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74634 No. 74634
So tell me /jam/, Which Sailor Scout is your favorite?
Mine is Serena.
169 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 84868
When I was thinking about that SM and WW could be fun to crossover this is not what I had in mind.
STREETSTAR 2013 - Vogue Femme …youtube thumb
>> No. 84879

Holy shit what a great post. Applause and kudos to you.
>> No. 84899
File 137997147759.jpg - (212.52KB , 490x286 , tumblr_mtkc4s4xtU1r6qaqoo1_500.jpg )
Oh, right!
Forgot this happened.
>> No. 84907
Been trying to download over the last few days the joke subtitled version of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. If I remember it right, should be good for a few surprise laughs.
>> No. 85175
So, SuperS is really that problematic?
>> No. 85176
Kinda. It basically accomplishes nothing that S didn't already accomplish, and shifts focus from Usagi to Chibi-Usa (who, as that Tumblr page you linked to points out, is generally regarded as one of the fandom's least favorite characters).

It's not entirely without merit, but SuperS is a mediocre season sandwiched between two much better seasons.
>> No. 85182
>Also, I don’t understand how anyone can watch the Amazon Trio arc - where their dream mirror attacks are very overtly representing rape - and come away thinking it’s a light and fluffy show

Wait what?
>> No. 85183

Yea... correlating evil monsters who take metaphysical concepts from people only really works for a Sexual Abuse allegory when the symbolism is VERY BLATANT or it focuses on the characters in a much more serious way than the show is presented.

But seriously. I hate Tumblr and the Internets attitude that by putting a dark spin on something they can justify their hate for a TV show by making unfounded comparisons to real world events. It's more understandable when it's actual real world events being brought up (like that Buffalo MLP episode) but signifying any monster-attack as being allegorical to rape is just... not at all nice.
>> No. 85187
>> No. 85226
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Actually, that theory has been around long before the tumblr age, so it's not just them being retards. The victims get cuffed and immobilized, have some magical/metaphorical part of their body forcibly ejected and "violated" by a villain who chooses them based on their attractiveness, and are usually screaming and/or in pain during the act. It's not too hard to see the allusion.
>> No. 85227
watching that as a kid is actually how I found out about rape.
>> No. 85234

But a lot of Sailor Moon antagonists steal some metaphorical thing from people like "Hearts" or "love" or "Energy".

The only thing that's different here is that they're sticking a part of themselves into said metaphysical thing in order to do it. And even then it's not to corrupt the person or to implant a monster in there, it's to find some dumb horse.

The symbolism is barely there.
>> No. 85235
>they're sticking a part of themselves into said metaphysical thing
And causing the person in question pain and revulsion. It's perfectly fair for you to say you don't see it, but you're being disingenuous if you say you can't see why other people do.
>> No. 85236

>causing the person in question pain and revulsion


Like if other people see that? Well ok whatever. But it seems kinda hypocritical to claim THAT SPECIFIC way of hunting people is allegorical to rape and none of the other ways the show's done it are. If you're gonna make a statement that has THAT AMOUNT OF WEIGHT in the real world by drawing comparisons to a real and honest horrible event that plagues many people then at least be consistent in your logic.
>> No. 85245
No, like all the other times they are personally and physically invaded by another entity. Which was relatively rare in the series, compared to how frequently it happened in that season.

It's not about the taking, it's about the forcible invasion. No matter how much you struggle to belittle the idea of having greater revulsion toward that than run-of-the-mill spiritual theft/parasitism, it feels yucky to a lot of people.
>> No. 85246

>like all the other times they are personally and physically invaded by another entity. Which was relatively rare in the series

? What? First you say that happened all the time then you're saying that was a rare occurrence?

>It's not about the taking, it's about the forcible invasion.

Which could be metaphorical of a lot of things. Things like groping around inside of you to pull out a crystal and then have yourself be turned into a "monster" (by society!).

>No matter how much you struggle to belittle the idea of having greater revulsion toward that than run-of-the-mill spiritual theft/parasitism, it feels yucky to a lot of people.

Or MAYBE a lot of people disliked this season for the listed reasons of it being focused on Chibiusa, and twisted a really dark and disturbing meaning out of it to better feel justified in their hatred for it? Like I know this might seem absolutely abhorrent to some people but, you CAN unjustifiably pull out a meaning behind something and come off worse because of it, even if what you're advocating is ultimately a noble cause.

Now, assuming someone DOES just legitimately feel uneasy about it? Well that's their own prerogative and I can't tell them no, don't feel things. But what I CAN do is call bullshit when people say "OH this book is shit because the blue curtains represent homophobia", when it's also just as likely that the blue curtains are blue curtains.
>> No. 85249
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Not only are you completely missing the point, you're being a jerk about it too. Look at this picture. >>85226 Take away the magic mirror and what do you see? A creepy guy with a helpless girl shackled to a board, blushing and screaming. Pretty sure most people would make the same connection. And again, the Amazon Trio all choose victims that they find attractive. Notice how Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye are grossed out by Fish Eye's attraction to male targets.

You could make an argument about Pure Heart Crystals or Star Seeds, but Dream Mirrors are the most obvious metaphor. Although Pure Hearts seem to be an analogy for sex too. Minako was certainly acting that way when she was asking the others about what having theirs taken felt like, and their mutual friend Unazuki was trying to kiss everyone after hers was taken away (she'd been saying how she wanted her first kiss to be special earlier). Actually, the most obvious rape symbolism in the series would be Prince Demande trying to force Usagi to kiss him. I was surprised when I was watching the dub at the time that they'd show it uncut, since it seemed pretty obvious what he wanted. But I digress.

