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File 134223743950.png - (87.00KB , 700x700 , cloud of unkowing.png )
42222 No. 42222
The goal is to illustrate what comes to your mind when you listen to a song.

You could go:
>Pick a song you like
>Shuffle and pick the n-th song
>Last song you heard

The only rule is that, you can only draw for how long the song plays. Other than that, post it here, tell us what it is or have others guess, it doesn't really matter. And for fucks sake, if you want people to guess, don't name the file the name of the song.

>Cloud of Unknowing btw
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>> No. 42223
File 134229509338.png - (87.56KB , 500x500 , JavaJive.png )
The Ink Spots: Java Jive. Playing time 3:01

Because I love ze coffee and I love ze Ink Spots
>> No. 42225
does it have to be good?
>> No. 42226

Not at all! As soon as I get back home, I'll be doing this in my normal slow-mo style.
>> No. 42276
File 134336236094.png - (217.16KB , 786x500 , SongDoodle01_Dragons.png )
Caravan Palace - Dragonsyoutube thumb

HAHA I AM BACK NOW HO HO TOTES NOT LATE. I cheated a little at the end and bled into the next song.
>> No. 42544
File 135353894218.jpg - (92.47KB , 799x1188 , witchy woman.jpg )
Eagles - Witchy Woman ( 1972 )youtube thumb

Witchy Woman - The Eagles
>> No. 42574
File 13539197395.png - (523.40KB , 900x900 , drawpoison.png )
Alice Cooper ~ Poison (Lyrics)youtube thumb

Alice Cooper - Poison
>> No. 42585
File 135449653380.jpg - (153.54KB , 1000x1000 , Let Me Know What U Think.jpg )
Samurai Champloo - Let Me Know What U Thinkyoutube thumb
Those beeping sounds... this just HAD TO become a cute little robot.
>> No. 42586
File 135457202645.png - (48.66KB , 352x425 , resolve to fight.png )
>3 minutes drawing
>> No. 42587
File 135458322897.png - (250.34KB , 525x700 , SongDoodle02_Haunter.png )
Heavily inspired by Formaldehyde's take on the Gastly family of pocket-mens.

Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison (1990)youtube thumb
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