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66740 No. 66740
Apparently people actually believe that they are trolls. Like this teenager for example: wonderful-twisted-insanity.tumblr.com
My faith in humanity is slipping.
>> No. 66742
they don't sincerely believe it, they are just feeding off that dumbass "identity" (in quotes because people don't seem to understand what that word means) fad on tumblr where people believe that if someone calls themself karkat then no one has the right to question it because Every Identity Is Valid. they are mostly roleplayers i think who just don't want to be seen out of character, since being karkat is way better than being who you actually are.

if they actually do believe it and are 100% serious in their heart of hearts, there is probably something much more wrong with them than just the trollkin bullshit. then again, being in an environment that teaches you a crazy thing and openly encourages behaviours relating to that thing while stamping out all criticisms can lead you, a sane person who is simply looking for acceptance into a group, to actually believe that crazy thing, even if you would have laughed at it had you been on the outside. it's how cults work. and why it's hard to distinguish the beliefs of an extremely devout religious person from someone who is just nuts.
>> No. 66743
I know a guy who literally never leaves character as Karkat, even types into the browser bar in capslock. Don't know if he runs a blog comparing snotty anonymous asks to the holocaust. It's actually kind of exhausting since he hasn't roleplayed in earnesty in months aside from the occasional half-hearted putdown where he actually intends to offend no-one.

Imvhotbqh this shit is really funny. It's either mentally ill people being enabled by giant carebears, or dorky kids needlessly willing themselves into a straight-jacket. Either way it's neither new to the internet, nor a situation where intervention is useful.
>> No. 66744
ok i know bile fascination at these terrible terrible preteens acting stupid is like the basic of homestuck giving these dedicated mental illness larpers attention is really the last thing we need to do. gawk from a distance, but lets not have a thread dedicated to this.
seriously the last thing they need is attention. i know its bad and embarassing but yyyyeaaah lets just
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