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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 137915186641.png - (160.71KB , 828x600 , c3aa7b30b83b29fed9bf2a2147e0007f.png )
92644 No. 92644
I guess the Doublefine thread finally died after like...three years of me checking up on it.
Well, luckily I just replayed Grim Fandango so I hope my self-indulgent human Manny porn is acceptable.
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>> No. 92646
File 137915235253.png - (103.21KB , 592x673 , thesluttiestmanintheoffice.png )
Never mind it's just an inconsistently-shaped anonymous man with the little calavera things on his forehead.
>> No. 92647
File 137915272868.png - (101.02KB , 635x666 , 99a6bdace859c1a3d384776cd5c93003.png )
Cool. Love how plus4chan timed out so I deleted the thread that actually had a title. Love how it takes like five minutes for each image to upload. I am LOVING this.
>> No. 92648
File 137915376538.png - (116.41KB , 857x659 , 3cdf9a490d08b149dcc68f8fff498161.png )
hot off the presses
I know it's not clear that other dude fuckin him 9/10 times is domino hurley but now you know. I mean I can't be the only one that felt the immense UST in the first chapter
>> No. 92649
File 137915381333.png - (45.16KB , 550x451 , 82c83022499df5c49a7b9ef211ca585e.png )
>> No. 92650
File 137915389469.png - (182.38KB , 672x624 , df960c69f16d55c991d666be9d2fb008.png )
last one for now
I mean I drew an eddie riggs at some point too but it was a request from /y/ and my heart wasn't really in it
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