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81779 No. 81779
OK ENOUGH OF THIS MOESHIT! It's time we sit down and discuss the greatest anime of all time. What is it? Inferno Cop? Why is it so good?

Lemme put it like this. No other anime, not Gurren Lagann, not Macross Plus, not Cowboy Bebop, not Golden Boy, not Ghost in the Shell or Legend of Galactic Fucking Heroes has done what this anime has done. Perfectly encapsulate anime as an art-style, a medium of expression, and a form of storytelling.

For those of you who don't know, Inferno Cop tells the story of a run of the mill police officer who tragically has his family taken from him. Embracing the power of the human spirit, he marches out to fight the rogues and monsters who destroyed his old life, while attempting to retain his humanity in the process.

Inferno Cop will fight many enemies. From the gangs of the street who just want to pay for their families welfare, to dangerous cyborgs and robots who represent his own internal struggles with his weighing humanity, Inferno Cop defends his city, and uncovers terrible plots and conspiracies that will force him to unlock not only his true powers, but come to terms with his loss and and hubris.

The animation is wonderful, with character models being highly detailed and backgrounds being photo-realistic! The way the characters move almost gives the impression that this is a western cartoon, with their same brand of mature storytelling.

The sound track is likewise amazing, capturing the background ambience of each scene perfectly, and the voice-acting is top notch with an all star cast of familiar and up and coming talent. If there was any flaw that I could say this anime had it would be that it's sadly far too short! At only 13 episodes long, it's amazing that they're able to get across such an epic and all-encompassing story, while still giving characters enough time to breath and communicate their feelings adequately. You hear me Legend of Korra? You can learn a thing or two from this anime!

And the best part is? Thanks to generous streams, it is available free to watch online! So please: do yourself a favour, take some time out of your busy schedule, and watch this breathtaking show.

インフェルノコップ「…youtube thumb

I hope you can watch and enjoy this breathtaking piece of media.
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>> No. 81796
bro is that ghost rider
>> No. 81852
no its a><e cop the anime
>> No. 81868

Ghost Rider WISHES he was half as a cool as Inferno Cop. What's Ghost Rider got? Some dumb little comic and two crappy Nicolas Cage movies?

Inferno Cop has a multi-part epic length anime which out-performs itself in empathizing story-lines and engaging character interaction.
>> No. 81891
>no it's a what if Axe Cop was also Ghost Rider
>> No. 81893
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>> No. 81895
Ok I just sat down and finished the series. Inferno Cop taught me what is means to be a cop made of fire.
>> No. 81898
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I respect your opinion!
Those movies were horrible I agree, but some of the comic runs were good.

well I'm off to watch Officer Ghost Rider
>> No. 82263
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I'd give my firstborn child to see this crossover.
>> No. 82270
I'd give all of your children to see that crossover.
>> No. 82291
And now we need Dr. McNinja on this train too!
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