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File 133963946346.png - (255.85KB , 640x480 , vlcsnap-2012-06-13-17h53m15s199.png )
75734 No. 75734
What if we just take a few minutes, and spend them talking about those awesome shows based on classic literature?

Pic related: their version of Peter Pan (flying boy not pictured).
>> No. 75735
Just came here to say that thumbnail looks an awful lot like Kaneda.
>> No. 81185
And the bird is an anthro version of Tetsuo?
Sadly, that would not be the strangest adaptation of Akira I've ever seen. Cute though. ;-)
>> No. 81186
And the bird is an anthro version of Tetsuo?
Sadly, that would not be the strangest adaptation of Akira I've ever seen. Cute though. ;-)
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