>Or MAYBE a lot of people disliked this season for the listed reasons of it being focused on Chibiusa

I can agree to that, since that's why I didn't care for it much, but that isn't what we're talking about right now and the way you belittle people who are pointing out this metaphor is making you look like an ass. Sailor Moon is chock full of suggestive material and that's the way the creator intended it. For once people aren't making a big deal out of nothing.

>But what I CAN do is call bullshit when people say "OH this book is shit because the blue curtains represent homophobia", when it's also just as likely that the blue curtains are blue curtains.

Unless the author says "Yeah, blue curtains represent homophobia. Blue is the traditional color of masculinity and the curtains represent the natural light of one's inner sexuality being 'covered up' by a narrow-minded society." See how easy that was? Just because you can't see it or don't agree with it, that doesn't mean it isn't there.
>> No. 85253

>Unless the author says "Yeah, blue curtains represent homophobia. Blue is the traditional color of masculinity and the curtains represent the natural light of one's inner sexuality being 'covered up' by a narrow-minded society." See how easy that was? Just because you can't see it or don't agree with it, that doesn't mean it isn't there.

Not continuing this fucking thing but when did Naoko Takeuchi say that YES the Amazon Mirror thing was suppose to represent RAPE?

Cause if she DIDN'T then your metaphor here is terrible.
>> No. 85255
You are being incredibly obtuse.
>> No. 85257
>Blue is the traditional color of masculinity
In America and some places in Europe. And even then only for the past century or so.

Just...throwing that out...
>> No. 85264
Yeah, in Asia pink is actually a masculine color associated with young boys while blue represents femininity.
>> No. 85272
So you completely ignored the rest of my post to pick apart that? Come on, man. I don't think there were even Dream Mirrors in the manga, that was a change made in the anime, so Takeuchi didn't have anything to do with it. It's cool if you don't like or accept the metaphor, but you're really putting on the blinders to why other people can interpret it that way.

I know, that's why I made that analogy.

The same used to apply in the Western world too (why the Virgin Mary is often depicted in blue) until they changed it. Pink was just viewed as a "lightish red", and therefore was considered a masculine color.



(1st and 5th bullet point, respectively)
>> No. 85273
This thread is an eyesore, could you people stop bumping it if you're going to keep going on about this bullshit?
>> No. 85274
Or you could hide the thread instead of crying about it.
>> No. 85559
can someone post some sailor moon hentai pics

>> No. 85760
>> No. 86382
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>> No. 86394


Fool me once, Toei...
>> No. 87676
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>> No. 87686
Saw this on Facebook's trending news of all places.

I'm super hype though.
>> No. 87690

Fuck yeah, we Crystal now.
>> No. 88355
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>> No. 88357
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And some of the rolls:

Mercury is Squid Girl

Mars is Misaka "Biri Biri" Mikoto


Venus is... not in anything I really care about...
>> No. 88360
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>Venus is... not in anything I really care about...
Best not be disrespecting Hilda!

More importantly though Jupiter confirmed for strongest rabbit in the forest
>> No. 88362
>So, Mercury is Peace?
Oh, I can't wait for all the Moonlight jokes.
Also, the Melody jokes as well.
>> No. 88364
Why are they wearing heels in their school uniforms?
>> No. 88374
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That's...the best explanation for a subtitle I've heard in a VERY long time.
>> No. 88376
I added a Z onto it because I imagined it ending within 291 episodes.
>> No. 88377
Am I the only one who likes the old anime's art style better? I know the newer one is truer to the manga's art but the older ones looked round and cute and not so noodley.
>> No. 88378
The new one's going to take some getting used to for me, too. But it's not BAD, it's just different.
>> No. 88379

>older ones looked round and cute

so more like moe-blobs?
>> No. 88380
So do you actually have any horses in this race, or are you just trolling? Because I don't think anyone would consider the 1990's era Sailor Moon character designs to be any more moe than these current ones.
>> No. 88381
I think it's so they'll be more consistent in animation too, that said I just hope they won't be shiny, Goddamn do I hate shiny skin.
>> No. 88382
That's how you indicate a high level of detail.
>> No. 88383
Nothing says detail like iridescent skin.
>> No. 88384
Tiki, is your skin not iridescent? Take a damn bath
>> No. 88385

Well I do think the original anime's design is more typical of what "cute girls" were meant to look like.

Which makes sense since the original anime WASN'T trying to sell the manga. It was trying to make the manga marketable.

The original designs are much rounder, much more typical of what 90's anime looked like and followed what could be considered "moe" back then. Of course what we see as a "moe blob" nowadays is nothing like what it was when Sailor Moon was on air but speaking from a historical context yea.

The new anime is much more focused on capturing the manga and using Naoko's aesthetics. It looks more like a shojo manga and its character models look less like an anime model and more like a manga model cleaned up a bit.

I dunno if what I'm saying makes perfect sense but it seems like the new style is doing something kinda unique, which I can respect.
>> No. 88388
Sort of reminds me of a lot of 90s anime. Gonna have to see it animated before passing judgment, but might be interesting. Liking the thick outlines.
>> No. 88552
So how about that Viz media?
>> No. 88553
They're one of the better companies doing stuff right now, and their tweets about the matter show that they're at least fond of the source material and dislike the silly changes the original dub did.
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