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43762 No. 43762
Hey nerdlords, I got permission to post this here, and since it's a pretty okay-paying gig and I feel like maybe a good number of you like monster-people, it's worth advertising.

The first Monster Anthology was all about goo-people, and this one is all about DEMONS. Succubi, Oni, SATAN HIMSELF, you name it! And, unlike last volume, we have a SFW edition alongside the NSFW book, so if you aren't really comf drawing porn, there's still room for you.

There's hella cool artists already on-board, idk how I even keep getting in, but the fact that I'm a part of it should give y'all a glimmer of hope for getting in yourselves. I can say straight up that comics>illustrations, so if you like doing comics, you've already got a leg up.

You can find more info plus how to submit here: http://monsteranthology.tumblr.com/post/74231665038/the-basics-of-volume-2-demon-edition

Good luck! Note: obvi i am not in charge of this thing but if you have questions about how everything is run I might be able to help answer some.
>> No. 43763
Oh yeah FYI for those thinking about applying n stuff, there are limitations on what we can do for the NSFW book, in place because we're gonna be funding through Offbeatr:

-No Rape
-No Incest
-No Bestiality
-No Drunk/Sleeping/Drugged/Hypnotized

Shit's gotta be 100% consent. If that's what you were planning on doing if you got in, you might wanna think of something else. I'm still waiting on word for if corruption is okay, and how much religious imagery is too much. I'll post when I've received word.
>> No. 43771
Hey sweet. Thanks for the heads-up Junk! Def interested.

>-No Incest
Aheh. I can still work with that!

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