bring healing through Clarity by helping others to See things for what they really are (presumably in addition to more traditional healing powers).

Now, let's look at Heart with the idea in mind that Aspects might not signify just one thing. Heart is associated with Souls, the Essence of Being and, as shown by Dirk, the Splintered Self. Since I believe that Heart is the opposite of Mind which is connected to Thoughts, Decisions and Actions, I think that the "romance" aspect of Heart (which even Dirk has, if you think about it) is all about our Essence of Being, i.e. Feelings or Personality, or perhaps something a bit more abstract, such as the qualities of our Souls while not in the context of Thoughts, Actions and Decisions.

While I must admit it's a bit harder to speculate about Heart, I would wager that Nepeta's power (had she fully realized it) would have been to bring people together (both romantic and platonic) in ways that would increase the well-being, morale, power and effectiveness of the Souls involved. Dirk's power has instead manifested as a Splintering of his own Soul in ways that are both literal and more metaphysical. But as the Destroyer, he is also ruining JanexJake. Whether those two are "compatible" Souls, we can't know for sure, but I'd say so based on their B1 counterparts. And while we don't know much about Mages, Sollux seemed to suffer a lot by the metaphorical hands of his Aspect (Doom = Death). In a similar way, Meulin is being mind-controlled by her former boyfriend and obsessed with shipping to the point where she is unwilling to take action. One anon on this board guessed, IIRC, that a if a Seer of Mind could see the myriad outcomes of the decisions an individual makes, a Seer of Heart could instead accurately predict the choices the individual would make through extensive knowledge of their Soul/Personality and the Essence of their Being.

oh and IMO Rage = Hopelessness/Resignation/Chaos (and possibly working for LE), Hope = Faith/Possibilities/Order (and possibly working against LE), Breath = Wind/Movement/Direction and Blood = Bonds/Peace/Unity
>> No. 68833
where are you getting these extra interpretations hope is just hope and breath is just wind theres nothing else to it
>> No. 68835
I'll make this shorter than the last by not going into the same level of detail and not discussing every aspect (since I don't have the time right now but I might revisit, who knows).

To start it off, what is Hope? A short visit to a dictionary tells me that it means "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." In essence, Faith. Not necessarily Faith in something supernatural, but Faith or a Belief that the future might bring that which you wish for. We know that Eridan has a connection to Angels, who are being of Faith, both for humans and trolls, even if their roles are quite different. We also know that Cronus was destined to defeat Lord English, but after losing his Faith in the White Magic he gave up on it (which is implied to be thanks to Kurloz, which would connect him to Resignation or Hopelessness), passing that role along to Eridan (who refused to acknowledge his Faith and therefore couldn't possible succeed). When Eridan died he, well, gave it to Jake. The very fact that Hope seems to be connected with the defeat of English/Caliborn, who himself is associated with the shattering of reality, the ultimate undoing and the end of time, tells me that Hope has something to do with the future and with it, the possibilities it might bring as opposed to trying to end reality itself.

I'll admit that Chaos vs Order might be slightly far-fetched, but I actually left that in more out of habit. Before this latest update and the reveals concerning Kurloz, Gamzee and Cronus -> Eridan -> Jake vs. Lord Engish, I believed that Rage was associated with unrestrained destruction and chaos, while Hope was its opposite. So, feel free to ignore those two definitions if you so wish.
>> No. 68837

For something that's supposed to be a hyper-flexible mythology, Breath being wind alone would be pretty lame. Nothing epic about a Chump of Shoosh, y'know?
>> No. 68838

For something that's supposed to be a hyper-flexible mythology, Breath being wind alone would be pretty lame. Nothing epic about a Chump of Shoosh, y'know?
>> No. 68839
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... Why do we have two idea and theory threads on the front page with a combined post count less than 40?
>> No. 68841
According to the recent flash, apparently carapace people do have afterlives, unless those three Prospitians are dreaming, in which case carapace people have dreams that take place in dreambubbles. If it's the former, then the same could be true for the human guardians.
>> No. 68853

those were likely memories and not dead chess people
>> No. 68854
Sorry, that'd be my fault. I couldn't seem to find the other one. :/
>> No. 68859

It's likely a much more phsyically symbolic aspect. Remember part of John's planet healing quest was to blow out all the gunk that had built up in the LOWAS pipe system, which played a major part in the consort's lives and mythology. It might relate to a sense of >flow, and bringing the right person/item to the right place/person.
>> No. 68864
But representations of living people are all translucent and only one person can see them, like with Jake's mind-Dirk?
>> No. 68979
whoops guys lets fill up the other thread first bf we make a new one
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