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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 134807840553.png - (512.58KB , 853x480 , vlcsnap-00461.png )
89319 No. 89319
/coq/, which cartoon dudes should I screencap? I've got a lot of cartoon girls in my folder, but I'd like to branch out.

Who do you recommend?
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>> No. 89320
You can never go wrong with Dan.
>> No. 89339
File 134817546818.png - (403.21KB , 853x480 , vlcsnap-00336.png )
Well, I'm ahead of the curve there, then.

Also heard suggestions for Young Justice, Superboy in particular. How's that sound?
>> No. 89340
I could go for some Aqualad.
>> No. 89343
The Aquabats are totally radicall
>> No. 89347
File 134820371184.png - (1.34MB , 1276x709 , motorcity-0002.png )
I'll work on that, then.

DVD copy OK, or should I get the HD quality?

Also, Motorcity's good too, right? I seem to remember a lot of people on /co/ wanted to fuck every Motorcity character.
>> No. 89351
Chuck is pretty much the cutest guy ever. Yes, you should add Chuck to that list. And Texas.
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